So this was my original Fem!Harry story published last year, the problem was I wrote myself into a wall and really hated were the last arc was going. So I actually took a step back, drew up a proper outline, and did a complete revamp, so this is the retconned and refined version.

New changes are we're going to see more of what's going on in the other Houses, and the general misogynistic outlook of the wizarding world that I briefly touched on will be more of an ongoing issue.

Plus later chapters lost what made this fun for me to write, Harry adapting to being turned into a girl and the hijinks that follows her. Anyway for those that read the original there is going to be quite a bit of new material, so please, enjoy and review!

So WARNINGS! This is a genderbender eventual femslash pairing between Harry and Hermione, there will be no Weasley bashing because I find it to be an over used and often times nonsensical plot device. We will be touching off on such issues as expected gender roles, drug and alcohol usage, violence, defenestration, mentions of sexual assault (which will be labeled) and basically a bunch of insane people with a tonne of money and no compunctions on how they spend it.

Harry Potter was having a rather rotten week, be it from the simpering ministry flunky running his Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the unending line of detentions he'd accumulated over the past few days for speaking the truth about Voldemort, or having to deal with his best mates rather mercurial temperament. So all told, par for the course really, Harry was still the worlds punching bag and yet again the adults in his life remained next to useless, good times. He was drawn from his irritated musings by a pinch faced ferret who fancied himself his rival stepping in his way,

"Hey Potter, how was your summer hmm? Cry like a woman over what happened to Diggory?" Ah Draco, now there was a case study on daddy issues, not really deigning it necessary to respond to the barb Harry attempted to move around the blonde ponce and his bookends. Crabbe and Goyle were as imposing and vapid as ever, and he really had no intention of dealing with the illiterate trio but they moved as a unit to block his and Hermione's path to where Ron was seated. Gritting his teeth Harry finally let the summers worth of abandonment fueled rage bleed through,

"Malfoy I know you can't get enough of my presence, really I do, but keep pushing me and I'll give you a reminder of what I did to your darling Dark Lord when I was an infant, now would you kindly bloody move." The trio blinked dumbly at this but didn't react otherwise, he mused this was likely the net result of generations of inbreeding; for her part Hermione tensed up a bit and dropped her hand to her wand, bless her paranoid heart. Sneering again in a manner that just annoyed Harry further the blonde retorted,

"Are you taking the piss out of me Potter? You can't do anything to me, my father-" and with that Harry finally had it, he just couldn't take it anymore; utilizing every enraged abused and mistreated feeling he had wound in his psyche he performed an act of wandless magic that would have caused Merlin to applaud. All at once Crabbe and Goyle went flying to either side of the room seeing as they were inconsequential to Harry's ire, Malfoy though was thrown to the front of the room his robes melting around him as his hair turned a rather lurid shade of violet.

A tableau of glowing magics spun around the room as Harry vented his rage, no one, not even Dumbledore himself could have reeled in the boys anger at this point, after a time the miasma of energy bled off and the room was left silent. As the storm settled Harry was still standing there quivering in fury with Hermione grasping his arm staring at him in awe. They were both now occupying a rather impressive crater in the stone floor, and a certain blonde was magically crucified on Snape's blackboard stark naked and sporting a rather impressive indigo mullet.

"Potter...twenty points from Gryffindor for assaulting classmates," Snape, of course it had to be Snape, always waiting in the shadows to bestow blame on those defending themselves against his charges. Not really believing he was about to do what he had planned he turned to the greasy git and snarled,

"Bugger off Death Eater," and with that he grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her with him to his seat next to Ron. Every eye in the room was on him, no one knowing quite how to react other then seeing this blowup as proof that the Daily Prophet was right about the one time saviors instabilities. Snape pulled his wand out and in a few motions brought his dungeon back to normal while also freeing the ferret from the blackboard whilst transfiguring him new robes; no luck on the mullet though, pity that. Eventually Snape's vitriolic gaze met Harry's as he coldly stated,

"Thirty points from Gryffindor for disrespecting a professor," Ah, that's how it was, meeting the greasy gits dark eyes Harry just smiled grimly as he replied,

"What part of 'Bugger off Death Eater' did you not understand, Professor?" Opening his book he ignored the world around him as Snape seethed out that he'd involve the Headmaster for this disrespect. Harry only infuriated the man further by chuckling to himself, at least the bearded bastard would be forced to acknowledge his existence for the first time since his trial, wrinkled old codger.

Was Harry bitter? Just a bit. Out of the norm Hermione partnered up with him and kept casting concerned looks his way, eventually sighing he gave in and asked his best friend what was wrong.

"What's wrong?! You're having to deal with Heinrich Himmler's reincarnation as a Defense Professor, you spent the entire summer feeling as if you were abandoned by all your friends after witnessing a classmate being murdered by the man who betrayed your parents, and then you perform an act of wandless magic that would leave every witch in existence hot and bothered all while openly mocking an authority figure?!"

Her whispered rant ended when she ran out of air, truth be told Harry was fairly impressed and idly wondered how long the brunette could hold her breath. Keeping that non sequitor to himself he tuned back into her huffing as she just shook her head as she got to work on their project.

He really hadn't the foggiest idea what he was supposed to be working on as he began tossing random ingredients into the cauldron, at this point Harry was well aware he was going to get a Troll for the day so he couldn't really find it in himself to care either. After a few moments of silence Hermione finally continued, "I'm worried about you Harry, I'm very worried about you and I don't know what I can do to help. You seem quite intent on making things difficult for yourself."

He really didn't have a response to that, honestly she was right what could she do when all he wanted from life at the moment was to beat Snape and Voldemort to death with his bare hands, pausing a moment he had to wonder why he was feeling so enraged. None of this was new, he'd always been the target of abuse for the world, so why was he bursting at the seams over it now?

Giving this thought some honest consideration he didn't notice Malfoy glaring at him from the next table over; really it wasn't his fault, the prats newly acquire violet locks cowled most of his face in shadow anyway. With a rather impressive feat of silent magic Draco cast several items into Harry's cauldron while he was talking to his friends, Harry glanced up at the bubbling piece of cookware for a moment before shrugging and moving on. As class wound down Harry took a sample from the cauldron and walked up to Snape's desk placing the wax sealed vial before the glowering Potions Master.

"Drink it, Potter," the man rather sardonically stated, Harry scrunched his face up and was about to deliver another rather poignant tirade when the professor continued, "Its a simple 'Pepper-Up' potion Potter, if you failed this you are truly pathetic." Grimacing Harry decided to throw in his obligatory insult regardless of the situation,

"Fine whatever you greasy git," garnering an exasperated sigh from Hermione and a snicker from Ron with this statement Harry downed the vial and tossed it on the desk letting the glass shatter, seriously what did he care at this point. As he walked away his stomach began cramping and he fell to his knees, convulsing he felt a sick shiver run down his spine that somewhat reminded him of the effects of polyjuice potion. This was different though, it felt like he was being torn apart at the cellular level and put back together after taking a nice long soak in electrified acid, all told he'd give the pain an 8/10, the basilisk venom hurt just a hair more.

As the world spun around him he fell on his back and continued to scream, oddly enough it sounded like his voice was raising in pitch the whole while, eventually the world swirled back into focus and after a time he managed to pull his long raven tresses from his face. Wait...what? His hair was now at least a quarter meter longer then it had been before and as he looked at his hands he realized his fingers had thinned and were a bit longer as well, glancing over his breasts he saw the class staring at him in shocked horror.

Wait. His breasts? What? Trying to stand shakily both Ron and Hermione rushed up to him trying to help him regain his balance, "What...what happened?" He asked in far too light of a tone, his friends exchanged a glance then Ron looked at him completely befuddled,

"Mate yer umm...yer a girl." Oh, lovely, why not, so with that he was dragged to the hospital wing and was thrown underneath the microscope...wait no, wizards didn't do that science thing, thrown under the wand of Madam Pomfrey. Hermione and Ron never left his side and even poor Neville stood guard while throwing him an occasional horrified stare, more then likely thinking it could have easily been him who fell to Snape's vengeance.

"It wasn't the Professor you dullard!" Hermione snapped at Ron, she looked truly frustrated as she kept leafing through her potions book like it would answer all their problems. "Honestly Harry was not paying any attention to what he was brewing, for Merlin's sake he threw in powdered crocalisk gizzards! Those aren't even used in a pepper-up potion!" Harry nodded his..her...ugh...whatever, HER head and agreed with the young woman,

"She's right Ron I wasn't doing anything even remotely related to paying attention, sure Snape forced me to drink it but he had no idea what the hell I concocted...I seriously doubt anyone does really." Neville for his part looked a bit indignant,

"Now come on we still call you Harry? Anyway we all saw Pr-Professor Snape force you to take that potion, he didn't even LOOK at it before he dosed you, that's some serious negligence right there." Hermione worried her lip at that not arguing the point, the Professor had no right to force Harry to take the potion and the end result rather proved that. With a huff the bookworm slammed her tome shut as she looked at her best friend apologetically.

"I'm sorry Harry I have nothing to offer, I think you may have accidentally created something that no one has a counter for," Harry shrugged her shoulders at this, really it didn't surprise her at this point. As violent and dangerous as her past four years had been why should she be caught off guard by something as mundane as an unexpected sex change? After a time Headmaster Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey showed up both looking solemn,

"Harry..." the old man started with a concerned tone, he glanced to the trio accompanying him but he quickly realized they'd know what was said regardless and continued. "The potion you made was...unique, none of the staff are quite sure what went into its brewing and I'm sad to say you are more then likely stuck in this form for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry my boy, I truly am." Grunting in annoyance Harry hopped off the bed and paced a bit, eventually she just huffed while raising and dropping her hands in exasperation.

"Just keep Malfoy and his creeps away from me and we'll be set Professor, I doubt this is permanent but even if it is there isn't much we can do about it...did it to myself anyhow..." Shrugging she continued "I suppose I should pick a new name...just call me Lilly for the time being, sure mum would like that..." Dumbledore looked at her with an appraising gaze then nodded knowingly.

"Very well young lady, you'll obviously have to be transferred to the female quarters but that can wait for now. I'm sure your friends have some acclimating to do so I'll leave you with the promise that I will try to fix this, take heart in that." Once the Headmaster left and Pomfrey suitably babied her Lilly was released in the care of her friends, pausing a moment she closed her eyes in consternation before speaking.

"Ron...Neville...I need you two to go ahead of me and move my stuff into the common room so I can switch dorms, I'll meet up with you in a few." Nodding solemnly the two young men walked off, looking over to Hermione Lilly smiled sadly, "I need something from you that is going to put a very real strain on our friendship Mione." Looking concerned the bushy haired girl cocked her head in question, sighing Lilly continued, "'re going to have to explain that whole menstrual cycle thing to me..."

Draco Malfoy sat in the Slytherin Common Room staring at the ceiling in numb shock, thankfully his hair had reverted to its normal platinum blonde coloring but that really wasn't what had him so transfixed at the moment.

"I turned Potter into a girl," Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini exchanged exasperated looks before they turned back to the baffled Malfoy scion,

"Yes we know Draco, we were there after all," Blaise stated evenly hoping to move the conversation along, Draco though took no notice of this as he continued to stare upward.

"I turned Harry Bloody Potter into a girl, and I didn't even get a detention, I know that old fool thinks everyone should get second chances but I just turned the Boy-Who-Lived into a girl!" Theo sighed realizing that Draco was not going to let this go anytime soon,

"Only Professor Snape saw you throw that extra shite into Potter's cauldron, so unless he turns you in, which isn't likely, I think you're in the clear." Relaxing a bit at that Draco nodded once and finally brought his head back down to meet Theo's gaze,

"You think it's permanent?" Theo shrugged at that while Blaise let out a noncommittal hum, the Italian wizard propped his elbow on the table as he rested his chin in his open hand,

"Depends on the nature of the magic involved, I personally hope so though, Potter makes for a rather fit bird," Draco sputtered at that as Theo laughed at the blondes reaction, deciding this was too fun he threw in his own two knuts.

"She really does, I'd say good show Draco, and it makes sense if you did this on purpose, you were practically flirting with Potter on a daily basis with that peacocking of yours." Face fluctuating between an unhealthy white and tomato red Draco eventually let out a seething sigh as he stood from his seat,

"You two are wankers, I'm just making that clear, I'm going to my room, good evening gentleman," with that he stood and as he was about close the door leading to the dorms Blaise shouted out,

"Don't forget the lotions under the sink!" There was an indignant squawk as the door was slammed shut, the two boys exchanged knowing smirks then burst out laughing; never let it be said that Slytherin's did not on occasion act like immature teenagers, they'd just never admit it to anyone who asked.

It was an ashen faced Lilly Potter who finally made her way to the lavatories a short time later, the information overload she had just received had deeply unsettled her; she really hadn't needed Hermione to go into such graphic detail on how her new plumbing worked. Although truth be told her inner Marauder was slightly curious if her long time friend hadn't been pranking her since the bushy haired bookworm already had diagrams and color coded graphs at ready. With that witch, well...she wouldn't have bet against it, Hermione could have her playfully ruthless moments, her treatment of the captured Rita Skeeter left no doubt of that.

Sighing as she entered the room while vaguely recalling it was Moaning Myrtle's personal haunt Lilly came to dead stop in front of the sinks,

"Nothing for it, blokes won out women got the raw deal in this whole puberty thing..." realizing that she did not in fact know where to go from here she turned the faucets on and dunked her face into the basin of water.

After a few moments she pulled her head up and turned the water off, glaring down into the draining sink she wiped her face dry with a corner of her robe while pulling her annoyingly long hair behind her ears. Standing there contemplating her lot in life she allocated herself a few more moments of glowering time before glancing up into the mirror and felt her heart skip a beat.

She'd been operating on the assumption that she still looked like Harry, just you know, with lady bits, the end result was completely opposite of what she'd expected, "Whoa...I'm hot!" Ok, not exactly the most humble thing to say but seriously, from the raven hair, pale heart shaped face and emerald eyes that now held a rather creepy inner glow she was quite striking, still had that damn scar though.

Realizing that her glasses didn't fit the new her she pulled out her wand and went over her options, concentrating she began to form an image in her mind. Frames had to go, and the round lenses were kind of tacky truth be told, so after a few deft transfigurations she was now sporting a rather tasteful pair of rimless lenses.

"Can't believe it I've been a girl for a few hours and I'm already accessorizing, ugh..." Looking at the striking young lady in the mirror a morbid thought hit her...she was now an attractive girl in a school filled with clueless pubescent boys, past experience verifying this. Shuddering at flashbacks of Harry's bungled attempts at wooing Cho Chang and the aberration that had been the Yule Ball last year Lilly now had the uncomfortable realization that her real problems had only just begun.

Because simply put, Harry Potter had had many worries in his life and while they usually involved him being pushed around, abused, or more often then he liked nearly killed, one thing he had never had to deal with though was being pursued by romantically inept teenage boys.

With a groaned "Bugger me," she dropped her head and marched off to the dorms, best to just get this crap over with, maybe she'd get lucky and the common room would be empty since it was already so late. She had to brace herself against the wall as she tried to stifle the sudden manic laughter that bubbled up at the mere thought of having good luck, eventually regaining control she moved on.

It soon was proven that her luck as Lilly Potter held true to Harry's standard, which is to say on the short end of abysmal, much to her annoyance it appeared that the entirety of Gryffindor was camping in the Common room to get a look at her.

The mixed bag of reactions was...disconcerting, from some of the girls she was getting looks of jealousy (which was stupid), from the boys looks that could only be considered lecherous (which was unsettling), and in between all that those exuding honest curiosity and sympathy (which was appreciated). Finally meeting Hermione's apologetic gaze next to the supportive Neville and Ron she gave a half hearted shrug and leaned against the door frame.

Deciding that being blindly courageous like a proper Gryffindor had been the catalyst for this mess Lilly opted to play this like a Slytherin and use some basic deflection, "I suppose you've already heard so really no point hiding it, I did in fact tell Snape to bugger off to his face, twice, sorry for the lost points."

For once in her life she'd said the exact right thing at the right time, the collective took a breath then broke down into peels of laughter, looking back to her friends she received a nod of approval from Hermione and wide grins from the boys.

'Can work with that,' she thought with a smile, walking into the room proper she realized suddenly she was a bit taller then Harry had been, not an unwanted trade off but certainly unexpected; filing that away for later she began pacing back and forth while twirling a lock of her hair.

Looking back at the now smiling crowd she continued whilst shrugging again, "I also stripped Malfoy down to his birthday suit and gave him some...fabulous hair care advice free of charge since I'm such a giving person, lost points for that as well." Dean Thomas snarked out with,

"The poofter looked like one of the anorexic 'hunks' on the back of my mum's cheap romance novels, well played Harry!" As the laughter renewed she felt the urge to hug the hell out of the muggle-born for that opening, giving him a lopsided grin she drawled,

"Well I aim to please my target demographic Dean," more laughter, ah good stuff, finally letting her smile drop she fell into the chair that had obviously been left for her and just sat there for a few moments facing her entire house. Rubbing her face and growling in frustration she finally threw her head back and continued, "Ok, so long short, I seriously messed up a potion and this body is the end result of that mistake.

"I already went over this with the Headmaster and Madam Pomfrey, this is due to my own negligence and Snape being a condescending arse," Neville and Ron threw in a 'here here' but she received an annoyed glare from Hermione, Lilly inwardly snorted at that, 'baby steps dear, baby steps'.

Removing her glasses she began rubbing her temples slowly as she collected her thoughts, getting no inspiration she plowed on, "As it stands so far all we can tell is this...transformation is permanent, outside of some very odd magic levels I've nothing abnormal in my system...outside of missing my Y-chromosomes of course." That got a chuckle from the older muggle-born but looks of confusion from all else, ah well can't please them all.

"So, just work with me here, please? I know we've had a rocky start with the Tom Riddle...errr...Voldemort thing but we have Umbitch to deal with on top of all our normal harrowing school year drama so...lets all just try to play this by ear." The collective winced at the name of the self styled Dark Lord much to Lilly's annoyance, and while it was obvious they wanted more they also appeared to sense her desire to avoid further questioning for the time being and began dispersing. Thank Merlin for small miracles, eventually Fred, George, Ginny, Neville, Ron and Hermione crowded around her, the twins starting in first, of course,

"My my Harry, we had no idea you were so against courting our lovely Ginny," the twins traded off without missing a beat,

"That you'd go through all this effort to make yourself available to the simple Ronnikins," Insert indigent yelp and a disgusted 'Hey!' here, the devious duo of course continued unabated.

"Of course you could have secretly been desiring the pair of us,"

"Indeed oddly suspicious George, I do believe dear Harry was supporting some rather off fantasies," Smirking at the twins antics she resumed rubbing her temples for a moment before making eye contact with Fred, winking she said,

"Sorry George, Fred's the pretty one and I can't see myself settling for a set of defective twins," getting a final laugh out of all her friends she stood and looked them over, eventually she muttered, "Thanks for sticking with me guys, but right now I need some sleep." They all nodded in understanding as she was escorted to the girls dorms by Ginny and Hermione, once she reached the offered bed Lilly fell face first into the covers and was out before anything could be said.

Nearly the second the young quartet had left Madam Pomfrey's care Albus rushed out of Hogwarts to check on something that had been tugging at his consciousness ever since Harry's unfortunate transformation; as he apparated in front of 4 Privet drive he silently thanked his foresight to cast a disillusionment charm. Muggle emergency service vehicles were surrounding the smoking crater that once contained the home of the Dursley's, looking about it was obvious what had happened and he really couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Excellent job Severus, truly excellent, try to belittle the boy by making him drink an untested potion in a room where he already vented enough wild magic to charge a blood seal rebound..." That was the crux of the matter really, Harry becoming Lilly broke the protection charm his/her mother placed on them while simultaneously unanchoring more then a decades worth of pent up blood magic.

What Dumbledore couldn't quite figure out just yet was where that energy had gone, with a rebound of this magnitude it would have to go back to person who had been leaching their magic, and since young Lilly's head hadn't exploded well...

Seeing as there was no reason to linger before the destroyed home he apparated to the nearest connection to the floo network and re-entered his office; pacing back and forth he kept trying to figure out how to protect Lilly without the ancient magics he'd had her under for nearly a decade and a half. What truly worried him was that if his growing suspicions on the nature of her scar were true then the buffer her mothers sacrifice had offered was gone.

Now contemplating the idea that the newly minted young ladies mind was being infected by a soul fragment of one of the most vile and misguided wizards of the day he was soon interrupted by the unannounced arrival of Severus. Meeting the Headmaster's gaze the potion's master shook his head as he sat in one of the open chairs,

"I know you have words for me for my actions and for once...I may have to admit I overstepped my bounds, things have...happened to the Dark Lord that we need to discuss, please summon Minerva, she'll need to hear about this as well since it involves one of her students." That...that was not expected from the normally condescending and taciturn man, especially with anything involved with young Lilly...maybe things hadn't changed that much after all.

"Very well Severus, am I to assume this involves what happened to young Miss Potter?" Wincing at that the man nodded, shifting his twinkling gaze to Fawkes he bade him retrieve his Deputy Headmistress as the pair sat in silence, eventually Minerva entered the room and began staring daggers at her fellow house head. Taking her seat next to Severus they sat in uncomfortable quiet for a time, eventually the black haired man sighed and spoke,

"As you are aware Headmaster shortly after Lil...Miss Potters unfortunate accident I was summoned to attend the Dark Lord, what I arrived to could only be described as utter chaos. Well over half of Malfoy Manor has been leveled by some massive magical attack that seemed to be centered directly on the Dark lord." Both of the elder professors peaked up at this bit of news, popping a lemon drop into his mouth Dumbledore motioned for the man to continue, shifting uneasily while glancing at Minerva Severus sighed then dropped his head into his hands.

After a few moment he lifted his head and resumed his tale, "It would appear that a rather violent rebound from a broken blood seal had been directed towards the Dark Lord and mangled his body, while he's recovering he's suffered some...mutations to his form that no one can explain.

"The other Death Eaters are scrambling to do damage control but not even Lucius's gold is going to make the Auror's ignore half his mansion being blown apart, I suspect this has something to do with Miss Potter's accident but I'm not sure how." Albus sat there dumbfounded, after a moment he began chuckling shaking his head in realization,

"The magics Lily placed on Harry upon her death were fueled by a blood seal placed in his Aunt and Uncle's home, and yes I'm aware that its a darker magic that causes instability in ones temperament, its why I always gave him such leeway." Minerva interrupted him as her Scottish brogue began to break through,

"You put a blood seal on an infants magic core!?" Sighing he nodded, really he couldn't defend himself much here, she was right to be angry,

"Indeed I did Minerva, at the time the protection Lily placed on Harry was the only thing protecting him from Tom, we had no idea if he was truly gone for good and I was short on options, bringing him back to the wizarding world and leaving him with the Longbottom's or Bones' as his parents wished would have only made them targets. And considering what happened to Frank and Alice..." She didn't have a response to that, feeling his years once again he continued with his theory,

"'Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son. Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe.' These are the words spoken by Peter Pettigrew as he resurrected Tom's body..."

He was met with silence as both his faculty members came to their own conclusions, nodding he popped another lemon drop while smiling slightly. "I'm unsure how much you two know about the muggle sciences but in the study of genetics there are two sets of chromosomes for a male, XX from the mother and XY from the father..."

Pausing to really consider the implications he couldn't help but laugh at the situation, "The magics that Harry had running through his body must have sensed the rebound and did the quickest thing it could to his already transforming overwrote the Y, no longer being the prime candidate for the rebound the magic turned to the closest blood link available..."

Severus stared at him for a moment then nodded, leaning back in his chair he crossed his arms then gave a half hearted snort,

"Well...that would explain why the Dark Lord has a rather smashing set of tits now," it took nearly a minute for Minerva to get the lemon drop out of the now chocking headmasters throat.

This was a monumental pain to edit and I'm sure I missed several things, I'll give it another look over later this week but considering I'm doing this redux thing for fun I wouldn't hold my breath. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, please review!