Two days before Thanksgiving Tony and Gibbs were helping out at Abby's church with food boxes when they got a call. They were a couple for three years now and were hoping to one day adopt but so far had no luck. They did foster care once in a while but it became too much when the kids had to go back so now they were only on the list for military families or emergency placement. Abby had been trying to help them but knew they weren't taking rejection very well. As they finish the boxes Gibbs' phone rang.


"Hi, Jethro this is Ann Studdard."

"Hi Ann, how can I help you?" Ann Studdard was the case worker for their adoption process and they assumed it was more bad news so Tony walked away.

"How would you like to come down to Georgetown to meet your new daughter."

"Very funny, you know there hasn't been a bite in months. As soon as they find out it's two guys they take off running."

"I know but there's a mom who is about to lose custody of both of her kids. She begged me to find anyone who would be willing to take them both in. Lacy doesn't care if it's two guys, two girls or one of each she would just like both kids to stay together."

"But I thought you said it was a girl."

"Yeah but … if you don't take them the boy will be put in foster care either way. She's going to jail for violating her probation and the baby will likely be adopted before she gets out. She just wants them to stay together and I know you and Tony aren't against adopting older kids so I thought of you first."

"When do we get to meet both of them?"

"I can get David and bring him here to meet both of you and then you can meet the baby too."

"What's her name?"

"Lacy calls her Willow but said you could name her anything you want. She's going to be released in about an hour into foster care." Tony looks at Gibbs who grins.

"Okay, we'll meet you there in 30." Gibbs hangs up and Tony joins him.

"What's with the grin? What are you up to?"

"Ann has a mother who is going to jail but just had a baby. She also has another child who will be put into foster care. The girl Lacy begged Ann to find someone who would keep them together and she thought about us. She said we could adopt them but if we don't take them they'll be separated and the baby will be adopted out before Lacy can get out."

"Really? When do we get to meet them?"

"We just have to pick up the car seats and stuff. She thought since we were up to adopt both a baby or an older child it would work. She's going to pick up the little boy and the baby will be released in an hour." After telling Abby and the others they had to go they quickly leave. At the house they grab the infant car seat and other car seat they had for any kids left in their care and head to the hospital where Ann met them in the lobby.

"Lacy wanted a little time alone with them to say goodbye. The police officer to arrest her and her probation officer are outside her room. They don't want to take her away but she was caught with drugs when she was admitted yesterday. Nothing showed up in her or the baby's system but she's not supposed to have them."

"That's fine we would take the baby anyway. What can you tell us about David?"

"He's two so he doesn't really understand but from what I can tell she wasn't the greatest mom anyway leaving him where she could while she partied or sold drugs. Her mom took David when she was in jail before but she's dead now. When she died Lacy was released to care for David as long as she stayed away from them."

"What if she doesn't spend jail time? Is she going to come after them? Can she take them from us?"

"I told her they would go into the system if she wasn't willing to give them to a good home. If she signs the papers giving you guys custody then it'll help her case. Her probation officer can verify and certify everything."

"Okay, we just don't want to get attached or anything." When they met Lacy, Willow and David Gibbs could tell Tony fell in love with the kids. David was shy but grew attached quickly to Tony before they left the hospital and Gibbs thought Willow was beautiful. "Is there anything we should know about David? Allergies, favorite toys..."

"He likes anything to do with cars, trucks and Disney movies. He isn't allergic to anything that we know of but he does have a stuffed cat he loves. It's in his bag over there along with his baby blanket. There's another three in there for spares. A friend took the quilt my mom made me as a teen and sewed it into 4 different baby blankets for him."

"Okay, we'll make sure he has that and thank you."

"For what? I should be thanking you for being willing to take them together. Most people told me they would be separated but I want them to grow up together."

"Most mothers don't like that we're two men wanting to adopt. They would prefer a man and woman but we have female friends who will be more than willing to help."

"I was raised by two fathers. My mom was in my life but she didn't raise me she just basically carried me for them. If I had the time to choose I would've gone for two men but when Suzanne said she knew of two men who might be willing to take both Willow and David I asked her to contact you. I won't try to take them away or anything as long as they stay together."

"Okay and thank you." After leaving the hospital they head to the store to start stocking up on baby and kid supplies. "Do you want to work on the baby stuff or the toys?" Tony grins at David who was in his arms.

"Toys, they're always more fun." Gibbs rolls his eyes.

"Just remember it's a 3 story house not a mansion. Don't buy out the store." Gibbs went through clothes and supplies for both kids enjoying shopping for the baby especially. He knew both would wear whatever they picked but went through the baby section getting Willow a stuffed dog and baby blanket of her own grabbing a few for spares and then meeting up with Tony and David who had a cart full of toys. "Whoa, did you get enough toys?" David looks at him and Gibbs knows he scared him.

"We have to fill a room with stuff for them Jethro. I know Willows too small for toys but we have soft toys too."

"I only meant did you find what David likes? It looks like a lot of big stuff but is it for his age?"

"Of course and I see what he likes. Besides we still have to get a toddler bed and crib for them."

"Let's see what you have here." David stood by Willow while Gibbs goes through the toys and saw Tony really did get toys little kids would like. "You guys did a good job."

"Me keep?"

"Yeah you can keep them David. Let's get a few more things and then we'll get the bed and crib." They got an indoor play set with a ball pit and a swing and stroller before picking out a bed for David with cars on it and a crib for Willow. When they got home after stopping for lunch David was tired and conked out before Gibbs put him down on their bed. He put together the bed while Tony put away everything washing the stuff Lacy gave them. They talked about not saying anything about Willow or David until the others came for Thanksgiving dinner since they had no plans to see any of them before then. Since they were hosting that year they got out of serving at the homeless shelter so they were sure they wouldn't be seeing anyone before noon or so.