"I'm trying to send a distress signal – stop talking about doctors!"

"I'm a doctor." He smiled. The crashing human pilot swivelled in fright as he let a single plasma round loose from the weapon in his right hand. The violet bolt hit her in the side of the face snapping her head back towards the cockpit without most of her body. The rest of her hung limply strapped to the pilot's chair.

The Doctor sucked air through his teeth. "Nasty." Now to find what he had come for. Of all the species to try to join The Time War, humans were by far the most brittle. This war was not their fight, nor any of the lesser species, it was the Time Lords war to keep their universe in check. And how naive the Humans were to think the war was about freedom! Whoever won, they were to lose. But still they fight. The Doctor had been repulsed by them during his time on Earth, pretending to be civilised but not being any more than animals.

How they had managed to steal a Battle TARDIS from a Celestial Intervention Agent the Time Lords didn't know, though they suspected little more than chance. They did not expect however that The Doctor himself had set up a coup on a Time Lord occupation on one of the Human colonies. Well they weren't just going to give him one, they weren't that stupid. And they were too scared.

There was only one holding bay at the back of the gunship, and there he found it. The Doctor was well past due the upgrade. He didn't even turn to look back at his Type-40. He had already turned all shielding off, very soon it would be impossible to differentiate from the remains of the two ships. No one would miss it. The door of the Battle TARDIS slid closed behind him as he walked into the control room. The Battle TARDIS melted away as the gunship hit the atmosphere of Karn. There were two explosions; the first was the Human gunship's as the fuel tanks caught alight, the second was an energy discharge as a small, blue, wooden police box from Earth in the 1960's fell to pieces.