Legend of Korra: Visitor

Summary: Someone from the stars comes to their planet, how will the Avatar and her friends deal with this newcomer?

Ch 1

An explosion was heard, and Cortana came into view on the holo-pedestal. She brought up the schematics of what remained of the forward unto dawn, and then took a position of their location. They were approaching a planet.

"I need you, John." She said, as she opened the cryo-tube.

"Cortana, what's going on?" the Master Chief asked, as he pushed the cryo-tube door open.

"We're near a planet, and the ship is blowing up." Cortana said, as John put her AI chip into his helmet.

"No shit. We have time for supplies?" Chief asked.

A loud explosion answered his question.

"Guess not." He said, and ran thru the ship towards the escape pods.

The Mjolnir power-assault armor protected the Chief from the explosion and light shrapnel, but an explosion ahead of him sucked him into space, and towards the planet.

"Have you done this before?" Cortana asked.

"Many times." John said, remembering jumping from the Prophet of Truth's dreadnought on his way to earth.

Both were quiet, as John grabbed a drifting piece of metal and used it has a heat shield.

On air temple island, Korra was sleeping, happy that she was at Republic City, and was about to start her airbending training. She then had an odd dream.

Korra found herself in a large room, with 75 children. A women in her twenties approached the kids.

"You have been called upon to serve." She said.

'Serve what?' Korra thought.

Korra was then thrusted into a dark room. She saw 4 humans, wearing shirts and pants that said 'Corbulo Military Acadamy.' She saw another dead human, and a dead alien. The alien looked 8 feet tall.

'The distress signal you sent out.' A deep voice said. Korra saw a giant green armor, 7 foot tall, with 117 painted on the shoulder.

Korra then found herself standing in the rubble of a city in flames. She saw the same alien, but it was alive, and had more of the same aliens with it. They were firing strange weapons at humans. A thudding noise was heard, and Korra saw 5 metal suits fall from the ground, the same metal suit she saw earlier. The suits fired their weapons at the aliens, and killed all of them in few seconds.

Korra then found herself on a hill, overlooking republic city.

'Avatar Korra.' A deep voice said. Korra turned around, and saw the same giant green armor, the one that said 117.

Korra quickly woke up, and scanned her room. Nothing. What kind of a dream did she have? Sighing, Korra fell asleep again.

In the dark sky, a light fireball fell towards the earth.