To those who have read this fic before, you have probably noticed that there are less chapters as well as blank chapters. Well, I went back and edited chapters, combining some and fixing up others. I did this because, unfortunately, this fic was written during the early phases of my writing and as time went on I developed a rhythm or style of writing, so to speak. This fic had the potential to be better so I cleaned it up to fit my current style of writing.

I hope no one is upset over this. No scenes were taken out and only one major change was made. (I went in and made it so that what was originally many chapters stretching out of the events of one day, is not that way anymore.) I didn't want to have to delete chapter 11 and 12's reviews and comments so I left blank documents there until I can get some new chapter updates in there. Sorry for this mild chaos! I just appreciate your feedback so much, I really didn't want to delete the chapters and see the feedback go away!

Anyways, sorry for the long note. Chapters 1-9 are the original story and chapter 10 is new. I hope you guys enjoy : ) Sorry for the long wait! Also, once I get new chapters to fill chapters 11 and 12 I will take down this note so the next readers aren't confused.