Congratulations! You have been chosen as a gamer!

He blinked once. He blinked twice. He blinked thrice.

And when he could finally let the words out from his mouth, it didn't come properly.

"What in the hell…?"

You are given the opportunity to live your life as a gamer! In simpler words, your life will now be similar to that of a video game character from a role playing game! You will be able to level up, learn skills and access special features that only gamers could!

He blinked for the fourth time. "So you're telling me that my life will be like a video game?"


The blue semitransparent notice text box was starting to annoy him a little. His hand reached to scratch the itching spot on the back of his head, ruffling and rubbing his blonde hair. "Man I must be sleepy…" his eyes glanced at the small clock hanged on the wall of his small apartment. He cursed when he saw the time. "Fuck… I'm gonna be late!"

Quest Alert

Right on time: arrive on time to attend the academy

Iruka-sensei is strict when it comes to attendance, and you're just going to be late? Think about the punishment!

Completion reward: 400XP

Increased reputation with academy teachers, academy students and the Sandaime.

Failure: 200XP

Decreased reputation with academy teachers, academy students and the Sandaime



Warning: Choosing No will automatically fails the quest!

Instead of thinking, he jumped out of bed. "Dammit I'm late!" he began to scramble to his feet, gathering his jacket and pants from the dresser.

Quest accepted.

Since he didn't have time to get breakfast, he'd have to make a bread run for it. He quickly loved the door to his room before rushing down the floor through the stairs, he'd use the windows but there's construction happening outside so he didn't want to disturb the workers. As he ran the streets of Konoha in a blur of orange, he noticed that people around him have level markers above their heads. Most people he saw were only within the 1-2 range, probably because they were civilians and not ninjas. He didn't have time to pay attention to people as he was running to avoid getting detention and failure of the 'quest' he's running.

His bread, which was a toast, was thankfully sturdy enough to not break due to his running. "Dammit! I'm gonna be late, late, late, late!" he shouted through muffled mouth while running. If only he could know how much time he had left.

Time left: 00:05:21

He was surprised to see the same blue text box appearing in front of him, but he was more surprised at the time shown. He got about five more minutes before he's literally dead. He was in a pinch since the academy was still three or four blocks away and with the speed he's going now, he's not exactly confident if he would make it. With his determination flaring, the blonde youth sped up faster, his feet were hurting but it sure as hell's better than what Iruka-sensei had in store for him after school.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" He mentally screamed to himself.

A skill has been created through a specific act.

"Oh joy!"

Due to your will to run faster, which increases your speed and requires stamina, Rush has been created.

"Now if I could only tell what the hell does that means!"

Rush (Passive) is at lv.1. Rush allows you to increase your speed with the cost of lest stamina, this is an Passive skill and will only activate as you are running.

"Even though that sounds cool and all, I'll still be late!" He practically screamed, nearly causing his bread to fall. "ORRRAAAAA!" He ran even faster, causing dust trails to form behind him.

Rush's level has increased to lv.2.


As you train and progress at a particular field, skills that are related to that field will also increase in level! Now that Rush is at lv.2, you can sprint for longer times without feeling tired!

"…Hey, that's actually good." He realized, but then his face fell. "But that still doesn't mean I won't be late!"

He was almost at the fourth block, and it was a major relief to his legs that the academy was the first building on the block. But the thought of running up the stairs to the second floor and having to go through several hallways slowly brought the pain back to his legs. He ran, finally entering school grounds and almost at the front door of the building. Once he reached the door, he bashed his way inside, completely ignoring the fact that he had just break the lock on the door and will probably have to replace that with his allowance which he had been saving to buy more ramen for his stock at home.

Time notice: 00:00:52

'FUUUCK!' he managed to restrain his profanity from going out his mouth, since he really did not want people to mistake him for a potty mouth. He rushed up the stairs and on to the second floor, the only thing that kept him from falling was the fact that he had sandals on. Any seconds more and he'd be late! His class was the last room in the second floor's third hallway, get that? Third hallway, this place's so damn big! The classes who were in session probably heard the pitter patters of his footsteps, but he did not have time to worry about those bastards inside. All he needed to do was to get to class in time.


He saw his class's door, he could make it! He put more will into his running, thus making him run faster.


He reached his hand out for the sliding door, desperation kicking in hard.


His sweat bounced off his skin as he made the final leap.


He slid the door open!


He landed face first on the class's floor.


He made it.

Quest Alert

You managed to arrive, barely.

Completion reward: 400XP

Increased reputation with academy teachers, academy students and the Sandaime.

"Naruto, you barely made it." Iruka could not repress the urge to sigh at his 'favorite' student's tardy tendencies. While listening to the boy's excuse was entertaining, he could simply not allow that to happen all the time when he'd already have someone who had that kind of character going on.

On another part of town, a certain scarecrow sneezed.

Naruto would have heard what Iruka was saying when he wasn't panting and huffing as he tried to regain his breathing on the cold floor. Slowly, he raised his hand and a finger. "Haa… haa… huff… I… made it…" and his hand dropped.

Iruka sighed, this time louder than before. "Just get to your seat."

Slowly but steadily, the blonde made his way to his seat. He sat on the furthest back of all the seats available. Now there's a good reason for that. Since he enrolled in the academy a year earlier than the required age, he's naturally seated at the seat closest to the window, thus placing him at the very back and corner most place. As he sat in place, he could not help but stare at the level markers there were up on everyone's head, hell even that bastard Sasuke had it too.

'Wait, what level am I?' he asked to himself.

Uzumaki Naruto (Deadlast) lv.7

'Seven huh…' looking around, he noticed something.

Uchiha Sasuke lv.10

Aburame Shino lv.8

Haruno Sakura lv.6

Hyuuga Hinata lv.9

Akimichi Chouji lv.7

Nara Shikamaru lv.10

Yamanaka Ino lv.8

Inuzuka Kiba lv.9

"WHAT?!" he screamed out without realizing that he'd done it outside of his head. Everyone was staring at him, even Iruka stopped his lecture to stare at the blonde orange wearing youth.

"Naruto, is there anything wrong with my subject?" Naruto gulped from where he's sitting. He could see the vein threatening to pop of the instructor's forehead.

"N-No, sensei…"

"Good. Now listen."

Naruto sighed, he's lucky.

You've managed to avoid getting scold; your LUK is increased by 1.

'Huh?' he wondered. 'Wait, since it's a video game I'm living, I have a data, right?' he concluded.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Title: Deadlast {-5% experience points gain}

Class: Gamer

Level: lv.7

Affiliation: Konohagakure

HP: 1000/1000

CP: 1000/1000

VIT: 25 (10)

STR: 12

DEX: 23 (10)

WIS: 9

LUK: ?

INT: 6

Status: Prank King {-8% reputation gains, +8% experience to Sneaking, Trap Making skills}, ? {+10 VIT, +10 DEX, 10% chance of ?}, ? {+50 CP & HP every level up}

Bio data: Uzumaki Naruto is an orphan and the deadlast of the ninja academy after failing the graduation for two times in a row. He is clueless as to his own origins…

Money: 7500Ryo

Next level up: 400/1000

First of all, accepting all of this took a longer time than expected. First, just what are INT, DEX, STR and all of those things? Suddenly, a screen popped up.

STR: Strength mainly involves how much damage you will deal to your enemies. It involves all unarmed, armed, techniques that you use towards your enemies. The greater your strength, the more damage you will deal to them.

DEX: Dexterity determines how lithe and agile you are when dodging enemy attacks. When your DEX is balanced with your STR, you will have better reflex.

VIT: Vitality affects your total HP and overall endurance. The higher your VIT, the lower the chances of you getting sick, tired and fatigued. VIT may also affects how fast you can regenerate your health

WIS: Wisdom utilizes your ability to think clearly and wisely. The more careful you are when thinking, the higher the chance of your WIS to go up.

LUK: Luck determines your luckiness in battle and outside of battle. The luckier you are, the easier your life will be. Be warned that LUK is dynamic and could not be measure by situation alone, it is up to you to decide whether you are lucky or not.

INT: Intelligence will affect your CP. It may not always increase your CP capacity, but it makes controlling chakra easier. The higher your INT, the better you are at controlling chakra and the lower the chances of you suffering from chakra exhaustion. INT will also affects your memorization and your ability to learn things.

Title: Throughout the game, you will gain title and other interesting moniker. The only way to gain a title is to do certain actions, quests and completing favors.

Status: Throughout the game, you will see these statuses appear in your HUD. Some statuses may be temporary (stun, paralysis, blindness etc.) and some may be permanent (Byakugan, Chakra Chains etc.)

Well, now that he knew all of this, things were beginning to get clearer. His INT was low because he never done any reading or real studying before in his life. His WIS was low because thinking wasn't his main forte. But… he couldn't help but feel a little curious at the bio data. It said that even he, himself, didn't know of his true origins. And now that he thought about it, it's true. Just, who was he?

Quest Alert!

Who am I: The mystery of your own origins is starting to intrigue you. Find out about yourself.

Important quest line: Long term

Note: In game, you may encounter long term quests and short term quests. As their name implies, each type of quest takes either longer or shorter time to complete. Some may not even be accomplishable until you have truly realized that you have completed said quest.

Completion reward: 9000XP

Increased reputation with the Sandaime, ?, ?, ?

Failure: 4500XP


Great, now something even more confusing popped up. But 9000 experience points? That's a lot… and there are a lot of question marks, just what do they meant, he wondered… oh well, he'll think about it later. He's even more curious of his environment, or the people around him to be exact. He saw that everyone around him, at least the students, were either three or two levels ahead in front of him! That bastard Sasuke was level ten, how was that fair?

Umino Iruka – Academy Instructor – lv.24

A skill has been created through a specific act.

He blinked. What was it?

You have been observing the people around you well. Now, you get to observe them a little bit deeper. Observe has been created.

He wasted no time in selecting the skill to get a better idea of what it was. The name flashed white, before showing him a full detailed text of what the skill was.

Observe (Active) is at lv.1. Observe allows you to see the data of the people around you, be it friends of foe. Level this particular skill more to unlock its hidden potential!

'Sweet.' He couldn't contain the grin that was showing through his face. He looked around to pick up a target for his newfound skill. His eyes landed on a good one.

Nara Shikamaru – Lazy Genius – lv.10

HP: 700/700

CP: 750/750

The blonde the next thirty minutes of lecture time observing his classmates as well as his teachers. And suddenly, another window popped up.

Observe's level has increase to lv.2.

'SWEET!' He nearly jumped in joy from where he was sitting. 'If I keep doing this, I can gain more experience!' Looking at the sleeping Nara once again, he activated his ability. "Observe."

Nara Shikamaru – Trainee – lv.10

HP: 700/700

CP: 750/750

VIT: 11

STR: 9

DEX: 10

WIS: 40

LUK: 6

INT: 40

Bio data: Nara Shikamaru is the heir for the Nara clan which is close with both the Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan. Don't let his lazy demeanor fool you because underneath that skull, is a brain capable of utilizing some of the most advanced tactics that a Nara could ever create. His skills with his shadow techniques are good, but due to his lazy nature, he is not looking forward to improving them.

Status: Lazy Genius {+40% experience when doing work, +4 INT every level up, +4 WIS every level up, -1 reputation with women}, Nara clan heir {Max reputation with the Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan, +5 DEX when fighting at night, +5 STR when fighting at night}

'Plus fourintelligence and wisdom for leveling up?! No wonder the guy's crazy smart even when he's a lazy ass!' The blonde thought in shock. But he also had respect for the Nara. He might be a lazy ass in public, and probably one in private too, but damn he's smart. And minus one reputation with women? Damn.

Naruto laid his eyes off from the sleeping Nara, god knew he needed it, and he began to take a look at his instructor in front. Iruka-sensei was the only teacher who would bother himself to get to know him, they usually share their talks and stories over a bowl of ramen at Ichirakus every after school session. Now, he's curious about his favorite teacher.


Umino Iruka – Academy Instructor – lv.24

HP: 1500/1500

CP: 1000/1000

VIT: ?

STR: ?

DEX: ?

WIS: ?

LUK: ?

INT: ?

Bio data: Umino Iruka is a chunin academy teacher who is very dedicated with his work. He is Uzumaki Naruto's source of comfort and affection.

Wait that's weird… the data wasn't showing much information as it did with Shikamaru's. Maybe Iruka-sensei's level was too high? He didn't even bother trying to do the same thing to Mizuki, because he knew that the same thing will just happen. He needed to check a few things.

"Menu." He whisperingly said. "Skills." As it turned out, he was right. By saying menu and skill, he had taken himself to the skill tree screen. Currently, he observed that he didn't have too many skills since he was still low leveled. And his existing skills weren't exactly branching out either.

Sneaking (Passive) lv.2: Measures how stealthy you can be. Currently at lv.2 {noise made from walking is greatly reduced, 50% chance of successfully executing sneak attacks}

Trap Making (Active) lv.2: Measures how well made your traps are. Currently at lv.2 {trap quality is better, 20% more damage dealt when using traps}

Rush (Passive) lv.2: Allows you to sprint faster without feeling greatly fatigued. Currently at lv.2 {longer sprint time, faster stamina regeneration after running}

Observe (Active) lv.2: Allows you to observe your friends, foes and everything around you to the very last detail. Currently at lv.2 {reveals more friends/foes/items information} (10 CP)

Those were currently his existing skills. Seemed fair, since he was just starting to get them. He wondered. If skills could be made almost as randomly as he thought they could, then perhaps things could get a little bit interesting. He yawned subtly, feeling asleep already. And it's still in first period. 'Guh… I can't wait till recess…' his willpower failing him, his eyes became heavier and as his brain shut down, he went out like a light.


He munched.


He munched.


He munched again.

Observe's level has increase to lv.3.

"FUCK YEAH!" His sandwich flew out from his hands when he jumped to his feet, unable to contain the excitement of leveling up his skills. Not minding the stares he was currently receiving, he giddily began to select his Observe skill to see if anything changed. Currently, it was recess. Recess here in the academy was fairly tame, meaning that no one had to rush to the canteen to grab food like those who attend civilian schools. He was sitting underneath the tree up on a small hill just behind the academy's main building, where there were several other students enjoying their own lunch… well, not anymore due to his outburst.

Observe lv.3: Allows you to observe your friends, foes and everything around you to the very last detail. Currently at lv.3 {reveals more friends/foes/items information}

You have unlocked a perk to go along this particular skill, do you want to acquire the perk?


His smile fell at the mention of an unfamiliar term. "Perk, what's that?"

A perk is a permanent power up that you can get when one of your skills have reached its maximum level capacity. The perk that you will unlock will always be related to the skill it originates from. Most perks are passive, thus allowing you to use them whenever you want to without worrying about CP consumption. But, some active perks will only be available to be used once a day.

"Hell yes!" he punched the YES button on the screen.


You have unlocked the special perk [Keen Eyes]!

"Ooh, fancy." Naruto marveled before pushing the name of his perk to get a better information out of it.

[Keen Eyes] is a passive perk that takes the Observe skill to the next level. Instead of just allowing the gamer to see a character/item's information, profile, status, data and level; it allows the gamer to see more subtle things such as the character/item's true intention/value, emotions/condition, mood and even gestures!

After reading the description of his perk, he decided to test it out on one of his classmates. He looked around, searching for a suitable target. And he found one.

"[Keen Eyes]."

Inuzuka Kiba – Trainee – lv.9

HP: 950/950

CP: 750/750

VIT: 15

STR: 17

DEX: 20

WIS: 6

LUK: 7

INT: 8

Bio data: Inuzuka Kiba is the second child to the Inuzuka matriarch, he lives in his clan compound with his sister and mother. He has a ninja dog buddy which he calls Akamaru. Despite its look, Akamaru is a very faithful puppy and will do everything Kiba says… most of the time.

Status: Heightened Senses {impossible to sneak up on, 30% of detection when within 10 meters range}, Dog Whisperer {can communicate with canine animals, +50 reputation with the K9 operatives unit}, Beast Reflex {stamina regenerates faster, +10 DEX when fighting}

Perk activated!

[Keen Eyes]

Inuzuka Kiba is currently bored. His way of getting rid of boredom main involves playing with Akamaru or talking with Akimichi Chouji and Aburame Shino. Slight tensing of muscle shows that he is tired from sitting too long in class, which is why he was playing catch with Akamaru to get rid of the fatigue. He intends to go back home now, but is afraid of getting caught by the teachers who are on duty.

Mood: 40-50% (Bored)

Conditions: Slight aching on his thigh muscle. Possible way to remedy is to move and do activities such as walking or running.

Gestures: Itching for someone to talk to.

Naruto was overjoyed when he read the extra details. So instead of just showing him someone's profile, data and status, this also showed him what their moods, conditions and current gestures were trying to say. This was by far the most awesome thing that has happened to him ever since this whole video game thing happened to him. He would talk to Kiba to help with his current mood, but he's too excited with this whole perk thing going on. He tried his new perk on several other students, figuring that he could somehow level it up. But as it turned out, he couldn't.

The bell rang, telling the students that recess was over.

His class resumed and the moment it started, Iruka-sensei started to distribute books to all of them. "Alright class, today we will be learning the theories about advanced taijutsu." As soon as the word 'theories' escaped the instructor's mouth, everyone groaned, including Naruto himself. Doing practical things would've been better… he waited for the book to get to him and when he did, he touched it, causing a screen to pop up.

You've obtained a skill book Advanced Taijutsu Form

Would you like to learn the skill book?


Shrugging his shoulders, he tapped the YES button. The book flashed gold, causing Naruto to panic as he made an attempt to cover it with his hands. But suddenly, the light disappeared, leaving him with nothing but empty space where the book used to be.

You have successfully learned Advanced Taijutsu Form

Just a second later, another blue window appeared.

Advanced Taijutsu Form (Active) lv.1 XP: 000/100 CP: 100

Actively increases damage and defense when fighting.

Reflex passively increases.

Combat awareness passively increases.

"Doesn't seem to be useful now…" he muttered on a low tone so that no one could hear him. He sighed, was there any better thing that could happen to him right now? Regardless, he waited until Iruka-sensei began his teaching.

"Alright class, I want you to take that book home and learn it. Tomorrow, we will have a written exam as well as a practical exam." The chunin literally dropped the bomb. "Class is dismissed."

Naruto, while the rest of his classmates were getting ready to up and leave the place, sat there dumbfounded. That's it?

"That's it?!"

Iruka, who had yet to leave the classroom, smiled darkly with a vein throbbing through his forehead. "Uzumaki Naruto, stay. You have detention."



In the end, he survived detention and now, he was walking home. As expected, going through two detentions made him leave really late. If his internal clock was right, it's about six or five in the evening already; looking at the sky, he could already see the orange sky turning into purple, telling him that night was approaching. He walked faster, fully aware of how dangerous the street could be. Especially to him, in specific. He took shortcuts, alleyways which were not commonly used by the people for obvious reasons. But that didn't mean that he liked using them; those places were icky.

The young academy student walked home through one of the dark alleys in the Konoha Market District. This part of town, he really didn't like. For a few reasons, actually. One, the people here were asses. They sold him rotten food or worse, none at all. Second, this place reeked of dead rats and other kinds of vermin creeping around. He won't be surprised to know that most of the restaurants here closed due to health reasons. And thirdly, the people here—the right type of people—weren't the friendliest of the bunch either. Though this place was not as worse as the redlight district or the slums, one could never be too careful when walking at a time like this.

Naruto shivered as he walked. The draft here was strong, not to mention that it's always windy in Konoha. Not only was he cold, he was also bored. So, he decided to tinker around with his new abilities.

"Menu… profile… skills."

Sneaking (Passive) lv.2: Measures how stealthy you can be. Currently at lv.2 {noise made from walking is greatly reduced, 50% chance of successfully executing sneak attacks}

Trap Making (Active) lv.2: Measures how well made your traps are. Currently at lv.2 {trap quality is better, 20% more damage dealt when using traps}

Rush (Passive) lv.2: Allows you to sprint faster without feeling greatly fatigued. Currently at lv.2 {longer sprint time, faster stamina regeneration after running}

Observe (Active) lv.2: Allows you to observe your friends, foes and everything around you to the very last detail. Currently at lv.2 {reveals more friends/foes/items information} (10 CP)

He got to view his set of skills once again. This time, he analyzed them closely. He noticed that using Observe drains him a little of his CP, but the number was nothing to worry about considering how much CP he had. Seriously, when compared to his classmates, he had way more chakra than they do. Not that he's complaining or anything, but… ain't that strange?

"Rush… hmm… seems useless when I'm not running." He shrugged the thought. "Trap making… well, I do like making pranks and not to mention, twenty percent more damage when using traps? That's a win right there." He said with a smirk. But slowly, his smirk faded. "Sneaking huh…" he looked at the clothes he was wearing and frowned. "Never thought I'd say this but… these clothes won't help me get anywhere."

Then, a perfect idea struck him right in the temple.

"I need clothes." Easier said than done. The people hated him, who would sell him clothes? Ninja clothes, to be more specific… he contemplated this particular thought as he walked. "Well, I got to at least try." Swallowing hard, he changed course and headed towards the main street.

He exited the dark alleys to find himself amongst a crowd of people who were busy enjoying their late evening. He marveled. He rarely came out at this hour, so seeing so many people, the lights and the overall atmosphere made him a little nervous. He headed towards the most famous yet common shop that sold ninja gear as well as attire.

Shinobi Emporium.

The place was something that was best described as ordinary. It's a medium sized store, and like most store that sold ninja gear, they sell just about anything. From kunai and shuriken sets to titanium wire, explosive tags, smoke bombs and other useful appliances. But the most interesting thing was that they also accept custom orders. Say that he needed to get a sword made, he could always ask the smithy to make him one or use the forge himself.

After paying so much attention to the store's exterior, he made a step to enter. But, a screen popped up.

You are entering Shinobi Emporium. Shinobi Emporium is a store that sells a variety of ninja related gears. You can purchase clothes, weapons, tools and skill books from this place. To get better prices at selling or buying, consider on practicing your Bartering skill.

"Wait, bartering? I don't have that skill." The boy asked with scrunched eyebrows.

Several skills may not be displayed on the skill menu as they are already a part of your life before the game starts. Skills like Cooking, Bartering, Speaking and Gardening will not appear in the menu unless the gamer has made them important enough for the game to start prioritize them.

"Ah…" he got it now. "Well, show me my bartering skills, then."

Bartering (Active) lv.1: Measures how successful your chances are when trading/buying/selling with vendors/merchants all across the nations. Currently at lv.1 {-60% chance of getting better prices due to low reputation with Konoha}

"WHAT?!" He shouted in outrage and surprise. "That's it?! What's this reputation bullshit anyway?"

Reputation determines how popular you are with the people, group, factions that you have or have yet to meet. There are six types of reputation that you can have when exploring the game.

Hated: 0-10. You are hated by these people. They would never want anything to do with you or be involved with anything that concerns you. When meeting people who have this stage of reputation, you will be threatened and even as far as being attacked on sight. Be very wary of these people.

Disliked: 10-20. These people dislikes you, but they do not exactly hate you either. People with dislike towards you will have a hard time accepting and believing your words. Though it is not impossible to get them to become friendly with you. They might not show kindness to you, but nor will you be shown anything negative from them either. Be careful around these people.

Neutral: 20-50. These people are okay with you around, so long as you do not cause them any problem. These people may be more willing to listen to you, but they will not believe anything you say either. People who are neutral are potential allies and enemies, so be careful. Try to be nice and friendly around these people.

Liked: 50-60. These people love you. Either due to some favor that you have done for them, or just because of your friendliness. These people will listen to what you say and might believe your words. People who like you will be great allies to have as they will have a better chance to work together with. Try not to have your reputation lowered when with them.

Honored: 60-90. These people worship you. You are their savior. You have power over them. These people will listen and believe most of the things that you will say to them and may also follow you regardless of your objective. Note that people who have this kind of reputation about you will be very dependent or sometimes helpful to you.

Unquestioned: 90-100. These people will follow you to the depths of hell. You are the very meaning of their existence, without you, they might as well better off dead. These people can either be like this due to what you have done for them or to them. Note that it will almost be impossible to ask followers who have this much reputation about you to leave your service.

"Whoa…" that last one sounded a little bit too creepy for him. Now that he knew these things, which was great and all, he needed to know how much reputation he had with the people in his life. "Uh… how should I do this…? Menu… reputation?" he crossed his fingers, hoping that it would work.

And it did. A screen popped up showing him several writings on which he proceeded to read them all.


Civillians: 5 – Hated

Konoha Super Market: 2 – Hated

Leaf General Goods Store: 4 – Hated

Shinobi Emporium: 20 – Neutral

Ichiraku Ramen: 60 – Liked

Umino Iruka: 60 – Liked

Toujo Mizuki: 5 – Hated

Sarutobi Hiruzen:60 – Liked

[Rookie Nine]:

Uchiha Sasuke: 11 – Disliked

Haruno Sakura: 5 – Hated

Nara Shikamaru: 51 – Liked

Akimichi Chouji: 52 – Liked

Inuzuka Kiba: 52 – Liked

Aburame Shino: 32 – Neutral

Yamanaka Ino: 15 – Disliked

Hyuuga Hinata: ? – ?


?: ? – ?

?: ? – ?

?: ? – ?

?: ? – ?

?: ? – ?

It was heart wrenching to see that the civilian population really did hate him. Then, it was lifted when he saw the old man, Ichiraku and Iruka-sensei liking him. Still, he was curious to see that not all of the people in the class hated him, well Sakura's obvious, but he at least expected Ino to hate him. Sasuke… yeah, figured, question marks… maybe those're just people he hadn't meet. And most importantly… why was Hinata's description was filled with nothing but question marks? Hmm… curious, curious…

After finding out of a new feature to his new power, he entered the shop. Thankfully, he was the only customer inside. He'd never been inside before, so seeing the sight was something new to him. Upon entering, the first sight to greet him were racks, rows, shelves and stands filled with weapons ranging from swords, kodachis, tantos and other sorts of bladed weapons he did not know existed. So, he could only gape like an idiot right on the front door. Next thing he noticed were the books put on display on the front counter.


A voice, so gruff and heavy, snapped him from his state of amazement, causing him to blush at being caught staring like an idiot. He then found himself looking at a very tall man, twice his height with a very impressive build but had definitely seen better days. The man was radiating an aura of 'I am the owner of this place'-superiority. His hair was short but neat, his beard was the exact opposite of his hair; wild and thick, as if he never even bothered trimming them making a forest of black patch that covered the lower half of his face. Naruto straightened himself as he approached the man who was standing behind the counter.

"Er… hi, I'm looking to buy a new set of clothes?" he began awkwardly with a wry smile.

The man did not say anything, instead he stared at the much shorter blonde without even blinking. The second his staring remained, the more uncomfortable the boy was. He considered on bolting out from the place right here and then, but afraid that it might cause a misunderstanding with the folks outside. To his relief, the man murmured something which his ears could not pick up before retreating to the back.

Naruto sighed in relief. However, that relief was short lived. Not long later, the man returned, in his hands are stacks of several clothing colored in many different colors—Shinobi suited of course.


"Alright… eh… thanks…" Naruto slowly began browsing the stack of clothing that was presented to him. he browsed the selection and he used his skill to examine each of stuffs before him.

"Observe." Several windows that were only visible to him popped up from thin air before him.

Black Blade-proof Undershirt: A comfortable but tight fitting undershirt that provides maximum protection from bladed weapons! {+70% protection against bladed weapons, +20% more successful when sneaking at night} REQ: 10 STR, 15 DEX. DUR: 100/100 (Common) – 2000Ryo

Naruto liked what he was seeing already. A good apparel to be used for his future ninja career.

"Common, what's that?" he whispered questioningly to himself.

Throughout the game, you will encounter items with various rarity. The rarer the item, the more powerful, useful and expensive it will be. There are four types of rarity in the game.

Poor: Really, really bad quality items. Cheap, most of the times worthless. Avoid these and use only as extra scrap materials.

Common: Common items that are easily obtained. Ranges from a reasonable price, depending on what item it is. May be easily found in shops and vendors.

Unique: Rare items that is hard to obtain. May or may not be purchasable from your standard shops or vendors, thus their high value. Rare item will frequently drop when your LUK stat is high enough.

Legendary: Items that are considered to be legend or myths. These items will not appear when you are low leveled and are priceless. Invest more on your LUK to have a chance on obtaining these items, even that is unguaranteed.

Grey Metal Mesh Cargos: A pair of reinforced cargo pants with mesh metal, providing decent protection! {+40% protection against bladed weapons, +5 inventory slots} REQ: 8 STR, 8 DEX. DUR: 90/90 (Common) – 1400Ryo

Thin Plate Chest Piece: A thin plate chest piece built to protect the wearer from light bladed or blunt attacks! {+80% protection against bladed/blunt weapons, -20% sneaking} REQ: 15 STR, 20 DEX. DUR: 150/150 (Common) – 7000Ryo

Well that's a bummer. Wearing the plate armor will give him extra defense, but he'd have to trade his sneaking for that and it seemed that his he did not meet the required STR points oh well.

Hardened Metal Gauntlets: A pair of perfectly tempered and heat treated metal gauntlet giving the wearer protection on the arms area! {+30% protection against bladed/blunt weapons, +50 damage when fighting unarmed} REQ: 5 STR, 10 DEX. DUR: 80/80 (Common) – 4500Ryo

Heavy Duty Ninja Sandals: A pair of standard but heavy duty sandals worn by ninjas! {+40% more successful when sneaking at night/morning} REQ: 7 STR, 9 DEX. DUR: 50/50 (Common) – 1000Ryo

He looked at the prices for these things and cringed. This will definitely take a lot of toll to his wallet. "Say, are you selling these in sets?" he asked the vendor.

"Urhngg." A nod.

"I'd like to pay in installment, is that fine?"

The vendor stared at the boy for a few seconds. He then shrugged. "Hurrng."

"Great!" the boy smiled. He pulled out all of the bills he had inside his wallet and handed it to the cashier. "Here's all the money I have now, and I'll pay you back by the end of the week, how's that sound?"



Naruto signed some papers that would cement his agreement to pay by the end of the week. If he didn't, then he'll have the police on his back. He exited the shop with his newly bought, on installment, clothing folded nicely inside a bag. He wore the chest piece and gauntlets just because he didn't want them to occupy his bag. As he was about to walk home, a screen popped up.

You have too much item in your hands. Put them in your inventory?


Naruto blinked. "Wait, I can do that?!" he immediately punched the YES button. Magically, the bag and the clothing he had purchased earlier disappeared into light particles. He then received a notification.

Please check your inventory to view your items.

Naruto eagerly checked his inventory. "Inventory."


Black Blade-proof Undershirt X1: A comfortable but tight fitting undershirt that provides maximum protection from bladed weapons! {+70% protection against bladed weapons, +20% more successful when sneaking at night} REQ: 10 STR, 15 DEX. DUR: 100/100 (Common)

Grey Metal Mesh Cargos X1: A pair of reinforced cargo pants with mesh metal, providing decent protection! {+40% protection against bladed weapons, +5 inventory slots} REQ: 8 STR, 8 DEX. DUR: 90/90 (Common)

Heavy Duty Ninja Sandals X1: A pair of standard but heavy duty sandals worn by ninjas! {+40% more successful when sneaking at night/morning} REQ: 7 STR, 9 DEX. DUR: 50/50 (Common)

He could not stop the grin from spreading on his face. "Neat, how about I store these as well." He was referring to the chest piece and gauntlets he had on. "Store in inventory." Magically, like before, the two items disappeared into light particles before appearing in his inventory. He checked again just to make sure.


Black Blade-proof Undershirt X1: A comfortable but tight fitting undershirt that provides maximum protection from bladed weapons! {+70% protection against bladed weapons, +20% more successful when sneaking at night} REQ: 10 STR, 15 DEX. DUR: 100/100 (Common)

Grey Metal Mesh Cargos X1: A pair of reinforced cargo pants with mesh metal, providing decent protection! {+40% protection against bladed weapons, +5 inventory slots} REQ: 8 STR, 8 DEX. DUR: 90/90 (Common)

Heavy Duty Ninja Sandals X1: A pair of standard but heavy duty sandals worn by ninjas! {+40% more successful when sneaking at night/morning} REQ: 7 STR, 9 DEX. DUR: 50/50 (Common)

Thin Plate Chest Piece: A thin plate chest piece built to protect the wearer from light bladed or blunt attacks! {+80% protection against bladed/blunt weapons, -20% sneaking} REQ: 15 STR, 20 DEX. DUR: 150/150 (Common)

Hardened Metal Gauntlets: A pair of perfectly tempered and heat treated metal gauntlet giving the wearer protection on the arms area! {+30% protection against bladed/blunt weapons, +50 damage when fighting unarmed} REQ: 5 STR, 10 DEX. DUR: 80/80 (Common)

This night just kept on getting better and better.

Well, that's my take on this type of story. Hmm… can't say I'm familiar with Gamer-type stories but I think I've done a pretty solid job on this one. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, this story is greatly inspired by Naruto: The Gamer Files by MaxFic. But there will be a very huge different as we progress.

Sorry that I haven't been updating my other stories that much, seeing that my interest in them is slowly dying. I'll try to get back to them, but no promises.

If you have any suggestions for this story, please tell me via PM. Review only if you have criticism for me or complaints.

This is me, signing out.