Smoke fills the air, along with a sinister feel. Cami watches as the building burns down to the ground.

He wasn't there, like he usually was.

She thinks she is so much like her Uncle Keiran now. She told herself coming here she only needed good. But Klaus Mikaelson and the darkness of the city drew her in like a moth.

Cami knew she was made for bigger things, and apparently those things include killing enemies, playing therapist to a hybrid, and just general dysfunction.

Cami thinks she never really knew herself, but she does now.

"I take it he's engaged with some enemy of his to take my phone call." Her voice has a grit to it that she didn't know existed. Elijah gives her a sympathetic look before turning toward the burning building.

"That enemy threatened to kill you in cold blood."

"Yeah? There were more. Here. I took care of it." Cami isn't angry. Far from it. She doesn't feel guilty about the building. She's glad that Elijah is here.

But she's afraid the one thing that Klaus loves about her is the one thing that is slowly being ruined by the world around her.

She collapses suddenly, feeling Elijah's arms around her as the world turns darkdarkdark.


"You gave her your blood?" Klaus' voice doesn't reach above a whisper. He is pissed, though, and Elijah just rolls his eyes.

"She was hurt and refused to see a doctor, Niklaus! I didn't think she'd die. She was just fine when I found her."

"So now she's in transition." Klaus confirms what she fears. She is a vampire.

But maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing for her. She could take care of herself without having to rely on the Mikaelson's. She wouldn't be a helpless human anymore.

He won't lovelovelove you anymore.

Camille O'Connell is not a fragile person. She is strong, determined, kind. Didn't Klaus say that vampire's good and bad personalities are heightened? Would those be heightened?

Cami is a strong person with or without Klaus.

But she wants him, nonetheless. More than ever.

Her love for him is heightenedheightenedheightened.

Her eyes open, a powerful hunger in her throat. For strength, for Klaus' love, or blood, she doesn't know. Maybe all three. She sees his eyes first, concerned, worry, love, fierceness, overprotectiveness. Her eyes take him in, she underestimated how powerful everything is. Her senses tingle.

She had underestimated him, too.

She reaches out and touches him, and everything feels so newnewnew. Elijah excuses himself to get her a blood bag, having a new sire under his belt.

Camille O'Connell is going to be finefinefine.