Fox is good at finding things. It comes up as a toddler when he toddles over to hidden treat stashes that he shouldn't be able to find, when his favourite toy (a stuffed red rabbit that he carried by the ears) never stayed lost.

It's cute for a kid, look at him getting into all those rooms and really Magenta should be keeping her chocolate stash better hidden if she doesn't want curious kids to get into it. That's just common sense.

It's funny until he falls down the stairs because someone left the gate unlocked. It's funny until Magenta snatches a bottle of drain cleaner out of his chubby toddler fingers. It's funny until their blind child manages to get into every non child safe product that has been hidden and locked away.

Magenta had never been prepared for this, for a child who should have been struggling with communication, or coordination or any of the things the doctors had warned her about when her boy was born with milky white eyes. Instead she had the judgmental looks from the playground mothers when Fox has bruises because he got into something again.

Fox keeps finding things no matter what Magenta does, eventually she stops trying.

It takes Fox six years to work out exactly what his semblance is. Any other kid who has control over their semblance at six, would have people nudging them at training schools and give them toy weapons to play with. But Fox is blind; no one is going to push a blind kid to the path of battling monsters that he can't even see.

Just to himself Fox thinks seeing is overrated. Maybe he can't see anything, but he can find whatever he is looking for. Sometimes he just knows what he needs to do to find Mama's chocolate stash, that if he runs his fingers under this spot that he'll find a treat. That'sokay, no one worries about a kid finding stuff like that.

Sometimes though what Fox wants to find just arrives in his pocket. Like when he forgets the money for the pizza lunch and finds the teacher's wallet in his pocket. He would be in trouble for that, except his nose starts bleeding and he falls forward and knocks himself out on the corner of the desk.

He has to keep practicing though, because when he thinks about the words he has along the back of his neck, thinks about finding the person that says them, he just finds that he needs to practice.

Fox does practice, a lot and often. He walks down the street and finds all the lost change in his pocket. He takes pop quizzes and finds the right answer to circle. He finds the right words to talk Mama into martial arts classes.

Then things shift slightly. However he was using his semblance before was fine, but this was better.

Fox stand on the mats, bows at his opponent, and find the weak points in her defence, finds where she'll be before she gets there. He's good. He wins tournaments. Mama lets him take weapons classes as well. Fox leans to shoot and finds the target every time.

The application to Beacon finds its way into his pocket. There's a long talk with Mama, about what this means, about how hard it will be, about how expensive it will be. They find the money, Mama's signature finds its way onto the bottom of the from.

He's finding himself closer to the owner of those words, he can feel it.

Fox doesn't get lost, ever. If he knows where he's going then he knows where he is. And if he doesn't know where he's going then deciding on somewhere does the job just as well. If people are confused by a blind fist year walking through the school like it's home Fox doesn't notice. He knows he's getting closer.

But not close enough apparently, because he doesn't speak to them during the sleepover (and he found the best spot in the room, just in case), doesn't get to even when he gets launched off the top of a cliff. He can find his way to the ground safely, finds a partner in the girl that says he's a good shot for a blind guy.

There is a moment of getting used to each others presence, because they have been training to attack things and having someone new around can be an issue, especially when one person is blind and can't explain his shots better than "I just know."

It's not reassuring, but he doesn't get another try at the answer because a scream comes through the trees to the north of them. A human one, Fox's attention snaps to the sound. He's reaching out to find them before he even remembers that he's not alone anymore. But Cocoa is already falling into place on his left and a half step behind him.

"Fuck." She says. "Ursa Major and at least three Ursa." Cocoa tells him. "Two in the centre. Girl's standing, guy's down but I can't tell why."

It goes unspoken that it doesn't matter why the guy is down until they can fix it. Unfortunately that's all the time they get for planning, Fox can feel the shift of attention as the Ursa realise that there's someone else on the edge of the clearing.

Fox rolls his shoulders, lets the form settle over him easy as breathing, and finds. With two unknowns in the centre of all this he doesn't want to go shooting, blind kids with guns doesn't tend to be met with rational thinking. Instead he moves, leg snapping out at the right angle in the right spot and suddenly one of Cocoa's wide shots is a direct hit through the skull of the Ursa.

It's easy, so easy, to take them out. Until it isn't.

"Yatsuhashi!" The girl shouts again, desperate panic in her voice. Fox can hear the drag of a body over the ground and either way it's not good. Under his feet the crunch of something that might have been a weapon and he has a sudden terrible understanding of how this happened.

Fox's mind races, there isn't time, there's no time for anything that would work. Cocoa has stopped shooting and Fox doesn't know what that means but it can't be good.

The idea comes terrible and glorious.

"'Cocoa, catch me would you?" He asks and shifts all focus to the Ursa Major. He reaches out, feels his semblance stretch over it like a spider web. There is a howl of pain and Fox opens his hands to have the Ursa Major's claws fall out. Yatsuhashi drops with a thud but now he is next to an angry and hurting Ursa Major. Fox reaches out again, feels the blood start from his nose, the echoing in his ears, the thumping in his head saying he had done too much. All of it is pushed to the side.

He reaches out again, just like last time but different. He hasn't done this before but it has to work. His hands are clasped together again and he's shaking. His power connects and he finds what he's looking for.

Fox opens his hands and the heart of the Ursa Major hits the floor seconds before he does.

Fox wakes up to the sound of beeping and cautiously decides that he isn't dead yet. Only until Mama finds out of course, but small mercies. His head is thumping and he's going to be worse than useless for the next week at least, but he is alive to be useless.

He attempts movement and ends up groaning instead. Someone is there immediately, keeping him pressed onto the bed. "I didn't carry you here just for you to break yourself more." she says, the girl who had screamed. And Fox is amazed none of the machines react to that, because for how it feels to hear that there should be a reaction.

"I found you." he croaks, wincing at the feeling of his throat. A piece of ice is held to his lips and he takes it gratefully.

"Yeah, you did." She agrees. "I'm Velvet, I- thank you, Yatsuhashi's fine, you didn't have to-"

Fox manages to touch her arm, which is about all he has strength for. "No, I found you." he repeats because she has to be, who else would say that?

"Oh, Oh!" She's quiet for a moment. "If you ever do this again it's not an Ursa you're going to need to worry about."

Fox laughs until he coughs, which considering the state of him is about two seconds, and Velvet gets kicked out of the room. Cocoa calls them both idiots when she comes to see him, and say that they're all on a team together.

A/N: I live! Apologies for the delay, I lost all the chapters I was working on and along with uni stuff it took a while to get back into it. Hopefully that won't be happening again. Fox's semblance here is based on John Taylor from the Nightside series and is 100% the power I want. Also, I might be branching out into other soulmate ID's for the double ups (there's been some cool ones on tumblr...) but I still love first lines so we'll see.

Also I'm going to put a pause on accepting parings for a while, just until the list is manageable again, because we're this close to triple digits, not including double ups o.o