April 29th 2016: Thought I should note that this story is currently on a hiatus, and during that break I will convert the whole fic (all sixteen chapters as well as future ones) from the first person POV into a third person POV.

August 31st 2016: Well it took five damn months and tons of proofreading (damn, did I really have that many grammatical errors?) but it's done and all in third person and up to scratch. I hope you enjoy the new POV because it took me ages!

A/N: The Legend Of Gorgons is like a prologue and provides context, however features no characters of the rest of the story, it's just something I made up based on the real myth of Medusa. So you don't have to read it, but it might help you understand different elements in the story.

I'll tell you now that this will be kind of a slow burn in the beginning, as I want to do some background around my OC so you can get a sense of her character.
This story will include the following characters; my main OC, Kol, Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayley, Marcel (from the Originals), Caroline, Bonnie, Liv, Tyler, Kai, Stefan, Damon, Camille (from the Originals) and other supporting OC characters. They will not all be in the story immediately, but I can guarantee everyone will have a part in the plot. As well as this, relationships that will be featured in the story include; Kol/OC, Minor Klaus/Caroline, Minor Liv/Tyler.

If you would like to see what I envision my OC characters look like, I have a link to a Flickr on my profile that will show you pictures of all of the OC's I have created thus far. Thank you!


After the original gorgon, Medusa, was cursed by the goddess Athena, she killed people just by looking into their eyes, they were meant to be the most terrifying thing in the world, so terrifying, they turned people to stone. However Athena didn't think that was punishment enough for her sins, so she set out a group of skilled mortals, hunters, to try and kill her.

After years of suffering in isolation and running from the hunters, the goddess, Hestia, took pity upon her, and she gave her a protector who could create and do things at will just as the gods could do, the first witch, named Orion. They lived together, all around Greece, running from the hunters. After spending so long together they soon fell in love and had a child named Thaddeus.

Thaddeus was part witch part gorgon, however the gorgon part of him was dormant. Medusa and Orion wanted him to live a normal life, so they left him at a small costal village to grow out his days away from the chaos of his parent's lives. He had no idea he had the powers of a witch, they were not activated during puberty, so he lived a normal life as his parents intended while they ran and hid from the hunters. When Thaddeus was 22 years of age he married a woman named Rhea, they had three children, Lysander, Ivan, and Sapphira.

However, when Medusa and Orion were once again moving to another village to hide, they unintentionally went back to the one where their estranged son was living. Orion saw his son with his wife and children, but without powers, and got angry with Medusa; he had spent his whole life running and protecting her whilst he missed out on watching his son grow up, and teaching him the way of magic. He was spiteful and demanded vengeance.

He found the hunters and led them to Medusa, betraying her. The hunters cornered her and killed her by stabbing her heart. However unbeknownst to anyone, the gorgon curse travelled down the line of ancestors, and the minute Medusa died, the gorgon curse was activated in Thaddeus, causing him to kill his wife and son Ivan by accident by turning them to stone. He had no idea what he was.

Orion went to see Thaddeus once Medusa was dead, to reveal his parentage to him, but when he found him, Orion saw that he was a gorgon. Disgusted by the curse he turned his back on his son's pleads for help and left.

Orion married a human woman named Agatha, and birthed one son with her named Zennon, therefore starting a birth line of pure and mortal witches.

However, Thaddeus was both of gorgon and witch blood. Although he didn't have magic, he could produce it temporarily from the souls of supernatural people he turned to stone. The curse mixed with magic caused him to be immortal, angering the goddess Athena. She therefore gave the hunters magic, however it was weaker than the ancestors of Orion, the witches. In compensation for this, she also gave them immortality, meaning they would spend the rest of their days hunting down gorgons.

The gorgon curse was passed down to the living offspring's of a gorgon once they died. At the beginning, gorgons died at young ages, as they were unskilled and weak compared to the hunter's power. However, the curse spread through generations and the hunters had to work harder and harder to kill them all whilst the gorgons got stronger and stronger and more plentiful, their immortality being tested and their use of souls for magic being used.

However, the goddess Hestia had great regret for everything she had done, creating Orion and causing this chaos due the the gorgons killing everyone for magic, so she gifted the hunters with a strand of her hair, which enhanced their magic to be stronger than any witch. There was then a great surge of gorgon killings until they went down to the last few, who have been living out for hundreds of years, running away their entire lives.

And witches lived and multiplied, creating other supernaturals with their magic, such as werewolves and soon after vampires. However, the magic used to make them was all linked to the curse of gorgons, and with the death of the last gorgon, comes the collapse and death of all other super natural creatures existing.

Stopping The Flow

North of Greece - 1325

"Mama, the night is cold and we are weak, they will eventually find us, and we will either be dead or alive." Persephone whimpered at her mother as she grasped against her tightly. They were hidden away in a small hut within the trees. Wind whistled through the cracks in the wood, and darkness washed over them as they shivered in the corner.

"Shh, Persephone, everything will be fine, the hunters will never find us, they'll never hurt us." Theodora whispered in her ear soothingly.

But Persephone pulled away, and looked down at her mother's palms. "Mama, you never know that, they are getting stronger."

And her mother looked at her daughter's palms. "Yes, they may be, but I will do everything I can to protect you." She replied determinedly.

Persephone listened to the sound of leaves rustling and snow twinkling upon the ground, creating fresh new layers and filling in their footprints. It brought her comfort. She put her hands up to her mother's face and gently felt it. She knew where everything was, like how a blind man knew where his nose was, she knew where her mothers was, her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes. It sometimes made her sad that she wouldn't ever see her mother's eyes with life in them. "Why can't I look at your face?" Persephone murmured softly to herself, even though she already knew the answer.

Her mother's next words told Persephone of the sad smile on her lips. "Because, if you look at my face, you will look at my eyes, and that means you will become what I am, because you are my daughter it will not kill you, but it might as well." She put her head against her daughter's, knowing the subject was finished. "Now sleep, if you talk, they might hear us."

The icy air cut down Persephone's throat. Theodora answered the same way every time. But she was done, Persephone had to know the reason why, once and for all. "But, what's wrong with becoming like you?" She stuttered.

Her mother slowly lifted her head and looked at Persephone's palms, it was their substitute for looking into each other's eyes. Theodora had always said that hands were the some of the most important things to a person; they were just as emotive as eyes. "I don't want this life for you Persephone," she whispered harshly, "I want you to have a normal life. If you become like me, it's a curse, you don't want to live like that. I want to you find a man, get married and have children. You can leave me when you're ready and finally be free, if you have the curse, you will never be able to do that. You wouldn't be able to have children. You wouldn't be able to have your husband look you in the eyes without killing him. Just one glance, one small moment of eye contact and it kills someone, and if its someone you love, it almost kills you."

Persephone could hear the faint sound of yelling and snow crunching, they were coming, but she didn't care, she wanted the curse in that moment, more than anything else. "But Mama, you can live forever, you have immense power, you are strong and I know that if you stopped running and tried fighting, you could kill the hunters, we could kill the hunters together, with our eyes, if you just let me. I want the curse; I've enough of running, for all of my nineteen years. I am sick of hiding for no reason other than the fact I am your daughter and you are you.

"It's not a curse, it's a gift. You have so much power at the surface of your eyes, but you are always too scared, too scared to use it. If I had the curse, I would be able to protect all of our kind, not just you and I. I would be able to kill the hunters. I don't want a husband and children; I want us to be able to be together without the hunters running after us, a family. I want to be able, to look into my own mother's eyes for the first time."

"You are only young, you don't understand that everything changes when you have the curse." Theodora breathed, wiping her hand over her child's face.

"I do understand, its powerful, I want it. Let me have it, please." Persephone pleaded into my mother's ear, her breath icing, uncaring to her mother's warnings.

Her mother was about to say something, but instead, turned her head away, voices from outside vibrated clearly through the thin air; they were near, and there was no escape, not this time. "Persephone," her mother pulled away and grabbed her shoulders, that was when she realized the bleeding must have started, as bloody handprints were pressed upon Persephone's dress, "the time has come for you to leave me once and for all, I can't have you here, if they fight I can't have you hurt and we are cornered if we stay here, but you can escape." She pointed over to a hole on the side of the wall. "Burrow through that and run for your life. There is a village a mile east of here, go there, and take refuge." Light from outside was washing in through cracks in the wall, creating a night sky pattern against the dirty floor; they were just outside. "Persephone, I love you." She kissed her child's palm, final in her actions.

"Mama I can't leave you, I can't leave you alone, we are always together. We are family, mother and daughter." Persephone whispered, her voice cracking with emotion hot tears falling out of her eyes and salty streams streaking down her cheeks.

"Persephone, you always knew the time would come when you would have to leave me to the hunters. Go to the village and don't look back, you'll know if I have died. If you get the curse I will be dead, if you don't, don't wait for me, you must live a normal life. I love you." Theodora kissed her child's hand one last time, and then shoved shoved her through the snowy hole in the wall, and Persephone was outside the back. Leaning against the wall from the outside she sat with snow soaking through her dress, her heart hammering against her ribs and bile rising up her throat as the realization of what was happening finally hit her.

She could feel her mother's presence on the other side of the wall; even though her heart didn't beat and her lungs didn't work, Persephone could her mother's breathing, shaky, as she tried to muffle sobs against her hands.

Theodora was waiting to die.

Her mother had said she was to run, but Persephone couldn't leave her, she wouldn't leave her. She didn't know if her mother would hear her, but she talked anyway. "Mama, you have barely seen my face, only when I was a child and before the curse took you over, I want you to know, I have pink lips with a small cupids bow, I have clear white skin just like yours, I like to think that I have your nose. And, I have green eyes, like trees and leaves and the ocean. Thick black hair with waves."

The sound of the hunters slamming the front door down to the floor met her ears. Tears continued on streaming down her face and she clamped her hands to her mouth to stop herself from making a sound. She heard rhythmic chanting flooding the room and could feel the vibrations of their footsteps tumbling around the room from the wall.


Persephone stayed there and waited, just knowing that although her mother was in pain and scared, she would be brave, she would survive this, she would fight.

Then the sound of screaming piercing her ears, the one that caused her heart to still, it was suddenly cut off. The chanting stopped, the footsteps faded, the light disappeared, the presence on the other side of the wall was gone.

Scrambling back through the hole, Persephone saw that the hunters were gone. Looking around in the dull darkness, she found her mothers hand and grabbed and held on to it. But was she was met with was the feeling of limp and fleshy bones sagging in her hands.

"No, no, no, no Mama." She flung myself over her, shaking Theodora desperately. "Mama, wake up wake up please."

She looked down to her gown and saw thick black syrup oozing into a puddle on the ground, staining the fabric that pooled around her.

That was when she realized her eyes, Theodora's eyes, they weren't there, they had been torn out, and that was when Persephone doubled over in the pain; the curse was coming.

New York City, New York, 2015

Ducking down a dark alley, she jumped next a foul smelling dumpster, stilling her self as she clutched her knees to her chest. Persephone held in the urge to cough and clenched her jaw shut as tight possible. Her head throbbed and the world surrounding her was cloudy yet sharp, loud yet dull, and dark yet blindingly bright. Then, unable to hold it in any longer, she released and spluttered blood out onto the floor beside her; hoping they wouldn't see the trail she had left. Red tears streamed out of her eyes and blood dripped from my ears. Her joints scraped against each other with every move she made and her hair stuck to her face in blood and sweat.

But the agony was starting to subside, and she knew what that meant; another bout of hunters deterred.

Persephone tried to stand, but couldn't, so instead waited, and waited, until the blood stopped dripping, her moves stopped aching so much, and her brain was no longer pulsating in pain. She pulled the bag from her side and grabbed a small packet of tissues, roughly trying to wipe away any visible residue of what had happened away.

Weakly getting to her feet, she dashed out onto the street, needing to get out of there before they could regain their connection with her. Persephone ran back out into the dark and empty street, straining her eyes under the dim streetlights and moon, looking for a cab. Thankfully one was dropping off a drunk looking couple and she jumped in right after them. Slamming the door and sliding the lock down gave her a sense of security, no matter how false it was.

After giving the driver her address, she settled back into my seat and thought about what she would do. Closing her eyes Persephone felt her bones ache as the fatigue of the late night settled in. The hunters had closed in on her faster than they ever had before. They were either getting stronger with their magic, or she was getting weaker, or both.

Arriving at her apartment, she gave him money and rushed over to the front door just wanting to get away from the open air. Fumbling with her keys in her numb hands, the lock finally clicked and she sprinted upstairs and ran into her flat the door smashing shut behind her.

The hot air hit her face and sunk in, soothing. Making her short way to the living room, Persephone did what she normally did, and started to fall back into her sick routine; her things were dropped to the floor, shoes kicked off her feet that soon moved towards the cabinets, the doors were opened – her options evident and varied, her brain riling itself up for another day of drowning in whatever she decided to drink or take. She ran her fingers over plastic packets, sharp needles, small vials, tinted bottles, powdery bricks, all of Persephone's ways of getting out.

Her fingers stalled. She inhaled. She blinked.

No. I can't do this. I can't.

She had been closer to dying today than she ever had before. And she was scared. She wasn't normally, nothing really frightened her anymore, but Persephone was this time. And that made her realize, her being genuinely afraid, was something she had feared the most. Fear made her weak. That was when she saw clearly for the first time in a while. This. Needed. To. Stop.

She couldn't keep doing it. Just running and falling into the circle, then running and falling back into the circle. One misstep today, and she might not have been there, living. Instead, she would've been lying in a ditch in the dark, dead. Persephone needed to end it once and for all.

So she made a split decision then; she was going to leave. She hadn't even been in New York for long, hiding in plain sight didn't work, but she had been running out of options, and they were closing in on her faster each time. Persephone had spent the last 200 years 'touring' North America, the longest she had ever stayed in a continent other than Europe. And over those 200 years she had acquired 0 friends, 0 allies that were trust worthy, somehow managing to live off her compulsive aura.

But she couldn't go on like that.

Persephone had to leave now; she couldn't stay there now they knew were she was. It was getting harder and harder each time. They were getting strong, or she was getting weaker, and they had gotten onto her harsher than they ever had before. She didn't think she was going to survive.

She couldn't continue doing what she had been doing for the past hundreds of years, she needed to end this.

Instantly at the thought, Persephone ran to her bedroom and, grabbing the limp backpack that sat in her wardrobe, stuffing in some clothes, credit cards and small mementos. She paused and before she knew it Persephone was in the lounge room, a second bag in hand, in front of that cabinet, running her arms across the shelves, items of all sorts smashing to the floor, and others falling with a soft thud into her bag.

What was she doing?

"You will need these later, I know you will. You'll see." Something inside of her spoke, and Persephone didn't have the will in that moment to fight it.

She needed to calm down and think, she needed a new plan, and she couldn't do it all alone, but who could help her? Persephone slowly inched down onto the armchair and sat before a large mirror leaning up on the wall across from her, looking at her reflection. Sounds from around her shitty apartment building, crying babies, screaming drug addicts, thuds from feet, and everything else, was drained out, so she could concentrate.

Persephone clenched her jaw and focused on what was before her, trying to unfurl the ball in her heart and head. Her long white waves lagged out from beneath her black hoodie, strains stuck to her forehead and around my temples in sweat and blood. Her yellow eyes were wet and frantic and her pallid skin was flushed from stress and panic. Her heavy boots weighed down my feet and she leaned forward and stared straight into her own eyes.

Who could she go to? Persephone had no friends; she had stopped making them hundreds of years ago. There was no one who would be willing to help her. Massaging her strained neck she listened to the loud sounds of drunken yells, car horns and garbage trucks from outside, still so vivid despite the time, and they all cascaded down around her. Rifling through her foggy mind, one person popped up. It had been hundreds of years ago when he gave her his word if she had ever needed something.

"If you ever need something, come back here, and we will be ready. We will be ready for anything, especially the moment when you decide to finish this."

She had to do it. Taking one deep breath, she decided that she was going back to confront her past, to ensure everyone had a future.

But a phantom heart started beating in her chest, and Persephone's mind cut back to him. His face. His smile. His words.

Her mind cut back, to when she used to catch him watching her, his eyes soft and a stupid smile on his face, the way he'd just brush it off and say "looking in the mirror behind you, darling, don't flatter yourself, you're nothing too special", then laugh and kiss her hand. Her mind cut back to when he used to comfort her when her night terrors came, when he used to wrap her in his arms and whisper in her ear to stop her from crying. Persephone's mind cut back to when they used to lie down on dewy grass and watch the stars and talk about things they loved and lost, the things that hurt them, that made them the broken way they both were.

She had read this quote once that used to make her cry when the nights were especially dark and cold. She used sob and sob until her vocal chords were raw and her eyes stinging. The quote was so true, as it applied to every single aspect of her life, but him, Kol, the most.

'I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.'

Persephone knew the minute that she read that quote that her life was the horrible sanity, and Kol was her insanity, sweet and beautiful, but insane. Something that wasn't meant to be. And in fact, it was something that never was.

It wasn't real. Just a lie upon a lie that he carefully crafted to lift her high in the sky, to make him her whole world, then to just push it down and burn it until it was nothing but ashes and dirt. That was his goal and that was what her life became.

Ashes and dirt.

He was gone anyway. He couldn't hurt her anymore, even if she went back. Klaus had made sure of it. He had told her. They all had.

She smothered the feelings farther down like she always did, and tried to focus her mind on what was ahead.

Putting the key to the front door and a wad of cash on her bed, Persephone gave the flat one last goodbye, and stomped down the stairs and to her car parked down the road. Opening the trunk she threw my bags in amongst other things that were still in there from the last time she fled. Moving around to the drivers seat, she sat down and started the engine.

New Orleans, that was were he said they would be ready, where it all began. She didn't know if they would still be there after so long, but she had no alternative other than finding out. So that was where she was embarking upon. It was going to be a long and lonely drive but Persephone was used to it.

And after driving 18 straight hours of highways and roads, she had finally made it. Persephone had to admit; New Orleans was a beautiful place, just as she had briefly remembered it.

Lifting the hood up, she parked right outside the beginning French Quarter and grabbed her bags from the trunk, deciding to abandon her car hoping she'd never need it again. Starting to walk up a street filled with people walking about buzzing about to their daily business, Persephone tried as she could to remain as inconspicuous as possible. However walking around with two large duffle bags and blood still edged around her face didn't help.

She was thinking deeply. How would she find them? If they were even there, where would they be? Persephone needed to find out otherwise she would spend all her time wandering around the streets with nowhere to go and no one to help.

New Orleans was saturated with the supernatural everywhere; they would know where he would be. But could she really just walk into some shop and ask where Elijah Mikaelson lived without attracting questions? Considering his family's reputation that was unlikely. She couldn't trust anyone, only the Mikaelsons, and even that was still hard.

Nudging her way through crowds she was trying to scrape out any ideas to find him. Sighing, Persephone sat down on a small bench outside a bar called 'Rousseau's'. They had puffs of warmth streaming out from its door. She leaned back and shut her eyes. Something within her longed to go in and order a drink and lose herself, but she before she could act upon any primitive wants she was spoken to.

"Persephone?" A voice said. She could feel a presence before her and opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of the person she had been seeking out.

And Persephone abruptly stood up. "Elijah…" She started, her voice trailing off, not really having planned on what she was even going to say.

Standing there in a dark suit with his hair slicked back, his dark eyes searched her quietly, and Persephone watched as he slowly clenched his jaw, coming to a realization as to why she was there in front of him. He was silent, but slowly nodded, the calculating look in his eyes told her that he was thinking.

As he regarded her, Persephone felt a stab of self-doubt plunge within me; what if he wasn't willing to help? To keep his word? What if after she fled last time without a goodbye, what he said became moot value to him? She felt a lump in her throat swell up at the prospect of being turned away by the only person, by the only people, she had left, at the prospect that she would have to go through this all alone. She couldn't help but feel her eyes water. And she glanced away, blinking back tears, angry with herself for being so presumptuous when she just packed up and went there.

Persephone looked up when she felt Elijah place both of him hands on her arms, his grip firm and reassuring. He stared at her, unwavering. "It's been a long time." He said simply.

"I can't do it any more, Elijah, it's too much…" Her voice was weak and it cracked in the middle of the sentence. "I'm the last one, that's why I'm so weak now, I know it. It is all on me, you are all on me. I can't die, you all can't die, I can't-"

He soothingly rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "It's okay, I understand, I know Persephone, I knew this day would come." Elijah then let go and crossed his arms, his eyes concerned. "You know it's going to be long, and tough search and battle. You need to cooperate." He commented, voicing it almost like a question.

At this she let out a little laugh, him knowing that her stubbornness didn't give in to some of the most powerful people. But the smile slipped away from her lips, the gravity of the situation weighing down cripplingly once again. "I will do whatever it takes." Her tone was heavy, and deadly serious. "I don't really have a choice."

Elijah looked off into the distance thinking deeply as he always did. He deftly nodded at the declaration. "You need to come with me, it's not safe for anyone to know you're here." He grabbed onto her forearm and started away in a flash, taking her with him.

And before she knew it, Persephone was in a completely different place. Dizzy from Elijah just running off with her, she stumbled back, the world closing in on her. "Fuck Elijah, a little bit of a warning would've been nice." She hissed at him angrily.

"Please excuse my abruptness, but the French Quarter is home to some of the most dangerous supernaturals, I had to get you out of there, for everyone's sake." He put his hands on his hips and looked down at her condescendingly. "I can only help you if you let me. You need to be cooperative."

"Yes, I know Elijah and I'm grateful that we will finally end this war once and for all, just try and not whoosh around with me, okay?" She rubbed her eyes, suddenly feeling exhaustion take over her body. Persephone looked up around, noticing that there was no ceiling, just an open clear sky. A feeling of familiarity brushed up against her, but she couldn't place it. "Where are we?"

"This is the compound." Elijah replied looking distracted, doing something on his phone. And then she remembered; this was where she had stayed for those brief days before she left them and ran off.

Then, she heard loud footsteps echoing down the hall that was presumably to outside and saw a tall figure striding to wards her. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the infamous Persephone Demetriou, long time no see I must say." Klaus, it was Klaus Mikaelson. He stood right in front of her, smiling widely.

Something in the pit of her stomach dropped. She fought away memories of that night on the ship, the one night she had decided to be reckless with someone else, in my heartbreak. Persephone watched as his eyes grazed over her, him still smiling knowingly, knowing how uncomfortable she was when he looked at her like that, knowing it brought back those memories, despite the agreement they had. "Klaus. How are you?" She extended curtly, her voice already bored and tired of the conversation.

"Oh, I'm good as always. But I heard from Elijah you've been in a bit of trouble recently and you came to us for help?" He asked, lowering his face to be level with hers, staring into her eyes, feigning shock and confusion.

Persephone bit the inside of her cheek and narrowed her eyes. "Klaus, you do know that if they get a hold of me you all die, right? So you really have no choice but to help me."

Klaus's face broke out into a smile. "Feisty, that's why I always liked you, you've got quick wits." Elijah looked up from his phone, a trouble expression on his face, which he quickly tried to mask by letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Niklaus, aren't there other things that need to to help accommodate Persephone here that aren't annoyed her?" He questioned, giving Klaus a pointed look that said he was insinuating something, widening his eyes slightly. Persephone watched uneasily as the two brothers stared at each other for a few moments, appearing to be having a silent conversation.

Klaus flared his nostrils, scowled, turned around and walked away, disappearing back outside, without a word. Elijah appeared of relax once he was gone, but only slightly. "Is there anything wrong?" Persephone asked unsurely, feeling a strange atmosphere hang in the air.

Elijah put his phone in his pocket and strode over to her, shaking his head dismissively. "Nothing of the sorts. We just must have to do some things to secure the area for you." He didn't give her the chance to respond before he continued on speaking. "Now please, let me direct you to your room, you look utterly fatigued and must need some sleep."

Elijah started making his way up some stairs; Persephone followed him, her feet heavy and her mind thick with thoughts and worry. After maneuvering around corridors, he stood her in front of a hefty looking wooden door.

"Now, this will be your room for the entire of your stay." Waving his hand over to another door across the hall. "This, is Rebekah's room. She will be sleeping here, so if you ever need anything, just ask her, I will make sure that she is always here to protect you."

Persephone looked up to Elijah and nodded. "Thank you for taking me in and helping me. You don't understand how much I appreciate it."

"No need to thank us, I always like to keep my word." Twisting around he stepped down the hall, quickly turning back around to say, "Please remember that under no circumstances will you leave the compound. And get some rest, you'll need it", and disappearing around the corner.

She pushed open the door and was met with the sight of Victorian opulence. Thick drapes hanging over the window, a dark four poster bed with heavy shimmering linen tossed over the top, dense carpets hugging her feet and an over sized dresser filled with old perfumes of crystal bottles and lavish looking necklaces and head pieces poking out from under the lid of an intricate looking box.

She dropped her bags down and rubbed her sore eyes. Even though it was only 6:00, Persephone was exhausted. Kicking off her boots and stripping herself down, she dressed into her only pair of haggard looking pajamas. Tying her thin wavy hair into a ponytail, she fell against the bed, falling asleep, almost immediately, to the thought of a world where she could live, rather than just survive.

Please review if you liked the chapter, and follow/favorite if you want to be alerted about future updates. Thanks for reading! X

Next Chapter - Persephone will be reunited with Rebekah, which will cause for a resurface of old feeling, her past with Kol and mistakes she made towards the end that shaped the person they both became.