Note: Last chapter guys! I hope you enjoyed the last one, this is really dark, even for me. Sorry about that if you get squeamish easily. I don't usually have torture. I will be coming out with a new fic soon after this. So stay tuned and ready for one that I'm SUPER excited to write. Anyways, enough drabble, here we go!

Warning! Some gruesome moments here in this chapter.


Adrien knew he would only have a short amount of time to save Marinette, er, his Lady? Ooh, this was getting confusing. Adriens heart hurt. He had no idea which way his love was going. Did he love the courageous, sassy Ladybug? Or the shy, sweet, loving Marinette? Either way, this was Ladybug. And it was up to Adrien to save her. Or rather, Chat Noir, to save her.

This brought around another dilemma. Would Ladybug still care for him if he was Adrien? Marinette did tend to avoid him at school. She could barely even speak to him!

Adrien tried his hardest to rid his mind of these heart-wrenching thoughts, instead focusing on what to do to save Marinette.

"Plagg! Transform!" Yelled Adrien. Plagg was sucked into his ring, and black clad hero jumped out his window, Tikki following after him.

When Marinette opened her eyes, she found she was not chained to a chair. Instead, her legs and hands were bound to a bridge. Marinette sighed through the stinky rag that was still covering her mouth.

She was never going to be free, was she?

"Good morning Princess!" The cold voice brought back Marinettes fear with huge thudding beat. "Its midnight, time to see what Chat Noir and Ladybug will do!" He chuckled again, way to happy for someone so insane and cruel. But mabye it was his joy that made him such a maniac.

Marinette closed her eyes, awaiting her doom as she knew something that The Man did not, Ladybug wasn't going to show up. She was already captured.

A whooshing sound made Marinette open her eyes a tiny crack. When she did, she saw something that was quite possibly scarier then her situation right now. A furious Chat Noir.

Marinette could see the dark hint of blood seeping through his right fist in the bright moonlight. His whole body seemed to burn with anger. His stick was clenched in his fist, poised to do some serious damage. And his eyes, his eyes were something else. They weren't their normal green, they flared red, orange, and yellow, as if his hatred had lit them on fire. Chat had never seemed scarier.

Marinettes breath hitched as he turned to look at her, an evil smirk present on his face.

He walked pat The Man to touch her face. His whole body was tense, but his hand was soft.

"News flash, no one, I repeat, no one, hurts her, and just a little tip," he swung his staff, lengthening it so that it was across The Mans neck, "Only I have permission to call her Princess." Chat reared his arm back, ready to knock this evil out, but stopped when The Man pulled out a small remote from his pocket.

"Ah,ah,ahh Chat, you hit me, and Marinette go's BOOM!" He yelled the last word with a bit too much enthusiasm. "You see, I have hidden a few explosives under this bridge, in five minutes, they go off, only I can stop them, this remote requires my thumb print to turn it off, injure me, or if Ladybug doesn't show up, they will go off, and Marinette will be blasted into a million pieces!" The Man smirked at his clever plan.

However, his smile soon ended when he saw Chats face.

Chat was grinning evily at him.

"Guess I'll just have to get that remote!"

He swung his baton, but not at The Man as they had all expected, no, he swung his baton at Marinettes chain bondages, hard. The chains snapped and Marinette wasted no time, she stood up and ran. She needed to get Tikki, and fast.

Good, Marinette was safe. Chat turned to The Man. He needed to buy time for Marinette to find Tikki and transform. The Mans face turned sour.

"You shouldn't have done that..." He growled.

The Man brought his hands to his sides, pulling out two hand knifes. He began slashing them at Chat.

Chat dodged and swung his baton around, The Man got lucky though, and one knife managed to slash his shoulder. "Gah!" Chat clenched his teeth. He got distracted, and looked up in time to see another knife aimed at his head.

"Chat!" A red yo-yo wrapped itself around the knife, stopping it a millimeter before it tea he'd his face. The yo-yo pulled The Mans arms back. Ladybug tied him up and Chat put his staff to his neck.

"Its over." Chat growled.

The man laughed. "Far from over, actually, I just needed Ladybug to get here!"

At that moment, a loud high pitched whistle broke the atmosphere. Ladybug and Chat Noir covered their ears. They both fell to the ground incapacitated. Despite the loud noise, Ladybug and Chat could still hear The Mans cold calculating voice loud and clear.

"Got you! This noise is on a spectrum that only those with miraculouses can hear, the man I work for had me implant it in my very being, I can activate it and control it all I want. Should I go higher?"

Even though he asked them, he still went on without their consent. The noise got higher and louder. Chat looked ove to his Lady. Even with the mask he could see deep shadows and cuts, her face was aunt, and blood was dripping from her ears.

It was then that Chat knew who he loved. Both Marinette and Ladybug, and NO ONE, hurt the woman he loved.

Painfully he stood up, he pulled his stick, rearing for the final blow. He was behind The Man so he went unseen.

Swinging his stick as hard as he could, he brought it to the man's head with a sickening crack.

The noise stopped.

The Man collapsed to the ground, still alive, but definatly knocked out.

"Ladybug!" Chat ran over to small teenage girl as she struggled to stand up. Grasping her arms, he pulled her to her feet, letting her lean against him. "Ch-Chat?" Her voice was weak and raspy.

He couldn't resist. He pulled her into a tight, hard hug. Tears began streaming down his cheeks. He nestled his face into the nook of her neck. "I thought I would lose you." He whispered.

"Wh- What do you mean Chat?"

"Ladybug, I know you're Marinette."

Chat released his transformation. "I just hope you're not disappointed that I'm Adrien."

Ladybugs face was a sheer white. Her blue eyes the only color, even if they were a bit duller than he remembered.

Ladybug released her transformation.

"H-hi Adrien..."

He smiled, then frowned at Herr cut marks, a long healing scab on her jawline. He scowled, then turned his head away.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"N-no! You did save me, and I'd never be dissapointed, Adrien, there's something I need to tell you..."

Police alarms blazed through the night.

They both looked at each other in surprise, then nodded in agreement as they turned and ran to a more private place. Which happned to be a small hidden park nearby. No one was there and the both sat down. Adrien began brushing Marinettes filthy hair out of her face, checking for any more injuries.

"Adrien, you're injured!"

Adrien stopped an looked at his shoulder, blood seeping through it, his right hand still had dried blood on it from earlier.

"I'm fine, for the time being, youss aid there was something you wanted to tell me?"

Marinette shook her head. Taking a piece of her filthy, tattered shirt in her mouth, she ripped of a length of fabric. Walking shakely to a nearby stream, she gestured for Adrien to follow.

She looked shyly at his face.

"C-can y-you please t-take off y-your shirt?" He blushed, but consented. When he did so, Marinettes face turned bright red. She dipped her length of cloth in the stream, washing away the dirt. She began washibg the knife wound, causing Adrien to wince. "I-I'm sorry!" She stuttered.

"Its all fine, now what was it you wanted to tell me?"

Marinette blushed, but spoke as she continued taking care of his wound.

"Adrien, for the longest time, I've had a huge crush on you." Before Adrien could say something, Marinette placed a finger on his lips. "But you see, then I met Chat Noir, he was so charming and flirtatious, I began to fall for him too, but I felt like I was betraying Adrien, so I turned down that silly cat, but now I k ow that I just fell in love twice, what I'm worried about, is that you prefer Ladybug, strong and confident, not...not Marinette..."

Her sentence trailed off, almost like a question.

Adrien smirked, then pressed his lips to Marinettes.

It was sweet and warm and soft. At firsy, Marinette was surprised and shy about it. Then, she put her arms around his neck, sinking deeper into the kiss. Regretfully, Adrien ended the kiss.

"That about answer your question?" He asked.

"Yup." She replied breathlessly.

After tending to his wounds, Marinette walked away so he could clean up. They had already decided on a cover story.

It went like this:

Adrien had heard about Marinette, he went to the bridge, staying hidden the whole time, Ladybug and Chat Noir had defeated The Man, leaving him unconscious for the police. Ladybug and Chat Noir had run off, and Adrien had pulled Marinette safely away during all the fighting. They were found by the police under the bridge, waiting for the all clear.

There were many tearful hugs from Marinettes family and friends.

Adrien waited in the corner as Marinettes mother and father hugged her tight. He wished his father would hug him like that. But that wish soon disappeared when Marinette came over and squeezed him tight. "Thank you." She whispered.

Life changed for the better after that. To no ones surprise, (and Chloe's shagrin) Marinette and Adrien became the power couple for the school. In battles against the Akuma, it was noted that Ladybug and Chat Noir moved more fluidly and together, defeating them twice as fast.

No one knew how all this came to pass (the exception being the happy couple), but they were all pretty happy that it did. Life was certainly an adventure, and things were starting to get interesting.

Note: There you go guys! Ive enjoyed writing this, even if it was a bit harder and different for me to write. I don't normally have such darkness, but I felt like writing this way to change things up for me. Stay tuned everybody! My next fic will be a MariChat relationship so all those that like that kind of stuff should be real excited! Thanks to all those who kept reading this entire time, and extra thanks to those who commented, they really make my day! Thanks again!
