It's a pity that this site doesn't allow adult content, ah well was bored so spun this yarn, enjoy.

Lelouch opened her eyes and groaned as the beating sun burned through her fragile retina, even with the filter of her near opaque mask the pacific sun was enough to blind her for life she was sure. Sitting up she took stock of her current condition, soaked through with ocean water, check. Uncomfortably aware of sand being places it shouldn't be, check. At a complete loss as to why she was on an abandoned beach alone when last she was paying attention there were several knightmares about and an incoming missile barrage on the horizon, check.

Sighing she stood and removed her helmet, gasping as she realized steam was literally raising from her head as she shucked the over heating obstruction the Exiled Princess quietly seethed that this was all Suzaku's fault. Well, nominally it was Euphemia's for going against both her sisters suggestions and making the bloody idiot savant her knight, but even the beautiful pinkette could be absolved of that responsibility when it came to Suzaku's inherent foolishness. Snorting she rolled her eyes to the sky as she began speaking with a poorly formed mocking accent,

"I'm Suzaku, I'm going to make a difference in the Empire by sucking dick and taking a missile strike to the face so the big bad dies with me, that'll show everyone how worthy the Japanese are!" Making the extra effort to wiggle her fingers in faux excitement the irritated young woman sighed and trudged towards the islands tree coverage not really concerned about wild animals and the like.

Really, she was the third most dangerous woman she knew and the second most dangerous was probably around here somewhere and hopefully venting her redheaded rage on Suzaku, it was the little things after all. Lelouch cringed a bit as she thought of the number one most dangerous woman in her life, hopefully Cornelia wasn't anywhere near since Lelouch sincerely doubted she'd survive the encounter.

Stomach grumbling the Princess pressed onward with visions running through her head pertaining to a wild boar roasting on a spit while Milly and Kallen fanned her with palm leaves wearing nothing but smiles; of course Mao was taking pictures and offering posing advice in this fantasy. Eventually she caught an echoing bubbling noise and followed it until she came upon a clearing and let out an excited squeeing cheer while performing an abbreviated happy dance.

"The Goddess exists and she wants me to be happy," Lelouch chirped out as she took in the fresh water pool being fed from a medium sized grotto. Placing her pistol on a nearby rock the revolutionary hopped into the water and let it soak her through washing out the oceans salt and grime, once satisfied she began stripping her sodden opera suit. Wringing it dry she shook out each article of clothing before placing them on nearby branches to dry, she frowned at the obvious stains realizing the dry clean only outfit was likely ruined. Shrugging it off as an acceptable loss she turned back to her impromptu bath and hopped back in with a childish cry of delight.

Being that she was in fact best friends and the on again off again lover of Millicent Ashford she kept her firearm close as she began the process of thoroughly cleaning herself; eventually she submerged her head to work the knots out of her hair occasionally popping her head above the water to make sure her handgun was still present. She had seen one too many slasher horror flicks and hentai films to not be slightly paranoid.

She'd admit later on that she should in fact have been paying more attention to her surroundings and less on the position of her pistol as she was lulled by the cool waters drifting from the caves mouth.

Her first indication she wasn't alone was a ripple through the water, the second indicator was the heart shaped ass staring her in the face teasingly hidden behind a cascade of pink her. Blushing deeply her eyes followed up the form of the woman before her and eventually her mind put two and two together and came up with apricot.

Lelouch watched Euphemia as she ran her hands down her soft silken skin, kneeling into the water the slightly younger Princess sighed in satisfaction as she splashed water against her pert breasts. Lelouch stared mesmerized as the violet eyed teen absently rubbed her hardened nipples as she grinned falling firmly into the water; the pinkette looked about and froze as she saw the Mask of Zero sitting on the rock facing her.

Stiffening she craned her neck until she made eye contact with the woman who was openly ogling her, a few moments later Euphemia did as Euphemia would and squeaked out,

"Lelouch?! I thought Zero was a man!" Lelouch was broken out of her reverie and glanced about to try and find a solution to this recent development, outside of shooting her half sister or wasting her geass she had nothing.

Well...hmm...why not. Smiling coyly Lelouch stood up displaying her body to the younger Princess who blushed brightly in return, sauntering forward she pulled Euphemia to her feet and stared into her eyes for a moment. Almost snake like Lelouch snatched the pink haired princess's head and pulled her into a searing kiss, Euphemia resisted at first but eventually she began groaning and leaned into her older half sister.

They snogged for several minutes before Lelouch froze in shock as Euphemia slid her hands down her ass and began stroking her lower lips. Gasping Lelouch broke the kiss and opened her eyes to find herself staring into a lust filled gaze, "You and Cornelia were always so domineering, so forward," Lelouch's mind came to a screeching halt as two words crystallized in her thoughts,

Oh shit...

Two hours and a swore jaw later Lelouch held Euphemia close as the smaller woman suckled on her breasts, groaning the raven haired teenager playfully swatted the other woman's hands away as she threw an arm over her eyes.

"Euphie for fucks sake six times is more then enough, doesn't Suzaku service you or am I just that appealing?" This seemed to turn the pink haired Princess's sex drive off in an instant as she let Lelouch's nipple pop from between her teeth and scowled in annoyance.

"He won't even touch me, I've gone from being coy to straight out propositioning him and he won't have any of it, says it's unbecoming of a knight to take advantage of his charge in such a manner." Lelouch let a brow raise at that as she stared up at the canopied leaves,

"Uh...huh...I wonder if he realizes the entire reason Guilford was knighted was because Cornelia wanted the ability to order him into a threesome with Nonette..." chuckling Euphemia began lightly licking Lelouch's earlobe sending a shiver through her body in the process.

"Probably not, speaking of which, aren't you still close friends with Millicent? And what of that cutie Chinese boy you had with you on your last visit? I have...ideas..." Lelouch grinned to herself at this, she was definitely one of the luckiest women alive on this goddess forsaken rock.

Before you bitch about it I don't want FF dot net to shut my acount down so no lemon, sorry. Anyway despite the probable disappointment please review!

Kinda tempted to make a throwaway account solely for lemon chapters of my stories...something to think on for later I suppose.