A/N Here's an update, it's short and has some of my head canon for the family that Tugger and Misto live with. A/N

Bustopher Jones looked up from polishing his spoon as he waited for Demeter and Bomba to recover from shock.

"You lost him?" He said incredulously.

"No I didn't lose him!" Tugger said puffing out his mane.

"I heard him mutter he needed to relieve himself," Skimbles said helpfully.

"And you let him go by himself?" Bustopher Jones asked reproachfully.

"He's not a kitten!" the Railway cat said.

"No, but he's in a half trance, barely aware of his surroundings!" the Twenty-five pounder told him getting increasingly angry .

"Well how was I supposed to know? What do I know about magical cats?"

"Your mate is one!"

"Nothing like this ever happened to Jennyanydots."

"Of course not! She's a Gumbie Cat, she sits and sits all day gathering up the magical energy she needs to do her Gumbie Cat-ness things," Bustopher Jones said waving his paws in the air.

"Okay, don't panic Rum, Quaxo couldn't have gone far," Munkustrap said hoping to calm his brother as the Cat About Town and the Railway Cat argued.

"Right," Tugger said, "He's ether gone to the gravel pile, his den, my den."

"Your den?" Munku asked.

"We're mates, if he needs to make himself comfortable behind my den I don't care."

"Yeah, but his scent?"

"I love his scent, now like I said he could ether go to the gravel pile, ether of our dens or," Tugger paused his eyes going wide. "He could have gone to our human home! Munk, what if he tried crossing the street and got hit by a truck! When he's in his sleep trance and wants to go somewhere he doesn't pay attention to what's around him! I have to find him!"

"I'm sure he wouldn't walk all the way to your human home to relieve himself," Munkustrap said soothingly.

"And if your sister had become my mate like I asked her too we wouldn't be in this mess!" Skimbles yelled shocking everyone.

Munkustrap and Tugger froze in their tracks, Demeter and Bomba looked at their father with very hurt looks on their faces.

"Skimbleshanks!" Jennyanydot yelled clearly hurt and angry as well.

"Don't you Skimbleshanks me!" the Railway cat yelled back. "I'm not blind to how you flirt and fawn over Bustopher Jones. If he had asked you be his mate before I did you would have said yes!"

"Not this again," the twenty-five pounder groaned sitting down next to Jellicle leader. "This is why I've never taken a mate, too much trouble."

Old Deuteronomy nodded.

"Just because I sing his song, well parts of his song, doesn't mean my feeling for him are anything but platonic!"

"Next year's ball I'm having my nephews and nieces sing my song. The seven of them won't understand the half of it, but Quaxo well help sing the big words," Bustopher Jones told the old cat sitting next him.

"That sounds nice, we must plan it so I'll be there to see and hear it," Old Deuteronomy said.

"Just as long as I take them home before the mating dance. I know there's no real mating going on, but I don't think Quaxo could handle them participating in it. He's liable to attack any tom or queen who so much is glance at any of them during the dance."

"He's one of those older brothers, the over protective type."


"My first born son Plantagenet was like that," Old Deuteronomy said fondly with an almost sad smile.

Tugger and Munk were very torn, they both wanted to find Mistoffelees, but they also wanted to find out how Skimbles knew Mistoffelees' mother and what happened between and besides this was really good gossip. Not to mention Tugger had a more personal interest, she was his mother-in-law after all.

"You two go on and look for Quaxo," Jellylorum said. "I'll fill you in on everything you miss."

"Thanks, Jelly," the gray tabby said.

"Jelly, you're a true Queen among cats," Tugger said giving her chaste kiss on the cheek before taking off.

Munkustrap sniffed the air saying, "There's been so many cats here it'll be hard to pick up his scent."

"What are you talking about?" Tugger asked sniffing the air as well. "Misto's scent is easy to pick out. He smells like black leather, patchouli, musk, smoky incense, sweet vanilla, and old books."

"All that?" Munkustrap asked snorting in disbelief.

"Well not at first. Before he just smelled like black leather, musk, and old books. It was only after he went to go live with the 'girl' that he started smelling like the other stuff, that's how the 'girl' smells and Misto is always all over her, draped over her shoulders, kneading her with all four paws, giving her love bites, head-butting her, rubbing against her, including with his teeth, following her to the human's grooming room and he goes right in the tub with her when she turns on the knob to make it rain over herself. It's disgusting really."

"What about you?" Munkustrap said with some amusement. All the things Tugger mentioned, with the exception of taking a shower with his human, were normal housecat behavior. Even Munkustrap himself did some of those things with his human family.

"Oh he does those things to me too when the mood strikes him, minus the grooming room thing," Tugger said with annoyed huff.

"No, Rum," Munkustrap began trying to get the image of Quaxo being intimate with his brother out of his head. "I meant how do you show affection to your humans? I'm assuming their more than just this 'girl' you keep talking about."

"Yes there's more than just her, I sang about the family calling him in from the garden for hours. There are the girl's four brothers and the mate of one of the brothers. There are two more brothers who don't live with us one lives at a hospital and the other is away at school or traveling. I've yet to meet ether of them, but Misto has. I don't know about her parents. Now as for how I show affection to the family I grace them with my presence," Tugger said striking a dramatic pose.

"Really?" Munkustrap asked skeptically.

"Hey, the Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle."

"Come on Rum, there must be something else you do," Munkustrap said giving a look that said 'you're not telling me everything brother, spill it or I'll keep on pestering you.'

"Well I," Tugger paused to sniff the air hoping to catch Misto's scent. "I don't break anything for sale in the shop. I suppose that counts."

"What shop?" Munkustrap asked confused.

"Where Misto and I live, the front part of the house is a shop and the girl sells things that humans put on shelves and other non-breakable things I have no interest in."

"So you're a shop cat and a housecat? Interesting."

Tugger rarely talked about his housecat life and Munkustrap wanted to know more. He had been vaguely aware that Tugger and Quaxo lived together, recalling that once Quaxo had told him that Tugger had found out where he lived and had followed him home and became the thing that wouldn't leave. Quaxo had lamented that if the rest of the Jellicles found out he'd never get a moments peace. Munkustrap had sympathized with him; he remembered how hard it was living with Tugger when they were kittens. It wasn't all fun and games, especially when Tugger was bored, and then there was Tugger's fan club. Munkustrap could just imagine queens and kittens caterwauling for Tugger to come out at all hours around Quaxo's human home, so he didn't pry and try to find out where Quaxo and Tugger lived. You never knew what cat or kitten might be listening.

"And I," Tugger continued, "rub against her legs when she feeds us, purr when she brushes me, sleep by her feet when she goes to sleep. Where is he?" Tugger muttered. "He wouldn't have teleported home."

"What about the four other brothers and the one brother's mate?"

"What?" Tugger asked too focused on finding his mate to pay to munch attention to what he and Munkustrap were talking about.

"The rest of the family you live with," Munkustrap clarified.

"Oh them," Tugger said disinterested. "Three of the brothers are tolerated. The one brother and his mate or not."

"What does that mean?"

"It means Misto and I don't like them. I smell smoky incense!" Tugger finished excitedly as he began to navigate his way through a labyrinth of broken furniture and other various pieces of garbage that humans saw fit to throw away. Munkustrap followed him.

"Don't you come near me!" Cassandra screamed, followed by a loud crash. Tugger and Munku quickened their pace to reach the Abyssinian queen.

A/N Now I know some of you might think it's a bit far-fetch for a cat to go in shower when running, I've known real cats who done that. One of own cats used to follow my mom into the shower and take a shower with her. I think she (the cat) liked the steam and warm water. A/N