Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. Just the plot and OCs

Here you go. ^-^

Have them here as well.

31. "Oh there was a plan, we just didn't bother to tell you about it." Jynx, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Nook, Ratchet

Chuckling, Sideswipe sat on one of Ratchet's medical berth letting the raging medic work on the sort of massive gash running up the middle of his back.

It hurt, he had to admit. However, he did not have to admit it out loud. That would probably just got even more sharp medical supplies chunked at his helm. Considering Ratchet kind of already wanted to kill not just him but the rest of them as well it was pretty much a horrible idea.

"You glitch." Ratchet grumbled under his breath as he worked to stop the gushing blue coming out of his back. Every nano or two a sharp pain made it through the few painkillers Ratchet had gabbed into him, but he knew better then to complain. Complaining was not a very smart idea.

Which was also why he didn't dare comment too much on the harsh words that were getting snapped at him while Ratchet worked.

"You damn glitch! What the frag were you all thinking!? No scratch that. You couldn't have possibly been thinking!"

"Oh we were thinking." Sideswipe muttered, ducking as Ratchet swung a sticky welding torch at him. "We were!"

"How could you have possibly been!?" The CMO hissed. "What kind of idiot plans on that to happen!?"

"Oh we had a plan, we just didn't bother to tell you about it." Jynx shrugged from the berth across the isle from him. Sunstreaker sat on the one just across from him while Nook was on the one next to her.

Sunstreaker wasn't in much better shape then Sides was, his whole front splattered and scrapped from the shrapnel that had caught him in the front and Sides in the back.

Nook and Jynx had their own far share of cuts, dents, and leaks but for the most part the frontliners had took the brunt of the blast. The pair of them had been trying to get Jynx out of it before her thin plating took what it couldn't possibly handle and Nook . . . well he was important no matter how much they were having to come to terms with that.

"A plan?" Ratchet swung from Sides to turn his glare on the dirty femme sitting there waiting her turn while she picked at a leaking cut down her arm. He had already swatted at her three times and told her to stop, but for the most part she wasn't paying him much attention.

Whether that was because she was stuck in her helm with all this or she just didn't want to listen he didn't know. He didn't have the processor space to worry about it right not.

"That was a plan!? Really?"

"No." Nook huffed. "That wasn't the plan. Nothing was suppose to blow up."

"It sorta happened on accident." Jynx admitted.

"Blame the glitch that was trying to kill us." Sunstreaker shrugged.

"We improvised." Sides added.
