Korra couldn't believe the predicament she was in right now. The teenage avatar was fighting against corrupted spirits as she tried to find a way to open the southern water tribes portal to the spirit world. You may be asking yourself how did she get in this situation right? Well it started a week ago when she spoke with her uncle Unalaq. (Flashback: 1 week) Korra had just sat at the front table for the festival feast in her uncles honor when said man sat down beside her. "It's a shame, even after having a powerful spirit live among them, the south pole still doesn't see the error of there ways." said Unalaq as he filled his plate. Korra sighed as she picked at the food on her own plate. She was wearing a medium blue parka and knee high boots. She had a sad look at the mention of her late boyfriend. "I'd wrather not speak of Naruto right now if that is ok uncle." said Korra with sadness.

Unalaq sighed. "look Korra, i was going to save this convorsation for after the feast but i feel you need to hear this." said the cheif of the north pole. "I have been researching the spirit world my whole life and i have discovered a way that can bring Naruto back and bring unity to the two worlds." said the man as he watched her for a reaction. Korra got a look of excitement. "What way is this?! We need to do it now!" said the impatiant girl, though who would be patiant when they knew they would have the chance to get their loved ones back.

(flashback end)

Korra was being held over the frozen over portal by three snake-like corrupted spirits that were slowly crushing her. The young avatar reached out to the ice over the portal and when she touched the ice she consintrated some of her chi into her fingers, opening the portal. Their was a flash of light that signaled the portals re-opening then the sounds of footsteps.

Korra sheilded her eyes even after the spirits dropped her. She seen the silouette of a 6'4 male. When the light dimmed Korra seen that the male was wearing a black robe with flame designs at the bottom, looking like they were burning them off, his hair was blond with a little red in it, the hair was spiked in a way to look like a raging inferno, the guys eyes were crimson red with fox like slits, and he had three thick wisker like birth marks on each cheek. The guy gave off an air of authority to him that made Korra want to bow to him.

The man looked to the spirits and glared. "Return to the spirit world at once or face the consequences." said the man as a fireball formed in his right hand. The spirits moved quickly, heading straight through the portal. Korra finaly recognized who the spirit was. "NARUTO!" Screamed the girl with happiness and ran to the royaly dressed boy before hugging him, not even questioning that she could do that. The now known Naruto smiled warmly. "Hello Korra, i've missed you so much." said the spirit gaurdian of fire as he returned the hug. The two sepperated and Korra grinned. "We got to go, the others will be happy to see you again." said Korra as she pulled the boy along, both happy to be together again.

(Scene change)

They had gotten back to the village, with Naruto transforming into his human form along the way. (The wisker marks thined, his hair flattened and lost the red streakes, the authority like feel was gone, being replaced by an air of calmness that relaxed all those around him, and his eyes turned blue but kept the slits) When they got within five feet of the southern water tribe they seen none other then Suki. Naruto smiled as he walked faster. "MOM! How have you been?" asked the blond with the biggest smile any of them have ever seen.

Suki looked over to see who had dared to immitate her late sons voice only to see a person who looked like her Naruto but was dressed like a member of the fire nations royal family during a party. The elder woman pulled two bladed fans from her clothes and pointed an open one at the blonds throat. "Nice try fool but you forgot something important about my son, he doesn't like to wear the casual wordrobe of a royal much less the party clothes of one." said the retired warrior. Naruto groaned. "I know, it's to damned flashy, but my biological father demanded i wear this shit while i'm in the spirit world. He said something about anything less would be unbecoming of the next fire gaurdian, pampered prick. Do you know how hard it was to keep up with my physical training in this impratical bullchicken shit?!" ranted the young spirit.

Suki couldn't help but laugh at the rant as she put away the fans. "Yep, you're Naruto alright" she said with a smile. "What i want to know is this, how did you return to this world?" asked the woman with a raised eyebrow. Naruto grinned and looked at Korra. "She opened the spirit portal here in the south pole and i just walked through it." said the blond before then looking straight at Unalaq. "Though it seems that i owe that to Unalaq here since he told Korra about both the portal and the chance that i could crossover, full body and all." said the young spirit as he looked Unalaq in the eyes, silently convaying that he didn't trust him and knew he was up to something. Naruto turned around and started talking with Suki, Korra, Mako, and Bolin without noticing the chief had a look of rage as water around his feet swirled a little faster.

(scene change)

Later that day the whole group consisting of Katara, Suki, Mei, Zuko, Korra, Makko, Bolin, Tonraq, Senna, Pema, little 1 year old Rohan, Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Lin and Asami were called together and they spoke well into the night about Narutos training in the spirit world, what happened with the others during the year, and a whole lot more. Later that night Naruto was sitting on the roof of his childhood home staring up at the the stars while hugging his kneese. Korra climbed up to the roof and sat in the same position. "Couldn't sleep either huh?" asked Korra with a slight smile. The young avatar got no answer.

She sighed then looked to the blond. "Look, i don't know what you are hiding from us but i know you wouldn't do so without reason, just come back inside and get some sleep." said the girl. Naruto shook his head in the negitive. "I can't sleep anymore, that is the price of becoming the new gaurdian of fire, you lose all ability to sleep in exchange for unlimited control over fire." said the boy. Korra sighed. "Well then I'll sit with you all night." said the young girl as she held his hand.

(next morning)

Naruto was sitting on the roof, watching as others went about their business, Korra was laying beside him, covered with a thick blanket covering her from shoulder to feet and a pillow under her head. The girl fell asleep halfway through the night and looked as peaceful as a new born. At this moment Suki made her way up onto the roof and sat beside her son. "So, what will you do now that you're back?" asked the elder woman as she smiled as she watched little kids throw snowballs at each other. Naruto smiled. "I guess I'm going to go back to republic city and help Korra with what ever it is the other spirits are saying she will have to face, I will never leave her to fight alone and I'm never gonna leave her side ever again."

(Scene change)

It was that afternoon that found Korra standing in between both northern and southern water tribesmen,trying desperately to find a peaceful solution to this argument that has been going on all over the tribe. The reason behind these fights was that the northerner soldiers had marched straight into their village on orders by their cheif, this caused the villagers to become... 'aggrovated' at these circumstances.

This argument in particular had escelated so far that both sides had thrown out balls of water, forgetting that she was their.

Before she could be hit with highly presured water two walls of rock jutted out of the ground. The walls took the full force of all the attacks without budging.

They heard a sigh and looked to where it came from to see three people with Naruto and one of them moved in a earthbending stance that made the two walls sink back into the ground. Naruto, who was in an old parka that previously belonged to his late adopted father when he was 16, walked up to them calmly.

"Now now, does this really have to result in conflict? Can't we solve this without the use of violence?" asked the blond before his eyes turned crimson red. "I mean yoiu really wouldn't want to piss off the guy who can destroy your very soul now would you?" Asked Naruto, making the water tribesmen shake their heads in the negitave very quickly.

The blonds eyes returned to normal and he smiled brightly. "Good, then i want you guys to listen very carefully." said the young spirit. Naruto got real close and got really loud. "COOPERATE WITH EACH OTHER!" said the boy gaining nods all around.

The blond got Korra and left with the three she seen earler. As they walked she was introduced to them all. The first to be introduced was the one to save her who was also the only other guy, his name was Gaara and he was the spirit gaurdian of earth. Gaara wore a dirt brown kimono with a forest green under shirt, he had short and wild crimson red hair with brown highlights, his eyes were black with his iris being golden and his pupil being in the shape of a four pointed star with four dots surrounding them, and finnaly from what little she could see of his skin she could see odd dark blue markings covering his body.

The next to be introduced was a girl by the name of Haku, the spirit gaurdian of water, she had shoulder length black hair that she kept in a bun in the back, she wore a dark blue kimono with a light purple turtle neck, her eyes were black with brown iris's and normal pupils, she had an oni mask cliped to her waist, and if one looked closely they could see she had some kind of needles in her sleeves.

And lastly was the final member of their group and the second girl Temari, the spirit gaurdian of air. The girl had long dirty blond hair that she kept in four pony tails, she wore an orange and yellow kimono that moved perfectly with the arctic wind. Temari had a glider strapped to her back that also had a hidden blade inside it. (Think Beyonet blade)

Naruto informed Korra on why they were their (Temari: to teach the remaining airbenders the old ways of airbenders, Haku and Gaara: wanted to follow Naruto around and see the world of the living) and the four of them hit it off quite well.

(That night)

The four spirits sat on the roof of the tallest building in the south pole and started talking about Narutos intentions.

"So the other spirits are speaking of danger and complete darkness with wispers of something being set free, what do you think of all this Naruto-sama?" asked Haku.

Naruto seemed to ponder this. "I honestly don't have a clue but Korra will no doubt be right in the middle of this so i'm just gonna help my girlfriend as much as possible."


Hello guys and gals of ff i'm proud to say i have finished this lil chappie.

This has been a bitch and a half to type up with the internet being cut off then having to re-type it because it surpassed the 90 day limit, and now since im still on x-box i'm putting this in the spirit of fire

to finish off this AN, i'm back and will be updating as much as possible.

MCL homies