Getting off the bus, she puts her headphones away and looks up at the familiar sign. She hasn't been to Two Whales in a long time. She missed it. It still looks the same. The sign would make a good picture. It's like a trip on memory lane. Max takes out her Polaroid and steps back to get a better shot of the sign. After taking the photo, she places it in her bag along with her camera. She stares at the sign again before finally proceeding to walk in the diner. Wow, this place really hasn't changed. She chooses to sit at the booth all the way in the back on the left side of the diner.
It feels so weird to be back in Arcadia Bay. How's Chloe doing? I haven't talked to her in forever…five years to be exact. The longer I wait, the worse it'll be. I've been a shitty friend. She'd probably laugh at how I've changed.
Having ditched her old t-shirt and jeans, she wore a leather jacket over a red and black plaid shirt. Her hair stayed the same. She wore ripped black jeans and combat boots and a spiked leather bracelet on her right wrist that her ex-girlfriend had given her back in Seattle. Ha, what will Chloe say when she finds out that I'm gay?
She had a tattoo of a dream catcher on her rib cage and a tattoo of a doe on her left arm that was hidden by the sleeve of her jacket. Both of the tattoos were connected. She got the dream catcher tattoo because she used to get really bad nightmares when she moved to Seattle, the doe would always be there to guide her out of the dream. After getting the tattoos, the nightmares seemed to stop.
I'm still a shy nerd on the inside. Just not so chickenshit anymore. Seattle wasn't bad, I just felt lonely. At least my parents didn't really care about the tattoos. They weren't too fond about the drinking and smoking though. I guess it's just how I coped with the loneliness.
A familiar voice scared Max out of her thoughts.
"Hi, Welcome to Two Whales—MAX?!" Max looked up at a shocked and smiling Joyce Price. She looks the same.
"Hey Joyce, how have you been?"
"You're back. Look how you've grown. I see you've ditched the old t-shirt and jeans, but you're still carrying that camera around. Chloe's changed too. We've missed you so much. How was Seattle? How are Vanessa and Ryan?"
Joyce looks so distressed. How much has Chloe changed?
"Yeah, I've been back for about two months now. I go to Blackwell. Uh, Seattle was okay. I think my parents are okay, I haven't talked to them today. I haven't talked to them in like a week. I should call them and see what's up. I guess it's my karma being all alone here."
"Oh, don't say that, you moved on with your life. Chloe decided to stay angry. She went through all of the phases-"
Max zoned out, getting trapped in her own thoughts again. I should have been there for her. I hope she's okay. Wait, did Joyce just say she has blue hair. Shit, did she say something. Joyce is staring at me, what did I miss?
"Max?" Joyce was looking at Max with an amused expression on her face.
"Oh, uh, what? Sorry." Joyce chuckled.
"I said that I bet you want some of my famous Belgian waffles."
Joyce laughed. "I'm glad to see that not everything changes." She starts writing something on a piece of paper and then hands it to Max. Max looked at her confused. "It's Chloe's number. Give her a call. She'll be so happy to hear from you."
Giving her a smile, The brunette places the piece of paper in the front pocket of her leather jacket. If only I had the courage to call her.
Chloe POV
Rachel Amber is my angel. Ever since my dad died and Max bailed on me, my life has been dipped in shit. Mom got married to step-prick and no one seems to care about me. Except for Rachel, she saved my life. But, I still miss Max. She understood me more than Rachel ever could, but she ditched me. I wonder how she is though? I really miss her sometimes.
"Chlo, you okay? The light just changed" Rachel looked at Chloe with a concerned expression.
"Sorry I just spaced out"
"Not the best thing to do while driving. What's on your mind?"
"Nothing important."
Chloe could tell that Rachel didn't buy it one bit. After staring at Chloe with a questioning gaze, she decided to let it go.
"Where are we going?"
Thankful that Rachel changed the subject, Chloe let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Since when do you care where we're going. Rach, I think you're losing your edge."Chloe couldn't help but laugh when she saw Rachel pout and give her the finger. "Anyways, we're going to Two Whales, I'm hungry like the wolf!"
"Hella yes! I love your mom's cooking; it's why I stick around."
Chloe put a hand to chest mock offended "And here I thought you were my friend because you liked how much of a badass I am"
Rachel laughed "Aww, you look cute when your pretending to be angry"
Chloe pouted and turned away to hide her blush. When the pulled in to the parking lot, Chloe saw a brunette girl sitting at one of the booths by the window. No it can't be.
"Chlo, what are you looking at?"
"Oh, nothing just zoned out again."
They chose a booth at the end of the diner on the right side. Chloe kept a staring at the brunette girl that she saw out of the window. It can't be Max; she'd call me if she were back. At least I think that's she would. She looks good.
"Chlo, seriously what are you looking at?"
"Nothing, just thought that I saw someone I knew."
Suddenly, two frantic looking kids barged in the diner, bringing her out of her thoughts. What the hell's wrong with them?
"MAX! Max! Are you okay?" Chloe heard them yell. Max?
Max looked up when she heard the door to the diner open. A blue-haired punk looking girl walked in with a brunette girl. The bluenette had on a black beanie, a white skull tank top, and some ripped jeans. She looked oddly familiar to Max. The girl that she walked in with had gorgeous, brown locks, and she sported a dark colored tank top under a flannel with ripped jeans. Wait, doesn't she go to Blackwell. What's her name…..Rachel? I think she lives across from me. The blue-haired girl looks familiar though. Really familiar. Chloe? Didn't Joyce say something about blue hair?
Max could feel the eyes of the bluenette on her, but she tried her best to avoid her gaze. She decided to focus more on her bag instead. Why is she staring at me?
The sound of her name and a frantic looking Warren and Kate made her look up.
"MAX! Max! Are you okay?" Warren asked with a sad expression on his face.
"What's going on? Why are you asking me that?" Max asked with a confused look.
"I'm so sorry Max." Kate said to her with tears forming in her eyes.
"Guys, you're scaring me." Max stood up to try to calm her friends down.
"You haven't heard the news?" Warren asked.
"No. Just spit it out. What the fuck is going on?!" Max yelled a little too harshly. Great, now everyone is staring.
As Kate was about to answer, someone raised the volume on the television causing everyone to look up at it.
After the news anchor finished his announcement, Max stood there, frozen in shock and disbelief. This can't be happening.
"Max, I'm so sorry." As Kate went to comfort her, Max stormed out of Two Whales leaving all of her belongings behind. She just needed to get away from everything. She ran as fast as she could to no particular destination. After running for what seemed like half an hour, her vision starting becoming more and more blurry until there was nothing but darkness.