Pairing: Yato/Hiyori
Summary: Hiyori faces the troubles of being reborn into a Goddess, and she's forced to abandon her former memories as a human. Can Yato regain such memories, the ones he cherished so much?

one - realize.

A bunch of questions infiltrate the brunette's mind, when her eyes flutter open, slowly. Light floods her eye of sight, and it takes a bit for her to adjust to the unfamiliar setting. Once her eyes adjust to the brightness of this setting, she takes a confused glance around the surrounding environment.

He, He was the first person she sees. The one part about him that catches her attention completely, is those prominent blue eyes. She couldn't shake the feeling. The feeling that those blue eyes were familiar somehow, as if she had looked into them once before. Once, a long time ago. Why? Had she known him, from somewhere before? There were so many questions she needed to ask the raven-haired stranger. If he could answer them, that is.

But she doesn't get a chance, because she's taken by utter surprise, when he communicates first. What he says confuses her even so much more.

"...Hiyori. You're back. You're back!" He calls out. his lips immediately curving up into a smile at the sight of her. Did...Did she mean a lot to him?

A look of confusion shows clearly on her face.

"...Who are you? You must know me from a past life..." She finally states, a frown tugging at her lips. Anguish had overtook his expressions pretty quickly. A wave of remorse washes over her, upon seeing how crestfallen he became at those words. She must've meant a lot to him in a past life, if his reactions told her anything. He'd fallen down directly to his knees, cursing about how this couldn't be happening. And she could've swore that she saw the sight of tearing spilling down his face.

It only filled her more with that remorse. A sorry feeling, sorry that she couldn't be much of a help to the broken down stranger. But maybe, just maybe, he could assist in shedding some light on this past life of hers, since he seemed to be a heavy involvement in said life. And she felt sort of obligated to accompany him, she must've been quite important to him.

Just maybe, he could help her get her thoughts together. That should come first.

"...Hey, You're a God and all. What's your name? I... I could use some help.." She finally asks, kneeling down in front of him. Hiyori smiles, wholeheartedly. There was the possibility they could work together on this.

His eyes shift up, to meet hers, and he tries his best to return the happy expressions. Despite knowing that she had abandoned her memories of him, of everything. He cracks a light smile at her, and grasp her hand, gently.

"I'm sorry. My name's Yato. And.. And I'd do anything for you, Hiyori.."

She replays his name in her head. That was just another thing about him that sounded a little too familiar.


"Okay. First off, you need a regalia, but that could wait a while." Yato states, as the two walk down the sidewalk. She was mainly following his lead, he probably had a destination in mind. She was dressed in a beautifully designed robe, something Goddesses would be depicted as wearing. Should she have a more casual outfit? He didn't look like he had that good of a fashion sense, though. And she sighs. Would he actually be that much of a help?

"That sounds pretty important, why put it off...?" The brunette questions, crossing her arms. He already seemed pretty careless. Was he really a God?

"...I have to introduce you to a few people first."


And so, he continues to lead her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she's heard those words before, somehow. Why was a lot of these things still so familiar to her? Before she knew it, that question slips from her lips.

"Yato. Who were you to me, in my previous life?"

He pauses, completely freezes. That question seemed to stall him completely. She could tell that something was bothering him about it.

"...Let's talk about it later..." Yato finally answers, not wanting to have an emotional scene in front of her right now. It was important that he helps her first. Being a God wasn't easy.


The two remain silent for the rest of the time they are walking. She doesn't say another word about what their relationship seemed like in her previous life, but it was apparent that she had meant a great deal to him. This was harder than the both of them thought it out to be.

It seemed forever, before they reached their destination. The silence made it seem so much longer. There was nothing for them to pass the time, really. But, after a great deal of time spent walking, they were finally at the destination he had planned for them to head to.

"Where are we?" Hiyori questions, glancing up at the signs adorning the place.

"..You'll see. Wait here." Yato answers, advising her to stay right there. There was the possibility the others would end up doing something that would only confuse the brunette once again. He didn't want to drive her away. And she only watches as he enters, carefully. Afterwards, a great deal of conversation fills her ears. It sounded like he was doing quite some explaining. A few bits of clatter could be heard, and she ever so wondered what was going on in there.

It wasn't long before he ushers her in. And she hesitates, not wanting to upset whoever was in there. He has to assure her, tell her that it would be fine. Soon, she steps, carefully inside, observing who there was to meet. She fakes a sincere a smile, showing a joyous appearance in front of them.

"..Hiyori. This is Yukine, Kofuku, and Daikoku.." Yato states, while indicating to all three of them.

All of this. All of this was so familiar to her, how were aspects of her previous life still affecting her. Were these strong memories she had?