"Barry?" shouted Patty Spivot, looking around for her boyfriend, not seeing him anywhere. She stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms. "Barry, I know you're up here! I'm a detective, remember?"

Then she heard a whoosh sound and she turned around to see a picnic laid out behind her. She dropped her arms and sighed happily when she saw it. She looked around once more and decided to just go with whatever it was Barry was doing. She got down on the picnic table and was just about to reach into the basket but it was slammed shut and she was met with Barry Allen sitting in front of her.

"Wow, starting to eat without me, how rude." He said with fake offense.

Patty started laughing and rested her head on Barry's shoulder. "What is this for?"

"We have been together for two and a half years now, Patty. We've been through hell and back together, from Gorilla City to the Speedster Gauntlet, hell we even made it through the Kryptonian invasion together without help from the Flash. We survived that, you and me. I told you I was the Flash two years ago to this day, even though you already knew. And I felt like it was an occasion that deserved celebration. So I made a picnic."

"You are such a freaking nerd, I love you." She said, grabbing his hand. He stroked it with his thumb.

"I love you too." He leaned in and kissed her. A few seconds later he backed away.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanted to wait until we ate to do this, but I'm sick of waiting."

"What do you mean? Barry, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I think it will be. I think everything will be okay for the rest of our lives, or as long as you'll have me."

"Barry…" said Patty as he got resituated onto his knee and pulled out the ring box. "Oh my god."

"Patricia Andrea Spivot, I have loved you since the moment I first saw you. Will you-"


"You didn't even let me-"


"Marry me?" he finished laughing.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" she screamed as he put the ring on her finger and both of them got up, embracing in the most loving kiss of their lives.

The not too distant future…

Barry Allen stood at the altar wearing his nicest tux. He looked to his left to see his best man, Oliver Queen, followed by his groomsmen Cisco Ramon, Jax Jackson, and Wally West. Glancing to his right he saw the maid of honor, Dana Cho, followed by her twin sister, Alice Cho, followed by Iris West, Caitlin Snow, and then Linda Park. Martin Stein, the minister, smiled and nodded at Barry. He took in a deep breath as the big doors opened and in walked Joe West, with the beautiful Patty Spivot on his arm. Everything froze when Barry saw how beautiful she was. He'd wanted to see the dress beforehand, but Patty was superstitious about that stuff so he decided not to mess with her. But it was beautiful. It was indescribable, but it was perfect for Patty. Alone the dress would have meant nothing to Barry Allen, it was the person wearing it who made it everything to him. Joe winked at Barry when he let go of Patty, who stepped up to meet his eyes. They grabbed each other's hands and both smiled.

"I have known Barry Allen for a very long time. When we first encountered, I wasn't quite myself, but he helped me become who I once was. Since then I have considered him one of my closest friends. And the lovely Patty Spivot, she has one of the biggest hearts, and nothing could ever change that. If it weren't for her heroic actions during what has come to be known as the 'Reach Apocalypse', I would not be standing here today, honored to be officiating the union of the two best people the world has ever given the rest of us."

Vows were exchanged, tears were shed, cheers were cheered when they had the betrothed kiss.

"I met Barry Allen a long time ago." Began Oliver Queen, giving his best man speech. "He was the same awkward, goofy person he is now, but I also probably wouldn't recognize him if I looked back, because he has matured so much and become the amazing man we all know today. I think a big part of the reason behind this is Patty. Never in my life have I known anyone more perfect for Barry Allen than Patty Spivot. Someone once told me that true love is the soul's recognition of its counterpart in another, and I believe that's what Barry and Patty have. God knows both of them deserve it, and I wish them a lifetime of happiness."

Barry got up and hugged Oliver. Iris and Linda grabbed each other's hands and smiled. Joe looked at his children and teared up. Caitlin looked at Professor Stein and thought of Ronnie, beginning to tear up from his memory, but deciding to be happy to still be where she is today. It was a happy day and nothing was going to change that. Or, so they thought.

"Scotch on the rocks. Cold." He ordered.

"What the hell are you doing at my wedding?" demanded Barry Allen from behind. The man turned to face him and Barry's eyes met those of Leonard Snart.

"Relax, I'm not here to cause trouble. I just wanted to congratulate you and wish you luck."

"If you ever come near Patty-"

"Oh don't be so melodramatic. I happen to be a big believer in true love. See, Barry, I consider us friends, we just butt heads from time to time."

"We've almost killed each other four times."

"Eh, friends fight. I was offended when I didn't get my invite, so I thought I'd show up anyway. Don't worry, after I finish my drink," he took a sip, "I'll be out of your hair."

Barry took in a deep breath and took a seat next to Snart.

"Patty's beautiful, by the way."

"Aren't you dating Hartley?"

"Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't appreciate another person's physical beauty." He countered.

"Fair enough."

Snart downed the rest of his drink. "Look, Barry, no matter how many times we fight, I do wish you a lifetime of happiness with Patty. It's the least I can do." He reached out his hand.

Somewhat reluctantly, Barry shook it. "Thank you, Snart." With that, he walked away and his attention was turned back to his beautiful bride.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Captain Cold."


"Don't worry, he wasn't here to do anything, he just wanted to talk. Everything's fine, I promise."

"Okay, okay. Let's dance." Barry grabbed her hand and together they moved to the dance floor, beginning their life together.

The somewhat more distant future…

"Alright, one… two… three!" counted down Barry Allen from outside his and Patty's bedroom as he opened the door and his companions began shouting "Happy birthday mommy!"

She was woken up almost immediately and smiled at the sight of her seven-year-old son and her six-year-old daughter.

"Hi, Joey! Hi, Kenzie!" she picked up her daughter and swung her around before setting her down and hugging her son. She then looked over and smiled at her husband, who was holding the giant cake, more than half of which would be devoured by her husband and children. Barry brought it over and set it on her lap. "Happy birthday beautiful." And he kissed her.

"Ew!" said Joey before speeding out of the room.

"Don't say ew it's adorable!" shouted Kenzie before speeding after him.

Barry laughed and Patty just smiled. "I don't know how we've made it this far with them."

"It's all you, Patty. Come on, if we don't get the cake down there soon we'll have two mini tornadoes."

"Can you take it? I still need to get ready, and-" in the next second she was sitting at the dining table with two slices of cake in front of her. About ten slices were on the other plates, which was completely normal in the Allen household. Patty was unbelievably happy, she was under the impression this would be the best birthday ever, but she would not feel the way by the end of the night.