"I don't want to go."

The Doctor felt his regeneration energy flow through his veins, over his skin, burning through what was left of his body. Hotter and hotter it seared over him as he felt his skin melt away, his finger nails evaporated; locked in place but still it continued. Worse and worse, more painful than ever before as the energy dug deep into him, scratching at his bones.

Something was wrong.

This shouldn't be happening. The Doctor concentrated with all that he had left. He wanted to live. His thoughts turned to the people he held most dear as he pushed the energy away from his core with an explosive burst. The waves flew off his figure, crashing into the inorganic contents of his time capsule. The energy fractured and ricocheted round the circular room, incinerating everything. The Doctor heard far from his presence the sound of his TARDIS columns crashing to the ground as the console exploded for the last time. Fire now spread round the room destroying anything that was left, including the small glass windows which disintegrated instantly leaving nothing between The Doctor and the writhing vortex. He was acutely aware that whilst simultaneously killing him, his own regeneration energy was the only thing keeping him from being killed by the fire storm now being sucked out of the control room.

The Doctor kept still, fighting for his existence.

So much of the energy poured from him, his concentration almost gave way before it started to smooth and cool. He felt the energy start to heal his broken body, tugging at his skin everywhere at once. It was too much, way more than it should be. The Doctor knew that this was it, at least for him. His mental presence let go of his body as he felt everything that he was eviscerating.

Rose standing in the snow. The Master's dead eyes. The Clockwork man under Reinette's bed. Jenny is dead in his arms. General Cobb staring down the barrel his gun. His spindly fingers squeeze the trigger as the man's brains decorate the floor. He laughs, he always would.

The Doctor felt his mind piecing together, rage and hatred and loathing and pure destruction.

The TARDIS spiralled out of control colliding into the thixotropic edges of the bending vortex again and again. The edges of the time capsule suddenly became blurry before becoming clear once more. Then again, blurrier, before losing its shape all together. The vortex swung and thrashed in answer, hurling the TARDIS as hard as it could as if it were trying to escape. The Doctor's time capsule gave in, shattering into two before both pieces were thrown from the vortex at impossible speeds.


The Doctor cried out as he felt the warm presence of the physical world come back to him, the pain never felt so welcome. The energy was dissipating as the universe came back into view and he all of a sudden very aware of the destruction all around him. His mind fell in and out of phase with itself as he tried to remember what had happened. The Doctor looked around in innocence as the TARDIS flew out of control over London.

Elsewhere the Gallifreyan Time Capsule hurtled out of the vortex and embedded itself deep inside a glacial moon. Inside the capsule the control room sat recovering, all systems burnt out save for the low flickering emergency lighting, only just about bright enough to show the long-finger-nailed hand of the occupier reach out for the control panel for the very first time.