I do not own Naruto, Batman or the Justice League this is a fanfiction only.

Naruto never had an easy life or fair for that matter. He always seemed to have things go wrong at the most critical times. It was almost as if fate really didn't like him. The village always treated him like he was worthless, he often wondered why in the world he did so many things to help them.

As the years went by and his life became harder and harder. He found the worst thing he ever expected. His wife in bed with the man he once considered his brother. Sasuke was in bed making love to Hinata and they were so blatant about it that they never shut the door to the bedroom.

That was the last straw, he was not going to stick in the village a second longer. He just walked into the bedroom went to his closet and picked his clothes and packed them into a scroll. "Don't mind me teme, just packing my things and you can pretty much stay in the house. Consider it my wedding gift. Hinata have a happy life, and don't bother coming to look for me. I will kill anyone of this cesspool that even tries to come to find me."

They were still naked when and making love when they heard these words. He walked over to his desk and pushed a button. He took all his scrolls and was muttering while he did it. 'The kids have black hair because of my side of the family. Boy am I a sucker. No wonder they never respected me.'

He was walking out the door when he saw Sasuke dressed. "You can hate me Naruto but in a way I did you a favor. What do you plan to do now?" He looked at him and he did something he never did before. He dropped the seal on himself and his entire face began to change. This spiky hair became short and shoulder length. The color looked like it turned red and his eyes turned as black as a starless night.

His head had six horns three on each side and his face the whisker marks were gone. Naruto was so angry that he unintentionally activated his eyes. The silver color of his eyes caught him by surprise. It was the fabled Rinnegan in full glory. "To tell you the truth cousin, I don't know. I really don't know. All I know is that I will not spend a second longer in this damned village."

"First I lose Mikoto to that bastard that was your father. Now I lose Hinata the girl that supposedly loved me from our Academy days. Tsunade is gone and so is the pervy sage. I got nothing left in this place. I guess I will visit mom. I can stay there till I know you and the rest of this world is gone. "

Sasuke decided to break a promise to his father that moment." Naruto Okutsuki, you are wrong about one thing. I am not the son of Fugaku Uchiha and Itachi was not either. We are both your sons. Mother loved you till the day she died. She said that maybe someday you two can finally be together. "

Naruto left as his seal became active and he looked like the blonde guy he was supposed to be. Naruto jumped over the walls and began to walk towards the valley of the end. A large purple portal appeared and a black skinned man appeared.

" So you finally saw the truth. It took you long enough to figure it out brother. Come mother is waiting to hear how your life with these mortals has been. Don't give me that look. You know I would never tell her about your life. I respect your privacy after all."

Naruto took off his seal for good and he handed him his bag. He changed into his ANBU gear and strapped his mask to his waist. "I knew that you were keeping an eye on me Zetsu. Thanks for doing that brother."

He walked in as Zetsu was laughing. 'Of course I kept an eye on you brother. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't care about my brother?'

Kaguya looked rather relaxed as she was sipping her tea and was patiently waiting for the day to arrive. "So finally got sick of living with the mortals did you son? I told Shinju that it was bound to happen. They were never that big in the concept of loyalty. I told you that when I tried to put them into the eternal genjutsu. You are just like your big Brothers. They too tried to promote peace. "

" Do you finally get it son. As long as individuals live in their own personal desires conflict will always exist. Peace is a lie my son, there is only passion. " Naruto sat down on the big cushion next to his mother's.

" I get it, I get it. It is not something that can be learned easily or feel nice learning. I do get it. Now how about you give your long lost son a hug and tell me what I am going to do with myself. I am not helping that village or the rest of the nations so I got nothing but free time. "

Kaguya finished her cup of tea and smiled at her boy." For once you are going to do some actual training and not the joke the village made you do. After a few thousand years or so soon you will be ready to live your life as a sage of the six paths should. Don't you worry I have been preparing for this day to come. "

The training was harsh but if life was harsh why should his training be any different. He kept on training day after day and time began to simply fly by, the time he spent recuperating from his exhaustion he spend talking with his mother and brother. They found the things he went through to be rather funny at times.

After such a long time he finally decided that his training was complete. His mother and brother agreed. They did however knew he would need to have better clothes than what he wore. They prepared a replacement set of clothes that would never wear out.

They were mostly black with several plates of red armor on the pants and vest, fingerless gloves and black boots both reinforced with the red metal. His vest had a black hood that he could pull up and as be did the hood became reinforced with the red metal plating.

His sword was a black katana with a blood colored hilt. His twin red trench knives were strapped to his hips.

Kaguya told him if he ever became tired of the mortal world he could return to her and Zetsu. "I am your mother Naruto. I will always be glad to receive you back home with open arms. Do try to make friends Naruto. Life can be lonely in the mortal world without them."

Naruto having abandoned his disguise he smiled at his mother." I know mother, don't you worry. I know Zetsu will keep an eye on me. "

Naruto was gone and she could not help but to wish that he also would find one woman that loved him just a fraction of how much she loved him. Zetsu wished his brother good luck.

The land mass had gone through a rather interesting change. He just kept walking on the ocean as he enjoyed the feel of the water. He did so enjoy that he could walk, jump and slide through the surface without worrying about anyone bothering him. In truth he was being watched by someone and that someone had enough of this man walking on his domain without as much as a greeting.

The ruler of that domain was a man by the name of Poseidon. He was one of three brothers and sons of the long dead Titan Chronos. He decided to see what this man was planning to so and to introduce himself, since the Red haired man clearly had no idea he was there or that the domain he walked on was actually his.

He rose from the water and formed human size version of himself. "Would you mind not kicking the waves that hard? They send ripples down to my home and I am having a rather tough time sleeping my nap. I am Poseidon by the way and you are?"

Naruto was surprised and he fell down into the water. He finally go out of it and dried himself off. "Naruto, Naruto Okutsuki. Nice domain you have Poseidon. I have to tell you I am loving what you did with the water. It is so much easier to control and walk on. Now I know you are busy but I do need to find a place to settle. Build a home you understand."

That was when he realized that this man was actually trying to get his attention when he was doing those things. He could not help but to laugh. "Oh, is that all? Sure I know this little land over that way. It has lovely beaches and plenty of stone for you to make a home out off. Come follow me, I will show the place. I am sure you are going to love it."

As they walked to the place they chatted about many thing and by the time they made it to the place which was a rather nice island the two became good friends. "I should probably introduce you to my brothers, but first I should let you settle in. I will bring plenty of fish so don't worry about the meat, you might need to grow some fruits and grains. One of my brothers is a big eater after all."

He made a few thousand shadow clones and began constructing a rather nice mansion on the island using elemental manipulation. After he was done and the clones banished he had to admit it was a rather nice humble home. He grew some fruits and vegetables as he got comfortable in his new home.

He had a quick nap and the thing that woke him up was the annoying sound of thunder. "Thunder without a cloud in the sky. This had better be a joke, because I don't find it funny at all." He got up and walked towards where the sound was coming from. That was when he saw two men fighting each other in front of his home.

"Ok, who was the genius that decided to fight in my garden? You don't introduce yourselves and the first thing you do is kill most of my garden? Just who are you and why are you fighting in the first place?"

The two men didn't even answer his questions, that was when his new friend arrived with plenty of fish as he promised. "Don't tell me, my brothers were rough housing in your garden ad they didn't introduce themselves or ask permission did they? I apologize for their rudeness Naruto. The man in the black robe is my brother Hades, and the one in white is my other brother Zeus. "

Naruto helped with the load of fish and thanked his friend." I am Naruto Okutsuki. Now if you will excuse me I had this lovely dinner planned for us, but since you two destroyed my garden I will have to regrow those trees. Sorry if the dinner will be a little late my friend but if you want to have someone to blame, then feel free to blame your brothers. "

Hades stretched out his hand and all the dead trees came back to life as of nothing happened." You are in the right to be upset. I would be too if someone damaged my home. You really need to have someone watch out as a guard here. Humans can be so inconsiderate and rather selfish just like my brother. "Hades was clearly talking about Zeus since he was looking at him when he finished saying that.

"Why should I apologize to a mere mortal that somehow befriended our brother? I am the king of the gods and so I can do whatever I so happen to wish to do." Poseidon and Hades were shaking their heads at this. Naruto knew that he didn't want him to show up and do this again. He decided to give him a formal introduction.

"There are several wrong things you said about me. First, I am no mortal, second no matter what you are or who you are you need to respect other people's home or others will not respect yours. Lastly I am a little busy so I will give you a formal introduction during dinner. Now if you will excuse me, I need to cook for four people and as I been told one is a big eater. "

With a single hand sign he made thousands of clones and they took care of preparing the dinner. As the four men sat down and he set the biggest plate in front of Zeus he began his formal introduction as his black clothing began to change and show the Red plating on it.

"I am Naruto Okutsuki, also known as the son of the the two primordials, Kaguya primordial of chaos and Shinju primordial of order. I am the third son and primordial of peace. My eldest brother is the primordial of justice and my second brother is the primordial of wisdom. Now let's sit before this food grows cold. "

Hades found this to be quite funny since his brother almost looked troubled by the realization that the primordials were very much alive. Poseidon decided to start the dinner conversation.

" Naruto if you represent peace why do you wear armored clothes and have weapons?" Poseidon asked him but his brother decided to guess. "Because peace is often paid in blood. He might be the primordial of peace but he is also the one for war if I am not mistaken. Nice looking sword by the way. I got a nice scythe maybe we can spar after dinner. I like to work out after dinner."

Naruto smiled and indeed nodded his head in agreement. "Hades speaks true. I do represent both peace and war but war in his human world needs very little in a way of influencing it. I merely try to keep it honorable. Two groups of humans given enough time they will start a war for the smallest of disagreements. Peace is harder to maintain than war after all. "

The only thing Zeus seemed to agree was that the food was wonderful." I should really ask you to share these recipes with my wife. Hera would simply love to learn new recipes."

Zeus began to understand him more and more. He actually told him he would have very little to actually worry about. Their pantheon was actually doing a pretty good job of taking care of the mortal plane. So he didn't really need to do as much as he once had to do.

Hades said it in another way, "He is pretty much saying that his children and other relatives have complete control of both your domains and since they are good at their duties in both domains you have an ungodly amount of free time to enjoy your never ending life. Personally I call that being sentenced to a life of boredom. But then again I do have a massive library you can borrow books from. "

His two brothers glared at Hades when he said that. Zeus was the only one actually say anything about it." Hold on Hades, we both asked to borrow books, scrolls and other reading materials from you and you have denied us every time. You offer to let him borrow books to a person you just met? "

Poseidon indeed wanted to know the reason. Hades was very straightforward on his reason." Brothers I have let you both borrow a book or scroll from my library and in these thousands of years when have you ever tried to return them? Never that is when. I allowing him to borrow things from my library because I have a feeling that he will return them. "

Hades became good friends with him and even made an entrance to his domain on the island Naruto built his home. Naruto eventually had more and more Olympian guests and so he was in need to expand his island home.

Poseidon actually helped him when it came to the building. Hera almost seemed to have developed quite the crush on him as they both enjoyed the art of preparing meals. His library of recipe books was one reason she enjoyed spending time on his island home. The other was that Naruto was actually very supportive and offered moral and emotional support to those that need it.

Hera more times than the other goddesses but then again Hera was married to what she called the horn dog of the gods. Zeus was quite the womanizer it seems and he would use anything he could think of to sleep with a beautiful lady.

Hera was considered the goddess of marriage for goodness sake. The fact that her husband spent more time cheating on her than actually spend time with her or their children would have made her quite the vengeful and resentful goddess. Good thing that he was there to offer her a shoulder to cry on.

Time progressed and they became good friends except for two deities. Zeus became quite distant with him when he imprisoned Hades because he believed that his brother was trying to steal his throne. This was preposterous and Naruto mentioned it every chance he got. The man was locked into his domain on the eve of his honeymoon.

The other person that Naruto kept avoiding as if she had a contagious disease was Aphrodite. The goddess of love seemed to find it quite a challenge to find some way for Naruto to experience romance. He spent most of his days training, reading and learning but not dating and that was not something she was willing to stand.

The lady was beautiful, there is no arguing with that but she was stubborn. "Naruto why will you not consider going out on a date? I happen to know a thing about love you know. I imagine there are millions of women that would simply love to be in a relationship with you."

Naruto looked at her that one night and said to her quite plainly. "Even if I date or even marry those women would grow old, wither and die. I already went through that once and I don't plan on doing it again. My wife Mikoto was the light of my world. I will never wear anything other than my armor and I have done so since the day she died. "

She jumped at a perceived chance and told him she was available. She could date him, even marry him." My family believes that cheating is a fatal sin. If I marry and my wife cheats on me. I would honor bound to kill her."

From that day on he kept avoiding her every time she came to his island or he went to Olympus. It was one day that Zeus did the other thing Hera never forgave him about. After thousands and thousands of years he passed a judgment that Naruto was forbidden to enter Olympus.

The reason that he accused Naruto of actually having an affair with his wife. It was preposterous and untrue. She would gladly say she loved him dearly, but that was to be expected as he was her only emotional support. She loved him as her dearest and most trusted friend.