I obviously don't own Supernatural or Harry Potter, this is just me having some non profit fun with some of my favourite characters. I know I've been absent for what feels like forever and I apologise to anyone following any of my other stories, hopefully if my mojo stays with me I'll find the inspiration to update them. In the mean time I hope you all enjoy my first foray into writing a crossover.

The day started out the same as any other for the Trio as they were affectionately known among their work colleagues, unless you'd been assigned a case work days were either spent searching for cases or depending on your work specific expertise,you either did weapons training, cataloging artifacts or translating lore from long forgotten texts, the ten years that passed had done nothing to diminish their love for the job.

"Guys, the boss wants to see us pronto." Ron said sticking his head round the office/day room he shared with Harry and Hermione.

"Sounds serious, has something major gone down that we don't know about?" Hermione asked while giving Harry a helping hand off the red settee he was lounging on.

"Thank God. I wouldn't care if it was a simple salt and burn, I need to get out of this joint and fast" grumbled Harry as he followed his friends to their boss's office.

Magnus Selby was a squib and had been the head of UK branch of Men of Letters for the past thirty years, he'd personally recruited the Trio just after the second downfall of Voldemort. He had a finger in every pie when looking for exceptional recruits, he didn't discriminate and yet when he suggested to his cousin about potentially recruiting her favourite student who had not only gotten one of the best O.W.L results in recent Hogwarts history but had gone on to be instrumental in helping the boy who lived defeat Tom Riddle for good he had been told in no uncertain terms that if he had any of the trio helping to do his nefarious business he'd be onto a good thing, however if he really wanted results they worked best as a team. Now Magnus was not a man to turn down sound advise especially when it came from a no nonsense Scots woman who could still drink him under the table and then walk in a straight line if required, the very next day he'd offered them a six month trial period to see if they wanted a life doing what a Man of Letters did, ten years later he was sat in his office waiting to give them their most challenging job yet.

"About bloody time, sit yourselves down and Hermione because there's no point asking these two idiots tell me what you know about the American Men of Letters branch" Magnus said in his gruff Scottish accent.

Hermione racked her brain for a minute or two before answering "Not much I'm afraid, it had been active right up to fifty eight when unfortunately the majority of it's members got slain by an unknown entity, the only surviving member went into hiding helped by Janus Peterson the head honcho before you. Since then there has been n activity in America, as far as I know America is still over run with dumb ass muggle hunters who have no regard for anything Supernatural and a if it's not like us kill it mentality." She snapped her mouth closed to stop her usual rant about hunters from spurting out.

Harry and Ron exchanged amused glances knowing how much it had cost her not to continue.

"So Boss what's this history lesson to us and does it involve us seeing sunlight any time soon?" Ron was fidgeting in his seat, he absolutely hated it when they were on downtime, always eager to be on the road as soon as he possibly could.

Magnus gave them a small smile and leaned back in his chair, he'd definitely chosen the right team for this next job. "You were quite right in your explanation Hermione except for the fact that the American branch has recently been reactivated, apparently two grandsons of a member who went missing around the time of the massacre stumbled across references to Men of Letters through his journal, they deciphered their grandfather's journal and discovered the Bunker. It's the American equivalent of here." he clarified upon their unasked question. "I have been conversing with one of the brothers, he first got in touch using the old two wave radio, he told me that his grandfather was Henry Winchester and that the brothers were willing to take up the mantle of Men of Letters in honour of their grandfather."

"Surely they can't just do that. What about the statue of secrecy, I mean it's not safe letting a couple of uninformed muggles around things that give even me the jeebies." interrupted Harry.

"Normally you'd be quite right Harry, however the American branch worked slightly different to the rest of the world, they prefered using the legacy system which means as long as you have the right bloodline then you're guaranteed a spot" Magnus refrained from cracking a smile as all three of the adults sat before him muttered for fuck sake under their breath "now as they have every right to be there, I decided the best course of action would be to work with them, the last thing we need is them to trigger Armageddon by touching something they have no knowledge about. Sam and his brother have agreed to me sending three of my best people across the pond to help them catalogue the Bunker's inventory" He paused to allow the trio process the fact that they were ones off to America, once their initial excitement had calmed down, he dropped one final bombshell on them "There's just one more thing you should know, Sam and Dean are also hunters, two of the best actually, from what I can gather from my sources over the water they don't take too kindly to what they perceive as witches so that means no magic unless absolutely necessary. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Boss" they answered in unison and stood up ready to leave.

"Excellent, I'll send Derek along with your mission log. You need to be at Heathrow by one am tomorrow as your flight leaves at two am, you're flying business class so make sure you have the correct ids to cover your basic weaponry, anything else you need you'll be able to pick up when you get to the Bunker. Any questions...No. Good, dismissed and remember to keep in touch."

Hermione was still grumbling about hunters when they boarded the flight "I swear to God someone up there is laughing at me, the best assignment that we've had assigned in years falls in our laps and we have to deal with bloody hunters."

Ron rolled his eyes and only with the stupidity and bravery that comes with knowing the other person so well did he utter the following phrase "For the sake of Merlin's sweaty pants would you stop bitching, we don't know what we're going to find till we get there, so sit back, shut up and either enjoy the in flight movie or get some flipping sleep. I swear if I didn't know better I'd swear it was that time of the month."

Hermione waited until the air steward had finished checking their seatbelts before leaning over to slap Ron "It's a good job you're sat beside Harry instead of me Ronald Weasley otherwise you'd be getting off this plane with a few extra bruises, I firmly suggest that you don't talk to me for the next fifteen hours or I'm going to tell Molly the real reason you turned up late for the barbecue last month." Satisfied that Ron wasn't going talk to her for the rest of the flight she leaned back in the rather plush seat and tried to forget her animosity towards hunters in general by discussing the mission log with Harry.