Haru's eyes pierced through the glass window. His silence didn't bother the gossipers around him as they chatted with smiles on their faces. Haru only stared with a worried expression. His blue ocean eyes stared as he watched Rin and Sosuke chatting away, laughing away with a drink in their own hands. Haru watched on, elbow on the table and resting his chin in the palm of his hand and his fingers restlessly tapping the table.
Haru waited until his eyes met with Rin's. The red head man paused alongside Sosuke as he gave off a warm smile. Haru's expression didn't change.
"Haru!" A cheerful voice caught the man off guard as he felt the vibration of drinks slammed onto the table. It was no other but Nagisa that had greeted him. "Why on earth are you looking so gloomy at my party?"
"Oh, was I?" Accepting the drink, "Sorry."
Taking a seat next to Haru, he fanned his hand at Haru with a smile. "Don't worry. I mean, it is getting late."
Haruka sat with Nagisa by his side, chatting away to his others guests as he continued to watch Rin. Something felt wrong, and it had been for a long time coming.
The night over them hung out long as the full moon's glow feel over the garden party. Everyone he knew had arrived to celebrate Nagisa's birthday. Haru recalled when Rei told him his plan to him and Rin, asking help to keep the party from Nagisa a secret. Haru smiled at how much Rei adored his boyfriend so much that he would hold such a huge party for him.
The sliding doors that opened wide soon showed two people that had just arrived, Makoto and Gou. Haruka watched as he saw Gou bowing down many times in front of Rei saying sorry at how late they were. Makoto tried to calm Gou down and finally was able to as she handed her gift to Rei. Soon her gaze met with his and Nagisa beside him as she gave off a huge smile and waved over.
"Gou-chan!" Nagisa waved both his arms in the air. It was hard to believe he was turned twenty eight. "Gou-chan!" He repeated.
Running over Gou can ran towards Haru and Nagisa. Gou held Nagisa's hands as both jumped in their spots like little children. "Happy birthday!" She cheered.
"Thanks for coming!" Nagisa cheered alongside Gou. Haruka watched as Makoto took a seat to the right of him.
"Hey Haru." Makoto greeted.
Quiet at first, "You look tired Makoto." Haru glared.
The man laughed, "You always read me like a book."
Haru sighed. "It's written all over your face." Haru soon turned back to watching Sosuke and Rin talking and noticed how close they were to each other. Makoto noticed Haru's state.
"Haru?" Makoto began. "Is something the matter?"
Haruka looked at his childhood friend and resumed his drink. He looked away and tried to focus his attention to another matter. "So how are you and Gou?"
Makoto sighed; he knew Haru was not the type to open up so easily.
"Fine. In fact we just received her wedding dress today. That's why we are a little late."
Haruka looked at Rin's younger sister. He could just tell from her facial expressions and the tone of her voice on how excited she was for her very own wedding, just like he was nine years ago. Of course he wasn't as good as showing excitement like Gou or Nagisa could but the feeling was the same. Haruka smiled and turned to Makoto.
"She's lucky to have you."
Makoto smile soon turned into a nervous chuckle. He crossed his arms and looked away from his best friend, "That's the problem. She's too good."
Haruka looked away and took another sip of his drink that Nagisa offered awhile back. He needed to be in the water. He didn't want to think about those thoughts.
Guests left one by one as both Nagisa and Rei stood by the door, greeting them their thanks and goodbyes. Haru's fascination with water never left him, even now in his thirties as he watched the rain drops run down his side car window. He closed his eyes as he turned the volume as let the music echo all around him, hoping it would drown his negative thoughts away.
"No, Rin couldn't. He isn't like that but…" His eyes half lit, "These last two years have been rough but it's getting better…right?" Haru shook his head and turns the music a little more loudly and pulled the leaver by the side of the car seat and leaned back.
Raising his hand up, Haru stared at the ring on his finger. It was a simple gold and shined bright. Nine years. Nine years he has stuck it out with Rin. Nine years he had stuck with Rin as his husband.
Despite the music being on so loud Haru heard a couple of knocks on his side window. Turning the music down Haru removed the fog from the window and scrolled it down before noticing it was Gou. She was holding her umbrella as he saw Makoto in his car, waiting for Gou to finish up with him.
"Gou?" He asked. "Why are you here? Where is your brother?"
"His just saying his goodbyes to Nagisa and Rei."
"I see, but why are you here?"
Gou looked away, "It's just been awhile now. I thought I could keep you company until Rin comes back."
Haru smiles at Gou's nice gesture. "Your too kind Gou but Makoto is waiting for you. I can wait for my husband here."
"Alright Haruka." Gou nodded and took her leave. She looked to her left and right before running to the other side where Makato was waiting for her.
That girl was always looking out for him and the others, ever since they reunited back in high school. The man smiled and was glad that Gou never lost her need to help others to the best of her ability.
His good mood was covered with insecurity quickly when he noticed his husband hanging with Sosuke once again. He could see how close their bodies were and how deadly close their hands where from touching. As soon Rin saw his husband watching back with a look that could kill he acted as if he been caught doing the wrong thing and quickly patted Sosuke's shoulder and waved a quick goodbye.
The passenger door quickly opened as Rin made his way in quickly to avoid getting wet. Closing his umbrella he stretched over and gave a quick kiss on Haru's cheek as he closed the door.
"Sorry I took so long."
With a glare, Haruka spoke no more and started to car up and started to drive out of the parking spot and onto the long stretch of road.
Rin kept on staring as he locked in his seat beat. Rin knew Haru wasn't in a good mood as he drove with those cold empty eyes of his, one arm on the window sill and another on the wheel. There was silence between them for a couple of minutes with only the radio announcers providing them with a conversation.
"Haru?" Rin began. "Are you alright?"
"So how was the party?" Haru dived into a new topic. "You were sure away for most of it." Still avoiding any eye contact with his husband.
"I was mainly hanging around with Rei and Sosuke. We were talking about what we were doing for the last couple of months."
"We meet up with Nagisa and Rei nearly every weekend. You shouldn't be hanging around Rei and Sosuke that long unless you haven't seen each other for years." Haru shut down Rin's statement. "And Rei was with Nagisa most of the time, so don't start giving me that type of bullshit stories Rin."
Rin was lost with where his husband was leading with the certain type of conversation. "Where are you leading with this Haru?"
Irritated Haru slammed on the breaks, slamming his hands onto the steering wheel.
"Are you cheating on me Rin?!" Haru suddenly snapped.
The empty road and the low sounding music made it possible to hear the rain crashing down onto their car. Rin clenched his fists. "How dare you Haru!" Rin yelled. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?"
Haruka rolled his eyes, "So you going over to Australia with Sosuke are just purely by chance?" Haru stared at his husband. "Not three times in the last six months they're not!"
Rin looked away as silence was his answer. Haru's eyes widen as he slammed the steering wheel again. Rin didn't have any more words to say.
"…So did you guys…did you guys did…"
Rin eyes widen with the direction Haru was leading with his question. "No Haru! We never had sex! Please believe me."
Haru's head was lying still on the steering wheel as his hands where holding on the steering wheel tightly. "Get out."
The red head tried to reach over to touch his husband on his shoulder before pulling back.
"Get out!" He screamed as he slowly lifted his head, looking at the man he loved. He was at the point of breaking into tears.
Without another word Rin reached for his umbrella and made his way onto the side of the road as Haru quickly drove off. Under the rain Rin watched his husband drive off in a mad fury.
His nine years of marriage was running wild and free as he watched his husband leave him behind. Rin closed his eyes as he listened to the sounds of the rain drops crashing onto his umbrella.
"I'm such an ass."
Haruka kept on driving through the rain on the empty road with only the radio and the rain to keep him company. The wind screen wipers continually moved left to right, wiping the water from the window to the sides. Haru sighed and only wished it could be as easy as wiping water from the window as where his problems.
"Nine years Rin…nine years." Haru spoke, barely over a whisper was his voice. Haru slowly pressed on the breaks as he reached a set of traffic lights.
Resting his head on the steering wheel Haru soon found himself crying. His mind started to flood him with the reasons how this could ever happen to them. Was it because of his training for the Olympics which left little time for them both? Was Rin getting tired of him and the lastly refusals in bed with him? Maybe it started when he couldn't go help him with the renovations and trading his time with his husband with his training. Or even the invitations to visit Australia with Rin?
Haru slammed his hand on the wheels again and again.
He knew he was lacking time lately but was that enough reason to bring another man into bed; into his husband's life?
The lights flashed green and he looked up. The road was empty due to the party having finished so late. There was a road in front of him and another leading to the left, making it possible for a quick U-turn.
With his bloodshot eyes Haru flashed on the left indicator and made a quick U-turn.
The car slowly came to a stop as Haru's eyes were stuck on the road ahead of him. His hands firmly on the steering wheel as Rin kept on staring at his husband with desperation. His eyes not leaving until his husband would look back at him.
"Haru please, let me explain."
"I'll be staying the night at my parents."
Haru's cold blue eyes still refused to look at his husband. Rin was determined to explain his case.
"Let me at least explain-"
Finally looking back at Rin, his eyes were as intense as they were back at the nationals when they were still going to high school when he confronted him at his performance. Rin never thought he would see that anger, that intense look on his face once again.
"Get. Out." He snarled.
Looking at the anger on his face Rin agreed and grabbed his things as Haru drove off as soon as he could. All Rin could do was watch as he looked back and reached for the keys. He slipped the key in and turned the key before coming to a stop.
It was going to be a long night.
Gou's lips formed into a smile as she looked down at the beautiful white gown lying beautifully on her bed. Her fingertips ran across its silk dress and towards the sleeves made out of lace. She gazed at the white silk ribbon hair clips she would be wearing a month from now. She reached over for them and held them near her chest.
She was going to get married to the man of her dreams. A beautiful and kind man named Makoto. She couldn't ask to be married to a better man. Together in love for the last seven years.
Removing her pony tail she brushed her hair and put her long red hair into a bun with the white ribbon hair slip holding it in place. She turned to her wedding dress lying on her bed and held it in front of her and held it and pressed it against her body, looking at a mirror and imagining what she would look like in it on the day. She was so excited.
Her love story was wonderful. She moved to Tokyo after she graduated and lived nearby to Haruka and Makoto who was studying to becoming a wonderful swimming teacher as Haru trained to be the best swimmer in Japan. They would meet up at the apartment Makoto shared with Haru and they would do the same at her place.
It was just a simple outing as friends before Makoto finally found the courage to ask her out. She could see the cheer on Makoto's face when she agreed to the first one. And before she knew it she was in love with the man and soon the proposal came after.
And now, they were living together as she held her dress to her chest, dancing all across her bedroom floor.
Humming to her love song with Makoto her phone started to ring. Gou took her time and grabbed her phone lying on her bed. Still holding her dress in one arm Gou looked at the screen. It was no other but Chigusa, her friend she had gone with high school to was calling.
Moving her thumb to the green phone to answer the call, Gou placed her phone against her ear.
"Chigusa?" Gou asked.
There was weeping on the other side "G-Gou." She whimpered. "T-There is something you need to know."
Worried Gou stood in her place as she silently listened to her friend on the other side, who struggling to speak what was on her mind.
Soon it didn't take any longer than ten minutes before the beautiful wedding dress in her arms to slip towards the ground as hastened footsteps soon followed, leaving the room in a rush.
Gou slammed on the acceleration as the rain continued to pour onto the road. She hated how perfect the weather was to describe her feelings. Gou slammed her steering wheel multiple times, swearing at each one. Her tears matching with the weather outside as she suddenly screamed her anger out.
"I need to tell you this. I was going to see you in person but the rain outside is turning into a typhoon and I can't keep this from you any longer."
The red light showed up through the rain as Gou slowly stopped the car. Her hands clenched on the wheel.
"You see Gou, you're getting married and this is just bad timing but-"
As soon the lights flashed a bright green Gou rushed off down the stretch of road, not caring where it would lead her or if she was driving down a dead end. She needed to run, keep on running until she couldn't go on any further, her tears slowly running down her cheeks.
"Something happened between me and Makoto. We were both drunk and well…"
"AHHH!" The woman vented out her frustration as she closed her eyes for a moment. Opening her eyes once again she noticed a curve coming up and she was not ready for.
She swiveled sharply to her right but the car continued to lose control due to the wet surface of the road. The car continued to spin in circles until it slammed itself into a pole, causing all the airbags to inflate.
With her face lying on the inflated air bag, Gou lied there as she let the rain pore over. Hoping it would block all her thoughts out, even just for awhile.
Nine years. Nine years he has stuck with that man. Haruka placed his hand over his mouth as she let his tears to continue on. They went to Australia together for their honeymoon and for their training, they went to the grave of Rin's father every year alongside Gou, they even went back to their high school for the recent high school reunion with the whole gang.
Maybe he could forgive him. He had never hurt him this bad before. Haru glanced at his wedding ring.
Rin soon followed suit to Tokyo for his own training and as soon he knew where he lived with Makoto he visited regularly, sometimes even bringing Gou with him as soon she finished with her own graduation. Their friendship stayed the same until Rin asked bluntly if they could go swimming together every weekend. With his obsession with the water Haru could never say no.
What started as a heated rivalry soon turned to a passion crush on his part. His mind was all over the place until Rin confronted him with the issue of him all suddenly avoiding him. It took a lot to tip him over the edge and he blurted out his love for him. It didn't take long for Rin to reply with the same feeling.
Dates soon turned to marriage. Haru softly smiled as he recalled the way Rin proposed to him with the help of Gou. It was at the old swimming club they swum as children as the whole pool was covered in cherry blossoms.
Three years after that, they adopted a little boy with hair as red as Rin's and with eyes as bright blue as his. It was a perfect match. They were happy…so so happy…
His eyes widen as he stopped travelling down memory lane when a small car had crashed into a pole, driving over and pulling over Haru reached for his phone and grabbed an umbrella on his way out. As he called out he soon noticed the car that had crashed was no other but Gou's car.
Haruka looked around for any sort of ambulance and saw nobody was around. In his panic he rang the ambulance as he opened the driver side door. Being in a crash it soon fell off as soon as he touched it. He lightly touched Gou's shoulder.
"Gou! Gou!" He screamed through the pouring rain. The adult began to worry Gou was gone from them all for good.
Her eyes flicker a little more and more as Haru continued to call out her name. Her ruby eyes gazed and noticed Haru's ocean blue eyes, standing out from the rain. She stared silently as the panic and worry was covered all over his face. Only her eyes moved as she watched Haru take in turns from talking to her and the woman on the other end, asking questions as where they were and what had happened.
As Haru began to calm down he began to smile a little, a little gladness came over that that she wasn't dead. She couldn't remember, or if at all, when Haru would ever worry about her health. He was always, always so calm at school, just like the ocean.
She felt too much pain to speak and instead started to cry, her tears staining the airbags. Haru watched on from her side and worry. This woman had done so much during his high school years. She set up him for the career he was on and joined the club when they needed an extra member. She went out of her own way and made training plans and even cooked for them more than once.
Haru sometimes couldn't believe she was the sister to his husband. They were so different.
"The ambulance is coming."
Gou just kept on crying as Haru lightly tapped her shoulders once again.
"I'm not leaving until they come. I'll come with you to the hospital as well."
No words could explain how badly Gou wanted to thank Haruka. She just kept on crying as she used the pain that her body was screaming in as a distraction that her broken heart felt.
Without knowing herself, Haru was doing the same thing.
"My dear, what happened here?!"
"Gou, Gou? Say something."
The brokenhearted woman lied in bed with a bandage stuck on her forehead. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't know where to begin.
'You son cheated on me with my best friend', 'your son is an asshole', 'tell him to come to me and explain this in front of my face.' Were only some of the words she could think to say. But they weren't to blame and didn't deserve her anger. She just closed her eyes and looked the other way.
"Are you the parents of Miss Gou Matsuoka?" Gou overheard her doctor speak.
Makoto's mother spoke, "We are the parents of her fiancée."
"I see. Well your soon-to-be daughter in law has just suffered a simple cut on her forehead. She can be discharged in the morning. She is lucky that she didn't suffer any broken bones from her crash."
"Thank goodness." Mrs. Tachibana took a sigh of relief. The mother soon noticed Gou not looking at her or her husband. "Gou, is something not right?"
Not looking at her mother in law. "Go ask your son."
Before the young mother could ask why, the doctor asked for them to leave and give Gou time to rest. When she could no longer hear their voices the tears found their way down her face once more, staining her pillow as she lied quietly on her bed, the rain crashing now more loudly against her beside window.
Placing her hand on her forehead, "How dare you Makoto, how dare you." She hissed through her tears.
Silent at first, Haruka made his way to the broken girl. "Gou?"
Gou blinked at the call of her name. That voice was the last thing she ever expected to hear, turning her head slowly to face him, "Haruka?" She questioned.
Pulling a chair over, "I see, you don't remember." Haru sat down. "I was driving when I saw you crashed your car. I was the one that called the ambulance to get you."
"Thank you." She smiled. "I honestly wasn't expecting you here."
"And I honestly didn't expect to spend my night at a hospital."
Gou was left confused. "Wait, you're staying?"
"Well I don't know what made you crash but I know you need someone by your side. I'm sure..." Haru paused at a certain name before continuing, keeping himself composed "…Rin…would like that."
The injured woman took in a few seconds to gather her words and ponder at the way Haru paused before speaking her brother's name. "Did something happen to Rin?" She asked.
The swimmer diverted his gaze away from Gou for a brief moment, "His…fine." He looked back at Gou. "For now, get some rest. I'll call Makoto about this."
Gou quickly reached out to grab Haruka's arm. She held it as tight as she could. "No, please don't."
Haru looked at Gou's face and noticed her ruby eyes staring at him, begging him not to call her fiancée. She looked away as soon Haru looked back at her with a puzzling look. "His asleep by now, it's like, just past one o'clock in the morning."
"He still has the right to know Gou. You're going to marry the man a month from now."
Speaking under her breathe, "Not at this rate."
Despite its low volume Haruka heard Gou's words and how disgusted she seemed by them.
Pausing for a moment, "Do you want to talk about this?"
Gou turned her head and shook her head softly. Haruka looked at Gou noticed the white silk ribbon hair clip stuck in her hair. He reached over and pulled it out slowly, causing Gou to turn and look back at him. He stared at the hairclip before back down at the emotionally destroyed bride-to-be. It only took one look to make Gou shed a flood of tears right in front of Haruka, the last person she expected to be with.
Her brother-in-law sighed as he sat there quietly; he let Gou hold his arm a little longer. He feared for the worse; he feared that Gou had just experienced the same pain beating from his heart. "Oh, Gou," He softly spoke in a worried tone.
He worried that the same pain beating from his chest and hers was no other but the pain coming from a broken heart.
He sighed. If there was one person that didn't deserve this type of pain it was Gou.
A/N: Hello everyone!
So anyway, I was bored one day and watched a movie and after the movie I had this sudden urge to write HaruGou! Strange isn't it? Anyway this story will have mature themes but nothing that involves lemons. Just stuff married couples would talk about. This was meant to be the first chapter but I thought it would be too much too soon so I made it a prologue, a really long one at that!
Don't worry, most of your 'whys' and 'hows' will be answered in the future chapters. I just hope you enjoy what I've written so far and please leave your thoughts in the reviews. And remember, no bashing of characters! :D