Chapter 2: Crush, Chop, and Burn Part 2

I was in the kitchen when I saw Donald climbing over the couch and running over to something on the wall.
"Oh, okay, so we have kids living in the basement, and we walk on the furniture." I stated, "Got it."
"The alarm in the lab went off, Eddy's been disabled, and the kids are gone." he stressed.
"Those animals slashed my wires." Eddy cried, "And one of them manhandled my motherboard."
"Where are the kids?" Donald demanded.
"Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking to me or the wife you replaced me with?" Eddy stated dramatically, causing me to look up, "You know, I might like a new pair of shoes too!"
"Fine!" Eddy said, "They went to school with Leo."
"No no no no." Donald denied, "They can't go to school! Not with their glitches."
"What glitches?" I asked, growing concerned.
"Because they're human, their emotions can trigger their bionics." he explained, "If one of them gets nervous or upset, or even a little bit too happy, they could take out everything from here to Tijuana."
"What?!" I yelled, "You did not mention this on your profile."
"Come on!" he exclaimed, and we left the room.

"Attention students. The pep rally is starting." the mechanical voice stated through the PA system.
I entered the gym along with Adam and Bree.
"You guys rock!" Leo said, turning to face us, "After gym class, everyone wants to be my friend. And there's been a certain gentleness to my wedgies."
"It's the least we could do." Bree smiled.
"Yeah, you gave us our first sense of freedom." I added.
"And our first taste of salisbury steak." Adam said, taking a bite of food, "Uh, yum!"
"Where were you?" Leo asked as Chase walked in.
"In the computer lab taking med school courses." he replied, "Guess who just became a chiropractor in the Philipenes."
"Uh, why would you want t- What's that?" I asked, getting distracted as a person in a weird costume came up behind Adam.
"Oh look, the doggy likes me." Adam chuckled.
"'Doggy'?" I repeated, eyeing the suit incredulously.
"Okay Doggy that's enough." Adam stated as the 'doggy' kept pawing at him, "I said that's enough!"
Chase, Leo, and I started to follow him but I suddenly stopped.
"Wait a minute." I froze, "Why is that guy in a suit anyway?"
"He's the mascot." Leo explained, "Kinda like a joke or something that helps cheer on our teams."
"A symbol?!" I screeched, "You mean that you use the image of an animal for laughs?!"
"Lexi, I'm sure that it's not like that..." Chase pleaded, backing up slightly.
"Woah, Lexi, what's wrong?" Leo inquired.
"'What's wrong!?" I exclaimed, "Your school is making fun of an entire species of amazing creatures!"
"Hey, why are Adam's eyes glowing red and- Hold up, why is Lexi growling?" Leo's eyes were wide.
"Oh no, Adam's heat Vision and Lexi's animal instincts!" Chase gasped.
"Their what?" Leo questioned.
"They're glitches, whenever they get too upset, Adam's heat vision acts up and Lexi starts to have the actions and/or reactions of, well, an animal!"
"Wait so he's going to shoot lasers out of his eyes and she's going to basically attack everybody in some misguided animal claim?" I confirmed.
"In a nutshell..." Chase shrugged nervously.
"I don't know whether to be excited or terrified, but I'm feeling both right now." Leo admitted.
Suddenly, Adam shot a laser at the animal costume guy, and fire erupted on top of it's head.
"FIRE!" I snarled as my animal instincts kicked in.
Next thing I remember, I'm on top of the basketball net and Mr Davenport and Tasha are entering the gym underneath me, seemingly not noticing me yet.
"Oh no." Tasha sighed as a costume head rolled past her, "They killed Dooey Dingo."
"So how was school?!" Mr Davenport yelled, "Wait a minute, where's Lexi?"
"Hi Mr. Davenport." I called down, causing him to whirl around and look up to face me.
"How- I don't even want to know." he shook his head.
I turned into a bird and flew down to where Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo were before I morphed back to human.
"Get in the Helicopter!" Mr Davenport shouted.

I sat on the couch in between Chase and Adam, Bree next to Adam, and Leo next to Chase.
I could tell Mr. Davenport was really upset even without seeing his expression thanks to my ability to sense certain emotions- like wolves and a few other animals- but at the moment, it was making me uncomfortable. I leaned towards Chase slightly without realizing it, causing me to blush faintly.
"Do you realize what you've done?" Mr Davenport said, his stern voice shaking me out of my thoughts, "I had to write a check for thirty grand to make this go away."
"For thirty grand, I'll go away." Leo added not so helpfully.
"We're sorry." Bree sighed, "We just wanted to be normal for a day."
"Oh come on Donald, they're just kids." Tasha reminded him, "When I was their age, Me and Fiona Mickeljohn snuck out, and we crashed- You know what? I'm not helping."
"Look, I designed you guys to go on highly classified missions, not try out for the cheerleading squad." Mr Davenport told us.
"Aw." Adam sighed, "Well, there goes that dream."
"Well, for all it's worth, I think you would've been a great cheerleader Adam." I smiled.
"Aw, thanks Lexi." he replied.
"Look, I know your mad Big D, but these guys performed the impossible today." Leo stated, changing the subject, "They made me popular. I got game."
"And I cured male pattern baldness with a biology rat." Chase said, standing up
"And Lexi and I got asked to a Party. By boys!" Bree squealed, grabbing my arm.
"Oh how exciting!" Tasha gushed, "We have to get you two clothes and shoes, and we'll do- again, not helping."
"That's it." Mr Davenport decided, "Leo, you are banned from the lab. And you three are to have no contact with the outside world. no talking, no texting, no nothing."
"Oh! What about the lost art of pantomime?" Adam exclaimed, standing up and doing a bad impression of getting stuck in a box.
"Go to your tubes!" Mr Davenport demanded, prompting us to leave the room.

"So do all fuzzy animals have girls inside them, or just the dingoes?" Adam questioned, "Hey! Lexi, turn into one and let's find out!"
"If Mr Davenport is such a great scientist, then how come I'm not a little stronger, and your not a lot smarter?" Chase said.
"I don't know, but does this hurt?" Adam proceeded to punch Chase in the arm.
"Now I'm never going to have a boyfriend." Bree complained, "Now I guess I'll just have to keep fake kissing that wall."
We all looked at her funny before she declared, "Oh, we've all done it!"
"What? When did you all kiss that wall, and where was I when it happened?!" I inquired after Chase and Adam nodded in agreement to Bree's statement.
Suddenly, Leo walked in, looking proud of something.
"Leo, what are you doing?" Chase asked urgently, "You're not supposed to be down here!"
"I know." Leo stated slyly, "But you know that Party everybody at school's been talking about?"

"It's in your living room!" I shouted from on top of a sidetable as the music boomed through the house
"Do the Leo! Do the Leo! Do the Leo!" I yelled, "Now just the sexy people!"
I got down from the table and everyone cheered and clapped.
"Leo I can't believe you did this!" Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah, I owed you guys." I admitted, "And since you could'nt go, I brought the party here."
"Cheese curl?" I offered him the bowl.
"But what about you're mom and Davenport?" Adam questioned.
"They're at dinner." I explained, "They'll be gone for hours."

"Careful there buddy." I cautioned Adam, "That cake has approximately 47 grams of sugar. if you eat it, You'll be bouncing off the walls for hours."
"How do you know that?" he asked.
"Because I just had twelve pieces!" I yelled.
With that, Adam and I turned around to get another piece, only to see that the other two remaining cakes were missing.
"Where did they go?" Adam questioned.
Suddenly, insane laughter was heard behind us.
I whirled around to see Lexi with cake all over her body with a blow-up bat in one hand, a stuffed giraffe in the other, and a king's crown on her head. Her eyes were wide and she was jumping up and down.
"Did she just eat two entire cakes?!" I shouted.
"Yes. Yep. Yessir. Yeah. Yeppers." she said the words really fast with no spaces in between.
Adam and I shared wide eyed glances.
"You mean she had all that sugar?!" Adam gasped, "Dude, even I would be in a sugar coma!"
"Wait, so how hyper is she?!" I cried.
"Mmhmmm." I looked over at Lexi to see her nodding while holding the stuffed animal to her ear, "I see. Yes, I can do that."
"Is she talking to the toy?!" Adam exclaimed.
"Lexi, I think you should just calm down for a second." I said slowly, fear creeping into my voice.
"Wait why is she looking at us like that?" Adam panicked as Lexi started smiling creepily at us.
"Mr Wiggles told me that the walrus stole my banana duck!." she said in a singsong voice, the child-like smile never leaving her face, "And now my pancakes are cold!"
"What are you talking about?!" I gasped as I realized what was happening, "Adam! All the sugar must have done something to her bionics and gave her a virus or something that's effecting her mental state!"
"Wait, so she's basically crazy?!" Adam yelled.
"We have to subdue her before-" I started to say.
"Uh Chase." Adam interrupted, "Where'd Lexi go?"
"Not good." I declared.
"Well, at least she can't get any worse." Adam stated.
"What the!" I looked up to see Mr Davenport and Tasha enter the house, his sentence interrupted by a honk as Leo drove up in a golf cart.
"Hey you're back!" he said, "How did these people get here?!"
"You are in big trouble mister." Tasha warned.
"Hey everybody, thanks for coming. GET OUT!" Mr Davenport yelled.
In a few moments, everybody had cleared out, probably wanting to avoid his wrath.
"You kids have really done it this time." Mr Davenport stated, "Honestly, I don't see how this could get any worse!"
He spoke too soon, because all of a sudden there was a loud noise and we all spun around to see Lexi's head pop out of the vent on the wall.
"Ugh. What happened?" she was rubbing her head when she glanced around, realizing her position, "Hold up, why am I in the vent with a stuffed giraffe and covered in cake?"
"Yes, why is she in the vent with a stuffed giraffe and covered in cake?!" Mr Davenport repeated angrily.
"Look," Leo spoke up, thankfully avoiding the question, "I just wanted them to have one more night of fun before you put them back in their display cases."
"Biologically regulated atmospheric chambers." he corrected, "Look, the fun's over. As of tomorrow, you're all being relocated permanently."
"What?!" we exclaimed.
"What part of no contact with the outside world did you not understand?" Mr Davenport asked rhetorically.
"Where are we going?" Bree questioned.
"To one of my remote research facilities where you can complete your training." he responded.
"But this is home!" Adam protested, "This is where I get my meaty flavored pellets."
"Not anymore." Mr Davenport shot back, "Now go downstairs and pack your stuff. You too Lexi."
I watched as she turned into a bird and flew out of the vent before turning back to human and following us out of the room.

"This isn't fair." Leo declared unhappily as Adam, Bree, Chase, and Lexi left the room, "They're my best friends."
I just watched as he left the room without another word.
"Donald," Tasha stated as she came over to me, "When are you going to realize that they're not just science projects. They're teenagers."
With that, she walked out of the room too, leaving me with my thoughts.
"Any chance we can ship her off too?" Eddy's voice suddenly called out.
"No." I said firmly.
"Okay," he replied, "Just checking."

"I can't believe this is out last night in the lab." I sighed.
"I think Leo's really going to miss us." Chase added.
"Yeah, me too." Adam agreed, and I looked down to where Leo was huddled against Adam's leg holding Lexi, who was in cat form, both of them fast asleep.
"You think I should wake them up?" Adam questioned.
"No, let them sleep." I smiled at the sight.
"But Leo's drooling on my socks." Adam stated.
"Well, if you wake him up, you'll also wake up Lexi, and we all know what she's like when she's sleeping." Chase warned.
"Fine." Adam caved.
With that, Chase and I entered our capsules and the three of us eventually drifted off to sleep.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.
"If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us." Chase declared in response.
"Oh yeah, how would we ever go on without our office supplies?" I said sarcastically.
"We just got our first taste of normal life." Bree sighed, changing the subject, "I was this close to getting a curfew, which I was totally going to break!"
"Ooh!" Adam exclaimed, "But maybe when we get to wherever we're going we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named BoBo who'll take us on adventures and teach us how to love."
"Or, maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers." Chase decided.
"That is a distinct possibility." I told them.
"Hey!" Adam interjected, "I create the monkey fantasies around here."
Suddenly, Eddy popped up onto the monitors, causing me to roll my eyes.
Here we go. I thought.
"Well kids," he spoke in his annoying voice, "I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Casa-Davenport. I know I haven't!"
He then started laughing obnoxiously.
"Eddy, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna to miss you." Bree said.
"No!" Adam declared.
"You're evil." Chase added.
"We hate you!" Bree told him.
"Can I slash his wires again?" I asked, "That was fun."
"As much as I want to say yes, you know Mr Davenport will be angry if you do." Chase answered.
"Fine." I grumbled.
"So where is this 'training facility', anyway?" Leo questioned.
"Facility X? Oh it's all the rage." Eddy responded as a picture of a gorgeous looking island appeared onscreen.
"Nice." I grinned as Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo oohed and ahhed over the beautiful place.
"Oops, sorry. That's my screensaver." Eddy corrected, "You're going here."
An image of a snow-infested cave replaced the previous picture.
"Forget about office supplies, we should be gathering wood." Chase said.
"Well, I'm just glad that someone can turn into a polar bear." I smirked.
"Ooh! Is it me?" Adam asked, causing me to facepalm.
"Man," Leo sighed, "I wish I hadn't thrown that party. i can't help but think this is all my fault."
"Aw, that's because it is all your fault." Adam stated.
"Adam!" Bree protested, "He was only trying to help us."
"Yeah, but he did the opposite which is not help us. The not makes it the opposite." Adam replied, before huffing out a break, "Sorry. I'm just so bummed, I mean, this is the only place we've ever know."
"Yeah." Chase agreed, "I mean just think about all the memories we've shared here."
*****Memory Flashback*****
"If the atom had too many or too few electrons, the atom is called an ion, and had a positive or negative charge." Mr Davenport read, "And that's how batteries are made! The end."
He closed the book and Adam came up and lifted his chair with Mr Davenport still in it.
"Woah, okay Adam, you can put me down now." Mr Davenport stated.
When Adam placed the chair back on the ground, Mr Davenport dropped the book and Bree grabbed it, superspeeding away.
"Hey! Come back with that!" he ordered, chasing her around the room, "Come back with that book!"
Suddenly, he heard a loud screeching noise and turned to see Lexi slashing at the wall with claws instead of nails.
"Lexi! What have I said about drawing on the walls?" Mr Davenport demanded, "And Bree, you're kicking up all this dust. You're gonna make Chase's super senses glitch and he's gonna-"
He was cut off by Chase sneezing, covering Mr Davenport in snot.
"-sneeze." Mr Davenport finished as the kids all giggled.
*****End of Memory Flashback*****
I smiled happily at the memory, giggling a little to myself.
"I can't just let Davenport send you guys away." Leo sighed, then brightened, "Let me talk to him. No one can say no to this million dollar smile."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's gonna think about it." Leo told us when he walked back in.
Adam, Bree, Chase, and I all cheered.