Author's Note: hey guys, here with a new chapter. For those who are wondering, yes I made it so that the Yami Yami no Mi/Darkness Darkness Fruit is like other Logia's where Luffy's body won't be harmed unless he wants to be hit or by Sea Stone and Haki. This might piss some people off, but I mean, if it's considered a Logia type, why the heck can't they turn into darkness? So with that,


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or any other anime

Chapter 2: The King's Beginning!

"Are you sure you're okay with this old dinghy? I could give you a bigger ship if you want."

A rather average 30 year old man with brown hair stared in disbelief at the man standing on said dinghy, along with a green haired woman and an old man behind the man.

The man they were staring at let out a deep masculine chuckle as the man grinned at them.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay using this dinghy."

The man let out a sigh before he walked a way, waving.

"Well, alright then, but don't blame me if you get caught in a whirlpool, Luffy."

The man, now revealed as Luffy, just chuckled again, watching the man leave.

"I'll be fine! Thanks again, Genki."

Luffy, after the man left, jumped from the dinghy back on to the land and grabbed a barrel, which was filled with apples, that was next to the green haired woman and the old man before putting it on the dinghy.

The green haired woman tapped Luffy on his right shoulder, causing him to look at her.

"Are you really okay with just this, Luffy?"

Luffy turned around and put his hands behind his head, with a grin on his face.

"Like I told Genki, I'll be fine, Makino."

Makino sighed before giving Luffy a small smile as she stared up at him, thinking about how big he's gotten.

After 10 years have past, Luffy changed from the small slightly muscular 7 year old boy to a tall, 6'0, handsome young man with broad shoulders and a muscular slightly lean body that made girls his age and even some older woman blush. He still had shaggy black hair that was slightly longer and his scar under his left eye that he got when he tried to prove himself to shanks.

He wore a regular pair of sandals, black jeans, a tight red shirt with a black cloak similar to Shanks over his shoulders, and, of course, his straw hat entrusted to him by Shanks.

She still couldn't believe that this was the same boy she raised as a child as if he was her own and was proud of the man he grew up to become.

Makino walked up to Luffy and surprised him by giving the boy a hug.

"Alright, but I want you to be careful, Luffy. Just because you are strong doesn't mean you can't be hurt. Do you understand?"

Luffy blinked as he stared down at her before he smiled softly and reciprocated the hug.

"I understand, Makino and I promise I'll be safe."

Makino released the hug and nodded her head with a satisfied look on her face.


Luffy just grinned at her before turning to the old man, who approached him with a disappointed look on his face, but if you looked closely, you would see pride in his eyes.

"I can't believe your leaving to be pirate! Ah, you'll ruin the reputation of this town if you ever become a famous pirate!"

Luffy knew the old man didn't really mean what he said and knew that he was proud of him.

"Well, Mayor Woop Slap, if I become the Pirate King, then no one will want to mess with Foosh Village."

The Mayor let a smirk appear on his face before he relaxed with a fake scowl as he scoffed, turning his head to the side.

"Ah, hurry up and get out of here, you brat! The faster you leave, the better."

Luffy just chuckled and jumped on the dinghy.

"I'll miss you too, Mayor."

Luffy turned around as he stared at the vast sea in front of him and thought about what happened in the last 10 years.

After Shanks gave him his straw hat and left the village, Luffy kept up with his promise by waking up early the next day and training in mastering his abilities, both Haki and Devil Fruit powers.

He also began to study as well with help from Makino and the Mayor, who both provided him with books, so he knew the basics of navigation when he set out to sea.

He continued with this schedule for a week before Garp came to the village when he heard Shanks was on the island.

After discovering Luffy had talked with pirates and even said he would become a pirate himself, Garp got really pissed off and chased Luffy around the whole village, where he eventually was able to catch him, but that didn't last long as his grip slipped right through Luffy's body in black smoke.

When he discovered that Luffy gained a Devil Fruit power, which was from Shanks no less, words couldn't even begin to describe how angry Garp was.

Well, in the end of that day, Luffy was covered in so much bruises that he just looked like one big bruise, which was due to Garp using Armament Haki to actually do harm to him.

The following day, Luffy was taken by Garp to Mt. Colubo, where it was revealed that there was a small building near the top of the mountain.

When Garp yelled out for the occupants of the building to come out, the people revealed to live in the building were mountain bandits, with the leader being an orange curly long haired woman named Dadan.

After explaining the situation to her and how she had to take care of Luffy, Dadan, unpredictably, said no, but that soon changed when Garp threatened to sent her to jail.

While that happened, Luffy, who was dropped by Garp when they arrived to the building, looked around until his Observation Haki told him of a strong presence nearby.

Looking towards the area where the presence was coming from, Luffy was surprised, while at the same time, not surprised that the strong presence was from a boy, who looked 3 years older than him, with shaggy black hair like him, but this boy had freckles.

Garp, after hitting Dadan in the head for disagreeing the first time, turned around and saw that Luffy had met Ace, who he introduced to Luffy when he asked.

Luffy, being the ever energetic boy he was, excitedly told him his name and asked if they could be friends.

Ace responded by spitting in Luffy's face, but Luffy easily dodged it with a frown, surprising Ace slightly that he was able to dodge from such a close range.

Ace ran away after that, causing Luffy to chase after him.

Garp smirked seeing Luffy chase after Ace and had a feeling they would get along so he left.

Luffy kept chasing after Ace every single day after that and Ace would always try to stop him by putting obstacles in his path.

Luffy could've dodged all these attempts, but he decided to fall for them on purpose and keep chasing after him, in hopes of showing Ace that he wasn't weak and would accept him.

When Ace ran out of obstacles to block his path, which took 3 months, Luffy discovered the Gray Terminal.

Luffy looked for Ace and found him robbing 2 people of their loot. He then decides to sneakingly follow Ace to the forest, where he found that Ace had a secret stash and a blonde friend named Sabo.

The two panicked when they noticed him and tied him up as a result, away from their secret stash.

Even though Luffy could break out of the ropes easily, thanks to training every single day before chasing after Ace, Luffy acted as a weak 7 year old.

The two talked about how they had to kill him, which Luffy found hilarious because they looked scared to kill him so he was confident that they wouldn't do it.

All three of them heard someone talking and Ace and Sabo ran away, leaving Luffy behind.

The person they heard speaking was a guy named Porchemy, who questioned Luffy about Ace and Sabo.

Not wanting his friends to be hurt, Luffy said he would never tell, causing the man to take him to his base.

Luffy later found himself tied up similar to a punching bag and Porchemy said he would punch him with his spiked gloves if he didn't tell him the location of Ace and Sabo's stash.

Of course, Luffy stayed silent, which in turn made Porchemy punch him as a result.

Luffy barely felt the punch and let the punch hit him by reigning his Darkness Darkness Fruit powers in, cause he didn't want to reveal that he had a devial fruit power yet.

After countless hours of being used as a punching bag, Luffy was starting to get bored as Porchemy panted in exhaustion.

Just as he contemplated breaking free, one of the walls was busted in by Ace and Sabo, who broke untied Luffy.

All three together easily beat Porchemy and his goons and ran for the forest.

Luffy explained how he never told them anything and that he just wanted to be Ace's friend, which made Ace respect him along with Sabo.

On that day, all three became great friends and after a couple weeks, became brothers by drinking sake together.

The months that followed that were some of the best times in Luffy's life as he hunted, trained, and bonded with his brothers.

He was even able to teach Ace and Sabo Armament Haki with some Observation Haki, tough it wasn't on the same level as him.

Although, those good times didn't last as Sabo's father took Sabo back by force, causing Luffy and Ace to be enraged.

They did all they could to help, but in the end, Sabo ended up getting killed when his ship that he took was blasted by a Tenryubito, with Luffy unable to sense Sabo because his Observation Haki couldn't reach that far.

Luffy and Ace that day gained a deep hatred for Tenryubito.

Ace promised to Luffy that he wouldn't die and the two brothers spent years training until Ace turned 17 and left on his own journey.

After Ace left the island, Luffy felt great regret for not informing his brothers of his Devil Fruit abilities and thought that if he did, then Sabo could've been saved.

The only way, in his mind, that he could redeem himself was to train even harder than before.

Train so hard that by the end of the day, he would be wishing he died.

Train so hard that his enemies would barely be able to scratch him.

Train so hard that no one close to him would ever die again!

Thanks to that motivation, Luffy's gotten to a level that would make Vice Admirals jealous in only 3 years.

His Observation Haki was at such high level that he could sense everyone on the island and differentiate each signature. He could also predict all attacks sent his way. In other words, he would be untouchable to those who didn't have the speed to hit him.

His Armament Haki was considered mastered as he could now cover his entire body in Haki along with any weapon in his hands. The strength of his attacks were so enhanced by his Haki that he could obliterate a large sized boulder with one punch and the repelling effect of his Haki would cause enemies to think twice before attacking him.

Luffy also discovered that, like Ace, he had the Conqueror's Haki, which would cause a person whose will was weaker than his to fall unconscious.

He didn't have great control of it because he only discovered a year ago, but he could control the range of his Conqueror's Haki so it wasn't all that bad.

His abilities with his Darkness Darkness Fruit also increased as he learned he could store items into a place he liked to call, The Void, for storing and also created a similar technique, but this one destroyed everything that was absorbed, which he dubbed as Black Hole. That wasn't all as he could also control the gravity in dark areas in anyway he wanted, such as pulling an enemy towards him or pushing them away.

Luffy shook his head as he cleared his thoughts and brought his right hand up.

Looking down at it, Luffy closed it into a fist and stared out into the ocean.

'It's finally my time for me to go out into the world and make a name for myself. Watch out, Ace. I'll catch up to you and pass you as I become, KING OF THE PIRATES!'

Luffy nodded and untied his dinghy from the port, causing his dinghy to slowly be pushed by the waves.

Luffy turned around and waved with his left hand and grinned.

"I'll be back, Makino, Mayor, when I become, the PIRATE KING!"

His grin grew when he saw them wave back and felt a familiar presence approach him underwater.

He turned back around and looked up, slightly confusing Makino and the Mayor until they saw something big come out of the water.

When they saw a Sea King Serpent, they felt terrified for Luffy, but were shocked by his next action.

Luffy yelled up at the beast.


The Sea King poked down at Luffy with narrowed eyes before gaining a happy look on his face as he bent his head down.

Luffy pet the Serpent with his right hand as he stared into his eyes.

"It's been 3 years since we met, Mizuchi, and in those 3 years, you've gotten stronger than I expected. I trust you will protect the village if it's ever attacked, won't you?"

Mizuchi nodded his head, wanting to please his friend who made him stronger than any Sea King that lived nearby.

Luffy nodded, satisfied wit his answer.

"Good boy. Now, it's time for me to go so I'll see you when I come back."

Mizuchi gained a sad look, but nodded as he descended back into the ocean.

Luffy turned his attention back to where Makino and the Mayor were standing and saw that they fainted.

He chuckled and just decided that enough words were said so he continued heading to his first destination.

Shells town.

Unknown Ship

A pink haired boy with glasses, who was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and beige shorts, sighed as he walked down the hallway.

'How could this happen to me? All I wanted to do was go fishing and I ended up being a cabin boy for ugly, terrifying pirate, forced to do whatever they tell me to do."

He saw a door near the end of the hall and nervously approached it.

'Well, I can't do anything about it now. I have to find something that is valuable or else Alvida will kill me!'

The boy slowly peeked through the door and when he saw no one inside, he sighed in relief.

'At least no one's here.'

He, of course, wasn't that surprised to find the room empty, considering that Alvida is raiding the ship of all its goods.

The boy walked into the room and looked all around him, noticing that it was a kitchen.

'This is the kitchen, so maybe I can find some wine or something for Alvida."

He nodded to himself, as he came up to a decision, and walked around the kitchen until his eyes landed on a large barrel.

He walked to it and tried pushing it with all his strength, but it wouldn't budge at all.

The boy backed up as he started panting from trying to push the barrel.

'This barrel is so hard to move. That must mean it's fill to the brim with wine, right?'

Before he could ponder about it some more, three tough looking guys wearing bandanas walked in.

The boy let out a shriek of fright, causing said men to look in his direction with dark grins and curiosity in their eyes.

The obese one of the three men approached the boy with the other two following behind.

"What you got there, Coby?"

The boy, now identified as Coby, shook nervously as he stared up into the man's eyes.

"I-i-i just found s-s-some wine for Al-al-alvida-sama."

The men quirked their eyebrow in interest and amusement as the obese man pushed Coby aside, causing the pink hairs boy to fall to the ground.

"Well then, why don't we just have quick taste?"

Coby quickly shot up and looked up at the man with panicked eyes.

"B-b-but you can't! T-t-that's for Al-al-alvida-sama!"

The obese man glared down at him in annoyance as the two men behind him chuckled in amusement.

"What she doesn't won't hurt her. As long as you don't tell her anything. Alright?"

Coby shook where he stood, but said no further complaints.

The obese men turned his head behind him to look at the other two as he chuckled.

"This kid's a riot, don't ya think?"

The taller blond man laughed at his words.

"Yeah he is. It's always fun seeing this kid squirm."

The other man, who was wearing a red bandana, gained an impatient look.

"Alright, I know it's fun messing with him, but can you open the barrel already? I'm thirsty for some wine over here."

The obese man just waved his left hand in the air as he turned his attention back to the barrel.

"Alright, alright. Just be patient."

The man held up his right arm with his hand closed in a fist and a smirk on his face.

"I'll break open this barrel with one punch!"

The two men cheered as he pulled his arm back while Coby could only watch.

Before he could break open the barrel, the barrel burst into a million pieces as a huge figure appeared standing in the same place the barrel previously was.

This action made the obese man fall on his ass with the two men behind him backing up as they all stared in disbelief at the man, who was currently scratching the back of his head with his left hand and yawned.

Coby's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

'Why was that guy inside that barrel?!'

The man stopped scratching his head and before looking at Coby then the men.

His eyes were bored as he asked,

"Who're you guys?"

All three men stood together and gained shark-like teeth as they yelled,


The man just grinned before placing the straw hat around his neck on his head.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Nice to meet you!"

The men stared at him incredulously before they all grinned darkly as they pulled out swords from the side of their waists.

"Well, Monkey man, I'm sorry to say but were going to have to kill you for making us look like fools!"

Luffy let out a 'hm' sound while Coby watched fearfully for Luffy's life.

'That guy's going to die."

The men brought their arms up with the swords in their hand as they yelled,


Coby shut hit eyes not wanting to see a person get murdered.

Luffy stared at the descending blades with bored eyes before grabbing all three of them with his left hand easily.

Even without Haki, Luffy's training he did and received from Garp made his body naturally stronger than average so he wouldn't even get cut from a regular blade.

Luffy gripped the swords in his hand tighter, causing them to shatter and for the men to back up fearfully with wide eyes.

The men just realized how intimidating Luffy was when they finally noticed he was taller and looked bigger than all of them.

Luffy lifted his arms, cracking his right fist with his left hand, as he stared down at them.

"Who did you say you were going to kill?"

As soon as he finished saying those words, the men dropped the broken swords and ran out of the room to inform Alvida of the 'monster'.

Luffy dropped his arms and put his hands into his pockets, laughing.

"That was fun!"

Coby, still hearing the man alive, opened his eyes and was confused when he saw the men gone.

He nervously stared at Luffy, who just noticed that he was still in the same spot.

"W-w-what happened?"

Luffy grinned as he took out his right hand from his pocket to point behind him.

"They ran away."

Coby was shocked to hear that and noticed that on the floor were some broken swords.

'Did this guy do that?! How can someone be this powerful?!'

Coby blinked when he saw a hand waving in his face, which made him back up and look up at Luffy nervously.


Luffy put his right hand, which he used to get Coby's attention, on his stomach with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Do you have some food I can eat?"

On the deck of the Ship


A fat, ugly woman with freckles narrowed her eyes as she turned around to stare at three men running to her with wide eyes.

(Didn't feel like describing what she wore, but pretty much re-watch the first episode if you want to know)

"What is it?"

The obese man at front bent over taking a couple of breaths, due to exhaustion, followed by the two other men following him.

When he got his breath back, the man stared up at Alvida, motioning below with his right hand.

"T-t-there's a monster down there! It's this guy who was able to break our swords easily with only one hand! I don't know how he did it, but he's crazy strong, boss!"

Alvida quirked an eyebrow in interest as she thought about his words.

'A man with incredible strength, huh? Is it that famous bounty hunter with three swords or is it someone else?'

With Luffy and Coby

Coby watched in awe as he watched Luffy, who was crouched down in front of a pile of apples, eat several apples without pause.

"Where does it all go?"

Luffy, who heard his comment, smirked to himself as he found it amusing how his appetite amazes people.

After a couple minutes of eating, Luffy sighed in satisfaction while leaning back, patting his stomach with his left hand.

"That was good."

Coby just shook his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe you were able to eat all those apples by yourself!"

Luffy looked at him and chuckled before he started to wonder about where he was.

"So where am I and what's going on? I can feel some people above and several other people getting farther from this place."

Coby stared at him confused when he said felt, no knowing about Observation Haki, and decided to ignore it and tell Luffy what was going on.

"Well, right now were on some random ship that my Captain wanted to raid so I suggest that you get away from here while you can. I think there's a life boat still around for you to escape."

Luffy quirked an eyebrow when he heard the venomous tone when he mentioned his 'captain'.

"Do you have something against your captain or something?"

Coby blinked at the question, not expecting it, before he narrowed his eyes as he clenched his fists and grit his teeth in anger, slightly surprising Luffy.

"My captain is a woman named Alvida and was forced to be her cabin boy, slave being a better word, for 2 years after I got on her ship by accident, thinking it was a fishing boat."

Luffy stared at him with disbelief in his eyes at his stupidity, but decided to ask him another question.

"If you hated it so much, why didn't you leave?"

Coby looked at him like he was an idiot before shaking his head so fast that one would expect it to come off any second.

"Impossible! Impossible! There's no way for a weak person like me to run away from someone so strong like Alvida!"

There was a deafening silence as Luffy stared at him for a while before said straw hat wearing man burst out laughing, holding his stomach with his hands, rolling on the floor.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe how stupid you are!"

Coby watched him laugh at his expense for a while with an embarrassed blush before getting angry and gaining shark-like teeth.


Luffy didn't stop laughing, though, but it eased into a chuckle before ending with a smile on his face as he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye with his left index finger.

"Thanks Coby! It's been a long time since I laughed that hard. As for the reason for laughing so hard? Simple, why didn't you just train and kick her ass in those 2 years?"

Coby stepped back as if he was shot by a bullet before shaking his head bad and forth again.

"Impossible! Impossible! There's no way-"

Coby couldn't finish his sentence as he was hit in the back of the head by Luffy with his left fist.


Coby grabbed the bump that formed on his head with both his hands and stared up at Luffy, who had a frown on his face, with tears in his eyes.

"Why did you hit me?"

Luffy crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You repeating 'impossible' over and over again was really getting annoying. I don't believe in the idea of impossible as anything is possible if you try hard enough."

Coby gained an awe look in is eyes.

"D-d-do you really believe that?"

Luffy grinned and nodded his head.

"Of course! I'm going to be the man that becomes the second Pirate King after all!"

Coby's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"PIRATE KING?! Don't you have to be really, really, strong, like, Yonkou level strong, to be the Pirate King?!"

Coby, didn't think it was possible, but it seemed to him that the grin on Luffy's face grew bigger.


Before Coby could go on his usual 'impossible' speech, Luffy narrowed his eyes, showing nothing but seriousness, causing the pink haired boy to gulp nervously.

"It may seem impossible to several people, but like I said before, Coby, anything is possible as long as you try. Besides, I have been training ever since I was 5 years old, so I'm confident that I can accomplish my dream!"

Coby, once he heard the words 'my dream', felt a metaphorical light switch flick on in his brain.

'My dream? Is it really possible to…? I mean, he did say that as long as you try, you can do anything, right?'

Luffy, seeing the thoughtful look on Coby's face, smiled softly.

"I told you my dream, Coby. Now, what is your dream?"

Coby was nervous because he felt if he told Luffy his dream, then Luffy would just laugh at him or worse, get angry with him, but that thought went away when he saw plain old curiosity in them man's eyes.

He gained a determined look and said,

"My dream is to become a great marine! A marine who upholds the justice for the people and protects people from evil pirates like Alvida!"

He was surprised when Luffy just chuckled, instead of out right getting angry or laughing.

"It's nice to hear you finally sounding so confident about something. I swear, if I heard you go on about 'impossibilities', I would've socked you in the face."

Coby was terrified to hear the last part, but was overall happy to have finally said his dream without being mocked and even praised a little.

He scratched the back of his head with his left hand with a bashful blush on his face.

"Thanks a lot, Luffy!"

Luffy grinned and gave a thumbs up with his right hand.

"Glad to help."

Luffy dropped his arms and gained a feral grin on his face.

"Now, why don't we beat this Alvida and get you to become a marine, eh?"

Coby, for once in his life, grinned with confidence up at Luffy.


With Alvida

Alvida, after being told by his men about the man inside the ship, decided to wait for the man himself to come to her as she rested her iron spiked club over her right shoulder.

When nothing happened for a couple of minutes, Alvida was slowly losing her patience as she gained tick marks above her eyebrow, which increased in number for every minute that passed.

After the 10 minute, she gained a scowl on his have and snarled at the three men, who were shaking where they stood, to her left as her other men that were behind her watched this transpire.

"You three fools will pay for wasting my time."

She approached the three and for every step she took, the three men took two steps back, but were forced into a wall.

The three men, seeing that they had no way to escape from he wrath, got down on their knees and beg for forgiveness as she slowly lifted her club above her head.

Just before she could bring it down on their heads, most likely killing them from the impact, the door the three men came running from opened with such great force that it was sent flying away from the ship at speeds that would make a cannonball jealous.

Alvida along with her men stared in disbelief at the leg that was sticking out of the frame of the door sent flying.

They all watched, nervously and fearfully, as the leg slowly dropped and when it revealed Luffy with Coby standing behind him, Alvida narrowed her eyes in anger as she put the club back on her shoulder, making the three men from before run to Alvida's other men, glaring at the Coby, who flinched.

"What is the meaning of this, Coby?"

Coby shook a little before Luffy patted him on his right shoulder comfortingly with his left hand.

He stood up straighter, shocking Alvida and her men slightly.

"I'm going to kick your ass and become a marine to capture pirates like you, you fat old hag!"

Alvida's men gasped in shock and fear before looking apprehensively at Alvida.

Alvida, herself, shook in anger, starring at the floor, covering her eyes in shadows.

'How dare this brat call me a fat, old hag! He thinks, just because he gained some muscle, that he could now retaliate against me! I'll show him how wrong he is."

Alvida looked up and glared at Coby with so much hate and anger before running towards him, raising his club over her head.


Coby didn't shriek or even back away as he stood in the same spot, but with some tears in his eyes.

'I said it! I can't believe I was able to say it! Even though I'll just end up dying, I'm glad I was able to say what I wanted."

He seemed to temporarily forget about his straw hat friend, who watched in amusement at Alvida running towards them.

Alvida brought down her club towards Coby with a dark smirk on her face, but her club was stopped by Luffy, who just held it back with his left index finger as he had his right hand in his pant's pocket.

Luffy grinned at Alvida's shocked face and turned his head behind slightly to look at Coby, who just remembered he was there.

"Well said, Coby. Now that I see you have the resolve to face your enemies head on without backing away, I'll handle the rest."

Luffy used a small percentage of his strength to push Alvida's club back to her.

What Luffy didn't realize since he was so used to fighting strong enemies, a small percent of his strength was equal to the strength of an average sized gorilla.

This resulted in Alvida, who held a firm grip on her club, to be launched into her men, causing a domino effect as each men fell on another man.

Luffy blinked, looked at his finger, then turned to Coby, who couldn't believe that someone could send Alvida flying like that, with a sheepish grin.

"Whoops. Guess I still have to learn how to control my strength or else I might end up killing someone with just a handshake or something."

Alvida got up and never felt so angry in her entire life.

Turning around, she saw that her men got up a second after she did, and yelled out to them,


The men roared as they all took out their own swords, running to Luffy.

Luffy turned his attention back to the fight when he heard Alvida's men roar and used his Observation Haki to count the amount of men rushing towards him.

'Hm, 57 men, huh? None of them are really strong so it'll be easy to take them out with a pulse of Conqueror's Haki, but that would be to boring."

His face gained the appearance of a predator hunting it's prey as he brought his arms up, cracking his right fist with his left hand.

'Well, what better way to make a name for myself then kicking some ass the old fashion way?'

Luffy walked calmly forward to meet the group of men head on, giving Coby, who was still staring in awe from pushing Alvida away like she weighed nothing, some advice.

"Don't blink, Coby, or you might just miss everything."

Once the first man reached Luffy, everything was over before Alvida and Coby knew it.

Luffy dodged the first man's attack by shifting his body to the left slightly and punched him in the gut with his right fist, making him bend over, but it didn't end there.

When the man was bent over, Luffy brought his right knee up, causing the man to be lift in the air slightly as he got hit on his chin, and, using his right arm again, punched him in face, seining the man flying, bringing 6 others with him as they all fell overboard.

Directly after sending the first 7 men flying, Luffy then brought his left below back as fast as he could, connecting with a random guy's face, who thought attacking from behind could work, before twisting his body to the left, punching another man's face with his right fist, then brought his right elbow back hitting another man.

He leaned back, dodging a sword swipe, and knocked the man, who attempted to cut him, out with a quick chop the the back of the neck with his left hand.

Luffy beat the rest of Alvida's men in a similar manner, with some slight kicks and head butts here and there, either knocking them out or launching them overboard.

All of this happened within a minute or so.

Alvida backed away with fearful eyes, staring at Luffy, who was calmly walking over to her.

"Who are you?"

Luffy stopped walking towards her, but as soon as Alvida blinked, Luffy was in her face, grinning like a devil, causing her to almost faint in shock at his speed.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the Future Pirate King and,"

He leaned forward so that his lips was next to her left ear, terrifying her greatly.

"the embodiment of Darkness."

She barely let out a 'huh' at the last part before her answered as Luffy's feet turned into a dark smokey like substance that slowly spread over the whole deck.

Luffy then whispered something that Alvida barely heard.

"Black Hole"

Alvida could only watch in horror as the unconscious bodies of her men that were on the deck were sucked into the darkness.

She now understood, at that moment, that she was dealing with someone way out of her league.

Luffy backed up a bit before pointing his right hand in her direction.

In the middle of his palm, a dark vortex appeared, making frightened Alvida wonder what was he going to do next.


As soon as he said those words, her men that were sucked into Luffy's Black Hole were sent flying towards her, knocking her out.

Luffy dropped his arms and stared at their unconscious forms with a easy going grin.

He was so glad that he could control the gravity inside the Black Hole or else he would've killed some people by accident.

He turned his attention back to Coby, who seemed ready to faint at witnessing his abilities, and gave him a peace sign with his left hand.

"That was easy."