I do not own Naruto, Batman or the Justice League this is a fanfiction only.

Naruto quickly got used to the daily life aboard the space station. He and his wife had their own private quarters and they even managed to make a security system that was very much a guarantee no one and I mean no one other than them could open the door. The system relied heavily on their Chakra signatures, only by pumping their chakra through the lock would the door open.

As there were only a few members in the roster it meant that Naruto and Diana spent many hours in the observation post, The Flash was the first to complain about him having to spend so many hours sitting around watching a computer screen, for a time Diana and Batman went on their watch together. Naruto had nothing against it, he knew full well that she just wanted to see how much her eldest son had changed.

Naruto was watching the monitors and Barry were sitting on a small couch looking at him. "I don't understand Naruto how can you stare at the monitors like that? Don't you get bored? That is why I hate this sort of assignment."

Naruto knew what he needed to do, he needed to get him to stop thinking about it the way he was thinking. Without turning around he kept looking for any possible danger, "Barry you hate to sit there doing nothing than doing something. We are only a handful of people, once the League has more members you will one day wish for relaxing moments like this."

He kept watching the monitors, and since Barry had said nothing he decided to continue, "On the terminal next to you, you have access to the collective knowledge of an entire world, you have some free time between monitoring the planet and resting, read a book, learn something new, learn to play a music instrument, invent something since you are always saying that you love new scientific research."

His time came to switch and he turned around and walked over to Barry who understood it was his turn, as he began to watch the monitors, he decided to say something he would later regret. "You talk like you are my grandfather giving me sagely advice, you look even younger than I am. How about you show me what you can do old man? Why don't you play a song without any instruments."

Barry must have thought that made Naruto shut up, instead Naruto took the terminal and with a began punching the terminal is such a fast pace not even Barry realize what he was doing. Five minutes later Naruto was done and he touched the display of the terminal, out of one of the speakers Barry heard a musical note.

Little by little the notes began to come together until it was a beautiful rendition of the classical song Moonlight Sonata, from there he began playing the Nutcracker Suite, and finally when his time was close to taking his place monitoring Bolero. He got up and looked at Barry as he walked over to the monitors.

As Barry sat down he realized what Naruto had done, in a matter of five minutes he had programmed a piano program on the terminal. To Barry the program was complex, it was a synthesizer in all respects. The songs he chose to play were nowhere to be found which means Naruto was playing the music since he knew the score of the music he played.

"You really know how to surprise people don't you old man." Naruto kept looking and Barry began to touch the keys and it took him a few minutes to find a music he liked, it was no surprise to Naruto that he chose Great Ball of Fire, You lost that loving feeling, and even Stand by me. He looked like he was reading the lyrics mostly as he touched the program and selected to make the program play the music automatically.

"Like I said, if you are bored, learn something, build something, or meditate to clear your mind. You call me old man, but you are more right than you know Barry. I have been around for a long time, and if you think the comments of a kid are going to make me lose my patience, well kid, you got ways to go."

Naruto kept looking at the monitor until he heard someone stand up and walk right behind where he was, "Naruto I know I may have called you an old man, but could you tell me how old are you?" He looked at him and began shaking his head.

"I think I already told you at least once Barry, but fine, you are young so you tend to forget things that you think are useless. Do you know that time when all the continents were a single large landmass called Pangea? Do you remember now?"

Barry looked at him and began to walk back to the couch and sat down, "You mean to tell me you are actually that old. Did you meet Zeus and his wife? Have you been to the underworld? Had a chat with the ferryman of the River Styx?"

He kept looking at the monitor, "Yes I met Zeus and both his brothers. Hera was a good friend of mine for many years, we both loved to cook so we shared a few recipes together. The underworld is actually two places, and the one for good people is actually rather nice and relaxing. Hades loves to read and has one of the biggest libraries in the world."

He moved and looked at another monitor, "He actually has my dog as a guard dog, and the ferryman of the River Styx is actually not a man at all but a woman, she loves to knit and the smell of flowers, daisies as I recall are her favorites, wild field daisies."

"So yes Barry I am old, old enough to understand what a youngster like you think, old enough to take a chance and tell you that you need to stop making a mountain out of a hill, make the best of things, learn to cope with the things and who knows maybe you will find true love one day on this boring space station."

Barry became very quiet and he simply walked over to him when Naruto's time is up. "So how many kids do you and Diana have? I hope this is not too personal." Naruto just sat down and began looking a book on the terminal.

"I don't mind at all, we have two sons. They are both good boys, my eldest is stoic to a fault, and my youngest is often looking for things to do to make evil men suffer. What can I say? They take after their old man."

As their time was over they both walked down towards the dining hall of the station. He walked over to one of the many robots that were working the kitchen, "Could I have a plate of miso ramen please?" The robot looked at him and simply turned around said that it would be three minutes.

Flash went and ordered a few cheeseburger and fries, to be precise he ordered fifteen cheese double cheeseburgers and fries. Naruto looked at him and sat down on the table. The robots prepared both their meals at the same time, and they both finished making the food at the same time.

The only difference was that Naruto only needed one bowl and a spoon for his mean, Barry's looked like it was enough food to feed at least a dozen people. "Not to make you feel uncomfortable here Barry but are you sure you will be able to finish that. Thank you for the Ramen." He told one of the robots who actually looked happy as it went back into the kitchen.

"My abilities are metabolic Naruto, are you sure that is all you are eating for dinner?" He placed his hand together and to everyone else, it looked like he was saying grace, but in reality, he was using a detection Jutsu to see if the food was poisoned.

"Actually yes, this is just enough for me." They both began eating their food and they were almost done with their meal when Diana came and looked at what they were both eating. "Honestly husband, Ramen? Of all the things you could order you ordered Ramen? I don't know whether to worry about your still lousy preference to eating that dish, or be happy that you haven't changed that much in all the time since I know you."

Naruto looked at her and smiled, "I will always be the man that loves you." Barry stopped eating his burger and looked at them both. He quickly grabbed a napkin and saw that Diana was just having a simple salad that consisted of lettuce, tomato, and a few other fruits and vegetables.

"You know someone here is trying to eat. So tell me when are you and the amazon princess here going to be done with the cutesy lovey-dovey phase and get down to the arguing and screaming phase? You know like a normal marriage?"

Diana began to laugh and Naruto began to shake his head, "Barry that is if you expect me and the love of my life to be the same as every marriage, we don't age Barry. We have all of the eternity to be together, so why bother arguing? She wants something or thinks something she doesn't like she will tell me. Am I whipped? Yes, I am, but as long as this lady is happy I know my life is good."

Diana took a sip of her juice glass and smiled at Naruto, "And that is why we get along as well as we do, he understands how to make a marriage work, there is a lesson in this discussion Flash, but we are both old enough to realize that it will take a youngster like you some time to actually learn it."

"So tell me, husband, how was your first monitoring session? I have to do it next week and apparently, the person that will be with me is Batman." Naruto smiled at her and finished his juice. It was nice for him to picture a mother and her son spending some quality time together.

"If I use the exact same words as Barry here used to describe it, I can say it in one word, boring. I could use a nice workout, say Diana mind joining me in the workout facility and have a nice sparring match?"

She finished her meal and began smiling at him, she placed one hand on her hip. "As long as the standard bet between us is still the same one since the old days. I am all for a sparring match against you."

Barry somehow finished all his burgers and looked at Diana with a confused look on his face. "What exactly is the old bet?"

She began to laugh as if she heard a very funny joke. "If I win he gets to sleep with me, and we reenact our honeymoon if he wins we get to experience what we did after our fifth date."

Naruto simply could not stop smiling, "So basically, either way, you both end up screwing each other like a pair of animals in heat. Don't you get tired of sleeping with the same woman after so many years?"

Diana looked at Naruto and he simply nodded his head, "You would be surprised how many fun ways we have to keep it fresh in the bedroom." Flash got up and began to walk out of the room but not before he said one way was to use Febreze.

"Honestly Diana kids these days, come on, let's see what you learn with those amazons. Speaking of amazons have you heard any news from your mother and father? I sure hope my friends and my dog are doing alright."

She got up from her seat and began to follow Naruto towards the place where they both felt like they could really let loose on a spar. "I honestly wish I had some news husband, I really do, but Hermes has been in a bad mood lately and he refuses to deliver any messages if they will be heard by you, any idea why that is?"

Naruto was holding the door open as Diana stepped into the room, it looked like an empty cargo compartment in an old cargo ship, but it could be something to do with aesthetics. "I can't believe that guy is still upset about that, I told him his father was an incestuous, unappreciative, paranoid fool. I told him hundred of years ago, I was not picking a fight."

She threw the first punch and he blocked it, as he threw a counter. "Oh, sure you were trying to pick a fight, for all I know you still believed that I was not coming back ever, so you decided to try and steal his mother, by pretending to defend her honor."

That was when Diana did a low sweeping kick that made Naruto jump to avoid it, "I take offense at that accusation. You know damn well there is only one woman in my heart and that woman just took a cheap shot at me with that kick."

She began laughing as she evaded his own downward kick, "You are one to talk husband, you know full well that in combat there is no such a thing as a cheap shot. You see an opening and you take it, you always used to say that to me, even when we were dating."

The fight continued for a few hours and finally, in the end, Diana kicked him hard in the back of his head, "Darn it, alright you got a lot better since last we fought. It looks like I will be reliving our honeymoon doesn't it?"

She helped him stand up and hugged him so that he was held close to her body, "I actually liked your idea better, how about we go on a date, see how much the world has changed by looking at the art in one of these so-called museums and then we see where this takes us?"

Naruto kissed her lips and for a while, they didn't care about who was watching them, they simply enjoyed the feel of each other's lips and being close like that. Batman simply looked at Naruto and couldn't help but to smile as he walked back towards the control center of the tower.