A disclaimer: I do not own Viewfinder and make no profit from this tale.

Warnings: Smex, AU, OOC (maybe), MPREG.

Pairings: Asami/Akihito

Summary: One night ruined him, but he had to find something within his world. He just might have found it, but is he ready for it?

Notes: Hello readers, sorry for the long wait for this story. Please enjoy it and please leave comments.

Akihito was ready for the interrogations as he witnessed the expressions on his friends' faces. He saw the file on Asami and shoved it in his drawer with the key handed to him. He sat down, waiting for the questions. Kou touched his arm, remarking, "I can see what has got you crazy with him, but is it safe for you?" Takato nodded his head toward him. He glanced out the window as he tried to figure out more lies to tell. Yes, he trusted Kou and Takato, but doesn't mean he told them everything. For goodness sakes, he wasn't even telling Sue about everything. He replied, "I'm careful." The discussion was over when Kou flopped onto the floor, stating about his new girlfriend. Takato looked ready to question, but it seemed he decided to keep quiet this time.

After ten minutes of hearing the stories of dates of Kou, Akihito laughed as Takato made a comment the relationship wouldn't last. He flopped onto his couch, telling, "Kou, go for a guy. These girls don't seem to value you." Takato spat out his drink and stared at him like he was insane. Kou laughed, "Speaking of dating a guy. Is that lover of yours good in bed?" By now, Takato was choking on his drink, which had him laughing. He replied, "He's a beast and all mine. Back off, Kou." Kou fell to the floor howling out his laughter while Takato finally made a statement, "I don't think he would go after…" He cut his friend off, "Kou's bisexual." The look on Takato's face was priceless and made him howl with Kou in laughter. It felt good to be away from everything for a little while.

Kou stopped laughing and replied, "Maybe. But let's forget about that today. I want to feel some fresh air." He couldn't agree more. It was beautiful out and he planned to take some great photos of the world. He grabbed his camera which gained two sets of eyes rolling in his direction. He didn't care as they piled out of the apartment. He wanted to enjoy some alone time. He didn't think being with Asami was bad. They did have some wild times, letting his wolf feel the freedom, but there were times he wanted to be free with his friends leaving all his problems behind.

He didn't care that Suoh was following them with the car. His friends didn't seem to notice that they were being followed. He was glad because he didn't want to answer harsh questions. He couldn't let them know about Asami's other life. The man had different lives and he wondered if he belonged. He shook his head, chasing away the thoughts. Today was freedom from his worries. He made his choice that meant protection for his pups.

Kou threw his arm around him, joking, "Come on, how is he in bed?" Takato looked at them with a look of fear. He pushed the arm off of him, stating, "You are never going to find out." Takato laughed as he walked ahead of them. Kou kept begging to be told, but he was having too much fun not telling. He knew Kou would never do anything to hurt him. It was just Kou is nosy and joking around. He stopped by the pond, taking out his camera as Takato snorted with Kou moaning out his pain to stand in one place for long. He snapped a photo of a bird coming to rest on the side of the pond. It was beautiful. He enjoyed that picture of corruption, but he didn't mind model jobs either. He wanted to take the picture no matter what.

Takato sat down on the bench while Kou complained every two seconds as he snapped photo after photo capturing the moment in time. He wanted to keep the memories for no one could predict if those memories would disappear from their mind. He shook his head, taking a photo by mistake. He growled as Kou tried to grab the camera, "You knew I was going to do this. So cool it." Kou replied with a smirk, "I will if you tell me the details of your man." He pushed Kou, who took a step back to prevent falling into the pond and laughed as he felt his face go red. Takato was laughing behind him.

He started to walk again with his two friends following. They were joking back and forth, remarking their youth. Every once in a while, he would feel the need to take a photo. Kou was still groaning about him bringing his camera. He didn't care. This was the moment he needed. He flopped onto the bench as Takato was talking to his wife on the phone who sounded a little ticked off about something. Kou was flirting with a girl, even if he said he had a girlfriend. He noticed that Kou was a player and loving the single life, even though he swore Kou wanted a relationship with Sue. He felt bad but knew it was best. Sue and Kou didn't match up. He didn't want to be in the middle of them. They both were good friends with him and didn't want to choose sides if a fight broke out.

He leaned his head back, taking some sky pictures. He wanted to remember every detail of life. He had to have the photos. He brought down his camera, looking into the viewfinder. There stood a tall man with very long silver hair that went for his ankles. The green eyes stared right at him like they were eating his soul. Suddenly he fell to the ground, grabbing his head in pain. It hurt so bad. It felt like it was destroying his brain. Takato got off the phone running to his side and Kou came to his side a second later. He didn't know what was going on. All he knew he felt the pain like never before. It felt like he was falling, unable to stop and keep his balance. He heard his name being called, but he couldn't answer back. He heard footsteps coming toward them and a calm voice, "Takaba-san." It shook him out as he saw Suoh leaning in front of him. He stood up with the help of his friends.

Before concern questions could be asked, his eyes dotted around the area, asking, "Where did that guy go?" He had to find him. Something told him, the man was the cause of his pain. Kou and Takato both questioned at the same time, "What guy?" Suoh stood in front of him, searching. He doubted Suoh knew who he meant, but guess it was his job to find anything dangerous. Takato broke him away from searching, "Maybe you should see a doctor." He snapped, "No!" He stopped from flipping more as he whispered weakly from the attack, "I want to go home." He never really had a home anyways. Suoh helped him walk out of the park, stating he had a car to drive him back. It didn't matter that his friends were left behind. He only wanted to be away from the public; safe.

It took only a few minutes to get to his apartment as Suoh helped him inside. He felt so weak. He needed to feel safe. It was haunting him. He feared of turning into his wolf form while in public. He entered his apartment with Suoh helping him to the couch. Suoh finally spoke, "I have to report this to Asami-sama. Who was this guy?" He looked into his hands, speaking, "I don't know. I can't remember what he looked like now." That was the reason he took so many photos in case his memory failed him. He heard Suoh on the phone as he leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. What was going on? He hasn't had an attack like that since he was thirteen. Why did he believe some strange guy was the cause of it? What did the man look like?

There was a knock at the door which Suoh answered right away. He watched as Takato and Kou ran to his side, asking many questions. It was getting too much for him and snapped, "Drop it." His friends shut their mouths as he closed his eyes. He tried to remember the guy's appearance and for the life of him, he couldn't remember. Suoh came back in the room with a glass of water for him. The emotions were unseen on Suoh's face. He grabbed the water, asking, "Is Asami coming?" Suoh, he noticed seemed uncomfortable about something, but answered him, "He will be here within an hour or two." He nodded his head, stating to his friends who were fussing over him, "I'm fine and I just want to sleep." Kou nodded his head while Takato was ready to argue with him, but thought otherwise. He heard them talking with Suoh but didn't hear their words. His eyes closed to shut out the world. He wanted Asami as the darkness claimed him to sleep.

He woke up sensing Suoh in the apartment, but there was no Asami. He stood up yawning as he asked, "Where is Asami?" Suoh answered, "He said he should be here soon." He nodded his head as he went into the kitchen, trying to find something to feed him. It seemed his pups were starving. He grabbed some meat that Sue left him and started to fry it up. He knew soon he would have to be faced with a doctor. He was terrified of seeing one because he didn't want people to know he was a wolf in disguise.

He sat down after Suoh ordered him to and the guard would make the food for him. He glanced out the window, thinking about what happened earlier in the day. There was a pain, but it was different than what he feels when going into his wolf form. He sighed deeply as he tried to recall the man he saw at the park, but his memory was blank. He never told anyone the true reason behind taking so many photos. He was sure Sue had an idea, but she never brought it up. He sighed again as the apartment started to smell with the food Suoh was cooking for him. He wanted Asami to feel safe. It needed to know he would be protected as well as their pups. His hand lay on his stomach, wondering about them.

The thoughts disappeared as the food was set before him. He started to eat and questioned, "What is Asami doing?" Suoh remained silent and it was annoying him. He heard the footsteps and the scent of his alpha. He couldn't help but smile around his food as his alpha came into the apartment. He sniffed the air, tilting his head toward Asami. It was getting jealous as new scents were masking its alpha. Asami walked to him, lifting his chin. Those gold orbs were staring him down, ensuring he was safe. He turned in the hand as it rubbed across his skin.

He finally asked, "Whose scent?" He knew he didn't want to know, but at the same time, it wanted to rip out the person's throat for touching its alpha. Asami took a deep breath but kept silent. He growled as the yakuza started to feed him. He remarked after a bite of food, "I'm not dropping it. There is that scent again, but stronger." Asami pushed his hair out of his face, finally speaking, "I was not always an alpha male, Akihito." It was confusing and he went to ask more questions, but lips sealed his making it calm down.

It didn't care at the moment. He was too stressed about earlier and needed to feel safe. He stood up, uncaring that Suoh was cleaning up the dishes. He wrapped his arms around his alpha. When the kiss was broken, he teased, "Want something?" His playful side decided to play. He didn't want to know about the scent or what it could mean. He didn't want to remember seeing a guy, but not remembering him or that his friends didn't see him. He didn't want to think in his mind going to the deep end. He had to forget them all. He slowly ran his hand down the strong chest, teasing, "I want to play." Asami remarked with a smirk, "Oh, I am sure you do. Suoh, you aren't needed now." He heard the door open and shut. He smirked toward his alpha as he moved toward the bedroom.

Piece by piece of clothing fell to the ground as he saw his alpha standing at the doorway. He never had a problem with his body and right now it was only built up his desire the way those golden orbs took his form in. He sat on the bed, spreading his legs to invite the alpha toward him. He watched as Asami started to take off his clothes while moving toward him. He still held a fear of seeing the guns, but it was something that couldn't be helped. He was staring straight into the body of strength that called for him. He ran his hand up the nude skin, trying to get the other scent away. Lips sealed his, making him like the way he wanted. He pushed up and pushed the alpha onto the bed. The eyes lit up in desire and amusement.

He climbed on top of the alpha, speaking in a desire filled voice, "I will wipe away that scent." Asami raised an eyebrow but didn't say a word. He leaned down, his body touching the stronger one. The fireworks were flying as large hands started to mold against him, making him squirm. He moaned as both of their manhoods rubbed against each other. It was heavenly. His lips started to work on the neck. He refused to let another scent take over his alpha. He will put his scent everywhere until the other was gone.

He decided to forget everything as rough lips started to mark his neck at the same time. It was driving him up a wall. He ran his hands down over the hard muscles, feeling the heat and passion. He never met anyone who had the desire like him. More proof that Asami was made for him and had the right to say he was alpha to him. He moved his head, sealing the rough lips into a kiss. Asami was having his way, but at the same time letting him play his game. When the kiss was broken, he was the only one panting, trying to gain oxygen into his lungs.

Asami flipped them over. The game was done for. His alpha wanted and he will follow every demand. Lips slid down to his nipples, biting and blowing on them. He groaned as he gripped the black hair. He didn't care that he was messing up the perfect hair. His body was squirming begging for the wild passion. He thrust up when his cock was licked like a lollypop. Hands held down his waist as the heat engulfed his private part. He barely could see with the white lights flashing around him. He howled out his pleasure, uncaring if the neighbors heard him.

He hoarsely said, "I'm…" He heard a loud pop as Asami pulled away. He whimpered from the loss. He groaned as he felt a large cock near his rear. He tried to move, but his hips were being held down. He pleaded, "Asami." His legs were lifted and in one go, the cock shoved into him. He howled, "Asami!" It was hard and wild. The pleasure was building. Every time he was close, Asami would slow down. He dug his nails into the tan flesh, begging, "Asami…. Asami… please…" Asami whispered into his ear, "Lessons, my little one."

He shook as the pleasure started to build again. He whimpered and dug his nails deeper into the skin as the pace slow down. He begged like a dog in heat; maybe he was, "Pleaseeeee. Need. To…" A large hand wrapped around his wet cock. The sounds that came in the room were so loud to his ears. He heard skin hitting skin and the wet, slippery sound of his pleasure building to the point of mind blown. He howled as he released all over them. He fell to the bed as Asami kept riding out his release.

Asami rolled to the side after pulling out. He felt empty. He noted that Asami laid his hand on his stomach. He curled closer to his alpha, asking, "Are they ok?" Asami nodded his head and kissed his forehead. He smiled toward the one who would protect him. A sheet came around, cleaning the mess between them. He asked, "You do have another?" Asami sighed deeply and remarked, "Nothing but an embrace, happened." He frowned as he hissed, "That isn't my question. Answer me." Asami growled back, "Sleep now." It submitted in two seconds, even as he tried to fight it. He curled closer to his alpha as he felt the rage. It wanted to obey always.

Everything stopped as a deep male voice belittled, "Ryuichi that is no way to talk with your mate." He grabbed the blanket tossing it over himself and Asami. He glared as he smelled the scent of the man. He hissed, "Why are you here?" The man chuckled, "Well, I see why you have gone to him, Ryuichi." It wanted to change and go after the intruder. Asami sighed, "Takeru-sama, you are early."

He looked between the two and he stood up with the sheet wrapped around his body. He felt the tears roll down his face as anger and betrayal entered his body. He growled, "Go fuck somewhere else." He went running out the door but was caught by Takeru, who was strong. He kicked out, hissing, "Let me go!" Takeru stated calmly, "No. Stop before you hurt the pups, little one." For some reason, it stayed still. The voice was so commanding. Asami took him into his strong arms and he sobbed against the bare chest. It was so confused as much as he was.

He watched as Takeru sat down with a bag. He kept near Asami, refusing to go near the stranger alone, let Asami go toward him. Takeru remarked, "I am a doctor for our kind. I am here to ensure you and the pups are in top shape." He still made no move. Takeru demanded, "Get over here now." His wolf side obeyed even as he tried to fight it. Why was it listening to someone else? It should only listen to Asami who was leaning against the wall with his boxers on. He sat on the edge of the bed, holding the sheet close to him.

Takeru replied, "I'm not going to bite." He still made no move. His eyes were staring at Asami. He felt the sheet slowly inch off of him. He kicked out. Takeru was glaring at him from the floor. It slightly laughed at the other man. It served him right. He thought. Asami walked toward him, holding him close. It settled down a bit as he Takeru stood up. The sheet was pulled off him in two seconds. He did hear Asami growl when Takeru looked at him longer than needed. It felt protected as arms wrapped around him. Takeru teased, "I can't help admire a form like his, dear Ryuichi."

Asami hissed lowly, "Back off." Takeru stared at Asami while he tried to figure what was going on and stated, "Settle down or another lesson is in order." Everything went silent in the room as he crawled on the bed, grabbing some boxers. Luckily Asami cleaned them up with the other sheet on the floor, but he still felt a mess. It was confusing on how Asami shut his mouth in a second. What lesson? Takeru pointed and ordered, "Now, you get over here little one. Let's check on the pups."

He looked at Asami who nodded his head. He went toward the edge of the bed, being told to lie on his back. He lay down on the bed, feeling the weight of Asami near him. It eased the tension in its body. He felt a cold hand run across his stomach, making him jump slightly. Takeru sighed, "It is fine. I'm not going to do anything to you or the litter." He stayed still as much as possible as the checkup began. He grabbed a hold of Asami's hand to calm it down. He was still confused by this man. He wanted information, but his litter came first.

Takeru spoke as he continued to do his checkup on him, "The litter seems fine. I am sensing four pups." He sat up, smiling as he questioned, "Can you tell me what I am having? Boys, girls, or mix?" Takeru chuckled softly at him, "I am afraid I will not be able to tell that yet." He frowned about the information. He was in his alpha's arms again as he checked on. He squirmed and growled at Takeru. The man's scent was driving him crazy. He hated it.

Takeru broke his thoughts as he spoke to Asami, "Ryuichi, usually most of our kind fall prey to me. This one is special." He kicked out, but this time, Takeru was quick to move out of the way. Takeru glared at him. Instead of backing down to an alpha, he sneered at the other. Asami kept his arms around him. It prevented him from assaulting the other. Takeru spoke coldly, "You need to get a lease for this one, Ryuichi." He squirmed in the hold. It wanted to attack. It wanted to tear out the man's throat and show it to its true alpha as a prize. He growled in warning as Takeru took a step toward him. He lunged forward, ready to bite. He smelt blood. It seemed he succeeded with his attack.

Asami growled, "Behave, Akihito." He whimpered as he curled close to his alpha. He felt the shock and rage bottle in one emotion. He licked at Asami's face, trying to ease his alpha. He didn't like Takeru. Takeru sighed, "I will leave you. He and the litter are very healthy at this stage. Remember the time of birth, he will go into his wolf form to have them." He heard nothing but the door. The scent was still in his room. He jumped out of the arms of his alpha. He grabbed some fresher and sprayed the entire room. He usually couldn't stand it, but he didn't want that disgusting scent in his room.

He turned to look at Asami and growled, "Who was he?" Asami stood up, walking to him. He didn't make a move. He was fighting on the issue. Arms wrapped around him, holding him in a warm embrace. He hissed, "Answer me." Asami kissed his forehead, sighing, "He is the one who made me, my alpha."