"Hey, Jenna!" Chelsea sat down next to her Time Lady cousin in their bunk room in the Lair. "I've been wondering... You were frozen in time at age sixteen... How did you end up in that school courtyard, looking five?" Jenna raised an eyebrow, then gave a small smile.

"It's a long story."

"Tell it." Lexi pleaded from her bed. "If you tell your story, we'll tell you ours." Scarlett woke up in the background, sitting up straight.

"I PLEAD THE-" Scarlett shook the sleep off. "Yeah, sure." Jenna rolled her eyes, then began.

"It all started when one of my Dad's adventures went wrong..."

"They always go wrong." Scarlett commented with crossed arms. Jenna glared, then continued...


"Yippie-kai-yay!" A young Time Lady, age three-hundred and three yet appearing sixteen, swung a light saber and dagger around with the speed of wind in a blizzard. Her long, frizzy brown hair whipped around her form, her brown eyes glinted at the thought of a battle. The girl was dressed in strange teal armor, and she was on a mission to rescue her parents from...

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" The girl narrowly dodged the blasts and sliced a Dalek in half. It was certain, now. Heaven Amelia Song felt alive. She fought her way to the throne room of the ship, then kicked the doors down. The Time Lady sauntered down the center aisle, through an army of enemies.

"Well?" Heaven greeted, smiling brightly at the dozens of Daleks. "Isn't anyone gonna say hello?" All weapons were aimed directly at her. Heaven frowned. "How rude..."

"Heaven Song." A Dalek stated. "The last true Time Lady." Heaven looked at her fingernails in disinterest, using the Force to scan the room and find her mother and sister chained to the wall on either side of the Dalek Emperor's throne, her father forced to kneel in the center, before the throne, the Dalek's Emperor's weapon trained on him.

"Hello to you, too." Heaven grinned slyly, looking up. "Well, it's time to save these idiots from themselves."

"Heaven, run!" The Doctor shouted. The Time Lady smirked.

"Where's the fun in that?" She inquired, then reignited her weapons. "I find this to be far more exciting." Heaven lashed out, a spinning vortex of death. In moments, the Dalek army was destroyed, and Heaven walked up to the throne, eyes on the Emperor. "Remember me? Remember when I stood at the highest point in Arcadia? When I crippled your command ship? WHEN YOU KILLED MY STEP-MOTHERS, STEP-SIBLINGS, AUNTS, UNCLES, COUSINS?! REMEMBER HOW I STARTED THE TIME WAR?! ... Remember how I beat you?"

"Heaven Song... EXTERMINATE!" Heaven dodged and cut her father's chains, throwing a Sonic Screwdriver the bowtie-wearing Time Lord. While he went to free River and Jenny Song, the last of the Time Ladies distracted the Emperor. Then, a string of luck that lasted three-hundred years... WSnapped. A blast, a pair of wide brown eyes, a set of feet that weren't quick enough, and a host of screams... A hand fell limply against the floor. The Dalek Emperor escaped through a lowering platform that led to his escape pod. Three Gallifreyans ran to their fallen family member. Jenny was crying uncontrollably, a rare occurrence, because her sister was dying.

"River, can't we help her?" The Doctor asked, worried.

"It's the best thing that will ever happen to her, you know that. Goodbye, sweetie." All of the sudden, the dying Time Lady eyes widened.

"Look out!" She shouted. Her parents barely dodged a Dalek blast. One Dalek had survived the slaughter and was out for revenge against the Gallifreyans. A blast burned the Sonic Screwdriver out of the Doctor's hand. Heaven fought the death that held her down, panicking at the sight of her family being cornered by the Daleks. Heaven focused, reaching out in the Force for strength, and she got to her feet. The Time Lady ran forward and exploded in a golden light that destroyed the Dalek as it fired upon her, then screamed and vanished, the light with her, a scorch mark in her place. The Doctor's eyes widened in horror.
