"It's even more beautiful than I had imagined!" Asami gasped, for she had never seen such a breathtaking view. They were standing on top of a azure cliff surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of colorful spirits. Flying masses of different vivacious hues swirled around the area where they stood.

"This is where I come when I need some time alone. When I need to clear my head and relax, I meditate and end up here."

"Thank you for showing me this place; it must be a very special place of yours." Korra nodded and then placed her hands on top of Asami's. Her hands are trembling. Asami's hands were warm and a lot less shaky than Korra's. What does she want to tell me?

"'Sami, I have something to confess." Korra glanced nervously at Asami. Is this what I think it is?. "I don't know whether or not I should tell you," continued Korra, her eyes aimed at Asami's bright green eyes with a shaky stare. "I don't want this to ruin our friendship…" You won't, keep going. The conversation was beginning to strain.

"I-I umm, love you." Korra's deep blue eyes pierced into the hopeful green eyes. "I have been in love with you for a while now; I didn't tell you because I didn't want this to ruin our friendship. It's okay if you don't—-umm-feel the same way, I'll be fine—"

"I love you too." Those three words rang loudly and it was as if time had stopped. Those words echoed through Korra's mind and she could hardly believe what she had just heard.

"What?" inquired Korra, wanting to make sure that she heard what she had thought she heard. What she had hoped to hear.

"I love you too." This time, Korra believed what she had heard. She was jubilated, overjoyed by the fact that her feelings had been returned. She grinned at Asami and lifted her friend up and spun her around in a circle.

"Wow. Just wow. This is amazing!" They kept spinning and spinning until Asami requested for Korra to put her down.

"I'm… I'm just a little bit dizzy." Korra chuckled and apologized. "I was a little afraid that I was going to be thrown off the canyon."

"You really think that I would let my best friend, the love of my life—well, current life, and soulmate be tossed off a mountain? Who do you think I am?!"

"Love of your life, eh?" A delightful laugh reverberated from Asami's throat. "Well, I'm proud to be your girlfriend. This time, not as in friends. Girlfriend, as in way more than friends." Hearing this, Korra's spirits flew high in to the sky.

"So what next, for the dynamic power duo?!" mimicked Korra in the voice of the pro-bending announcer, causing Asami to laugh. Korra sure loved to hear that laugh. They continued to wander around the mountain aimlessly.

"Well, we still have our vacation to go on," stated Asami, in her matter-of-fact tone.

"Let's do something fun then!" shouted Korra. She whistled and a golden, dragon-like bird flew down from the sky and landed majestically in front of them. Korra yanked on Asami's hand and practically threw her on to the creature's back.

"Are you sure, this is safe? I've never rode on a dragon before—whoa!" The phoenix began to move its wings in a down-up down-up motion, creating a dust storm below them. Like a rocket, it tunneled its way in to the sky and Asami hung on for dear life. They summersaulted several times, looped in oblique loops, and spiraled through the fuchsia sky.

"Wow, I'm exhausted," breathed Asami after hopping off the phoenix. "But that was an incredible experience, a once in a lifetime experience! What made it even better, was having you with me, Korra."

"Me too," replied Korra as a smile began to radiate from her face. "We should probably find some shelter now. It's nighttime in the physical world." The sun had begin to set and the moon's head was beginning to emerge in the starry night sky. The two women continued to hike for a while up the side of the cliff and found another high point.

"Would you like to stop here? I mean, I could make us a rock shelter or something and also a fire. I am the Avatar after all, haha." Before the drained Asami could reply, a mysterious figure walked out behind a big boulder.

"Stand back! Stop right there!" shouted Korra loudly to the cloaked figure who continued to make their way to the couple. Pulling their hood back, the strange figure soon revealed himself to be Iroh. "Iroh? It's so good to see you!"

"I'm very glad to have stumbled upon you as well! And hello Asami, Korra has told me a lot about you, the last time we chatted." Iroh eyed the young woman, making Asami uncomfortable, and shifting slightly in her stance. "Are you looking for a place to stay? If so, then you can come with me. Right this way." Iroh pointed to a path that had somehow just magically appeared and led the way. The trio continued for about some several minutes until they arrived at a desolate courtyard. Spirits were the only visible figures. Clusters of flowers and vines graced the walls of the cracked walls, while spirit butterflies constantly flew on and off of them. Asami went ahead and explored her novel surroundings while Korra stayed behind with Iroh to bid him goodnight.

"It's beautiful. Thank you Iroh."

"You're welcome. Korra, I have to warn you of something. The ones closest to you may not be who they appear to be. A powerful group of spirits remain loyal to Vaatu. Their mission is to sabotage you and trap you here in the spirit world. For, without the light of Raava, there is only darkness. I do not know how they plan to do this, but you must be careful. Please, heed my warning."

"I will, Iroh. Thank you, again." Korra quickly ran ahead to catch up with Asami.

"Ready for bed?" asked Asami in a sultry voice.

"You bet I am." The pair quickly raced to their bedroom and shut the door. The night never truly ended.