This was going to be embarrassing. How embarrassing depended on the outcome of the night, but regardless of what happened he was never going to live this down.

"Are you sure this is the only way we can do this?" Barry touched his finger to the com in his ear. Cisco and Caitlin insisted that he keep it in if he was going to the Snarts' house. He was staring in the mirror with Lisa behind him, holding up various outfits in front of him to see which one would most disguise what she referred to as his "vaguely masculine figure."

"We already went over this, Barry. You're posing as me and Caitlin, and Snart really wouldn't make a convincing Caitlin. Plus, this helps to disguise your identity when the Flash eventually shows up." Cisco spoke over the com.

"Don't worry, Barry. I'm sure you'll look great." Caitlin added. Jerk.

Cisco and Caitlin were sitting at STAR labs trying to cement the details of their plan. Mostly, they were just not allowed in the house to preserve a bit of his manly dignity while Lisa dug through her closet. According to Lisa, Caitlin had nothing fitting "for a proper outing," so he was stuck with whatever she could find in her overstuffed closet. Barry tried not to think about where she got the money for such lavish clothing, and tried extremely hard to ignore the fact that he actually fit into her clothes.

Leonard was lounging in a chair in the corner of the room, watching appreciatively as Barry fidgeted half-naked in front of the floor length mirror. He was still convinced that there was no reason to shed his clothing, but against the combined forces of the Snarts he was clearly outnumbered.

"You sound like you don't want to be my date to the ball, Allen. I'm hurt." Leonard drawled, smirk evident in his voice even though Barry couldn't see him.

"Why are you in here again?" Barry snapped back at him.

"I can't leave you alone with my sister. Who knows what she'd do to you."

Barry's comeback was cut off when Lisa let out a joyful shriek, holding a sleeveless, floor-length black dress with a long slit up the side in front of Barry. It had a high neck that should hide Barry's adam's apple and a cinch at the waist to give the illusion of more feminine hips. Barry gave it a horrified look as Lisa beamed. There goes his last hope of avoiding this plan.

"It's perfect. We'll have to get you a sash or something to hide your shoulders, and of course you're going to have to shave your legs, but you'll look–"

"Whoah whoah woah, I am not shaving my legs. No go, find something else" Barry cut her off, putting on his most determined face. He had a sinking feeling that it wasn't going to make a difference.

"Barry, it's perfect. And you were going to have to anyways. No lady has hairy legs." Lisa shot back. She cut off all future argument by tossing the dress onto the bed and heading into the bathroom to rummage through the bathroom cabinets.

Barry turned to glare at Len, who was doing nothing to stifle his chuckles.

"You so owe me for this" Barry murmured, trying to play off the fact that he was just shut down by Snart's little sister.

"Oh come on, it's not going to be that bad. Think about it this way: you're going to be the prettiest crossdresser at the party" Len teased.

"I'm shaving my legs," and saying it out loud just made it that much worse "Do you know how long it takes for that to grow back? I'll be wearing jeans for a week! In the summer!" Barry definitely-didn't-whine to Snart.

"I'd shave my legs for you" Snart replied coolly, effectively stunning Barry long enough for Lisa to return and drag Barry into the bathroom, razor and shaving cream in hand.

Snart smiled to himself as he listened to Lisa instruct Barry on how to shave.

Now you're going to have to do this twice to make sure you get everything. Wet your legs, add the cream, and only shave over where there's cream to prevent razor burn. Go against the grain, and a little shaving cream goes a long way. And don't forget your armpits! You'll probably have to do those a few times.

He could just picture Barry's look of horror as he tried to process the situation. This is without a doubt going to be the best heist he's pulled.

According to Barry's Merry Band of Do Gooders, the target is a new meta-human with the power to control the minds of others. Apparently there had been a series of disappearances of highly accredited scientists and they managed to track one of the scientists to a lab underneath William Highland's newly acquired mansion. The scientists were making some sort of weapon, but that was all they knew about it. He and his wife were throwing a charity ball at the mansion, presumably to acquire more help as many big names in science were invited. Names like Harrison Wells, who was able to convince Highland to let his assistants Caitlin and Cisco go in his stead. They were banking on the fact that no one knew what Caitlin or Cisco looked like.

Snart, being the expert on breaking and entering, was contracted by the Flash gang to create the rest of the plan. After showing up at the ball, Barry and Len were going to break away and case the downstairs lab. Once signaled, Lisa and Mick were going to crash the party upstairs and hold up the patrons (The Rouges and the Flash Crew were still arguing on what gets to happen to the money they get). Len and Barry were tasked with getting the weapon out of the basement and into one of the two vans Lisa and Mick would bring, and the latter two would flee in the other before the police arrived. It was not necessary that they kept up the rouse of a robbery after Snart and Barry were gone, but everyone has already accepted that The Rouges were not going to leave the banquet empty handed.

Snart heard the sound of water rushing out of the bathtub faucet and Lisa exited the bathroom. She smiled.

"I think I'm having fun already"

Snart agreed.

A/N: So this grew out of a friend giving me this prompt for a story: "I'd shave my legs for you"

What do you expect with a prompt like that?

For those familiar with my updating background, I'll try to finish this story. I have Thanksgiving and Christmas break, and this is show that's still producing episodes so hopefully I won't lose my muse.

Honestly, ColdFlash is just funny to me. But we could've called it Allert! We missed our chance!

Reviews are helpful, thanks for reading!