This is the final chapter of MUSICAL MEASURES. Please enjoy, and see you at the bottom!

Chapter 14

"And the winner of Nationals, the top marching band for Fiore for this year is…" the announcer seemed to hold his breath in this moment, like it made the whole thing more dramatic. Mavis kept her eyes closed, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst. Zera gripped her. "…The Magnolia High Marching Band!"

A moment passed. Then another moment.

"Mavis…" Zera whispered out tremulously from next to her.

"We…" Mavis breathed out. Her breath utterly catching as her eyes snapped open. Tears trickled down from them and her hands were nearly cutting off her blood flow. "We won…?"

"You won," Zera said, her own tone coming out as one of disbelief. Mavis sucked in a breath, and behind her, the awed silence broke. In its place was a roar that reverberated around the stands. Someone clapped Mavis on the back and she felt her tears fly forward. Her hands lifted up to her face as her lips trembled and soon a teary smile stretched across it.

"We won," she sobbed out. The euphoria inside her was unbelievable. It was a moment that she thought would never happen. Yet here it was. Magnolia High had claimed victory. "We won!"

"Yeah!" Yuri roared out from down below. "Magnolia…is the greatest!" Mavis couldn't help the hiccupping laugh that came from Yuri mercilessly hugging Warrod. He wasn't the only one filled with that sense of jubilation. All over the band, the student had broken down into hugs. Even Zera had hugged Mavis. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Mavis looked up and saw Zeref beaming at her. It was the brightest smile he'd ever worn, and it made Mavis' heart soar.

On the field, someone had approached the band with the trophy for Nationals, handing it off to Warrod, who raised it high with his tall figure. The stadium once more erupted with loud cheers. Mavis stood. She didn't care about her suspension, or who could be watching. None of that mattered. Her feet stomped along the surface of the bleachers until she kicked off her shoes and reached the bottom. Then she dove into her students. They laughed. They cried. They cheered. They reveled in the joy of winning.

Mavis' dream, the same dream she'd once shared with Zeref, had become reality.

Papers all across Fiore began to explode with the news. Though marching band hadn't typically been a very important topic for the papers, this particular National competition changed everything. By that next Monday, the story had been told everywhere. Of how a small-town girl by the name of Mavis Vermillion, a girl with a simple and earnest dream, had achieved the greatest title in all Fiore. They had started out as nothing, just a band playing for peanuts at the football games, yet they had obliterated all other preconceived notions of their programs. They had struggled against endless opposition, and at the end had achieved what they all set out for.

It was that singular win that changed all of Fiore.

Though Mavis had no idea at the time, her struggle and victory resonated across all of Ishgal. Children saw greatness in her and began to pick up instruments of their own to play. Her fight to win, her struggle against all of those factors against her inspired all those musicians in schools across the country to expand their band programs. In time, music would become the definitive competition in Fiore, and Magnolia would be the absolute cream of the crop. None of this was known to Mavis in that moment, however, nor was the fact that her name would be studied in Musical Theory courses around the world. That Monday, she just cared about the board review.

Of course, it had turned into far more than that. Mavis' popularity and win put even more pressure on the board. All too suddenly, they were forced to move the meeting up a few days (not that Mavis was unprepared whatsoever), and open the meeting to the public. Mavis was surprised at how many people were there to watch.

"Are you nervous?" Zeref asked her from his seat. Considering that he had been called as a witness, it was no surprise that he was right next to her. Mavis took his hand, grateful for the support. With Nationals out of the way, she felt more at ease with him.

"Not at all," she answered truthfully. "Everyone's with me."

"Good," he replied with a soft smile. "Acnologia won't win today. I have proof of that."

"You do?" Mavis asked in amusement. Before she knew it, Zeref leaned forward and hugged her. It was probably quite the scandalous sight, but Mavis hugged him back. A loud gavel soon sounded out from President Theme's location, calling the meeting to order like some judge. The two pulled away.

"Mavis, today is the day you'll get closure for everything," Zeref assured her. She had no idea what to make of that, but also no time to ponder it. She stood and approached the podium as the crowd around them quieted down; students, parents, faculty and townspeople alike.

"I now call this board of review to order!" boomed the president's voice. Mavis pursed her lips, but she was unafraid of the meeting. "Miss Vermillion, per the previous board meeting, you have served a month's suspension and we have now been called forward to determine if your actions are cause for termination."

"Which shouldn't be allowed in the first place, but I'll let it slide," Mavis stated confidently. The board members all blinked. Mavis hardly cared about most of them, turning her eyes to Acnologia. He was frowning, but there was still a rather menacing aura about his presence. She knew he was going to try and take her down any way that he could. Mavis wouldn't let him. "This board is required to have evidence before suspending a faculty member. Evidence not based on speculation. But you skipped that step. By all means, let's carry on the meeting."

"Erm…yes…" President Theme garbled out. Acnologia seemed unhappy with the man's messy state of affairs, because he spoke next to take charge of the meeting.

"Miss Vermillion, as you're well aware, you were suspended on charges of threatening, bribery, defacing school property, illicit relations in the workplace, and fraternizing with a rival school," Acnologia said nastily. "As such, you're brought before this hearing to determine if your actions are grounds for termination. Do you have the burden of proof to defend yourself against these allegations?"

"No, but then again, I don't need to," Mavis challenged. Acnologia raised an eyebrow, even as his rather confident smile didn't leave his face. "Per the bylaws, the burden of proof does not rest with the teacher before the board, but rather with the board itself. Unless you can prove I've done anything wrong, I'm innocent."

"Spoken like someone guilty," Acnologia said, his voice coming out like a sinister purring.

"All right, I'll answer your questions and allegations," Mavis stated with a clearing of her throat. "And this time, let my defense be heard, though you hardly have much of a choice. I have not threatened anyone, on this board or otherwise. My negotiations, as you very well know, were for the use of the backfield, something which you refused. I made those negotiations on the basis of bolstering multiple school programs. You believe I was threatening the football team's success? Just call Mr. Redfox or Mr. Lockser. I think they'll tell you otherwise. And defacing school property? Just call Mr. Olietta.

"Moving on, the answer of an illicit affair. I'll leave most of that to the other party supposedly involved, Mr. Alors, but I do wish to say this: the incident in question happened early in the morning when no one else was around," Mavis continued fiercely, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. "I wonder how you happened to know of it. My only answer to that can be the use of cameras…but per the school bylaws, cameras are only allowed at the entrances, front office and cafeteria to avoid privacy issues. Leads me to believe that the board might be involved in some illicit activities of their own."

A loud murmur cascaded around the crowd, prompting President Theme to shakily slam his gavel down. "V-very well, but what of the issue of associating with a rival school. I would think that Mr. Dragneel's presence here alone can prove one of these allegations."

"And if one is true, who's to say that every other one isn't, as well," Acnologia finished. Mavis laughed.

"It's amazing how many board members don't know their own bylaws," she chuckled out. Whatever look of smugness there was on the board's faces, dropped. "I've spent weeks looking over them, so I'll refer you to Article Fifty-Three, Section Eighteen, Line Twenty-Five. 'Magnolia High can collaborate with other schools, so long as the benefit exceeds the risk'. A bunch of other legal jargon follows, but the bottom line is that 'fraternizing with the enemy' is only considered a punishable offense if it is shown to hurt the school. That wasn't, however, the case then, and it certainly isn't now."

"Please elaborate, Miss Vermillion," called a voice from the board. She recognized it as the principal's voice and smiled. She had allies, after all.

"Certainly," she expressed kindly. "Let me begin with honesty: I've known Mr. Dragneel since high school. We dated, and following that, I knew he was the Director of Music at Tartaros Academy. Unfortunately for myself, I didn't have the number of teachers needed to implement what can now be considered the popular and successful guild program. To that end, Zeref came in and helped out. Later down the line, he took the program's base and applied it to his own system.

"This would usually appear to be a poor move on my part. However, in the months following the Balam Demons' first appearance, another band began rising the ranks, eventually making it to a spot in Nationals before this board called for my suspension. Something our school was never able to do, it was now able to do with Zeref's help. Winning Nationals just cemented the benefit outweighing the risk."

"So it would seem…" President Theme grumbled. "Anything else?"

"No, I've made my case," Mavis concluded cheerily. "What about yours?"

At this, Acnologia seemed to lean over and whisper something to the president. "We have no need. The evidence and testimony will speak for itself before the board's position. Let us call our character witnesses."

Mavis nodded and stood down, going back over to her seat to watch. Mostly, it was just an endless parade of faculty and some students, each attributing opinion on Mavis or the program. Even Zera had been surprisingly called forward. She only had to say one thing: "Mavis is the most loyal Magnolia citizen there is, idiots. Stop dragging her name through the mud!"

Following this, they took a break for lunch, with the intention of calling Warrod to the stand when they returned. Mavis wasn't nervous about the results, but she still wasn't interested in eating. Not that she didn't, because her hunger spoke when Zeref arrived with a tray of hot dogs and fries. A memory tickled at Mavis' brain and she smiled. The two ate together in comfortable silence. For all intents and purposes, it was a date without the word. Just a few more days…

Then it was over and they put their game faces back on for the meeting.

"Mr. Sequen, you've been a friend of Miss Vermillion awhile, yes?"

"I have," Warrod answered calmly. "Since middle school."

"And can you speak, without bias, as to her character?" Warrod straightened himself on his seat.

"I can," he said sharply. "Mavis Vermillion is a kind person, who has never broken a rule a day in her life. Everything she does is for the good of others. You claim her to be this devil, but what I see is a fairy; a fairy who gave her time and service twice to make this band program better than it was. It's been my immense pleasure to work with her as both her friend and colleague. And if you think that she'd ever do anything to maliciously or intently hurt this school, I'd say you were blind."

Warrod appeared to make that his final statement, brimming with defiance. "Thank you, Mr. Sequen, you can take your seat. Mr. Alors, if you would…"

The crowd watching the proceedings did so silently as Warrod returned to the back of the room and the janitor instead stepped forward. He didn't look nervous in the slightest as the board eyed him like a hawk. In fact, he even had the gall to yawn in front of them. Whether they took affront or not was unclear. Mavis continued to watch. Next to her, Zeref was fiddling with his pager.

"Mr. Alors, what is your relationship with Miss Vermillion?" came the first question.

"Colleagues," the janitor answered easily. "And I'd like to think friends, but that has no bearing on the workplace."

"Are you trying to say that you are not involved romantically with Miss Vermillion?" President Theme grumbled out.

"Not at all!" he continued. "I'm engaged to a very lovely lady in town. I'm just a fan of the band program, and my fiancé is, too. And I like helping out."

"And these accusations of a kiss between the two of you in the hallway?"
"Little peck on the cheek. Hardly worth writing home about it. I just figured she was excited and went on her own way. No offense meant to Miss Vermillion, but I'm not into women that were attending school here while I was a janitor. That makes me seem sick."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Acnologia growled. With surprising defiance, Alors faced him with a cocksure grin.

"Because I am. You're the one who has to prove otherwise."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Alors, take a seat!" the president demanded as he slammed his gavel down. Alors bowed a little and retreated. Zeref's pager briefly went off and Mavis heard his name being called. Turning her head, she saw him smirk a little as he stood and approached the stand. "Mr. Dragneel, thank you for coming. I'll put the same question to you: what is your relationship with Miss Vermillion?"

"Complicated," was the succinct answer. "Mavis and I have known each other a long while, so we can't help it if we're forced to associate with one another."

"Forced seems rather unlikely," the president scoffed. "Did you not knowingly and willingly attend Miss Vermillion's Music Camp as a teacher despite your affiliation with another school?"

"I did," Zeref said, still calmly, but with a biting edge to it. "Funnily enough, I looked through both sets of bylaws, and Tartaros Academy has the same set of stipulations as you do, yet I'm not called before my own board, despite losing Nationals."

"That isn't what we're here to discuss."

"Isn't it?" Zeref snapped, his voice raising loudly. "You won't believe Miss Vermillion, as you think her words come from a place of bias or self-protection, but as someone who is both friend and rival to her, I have no clear-cut bias. And since we're here to talk about her suspension, I'm the best to do so, because it's far clearer that you have the bias here."

"Shut up, Zeref," Acnologia muttered, though it was loud enough to be heard around the room. Zeref turned his attentions to the man, wearing a combination of a smirk and a death glare.

"I'm glad you've brought yourself into the conversation, Acnologia. Precht, can you…?" Mavis' attention was pulled away to the sight of her friend bringing a folder over to Zeref. "After perusing your bylaws, I noticed something odd. The board is not allowed to call a suspension meeting without both a unanimous vote and a week's notice. Evidently, the latter wasn't observed. So, I did some digging into the first. My sister, Anna, is married to a well-known banker who told me something rather interesting.

"I didn't know board members were allowed to have offshore accounts, President Theme. I certainly didn't know it was okay to embezzle from your own school."


"Is it?" Zeref asked. "Your bank statements would say otherwise. The only other statement more telling was Acnologia's. For all your brains, you lack subtlety. Next time you try to bribe people, or hire a private investigator to dig up dirt on people, you may want to consider hiding your transactions better."

With those words, Zeref slammed the file down in front of the men. Theme was shaking, but Acnologia took the time to look through it. "Other than President's Theme embezzlement, this proves nothing."

"Oh, I know. You are somewhat smart, at least enough to put the money into the school, where Theme would then embezzle and handle the rest of the transactions. You keep your hands clean," Zeref snapped. It was one of the few times that Mavis had ever heard him truly angry. "But you played the fool, Acnologia. You forgot how well I know you and your history, and just like when things don't go your way, you make matters violent to ensure they do. When you got forced into the delinquent music program, you had my brother killed. And when Mavis Vermillion was a thorn in your side, you tried to run her over with your car."

"Prove it."

"We did," Zeref said simply, his hands now drumming on his podium. "Older model car…most people in Magnolia can't afford an older car that wouldn't break upon collision with someone. But a priceless car given as a gift…like the one owned by Ankhseram. I had thought that car looked familiar, and now I see you inherited it. The police got a search warrant right away."

"Like that could-"

"It did," came the insistence. "There were traces of blood. But more than that, when the police were logging it, they found evidence that the car had been used in a previous hit and run."

Mavis' eyes widened. All she needed was that single sentence to set in to realize just what Zeref was referring to. When he turned to her with a sad smile, she knew it. Acnologia stood defiantly. Meanwhile, Mavis stood and stormed over to the older man before slapping him fiercely across the face.

"Miss Vermillion, this behavior-"

"Why?" Mavis asked sharply. "Why do you do nothing but take?"

Acnologia's face began to turn back, a positively nasty scowl written on his features. "Because I was never given."

"That is no reason," she said vehemently. "You're a monster who took my parents from me, tried to take my program from me, and then my life."

"Your parents?" the man growled out, almost like he was confused. Then he began to laugh, making a harsh silence impose itself on the crowd. A door opened in the distance, but Mavis kept her gaze on Acnologia. "Oh, the irony! If I knew that the people I'd accidentally killed that day were yours…"

"You don't deny it? You don't even have a shred of remorse?" Mavis seethed out, balling her fists. "You changed the course of my life for little more than a joyride. You took my parents and didn't care."

"Should I have? My life is the only life that matters," Acnologia stated confidently. "Ankhseram taught me that. If you want something in this world, take it. That's why I hated your kind. I was forced to give. I couldn't do anything to sate my own desires in a band. It was hell."

"You…" Mavis couldn't find the words. She wanted to slap him again, but then Zeref's hand found her shoulder and she relaxed. She had hated Acnologia, and this hadn't changed that, but now she understood him. Now she could understand her parents' senseless death, even if she had accepted and gotten over it long ago. She had closure, for so many things.

"Don't be so naïve, Vermillion," came his next snarl. "Zeref's just the same. Always taking from those around him. Didn't I warn you?"

"You did," the blonde answered softly. "But there's a difference between you and him: he gives, as well. And that's more important than anything he ever took."

Acnologia leveled a furious glare at her, but it didn't last all that long. Zeref pulled Mavis back as a group of police stepped forward. She remained silent, holding her own gaze with Acnologia's. Then she watched as a pair of handcuffs were slapped on him for bribery and murder. Next went President Theme, arrested on charges of embezzlement. As they were escorted out of the room to a cascade of mutters and murmurs, the president kept insisting he'd give Acnologia up.

"Are you all right, Mavis?" Zeref asked. "It was never my intention to hurt you."

"You didn't. It feels nice…having closure. To finally understand, even if I never searched for it. So, thank you."

Zeref could only smile at her, removing his hand from her shoulder. At this moment, the principal appeared to stand up and grab the gavel off the table, slamming it down. "Well, I think we've seen and heard enough. Those in favor of termination."

Not a single hand was raised. Mavis let her smile shine brightly as the cheer of the people around her rose up. They were so loud that no one heard the principal's next question, though the board (or what was left of it) all raised their hands. Another bang of the gavel sounded. It was over. She had been acquitted, and Acnologia's reign was no more.

The news made national headlines. All the drama from Mavis' suspension hearing was a fire under the newspaper media. Acnologia's crimes having been brought to light at first seemed like it would ruin the high school, until it turned out that he had forged key credentials to get his position. President Theme had apparently confessed instantly, as well. Naturally, the principal was uninvolved, and was able to detail Acnologia's blackmail.

Still, people feared for Magnolia High when a deeper investigation began. Or they would have, had Mavis not been questioned first. When the school's golden teacher was found off the hook for everything, Magnolia's reputation was safe. More than that, it skyrocketed. Some students from the other schools came to visit with the intention of moving there to be a part of the program. The faculty had prepared a grand celebration for Mavis' return and Yuri said the band had already gotten a ton of invitations to upcoming contests.

Ironically enough, Mavis didn't care about all of that. Other than hiring Yuri after the funds had been returned to where they belonged, Mavis spent her last few days away from the school with her other friends. Zeref, naturally, had to return to his own school, but he promised to be there on her first day back. That was fine by Mavis. Her life was busy enough without him, especially when Rita went into labor that Friday.

"Please tell me she's okay!" Yuri said frantically when he'd run up to them in the hospital.

"She's fine, you dope," Precht said with a roll of his eyes. "She's having a baby, not open heart surgery."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Yuri, you're about to be a dad, so tighten it up!" Warrod said, the ebony-haired man having driven the expectant father to the hospital. Yuri glared at Warrod, but Mavis sat there, waiting in contentment. While it did take some time, eventually, a nurse came out to greet them with a smile.

"Mr. Dreyar, your son is happy and healthy. Congratulations!" Yuri looked stunned until Precht pushed him forward. He still didn't start to move, so Mavis took his hand and dragged him forward, all the way into the room and over to Rita's side. Then, she stepped back and smiled. Yuri looked positively giddy, as Rita handed their baby boy off to him. Both of them were crying, and Mavis started to as well. She wiped her eyes.

"Mavis, come here," Rita said, kindly waving her over. "Say hello to your godson, Makarov."

"Makarov…" Mavis whispered. She stepped forward and Yuri gingerly passed the baby off to her. He giggled a little as she held him. He was so soft, and so light. It was such a wonderful experience to hold him. Looking down at the smiling face, Mavis felt she held the future; a future she hoped to one day contribute to with Zeref. If there was ever a moment where she knew what the future would ever hold, it was most certainly that moment. Mavis reached a finger out towards baby Makarov and saw him enclose his hand on the finger. "Makarov's such a princely name. I remember a great prince in a story with that name. He was very kind, and above all, a fair leader who never led his people to defeat. I'm sure you'll be raised with the same love and joy as that prince was."

"You know we will," Yuri said emphatically. Mavis didn't look at him, continuing to rock Makarov back and forth.

"Grow up strong, Makarov Dreyar," she said, as tears began to drip from her eyes. "One day, I'll teach you, I'm sure, and then I'll entrust that next generation to you. And on and on, until our family is the largest in the world."

The remaining few days of Mavis' suspension were mostly spent with the Dreyars after they had returned home from the hospital. Zera had cooed at the sight of Makarov, and despite their evident exhaustion, Yuri and Rita were aglow with the aura that only new parents could have. Even Precht was infected by the mood, babbling away at Makarov.

"Say 'Precht'," the man said, to most of their amusements. "P-re-kt."

"He's two days old," Warrod said tiredly as he pulled the man away. "He's not about to say even 'mama', let alone your weird name."

"So, Mavis, tomorrow's the day?" Yuri asked, moving to wipe Makarov's drool off his chin.

"It is, and I want to thank you all," she said, looking at each of them in turn. "Without your help and your encouragement and your testimony, I'd have never made it here. I just wanted to let you all know how much I love and appreciate you."

"Well, so do we," Precht said, leaning back with arms folded. "As if we'd do all this for just anybody. We're a family. We take care of our own."

"Right," Mavis said with a nod. Warrod let a chuckle out and then swept them all into a mighty hug. Following that was dinner and dessert before Mavis and Zera began to return home with a leisurely stroll. When they did get home, Mavis stopped Zera from enacting her usual habit and pulled her into the living room.

"What's up, Mavis?"

"I just…I wanted to thank you more personally," the blonde answered. "You were there for me, helped me during this entire ordeal, and I can't thank you enough. Without you and Zeref in the hospital, I'm not sure if I would have made it."

"You don't have to thank me, dummy," Zera responded. "I'm your sister. I'll always be there for you. You know that. But…what are you going to say to Zeref?"

It was quite the loaded question, but Mavis had already decided on her answer. She had known for well over a week now, even if she'd never been ready before. "I'm going to say what I need to. That I was wrong."


"I thought that I could measure things in numbers and figures. I thought that I could measure a person by a single action. But people aren't numbers or notes on a page. They can do things we don't understand but still be contrary to that nature. You can't measure their worth by a singular moment. Zeref hurt me, but everything with Acnologia reminded me of what he gave me as well.

"People, especially Zeref, aren't as simple as a musical measure. They're complex, and that's what makes Zeref so wonderful. He can't be measured by addition and subtraction, just like I can't. So that's why I need to tell him."

"And what will you tell him?" Zera asked sternly.

"I'll tell him how I feel." That tabled the discussion and filled Mavis with an absolute lightness. Every step she then took towards school helped to solidify that. Of course, all of those thoughts meant very little from the crowd waiting for her at school.

It was very much a whirlwind of a day. From the "welcome back" to the general exuberance, Mavis found herself almost drowning in jubilation. Lunch was the best part, as everything started to become a full-blown party. Without the damper that was Acnologia around, everyone, students and staff included, was joyous. No one was more so than Mavis, though, who took the trophy for Nationals tremulously. It had been her dream, and now it was reality. She wasn't willing to rest on her laurels, however.

"Marching season may be over, but contest season has just begun," Mavis informed her raptly attentive students. Yuri dragged boxes out and began distributing music. "We'll use some older pieces to warm up, because we're about to get quite busy."

All of them had no problem with that, putting out the music to the best of their ability as if it were another day of intense practicing. It reminded Mavis just how much they had all put in to making the program amazing. To that point, she thanked them all as they left. Yuri left with them, wanting to get home to Rita. Mavis decided to stay a little later, composing some new pieces when she heard a soft knock. She looked up and smiled at Zeref standing there.

"It looks like you're settling back in," he chuckled out.

"Thanks to you," she made sure to note. He didn't say anything in response, so she stood. "Zeref, I want to apologize."

"For what?" he asked in genuine confusion. "I'm the one who-"

"I know, but I unfairly judged you," she clarified. "I took that one moment and measured all your actions against it, never even giving you a chance."

"It's all right. I hurt you first." Mavis shook her head, calling his attention further onto her.

"Yes, you did, but it was wrong of me to judge every action afterwards by that. I don't want to do that. You're too important to me to lose you again. That's why, I'll simply evaluate every action on its own, from this day forward. I think we can avoid problems that way…and…I can forgive you, even if it took me a while to do so."

"All right, then," he said. A new hush fell over them, both unsure what to say to the other. Mavis knew what she wanted to say, but was unsure of how to say it. Then, she felt she lost her moment as Zeref began to turn away, but he stopped. "Mavis…did…did you ever find that one person you wanted to listen to the music with?"

Mavis blinked. Was he asking what she thought he was asking? After all their conversations about it, it could only have one meaning. She looked straight at him and answered, "I did."

"Oh," he grunted out. He seemed conflicted, his hand gripping the wall. When his turmoil faded, he turned back to her. "Then…would you like to go to a concert with me?"

Had anybody else asked that question, it would have held no weight. But from Zeref, it did, and she had her answer waiting.

So, she smiled with the most radiant and loving smile imaginable.

"Zeref, I'd absolutely love to."


Author's Note: Here we are, at the end. I hope you've enjoyed this story, as I certainly enjoyed writing it over the last nine months. I do, however, have quite the few notes to go over for this story at the end. Almost every single plot point was something I knew from the beginning, such as Acnologia having been the one to kill Mavis' parents to the suspension and how it would be resolved. The ending, in particular, was one of the very first things planned in the story. I wanted a subtler ending than an outright "I love you!" scene with kisses. In fact, I knew I wanted no kissing in the final scene. Of course…I realized how dumb part of that was, which is why they did earlier in the story. Hopefully, this subtlety works for you!

Anyway, that's about all I really have to say for this story. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed this wasn't as popular as Musical Chairs, but I suppose that's my own fault. Who cares about any of that, though? We're here at the end, so if you enjoyed, please be sure to leave a Review with your thoughts and, as always, for now and forever,

Dare to Be Silly,
