I yawn as the early morning light starts to filter in through the living room windows.

"We should probably get some sleep," Edward says, sighing with sleepy eyes.

"Maybe, but I don't want to. Not yet."

We're still cuddling on the sofa, where we've been all night. I'm enjoying the conversations too much. The kisses and explorative touches are added bonuses.

He's kept our making out to a first base level: all clothes on and my hands above his waist. His have remained focused above my chest, mostly on my neck and jawline, and on my back. Once, his hand strayed and gripped my hip, but it didn't stay long. I understand he wants to go slow, but this pace is maddening. It would be nice to touch him under his shirt and vise-versa, but for now, I guess this'll do.

"You still haven't told me why you were so scared by our prank texts," he says.

I let out a breath before speaking.

"There was this guy my mom went out with once. He had a son who was a couple of years older than me. He was always staring at me and telling me how pretty I was in a weird, creepy way that's hard to explain. One night, when our parents were out, there was a storm and a blackout. He broke into our house, went in my room, and sat in the chair next to my bed and watched me sleep."

I shiver at the memory.

"How do you know he did that?"

"I woke up the next morning and found a love letter he'd written me. In it, he told me what he'd done and a bunch of other crazy things."

"Jesus. That's freakin' weird."

I nod.

"So, I guess you told your mom."

"Right after I read the letter, I showed it to her. She went to the dad, but he played it off as no big deal, like it was a regular crush. She stopped seeing him after that."

"How long ago was that?"

"Last summer."

Edward hugs me tighter.

"I'm sorry. I wish I would've known."

I decide it's probably a good time to ask the one thing I've been wondering about for a while now.

"What was the bet you lost to Jasper?"


"Yeah. At the diner, you had to pay because you lost a bet."

"Stupid guy stuff."

I play with his hair on the back of his neck, which I know he likes.

"Come on. You can tell me."

"He bet me I wouldn't kiss you after the concert."

For some reason, his confession makes me smile.

"Why didn't you?"

He licks his bottom lip, and it makes me want to attack his mouth, but I'm curious to hear his answer.

"I wanted to. I was going to after I hugged you, but I wasn't sure if you liked me that way. I mean, I thought maybe you were into someone else."

"Like who?"

He runs his finger along my collarbone.

"Little Biers."

I laugh.




I look down, embarrassed.

"You're not into him, right?"

His voice is light, but it's almost as if there's a hint of vulnerability there, and of course he'd want to know after what he just went through with Liam and Irina.

I shake my head.

"I'm into you," I say, raising my head and planting my lips against his.


Later that afternoon, Alice and I are lying out in her backyard while the boys are inside the house playing video games.

I'm spritzing myself with water and notice Alice is wiping at her eyes when I look over.

"Are you crying?" I ask.

She sniffles quietly and shakes her head.

"Alice, what's wrong? Talk to me."

"I can't."

I frown.

"Why not?"

"I promised Jasper I wouldn't say anything."

What the hell?

"Well, if you don't, I'll just go ask him what's going on."

"Shit," she whispers and sits up, taking off her sunglasses. "Look. If I tell you, you have to promise not to say anything yet. Not until he-"

"That depends on what it is."

"Please, Bella."

"Okay. I promise." I reluctantly agree, because I see how much whatever it is has her visibly upset.

It can't be that bad, can it? Shit! What if he broke up with her?

I sit up, moving closer to her when she motions for me to.

"Jasper's sick."

Wait. What?

Something about the way she says that makes my stomach sink, but I try to play it light.

"What do you mean sick? Like perverted sick or…"

Her chin begins to tremble, and it makes my heart clench.

"Like he has a bad heart sick, Bella."

Oh, my God.


Coronary Artery Anomaly.

That's what Alice called it.

My hands shake as I type the words into my phone while I'm alone in her bathroom.

"He inherited it from his mother who died during childbirth. She was only twenty years old."

I bat the tears away from my eyes as the search results show up.

Clicking on the first link, I sit down on the edge of the bathtub and start to read.

I read every single sentence until I reach the end.

Then I save the page and do it all over again.

When I'm finished, I stare at the door, contemplating what to do next.

I feel betrayed.

Someone should've told me before now.

I've only known Jasper for a short time, but it's been long enough for me to become attached.

I wonder who else besides Jasper and Alice knows.

Phil must, obviously.

And Charlie, but does Edward? What about my mom?

Now I know what Alice meant the first day I met her when she asked Jasper if he'd taken his medication.

Jasper has some explaining to do.

Maybe not today, since I promised Alice not to bring it up, but soon.


The four of us spend another night at Alice's house doing much of the same thing as the last.

Just after midnight, Alice and Jasper disappear again, and before too long, Edward and I are involved in another blissful make-out session on the sofa. I'm thankful for the pleasant distraction from thinking about Jasper.

Three times, I attempt to pull him on top of me, but he manages to stay at my side, leaning over me instead. It's frustrating, so I try something else, sliding my leg over his thigh, which sparks a new, achy feeling between my legs.

"Hey… Slow down," he whispers after breaking away from a kiss.

I lick my swollen lips and stare into his eyes. I'm not expecting to have sex, but a bit more than what we're doing would be nice.


To my surprise, he gently rubs the back of my thigh that's still hooked over his and grins before resting his head into the crook of my neck.

He groans. "You're killin' me here."

I toy with his hair and smile, knowing he's feeling the same as me. All the while, his hand stays put. I close my eyes, basking in the tingly sensation his fingers cause while touching my bare skin.


The next morning, Jasper wakes us up and says we need to leave.

I gather my things and knock on Alice's bedroom door, but she doesn't answer.

"Is Alice still asleep?" I ask Jasper when I go back to living room. "I wanted to tell her goodbye."

"No clue."

He looks pissed as he shoves his feet into his sneakers.

I guess I'll call her later and find out what's going on.

Edward takes my bag from me and grabs my hand, pulling me outside.

"Did Alice say something to you about Jasper?" he asks quietly once we're by Jasper's truck.

I don't want to lie to him.

"Maybe." I frown. "Why?"


"Is that why he's mad?"

"She had no right to do that."

"So you know that he's−"

"Yeah, I do."


"Not now," he whispers and opens the door for me.

When I see Jasper walking toward us, I know the conversation's over, so I hold my tongue and hop inside.

As soon as we're all situated, Jasper starts the engine and turns up the radio.

I fight the urge to turn it off and ask the questions that are running through my mind, but I don't want to make the awkward situation any worse.

Edward wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I lean into him, closing my eyes and silently singing along to song blaring through the speakers.

Thanks for reading.
