I am SO SORRY I haven't updated! Things got really rough for me for reasons I'm not comfortable saying, but I'll just say that I got real bad anxiety problems (not in relation to depression, in case you were wondering). And everyone, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR REVIEWS. It was only one chapter, and I only just got to reading them, but they helped me like you wouldn't even BELIEVE. Thnaks. Oh, wow. "Thnaks" is now a word. Hahah.

Oh. If this chapter lacks the quality of the first, I apologize... Again, my anxiety has caused lots of problems for me. Also, sorry that it's nowhere near as long as the first... I'm quite disappointed in myself... Sooo... I *tried* leaving you with some epic hang-off thing. Did it work? i hope so... Now...how to plan chapter three...xD

/screams forever

i am so flattered i just. i need a moment

WOW! this was a rad start. i'm just trying to get over the fact that someone based a fic on mine. holy shit. thank you so much! the fic is awesome, too - and the dave/davesprite thing is really cool. i expect THAT will raise some questions... :]

i hope your next chapter is as great as this one! /resumes screaming

Please don't scream forever. As, I guess, flattering that is, I'd rather you not go mute, lol. And, thanks. :3 And, I don't see why someone WOULDN'T base a fic off of yours. And as for the Dave/Davesprite, that was something I had assumed was happening in the real HS before I learned about "past/future/present this person" stuff. I was kinda disappointed it wasn't there... so I made it happen. XD

Woah, what? What is going on? It's a bit confusing, but then again, Homestuck. I love the start and I'm excited that this is based off of Fortune Favors the Bold. I hope you create your own twists and stuff, but looking at this chapter, that already happened 15 years ago, twice.

Haha. Sorry! But yes, it IS HS. Thanks for loving it (yes, LOHAC should feel the loves) and yeah. FFtB was like, and still is, my "role model" for LOHAC. And yes, I WILL most definitely be using my own twists and whatnot. For having the whole "Davegoescrazy&killseveryone" happen twice was NOT my intention... Actually, didn't even know I did it until I read your comment. XD


Chapter 02: The Second Telling

"They'll find us..."

She blinked, but then gave a shaky smile.

She didn't question on why he wanted disinfectant on the bandages. It was obvious that he was going to revert back to his more human-like form so as to not startle anyone too much.

After many "i'll need more than that"s from Dave, a once full can of disinfectant sat on the side table. Molly watched in morbid fascination when he turned into a human, as she did when he became this... thing. Once the process was over, Dave swallowed hard and slowly edged to his feet while ignoring the immense burning in his back. It was better than raw pain. Plus, bandages were always more dirty than his wings-everything was, really, save himself.

Molly put an arm around her shoulders to help keep him upright, his free right arm against the wall for added support. Soon they made it to the first floor, where people-kids-shot towards them like bullets. Dave's eyes widened behind his shades, he stepping back slightly. Suddenly feeling a bit self conscious, he tugged a bit on his ripped shirt. The end half of it was in shreds, along with part of the back from where his wings broke through.

The Weasel-Weasley mother person griped at the children before leading him to a room full of adults. From the rounded corners of the table, it felt like it was a mission room or something.

He refused the woman's offer to sit down, setting his hands on an empty chair to keep himself firmly upright as she sat down herself. Then, a man with wavy black hair spoke.

"I am Sirius Black-"

"Seriously black?" Dave interjected out of habit. The man grinned at this.

"Siriusly Black. Anyway," It slowly faded. "First order of business. Why were you outside of here?"

Dave thought fast, spouting out the first that that made sense. "From the states. Before ya gripe at me, I was caught sometime back and sent ta one of your people. By that, I mean the poof-mystical magical light conjuring ones. They, uh... well, experiment would be the only good and possible word ta use for that... I escaped when I had enough strength, flew here, got part of my wing ripped off or somethin', just happened to land in front of the weird peep's home. No one could see me before, so I thought I was dead... but slowly they began ta notice me. If a wiz could do this ta me, then couldn't they at the very goddamn least heal me? Coming here wasn't an accident, but meeting yalls kinda of was. Didn't really want ta strife anytime soon."

"...Wings?" Was all he got from Sirius. Dave turned his head away slightly and nodded. "I guess ya want proof?" The silence was his answer. He sighed and grunted. He carefully took off the remains of his shirt, noting that sadly it was the second to last one he had with him. He glanced up at the expectant eyes staring at him.

"If yalls are queasy with blood and gory-ish looking things or actions, I advise that ya either leave for the moment or look away." None moved or even twitched. He sighed. Well, he warned them. He backed up a bit so that Molly couldn't see his back clearly.

Dave took a deep breath, reached behind him, and stuck his fingers into the slit. He hissed and ignored the gags that reached his ears, pulling so that his stub of a wing would come out without him turning. He shifted so his back was facing his audience, stump in full view with gold and red blood slowly dripping.

"My... w-wings are in my back... they don't, uh, go away when I... revert back ta this f-form. I-I also d-don't... turn when I do it... like this..." His voice cracked multiple times, showing how much pain he was in. Unable to keep it like that any longer, he released his hold on the feathers and felt the wing sink back into him. He sighed in relief. Dave looked down at his duo-colored bloodied hand. Some golden feathers were stuck to it. He frowned, taking the feathers and wiping his hand on the already ruined shirt. He turned back around to face the adults.

Many were pale faced, green, looking away, or passed out. Molly was the first three, along with Sirius. A woman with purple-pink-brown-whatever funky hair was passed out, having no doubt fainted. He didn't blame her.

"I mean... if yalls want ta see how I looked as a ghost thing, then I could show ya... But... yalls have ta give me, like, a week or somethin' ta heal more." He paused, eyeing this shirt. He spoke to Molly without looking. "Molly, right? Can ya fix my shirt? Only one I got left." He decided to not speak of the strife specifious.

The woman nodded, muttered a few words under her breath, and his shirt was blood free and fixed to perfection. Oh, and very clean. He grinned and slipped it on, forcing the smile to fade. He was being very unStrider like for too long. It was about time he fixed that. He sat down in the chair he was previously leaning on (after turning it around) and put his arms on the back of it, resting his head there. "So... any immediate questions? I will only answer things 'bout the, uh... experimentation when I got time ta... calm down and heal."

He was immediately bombarded, not having a chance to get a word in. Thus, he sat and waited.

"Why do you wear those sunglasses?"

"What are you?"

"Are you even human?"

"That's cool! Wait, does that mean you can make your entire body like that?"

"What's yer name, boy? Can't have a nobody 'round here."

Soon it became obvious to the questioners that he wasn't answering, thus slowly silence fell. Once the last person stopped, Dave opened his mouth to speak.

"Dang man. Anyway, I wear these awesome shades 'cause they're just that badass. I am, in fact, part human. I'll get ta the other later. And yeah, I can turn into my other form ta release my wings. Also, I am frickin' Dave motherfuckin' Strider, bitches. And I forget if I said this before, but me cussing just became a habit after this shit. Don't take it personal, Doll."

He added the last part to Molly, who looked ready to slap him silly. He really didn't want to strife at the moment. Not only he wasn't feeling it, he was too injured to do so. Doesn't mean that he can't bug them though.

He had to hand it to the adults, somewhat. Most would flip their handles because he cussed. Well, maybe it's just Molly who's like that...

Dave's eyes zeroed in on Sirius, who had a constipated kind of look on his face. Choosing to not speak of why and stare at it any longer (seriously, it's kinda creepy), the cornsilk-haired teenager looked around at the table.

"So, who are yalls? I should know who ya peeps are if I'll be stayin' here." Truthfully, he didn't care who these people were. To him, they were adults who have never experienced true horror, pain, bloodshed, war.

The man beside Sirius started first. "Mad-Eye Moody, brat."

"Remus Lupin-Nymphadora Tonks, but call her Tonks-Just call me Kingsley-" And so it went on like that. Dave only remembered Molly, Sirius, Moody, the African man, the wicked hair-changing colored lady with a crappy name, and some rags n' clad man whose name was Mud-something. Okay, maybe he didn't really remember them... but still. Though that counts, right?

A *literal* week later...

And he face-palmed. Dave's normally black face (he regained his Strider-ness a day after meeting everyone) had a deep scowl on it as he lifted his head so his shade-clad eyes met that Moody man's.

"Yalls want me ta show ya now?" He repeated, making sure. The man nodded. The blonde-ish-albino-ish teen nodded with a sigh. "Fine man... Gog... Get me in a somewhat empty room without children and you'll get your damn wish."

And now, that was where Dave was now, in a somewhat empty room away from children. Well... the last part was void, as said children had bursted into the room seconds earlier, wanting to "see something cool". Who was a Strider in denying that?

He flicked a hand in a shooing motion to everyone. "Get back, now. Preferably against the walls. Ya might get hit if your too close." Ironically, they didn't ask what they may get hit with, doing as he said.

Dave, once again, got to his knees, hands clasped. He breathed deeply, hidden red eyes closing. Everyone could see the blonde's body shake before a ripping sound was heard (twice). Dave pressed his forehead against his hands as his wings pierced through his skin, shooting up as they did when he showed Molly. Golden and scarlet colored blood flew in the air with golden feathers, his features turning sprite.

Davesprite couldn't resist letting out a small cry as his back arched, spine snapping and reforming back together for his tail. As quickly as it started, the changes stopped, leaving a gasping Davesprite who had tunnel vision.

'How come I never fucking noticed my damn spine breaking before?! Gog damn it all-' His thoughts stopped as he blinked, moving from his position as he began to "float".

Davesprite waved a hand over himself. "Well... this was what I was talkin' 'bout before. Now, mind ya, I am a ghost that can touch. Like... some ghosty physical paranormal shit." He grunted, an orange hand going up to rub at his temple. He either ignored the horrified stares or didn't notice them as he continued to talk.

"That means, despite being a ghost to an extent, I am a Sprite. I would much rather be called that, if you must address me as a part of a race, if not human. I have varying abilities depending on my form. My human self can do pretty much all of the physically challenging things while my Sprite self can do the more mind-ly and unseeing.

"I should also probably warn ya that either of us don't take lightly to being the same person, despite havin' the same name. I am fucking Davesprite, human is Dave fucking Strider. You will not ever refer to us as something other than our names, meaning calling us "monster, alien, human, sprite, creature" or any other dumb thing you can think of that isn't to merely address us.

"Now... Moody man, did ya want ta see me do somethin'?"

There was a brief silence full of shock before the scarred man nodded. "I don't care what you show as long as it don't harm no one here. How long can you stay like that?"

"As long as I must, or before my human body fucking turns to dirt. Whichever comes first." He didn't elaborate, deciding to leave it to their imaginations. Dave thinks he said too much already.

Davesprite looked off to the left before a sword appeared in his abdomen. He left it there, still staring off to the left before adruptedly swiping his right hand downward, his turntables appearing. Now, for the important part.

'No one must know...' He thought, a hand going up to push his shades up. 'And so no one will.'

"The turntables let me create a rip in the fabric of space. I can access it in either form, but I can't truly do anything without my turntables." He let his red eyes glow to the max, a heavy pressure appearing in the room as Dave straightened, looking down at them. "Before I was experimented on... I was dead. Killed. That was some thirty years... Back when I was truly alive, I was a... deity, you could say. Not a god, but close. I was a Godhead."

He paused and shook his head. The pressure only kept growing, some (the kids) falling to their knees. The adults struggled to stay upright. What was this?!

"I am the Turntech Godhead. What I control I will let you decide, however..." Suddenly the adults fell, joining the kids. Moody obviously didn't like this, judging by how he gritted his teeth, but he didn't have a choice.

"However... the Godheads hath went through Godhood. Thee who thought to surpass us... thy life will end if the skies aren't present with the winds, the atmosphere with space, the air with light, the world with time. The earth will be obliterated if thoth who art sworn enemies do not come hither and form connections. The Godheads will not help thee now if thee do not come together. May the Knights of Blood and Time hath mercy on thy souls."