Title: Instincts
Author: NineTailsKyuubiKit-SasuNaru
Summary: Naruto is a wolf born with the natural ability to give birth like his mother Minato. After their clan is attacked by other wolf clan Naruto along with his siblings are force out of there home. As instincts take over Naruto and his siblings separate from each other to find their mates, As Naruto goes though the cold struggle of the winter, starvation, and loneliness.
Pairings: SasuNaru, KakaIruk : One-sided- NejiNaru, SakuSasu, SaiNaru, and GaaNaru
Rated: M
Warning: Mpreg-it's natural for natural born males
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, everything goes to rightful owners
Chapter 2
I panted…
My tongue sticking out of my mouth reaching just below my chin, the sun beating down on me and my siblings that looked in the same condition as me.
I flopped down on the green grass that tickled my nose, I took a deep breath trying to get oxygen in my system.
I looked up to my father, to see him smiling down at us.
"Good job today, let's get back and rest at the den and eat.", he said turning around to the prey he just caught.
"Help me carry this back" my father said, "all of you" he demanded with a slight glare when I am the only one that got up. I looked at the big male deer my dad had just caught and sighed.
'This is going to be a long day' I thought to myself as I ducked under the neck of the deer holding its neck on my back while my dad supported the head. Nagato, Karin, and Deidara supported the middle and end of the deer. I looked at Ino only to see her holding the tail up with her teeth.
'She calls that helping?' I questioned to myself. I ignored it and decided to let it go, and started walking when my father, Kurama, did everyone else following me trying to keep in line. As we walked I thought back to a few months ago when winter was there.
My Parents is one thing I remembered clearly. That one day of the winter I decided to follow them just to find out they can transform in some two legged creature I have never seen before. I never had the courage to ask about that day to my parents. I tried asking my mom once, but backed out at the last minute. I ask someday though, maybe sometime soon?
I had grown a bigger bond with my brother Nagato as well, I am happy that I could build this bond with him. My other siblings though are a different story, Ino had gotten to the point of trying to make me existence a living hell. Though Karin has just decided that I should be ignored and has stopped acknowledging that I live anymore. Deidara and I have gotten closer and he showed me a few hunting tricks sense I was so small I did start til late this spring and the training helped a lot.
I had grown, not bigger than my siblings though, they were still bigger than me, but I didn't have over large paws anymore and I still had the body of a female which has become a problem with me because our home as been invaded many times by male that have followed my scent just to mate with me.
Maybe it's just me, but every male that I have seen that has been chased off our territory are very scary.
I couldn't wait till summer though, my father said that he had to talk about something called 'Mates' or 'Life long Partner'. I wonder what that is?
As we walked on the green healthy grass across the field and up to our home. As we reached there we noticed that the elders and my mother were circled around a small being. I, along with everyone else put the prey down and ran over to see what was happening, adding to the fact I didn't know this scent or the color of the wolf as it looked to be black.
I squeezed through my mother's legs to get a better look and saw a wolf about my age with midnight black fur and white covered chest and belly with onyx eyes and a -so obvious- fake smile. He was a male from his scent, dominant, and was very well built.
The male lifted his nose up a sniffed the air, before turning and locking eyes with me. His fake smile turned into a small real smile as he got up and walked over to me, I felt myself blush a bit from the attention he gave just like all the other wolves had, but before he could get to close a rusty red leg moved in front of me. It was then I realized that my dad had walked in front of me blocking the wolf's view from me and mine from his, though I could see the wolf's smile disappear before a fake smile reappeared on his face again.
"Can I help you?" my father ask politely knowing that the wolf was just a pup. "Yes, my name is Sai and I would like to see the pup currently behind your leg if you don't mind," 'Sai' said, trying to look behind my father's leg to see me.
"No", my father said calmly using his nose to wield Sai the other way.
Sai frowned and walked away following my mom who was waiting for him so she could give him food and water with a night of sleep before sending him away.
When my mom and Sai left my dad turned to face me.
"I want you to stay from him Naruto", my father spoke giving me a stern look.
"I will father, you know I always try", I said looking down at the green grass at my paws.
"I know you do".
"It's just so hard father, they keep coming but I don't know why. Why father?"
My father buffed out a breath of air, "come with me Naruto", my father said trotting off away from the pack. I could see as we walked farther my mother and siblings as well as the elders circled around Sai. Sai seem to be looking for something 'or someone' I thought.
We walked up to the top of the valley hill. I always loved this place, me and my mom alway us to walk up here and look down at the valley and watch the sunset and our home was swallowed by the calmness of the night. Watching my siblings play and the elders get ready for bed. It brought some many memories back from when I was a pup.
"Naruto", my father said gaining my attention. I turned around and looked at him.
"Yes father?" I asked. He look at me for a second, almost like thinking if he should tell me what's on his mind or not.
"I know that you're not an adult yet, and I wasn't planning on telling you this until you got a bit older as well as my other pups, but I want to tell you first since you are the only one to be having this male problem." my dad said not making eye contact with me.
I tilted my head to the side a bit in wonder of what my father was talking about. It made my very curious of how why my father would want to tell me something that is not yet explained to my siblings.
"Mating" my dad said bluntly.
"Eh!?", I looked at my father questioningly. Mating? I have only heard of it once or twice be overhearing, but it is something like making a bond with somebody….and something about puppies and family, I'm not sure though.
"Mating Naruto, it's where you create a bond with your life partner, like me and your mom."
"Wait you mean like where you have puppies with someone else you don't know!?" , I was drowning in fear at this point.
"WHAT!, No,no,no, it's where you met somebody from a different pack that YOU like.", Kyuubi explained.
'oh, well since we are here anyway I might as well ask dad what him and mom were doing in the woods last winter.'
"Father, In have something I have to ask you."
"What is it?"
"What were you and mom doing last winter?"
"Last winter? Well your mom was taking care of you I was hun-.."
"Not that dad!" I interrupted. " I was talking about in the woods when you and mom changed in those strange creatures."
My father sputtered and his already rusty colored fur turned a darker shade of red. Just the look of him made me want to the laugh.
"Whaaaat!", Kyuubi sputtered.
"Yes that's right I saw you and mom out in the woods slamming your hips together. So I wanted to know one- what was it you were doing in the woods and two- what kind of creature was that!"
My father puffed out a breath of air and opened his mouth to reply. I flatted my ears and crouched to the ground as my father's ears perked and alert as a blood curdling howl of fear ripped through the air. Both of us made eye contact and ran to the edge of the hill to look down below to see what happened. In the middle of our home was everyone who lived in it 'including Sai' I thought sourly. They were looking at the other side of the hill, some growling and some evacuating the area mostly moms and pups. I looked up on the other side of the hill to see another group of wolves surrounding the area, they looked angry.
Anger filled their eyes, skin pulled back revealing sharp yellow stained teeth, most of the wolves had scars of battle embedded in their skins. In their blinding rage the sprinted at full speed down the hill to our home.
Wind rushed past me as my father started down hill in aid of the camp. I decided to follow as I watch the wolves invade my home and attack my family. I was trained to raise pups and hunt to feed, I didn't even get basic training in for self defence. My father said he was going to take me out on day soon to show me how to defend myself, but we never got to that cuz dad was alway busy train my brothers how to hunt and attack.
As I reached the now wrecked camp and looked around for my family in the mist of wolves fighting. Blood iced the ground giving it a black look as it seeped into the earth. I ran through the wolves fighting and immediately ran into a enemy wolf. He bared his teeth at me and growled, l not know what to do I swiped my paw forward and felt my claw contact something soft and wet before I heard the wolf yelp in surprise.
The wolf turned back around before snapping it's jaws at me. I ducked down in fear as he came down at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to hit, I yelped as teeth pierced me and scrambled to get up. Teeth retracted enough for me to move away and look up to see my father on the back of the wolf with his teeth in the soft base of his neck.
I watch as my father dug his claws into the back of the wolf's back making him buck backward. My dad rolled off of the wolf's back and onto the ground. Picking himself up he looked at me and yelled.
"Run! Run now and down look back!, I promise I will make it out so don't come back!", the enemy wolf picked himself up and launched at my dad. I didn't know what to do at this point, but my father was always right. So I gave my father one last look before I took off in the crowd of fight wolves.
I could already see some of our own pack running in different directions away from the fight. I saw my brother Nagato running in a different direction as well and followed. I damned my short legs as he ran fast than me, I ran fast to try and keep up but I lost him in the end.
I panted as I continued running, as I ran my vision blurred. The last thing I remember seeing was a bright red blur coming towards me before light fell into darkness.
Sorry for the long wait! I have a lot of stuff that has been going on in my house and it needs to be settled before I can update sooner. This doesn't mean that I am going to stop updating it just means you might have to wait just as long as you did for this one. Hope you enjoyed!
Til next time! OwO