Disclaimer: I do not own Winx Club. I write this fic to practice writing and for my own amusement.

Warning this fic contains: oc, ooc, deviation from canon, violence, hurt feelings, lying, memory loss, broken memories and swearing.

Just to remind everyone. Currently Sky and Brandon have traded places. So Sky is Brandon and Brandon is Sky. It might get a little more confusing with Bloom.

So It Was A Dream


'It hurts. It really hurts.'

It had been surprising painful for Bloom to see Sara and... Stella again.

Bowing her head as a deep sense of loss and regret washes over her, Bloom makes her way back to her room and thinks about what has happened. Even though for a time she hadn't been sure if she would be able to get to Alfea, she had still imagined what would happen when she finally got to the school. She'd imagined that she would have to explain what had happened. That she'd been the one who had saved Stella and that Sara had been taken to Alfea by mistake. The thought that Sara and Stella would not listen to what she had to say. That instead they would push her away, had never crossed her mind. It had all seemed so simple in her head. She is meant to be friends with Stella and...

Reaching the door to her apartment, Bloom opens the door and walks inside. Entering the common room she sits on the couch and flops over.

"They wouldn't even let me explain," Bloom mutters as she tries to process what has happened. "Does Stella even know who I am? We were such good friends before..."

But that was only within the memories that Bloom has been able to recall. Memories of future events that have and haven't taken place. Like in those memories, Bloom did save Stella but she hadn't been taken to Alfea afterwards. Instead she had gone out to make a delivery for her mother and by the time she had gotten back both Stella and Sara had been gone.

"In other words, the memories I possess will happen," Bloom mutters, " but events can be altered. So, that means the rest of the memories I have, may not happen because certain events have already been changed."

"Does that mean, Stella and I wont be friends!?" Bloom shouts as she sits up, "what about Sky?! No, that cant be right! I have to fix this somehow. I will fix this! There has to be a way."

Biting her nail, Bloom thinks about what she knows. The bits of dream or memory that she has remembered, the headaches that come on when she tries to remember the parts of the dream she's forgotten and how things keep changing.

Muttering to herself, "I have to remember everything. If I can just remember, I can figure out how to make things right. Now that I'm in Alfea, I should have an easier time. There must be a spell that can help a person remember their dreams."

"The libary," she thinks with a smile, "I'll see if there are any books for memory spells in the libary. All schools have a libary."

Happy with her reasoning, Bloom walks over to the door and says, "and if I can't find a spell in the library, I'll just ask around."

Mouth twitching down into a frown she thinks, "though, I should probably not tell anyone about my dream. I have no idea how they'll react and the last thing I want is to be thought of as crazy. Now that, might just ruin all my chances with Sky."

Opening the door, Bloom takes one step forward and sees something from the corner of her eye. Taking a step back into her apartment a young woman around Bloom age rushes past and slams into the far wall.

mouth hanging open in shock, Bloom rushes over to help. Kneeling down and reaching out a hand to the other girl in an effort to help the girl up she pauses.

"Wait,' Bloom thinks, 'she hit that wall pretty hard. Like, kids cartoon hard. If I move her I could aggravate her injuries. So maybe a healing spell?'

"Kaie!" A voice shouts out and the sound of feet hitting the floor is heard as someone runs over.

Turning her head, Bloom sees a girl around her age with long auburn hair, blue eyes, wearing a short sleeve blue shirt and pale pink skirt.

As the other girl ran over she knelt down next to her friend and gave Bloom an apologetic half smile. The girl waved her hand over Kaie and calls out, "Healing Stream!" A wave of blue light washes over Kaie causing the girl to shine blue for a few seconds.

The auburn haired girl lets out a sigh as she leans back on her heels, "sorry about that."

"Eh, no problem," Bloom says as she meets the eyes of the other girls. Wanting to ask what exactly happened she opens her mouth and quickly closes it as Kaie suddenly sits forward.

With a look of confusion on her face Kaie looks between Bloom and the other girl causing her short brown hair to swish back and forth.

"Oh, hi?" Kaie says as she lifts one of her pale hands in a waving gesture.

"Hi?" Bloom repeats back as the other girl hisses out, "hi? Hi! That's all you have to say after trying to ram through the wall!?"

"Um..." Kaie takes a moment to think about what she has been asked. Seconds pass by as she closes her eyes and seems to be in deep thought. Eyes suddenly opening, with a big smile on her face she snaps her fingers and says, "sorry Francine!"

A fist slams down onto Kaie's head and Kaie shouts out, "ow! Why'd you do that!?"

"Why?" Francine asks voice slightly raised and hair flowing behind her as if it has a life of its own. "You come barreling out of our room for no reason and rush into the hall before running into the wall. Besides if there's anyone you should be apologizing to it's the girl you almost ran into." Finishing her rant the enraged fairy points to Bloom.

Staring at Francine with wide eyes she opens her mouth and asks "Really? " as she looks between her friend and Bloom. With Francines nod, Kaie looks to Bloom and mournfully says, "Sorry."

Before Bloom can even mention that it perfectly fine. No harm, no fowl and all that. Kaie looks at Bloom intently and asks, "who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Bloom," she answers with a smile, " nice to meet you."

"Im Kaie," Kaie replies.

"Francine," the still slightly irritated fairy says, " nice to meet you too."

Leaning towards Bloom, Francine says, "you know, now that I'm getting a better look at you, I don't think I've ever seen you around."

"I feel like I've seen her," Kaie says as she brings her hand up in a thinking pose.

"I just entered Alfea."

Snapping her fingers Kaie shouts, "I got it! You're that girl that was introduced in class today."

"What?" Francine asks, "when was that?"

"During Mr. Wizgiz class," Kaie states.

"I dont remember that," Francine mutters.

"Thats becuase you were sleeping during in class."

Face flushing Francine glares at Kaie and Bloom seeing that this isn't going anywhere fast tries to change the subject. "So what were you doing?"

The two girls look to Bloom in confusion.

"You know, slamming into the wall?"

"Oh, that," Kaie says, "I was trying to cast a dancing spell."

"Why?" Bloom asks.

"I..." pausing and looking at the ground Kaie admits, "I dont know how to dance. So I thought that I could use a spell for the dance."

"That's what this is about," Francine scolds, "you know not everyone knows how to dance. A bunch of people will most likely be off to the side chatting with each other."

"But most of the students at Alfea are from famous, rich families," Kaie complains, "a number of the girls here are royalty or from a noble house. What if a guy asks me to dance and I step on his feet. Then any chance of a relationship between us will be ruined. I'll never find true love and will end up growing old by myself in a house filled with meepcats."

Attention shifting to Francine who is watching her friend with an expression of exasperation on her face Bloom asks, "what dance?"

Realizing that Bloom is speaking to her Francine looks at the red head and says, "you know the dance. Every year Alfea school of fairies and the Red Fountain specialist have a dance."

"Red Fountain..." Bloom mutters her heart rate seeding up as she realizes that with specialist here that meant that Sky will also be at this dance.

"I dont know," Kaie suddenly cuts in, "I mean Bloom just started today. So she probably hasn't even heard about it yet."

"That's right," Francine says in realization, "I didn't even consider that. Well, it should be fine, all you need to do is wear a dress and show up."

Looking blankly at the two girls, Bloom thinks about what she has been told. 'A dance with the Specialist of Red Fountain, that means that Sky will be there.'

As she thinks about it, she feels a dull ache from her head and surmised that she is getting another headache. And then it hits her and she shouts out, "I dont have a dress!"

"How can you not have a dress?" Kaie asks in confusion.

"I didn't know I'd need one!" Bloom answers as she starts to panic.

"Hey, hold on. There's no need to panic." Francine interrupts as she tries to get control of the situation. "There's still a few hours until the party. You can just go buy a dress in Magix."

"Magix is the closest city to Alfea." Kaie helpfully supplies, "there's a bus stop out front of the school and to the right."

"I see," Bloom replies calming down a bit.

"We can even go with you!" Francine says, "there's a pair of earrings at this shop I like. They'd go really nicely with the dress I'm wearing tonight."

"That'll be grea..." Bloom cheerfully begins to say but is cut off when a loud explosion is heard from the suites next door and a serious of screams fill the air.

"My hair, my hair!" A voice screams.

"Oh, my sweet wings! Alyssa is on fire!" Another yells.

For a brief moment all three girls can only stupidly stare at the smoke coming out of the room. Pulling herself together Francine runs towards the noise while quickly saying, "Sorry Bloom, it looks like I cant go! I have to make sure my roommates don't kill themselves.!"

Starring after the girl, Blooms gaze slowly shifts to Kaie and she makes a face as if to ask, "what was that?"

"Alyssa was saying she wanted to try a hair spell she had heard about," Kaie stated oddly calm about the explosion from her room and the screams. "Anyway, I hope you don't mind but I can't go to Magix either. I really need to practice my dancing and to get ready."

"That's alright," Bloom quickly answers as she doesnt want the other girl to feel like she is being pressured to go with her. "Thanks for the information about the dance and bus stop."

"Sure," Kaie says and smiles, "if you want, we can hang out at the dance. It must be hard enrolling late and not knowing anyone. Bye."

Saying her farewell Kaie turns away and follows the direction Francine has gone.

Feeling her headache get worse Bloom weakly replies, "yeah, Bye."

Heading back into her suite, Bloom makes a beeline for her room as her head aches and she goes over the information she's been told. Alfea's dance, an event that takes place yearly between the fairies of Alfea and the specialist of Red Fountain. It's on the tip of her tongue but for some reason she is unable to recall and that makes her head hurt even more.

Entering her room she contemplates on lying down on her bed. Goodness knows, she needs a few moments to relax. But instead, Bloom walks over to her bags and kneels down. Opening a duffle bag, Bloom pulls out a potted plant. In the back of her mind she scolds herself for stuffing the plant into her bag in her haste. If it had been damaged she would have been incredibly upset. Thankfully the plant seems to be in good shape, perhaps its because of its magical proberty, and has even changed its appearance once again. With blood red flowers that are shape like a heart and shiny dark green foliage, the name of the plant pops into Blooms head almost instantly, Anthurium.

Looking at the plant and gently petting the leaves, calms Bloom and the headache she has is more bearable. Her mind wanders to Helia and she wonders how he is doing, if he has left Red Fountain and if he is now focusing on his art. He'd been so sure that he wouldn't be allowed to follow his dreams. She really hopes he is able to pursue his dreams and passion.

'Dreams,' she thinks, 'I'd like to follow my own dreams as well.'

Suddenly the dull throbbing of her headache increases into a sharp pain and images flash before her eyes, going shopping with Stella, getting pizza, trying on dresses, a on sale sign, a blue dress, that same blue dress but altered, Sky, dancing with Sky, Sky holding her hand.

Taking several deep breaths, she clenches her hand and stands up, still holding the potted plant. Placing the Anthuriums on her desk, Bloom proceeds to rummage through her bags until she finds her wallet and the credix card Ms. Faragonda had given her.

With her mind made up, Bloom leaves her room and quickly makes her way through Alfea. Although she has never been in Alfea, except for in her dreams, she manages to walk through the school and to the bus stop as if she knows the place.

Using her credix card, she has in her possesion, Bloom scans it on the bus scanner to pay for her ticket and takes an empty seat. Her mind playing over the bits of memory that have surfaced she pays no mind to the other passengers on the bus.

When the bus finally came to a stop announcing its arrival at Magix, Bloom is quick to exit the bus and pauses as she stares up at the buildings in front of her. A wave of nausea passes over her as images of pizza, dresses and girls whose names she can't quite grasp flash in mind.

"Are you alright," a gruff voice calls out.

Bloom turns around in surprise to find the bus driver giving her a worried look.

"Eh? Yes!" Bloom answers in embarrassment, as she speaks she notices that her face feels wet and realizes she is crying. Quickly rubbing her eyes to get rid of her tears, she then gives what is hopefully a reassuring smile before turning around and escaping into the city.

Bloom continues running, not paying attention to her surrounding as she goes over the memories that have popped up. One of the girls who had been sitting with her had been Stella but the others... for reason unknown, Bloom knows that they are important in some way.

While still mulling over what she remembers, Bloom is forced to come to an abrupt halt when she slams into something hard and falls back onto her bottom. Groaning a bit in pain, she looks up at what she has run into, only to find a suspicious looking figure in a red cloak.

"Are you alright?" The cloaked figure asks.

"Yes," Bloom answers in surprise at the others voice and blushes, "are you alright?"

"I'm pretty solid," the mysterious man says, "a hit like that won't affect me. Though, it seems you suffered a pretty nasty fall."

A gloved hand reaches out and Bloom realizes that he must be trying to help her up. Blushing an even darker shade of red, she reaches out and accepts his hand.

"Thanks and sorry," Blooms says as he helps her get back on her feet.

As she looks up at this strange cloaked figure, his hood slips just the tiniest bit allowing her to see dark skin, but it quickly disappears as the man yanks on his cloak making sure he is completely covered.

An awkward silence passes between them until the man speaks, "Now I know what your thinking. Who is this dashing man who has helped me? This principle of strength, chivalry and musclinity."

"Actually, I was wondering why some suspicious guy is hiding in a back alley," Bloom blurts out.

"Ouch!" The man says as he dramatically grasps his chest right where his heart would be. "How cruel of you, to call the person who helped you up 'suspicious'. Besides do you have any right to call someone suspicious when you're also in a back alley."

"I just got a little turned around," Bloom explains, not liking it being insinuated that she is suspicious.

"Well, perhaps I also got turned around." The man says as he begins to walk away and without realizing Bloom follows.

"Huh," Bloom mutters, "so, you getting turned around is wearing a cloak so no one can see you and hiding in alleys?"

"Exactually!" He agrees, "clearly, I've gotten turned around on my path in life."

Giggling a bit at his ridiculous explanation she says, "so thats what happened."

"Yep," he agrees as he brings his hand to Blooms back and gives her a shove forewards. Causing Bloom to stumble out of the alleyway and onto the street. "And look at that, seems like you found your way to the main path."

Dramatically moving his hands around he then says, "as for me, it seems like I must continue on, searching for my own way."

He then walks back into the alley disappearing into the darkness. While Bloom watches this she can only think, 'how weird.'

Turning to take in her surroundings, she sees that she is next to several small shops each specializing in different things. Walking past a hat shop and then a store selling jewelry, she finally comes to a clothing store. Inside she stares at the rows of clothes and thinks, 'right. Better get to work.'

Finding the dress section, Bloom gets to work, pulling out different styles of dresses in various colors. Dresses piled high and having trouble seeing through her burden, luckily a store assistant helps Bloom move the dresses into a changing room. She locks the door behind her and then begins to try on the many dresses.

The first dress she tries on is a light green swing dress, which is fitted at the top and flares out with the skirt. Looking at herself, Bloom shakes her head and moves onto the next dress, a short sleeveless black dress that reaches just below her knees. Not liking this dress either, she takes it off and tosses it aside. The next dress she tries on is a handkerchief hem dress, a type of dress with a asymmetrical hem which looks as if a handkerchief is held from the middle. The next half hour is spent trying on dress after dress until Bloom is groaning in frustration as she throws the last one onto the pile of rejected dresses.

Leaving the changing room, she quickly exits the shop and looks for the next dress store.

It takes three more shops until Bloom finds a blue dress that catches her eye.

"This is the one," Bloom happily says as she holds up the dress. Thrilled with her find it's then that she looks at the price tag and instantly deflates. The dress price is outrageous and there is no way she can afford it.

Thinking about what she should do, Bloom remembers that the dress from her dreams had been on sale. Mind made up she thinks, 'that means that someone must be having a sale. I just have to find that store.'

Moving to leave the store, Bloom waves goodbye to the store clerk and as she leaves the store she catches snippets of a conversation of two men.

"So, you going to watch the race?"

"Nah, couldn't get tickets."

"Yeah, me to."

"It's to bad," the other man says, "everyones been super hyped about it."

"I know," the first man agrees, "look at how many people are here today."

Paying the two men no more mind, Bloom continues to walk around, as she walks a loud grumbling sound is heard and she flushes as she realizes that the sound is her stomach. She'd skipped lunch to go on this shopping expedition and now her stomach is protesting.

'How embarrassing,' Bloom thinks as she sees movement from the corner of her eye. Turning her head Bloom sees a familiar cloaked figure sneaking around a store front and jumping behind a couple of trash cans. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Bloom begins to walk over, wanting to find out what is going on.

Drawing near to the trash cans a voice suddenly calls out from behind her, "you there!"

Spinning around in surprise, she sees two men dressed in purple and red uniforms. The taller of the two has dark skin, with long black hair and a muscular build, his hand is position at his waist as if he is reaching for somethins. The smaller man is lightly tan, with short brown hair and a thin build. He gives Bloom a weary smile as if trying to ease the tension of the current situation.

"You," the muscular man demands, "have you seen a man wandering around here?"

"A man," Bloom question and watches the man nod. "I've seen tons of men around. I think you need to be a bit more descriptive."

Scratching his chin in thought he starts to say, "he's..." but is interrupted by his partner who says, "you wouldn't miss him, he's wearing a red cloack."

"Oh," Bloom says, "that guy."

"So you have seen him," the thin man joyfully inquires with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes, not to long ago," Bloom says as she nobs her head.

"Did you happen to see where he was headed?"

"He was headed that way," Bloom says pointing to her right, "and I think I heard him say something about a race. And how he couldn't be late or something."

After hearing what Bloom has to say the muscular man took off, running in the direction she'd pointed to, while the thin man thanks her and hurries after his partner. For a few moments Bloom watches them go and then says, "they're gone. You can come out now."

A shuffling sound is heard from behind her and when she turns around she sees the strange man in the red cloak stepping out of the alleyway.

"So, you seem to be popular," Bloom states.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a curse," the strange man says and proceeds to grab his cloak. As he yanks it off Bloom finally sees who is hiding underneath. A young man with a bronze complection, purple eyes, long brown hair tied in a braid that falls down his back and the clothes he wears are purple and gold, with a red sash tied around his waist.

"Don't you need to keep your face hidden?" Bloom asks a bit curious at why he is taking off his cloak.

Giving a wink the mysterious man says, "nope. I'm about as conspicuous in this cloak as I am not wearing it. I might as well enjoy the time I have before they find me not being burdened by it."


"Besides, due to your help," he explains, "they'll be busy searching the racing course and shouldn't be looking for me here."

"But why..." Bloom begins to ask but is interrupted when the still really suspicious guy grabs her hand and drops to one knee kissing the held appendage.

"Thank you," he says as he pulls away.

Face flushing a deep red Bloom takes back her hand and asks in embarassment, "what do you think you're doing!?"

"Thanking you, of course."

Scolding Bloom says, "a simple, "thank you," would have been enough."

Blinking at her the man smirks and asks, "what? Are you embarrassed or something?

"No!" Bloom insists not wanting to admit that yes she is very embarrassed. "I just..."

Whatever she had been planning to say is quickly forgotten as loud rumble is head and the two stare awkwardly at each other for a few moments. The silence is finally broken as the man breaks out in uncontrollable laughter.

"It's not funny!" Bloom insists face doing a remarkable impression of a tomato at the moment. "I just didn't have lunch."

Calming his laughter he says, "in that case..."

Taking a bite of her third slice of Rollinania Flatbread, Bloom smiles happily. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been, no wonder her stomach had been complaining.

"Is it good?" The young man across from her asks.

"Yeah, there's something just like this on my homeworld. Though it's called pizza where I come from."

"Is this your first time in Magix then?" He asks.

Bloom thinks about the question a bit, about the bits of memories she has and answers, "yes. I just started to attend Alfea school for faires. I'm Bloom by the way."

"Really, that must be exciting! Is it any fun?" He asks and pauses for a moment before saying, "you can call me Ophir."

"Well, I haven't been there long but I have met some really nice people so far," Bloom answers as she thinks of Francine and Kaie. Her thoughts quickly turn to what happened earlier that day with Stella and Sarah and Bloom frowns.

"Is this your first time away from home?" Ophir interrupts as he notices the far away sad look in the red heads eyes.

"Yeah," Bloom comfirms. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, kinda," he admits, "though, I suppose I only notice because it's the same for me. This is my first time away from home too."

"Really? Then, are you going to be attending Red Fountain?"

"I wish," Ophir says with a wistful look in his eyes, "no. I'm home schooled. I just thought it would be a good idea to take a break and see some of the Magix Dimension."

"Is that why those men were looking for you?"

"Maybe?" Changing the subject he asks, "So, why are you out here by yourself? Didn't any of your friends or classmates want to come to Magix with you."

"Well everyone is getting ready for the party tonight."


"It's a bit of a get together between the Fairies of Alfea and the specialist of Red Fountain. I enrolled a little late and just found out about it. And well, I sort of need a dress."

"You don't have a dress?" he asks a bit shocked.

"The last time I wore a dress for a dance was prom in high school." Bloom admits, "all the other dances I've attended everyone just wore something casual. I guess I didn't really think I would need one."

"I see," Ophir says as he thinks about it, "in that case how about I help you out?"


"Having a guys opinion might help," he insists. "And rumor has it that Magix can be a bit pricey. I can..."

"That's really kind of you but I want to get my dress myself." Bloom interrupts. "I already know what I'm looking for and I couldn't accept you paying for it."

Letting out a sigh he says, "I see. In that case I better not keep you."

"It's not as if I'm trying to chase you away. We can still hang out for a bit. There's still some time before..."

Ophir raises his hands and says, "I don't feel like I'm being chased away. But I have heard that things like shopping, especially clothes shopping can take a bit of time. I don't want to be the reason that you can't find your dress. It was nice meeting you."

"You too," Bloom says as she watches Ophir stand up and turn away.

As he turns back around to face Bloom with a cheeky smile on his face he asks, "anyway, how much trouble do you think a person would get in if they crash a party between Red Fountain and Alfea."

Chuckling Bloom says, "A lot. I doubt either schools will appreciate an intruder, much less their security being tested."

"You're probably right," he mutters, "in that case, I'll see you when I see you."

Giving a slight bow Orphir turns around and walks away. As he walks Bloom calls out, "but seriously, don't sneak into Alfea!"

Smiling he turns a corner and lets out a sigh. The smile on his face drops away and he says, "I guess it's about time we head home."

Two men, one with dark skin and the other tan stand behind Ophir. The lighter of the two speaks out, "young master."

Bloom watches Ophir disappear from her sight before she turns away. Walking away from the patio area she had been eating at she begins to eye the many shops around her. What Ophir said is true, Magix prices are a bit expensive. As such, Bloom really needs to find the shop that is holding a sale. The one that she will find that blue dress at. In a matter of minutes she finds a store with a bright yellow banner with the words sale on it.

Entering the store she heads towards the racks of clothes in the back that also have signs indicating that a sale is going on. Quickly looking over all the dresses on the racks, she walks over to the bins and begins to search through the mess of cloth. Pulling out a green dress she holds it up. It's cute but it's not the blue dress she remembers. Just as she is about to give up and go searching for another store, she catches a bit of light blue from the corner of her eye. There on a chair next to the changing room, underneath a small tower of clothes she sees it. Walking over she carefully removes the articles of clothing and sees that it is the dress, the dress she has been looking for, the one from her dreams.

Smiling she looks at the price and sees that it's within her budget. Going over to the cashier she places the dress on the counter top and says, "I'll take this one!"

As her purchase is rung up, she thinks to herself, 'now all I have to do is catch a bus back to Alfea and make a few alteration to my dress. Finally, I'll be able to see Sky again.'

Placing the dress on her bed to work on it, Bloom comes to a realization. "I don't have any scissors!"

It's such a minor thing but still she needs them to make the dress a bit shorter. She hadn't even thought she'd need them.

Running out of her room, Bloom desperately looks for a pair of scissors. Checking the other rooms in her suite. Finding nothing, she runs out of her suite and begins knocking on the doors of her neighbors. After the third door with no answer, Bloom comes to the conclusion that everyone must have already gone to the party. Panicking she heads back to her room and begins to pace back and forth.

Snapping her fingers she says, "I know!"

Standing in front of her dress, Bloom focuses a bit of her magic at the tip of her finger. Her finger glows a red color and she points at the dress. Moving her finger in the air, a ray of red light shines down on the dress and as she moves her finger, the light moves cutting the dress.

"There," Bloom says excitedly, "magic can solve any problem!" Then gasps as her bed bursts into flames. Grabbing a glass of water she throws the water onto the flame, thereby extinguishing the fire. Letting out a sigh in relief, Bloom gets back to work. As she tries to think of a way to find some scissors she felt a build up of pressure from behind her head as if a headache is coming . A flash of images appear in her mind. Of several color pencils being transformed into a comically large pencil.

"Thats it!" Bloom shouts out in realization. "I can just transform something into a pair of scissors. Rummaging inside her backpack, she eventually finds her nail care kit and decides that it might work. Focusing on the items she uses her magic trying to transform them into a pair of scissors. The nail clippers, nail file, cuticle trimmer, angled nail clippers and cuticle clippers hover in the air. Slowly they begin to spin, their speed increasing till it is difficult to see them. With a flash of orange light a pair of scissors appear in their place.

Giggling a bit, Bloom grabs them out of the air and studies them. Seeing that there is no difference to a regular pair of scissors, she walks over to her dress and gets to work. What felt like hours but was really only half an hour, Bloom has completed her master piece. The blue dress she now wears is just like the one she can remember.

"Okay, now everything is set." Bloom says to herself with a smile, "now I just have to find Sky."

"Do we have to?" A girl with chin length brown hair whines as she follows behind another girl around the same age with long red hair. "What about the party and the boys? Come on Francine, lets go back."

"You can always go back by yourself Kaie," Francine replies as she eyes her roommate and friend.

Pouting Kaie slouches causing the single strap of her dark blue dress to fall down. Huffing she pulls the strap back to its proper position and smooths out her frilly skirt.

Giving an amused grin Francine is thankful that her own strapless light blue dress is form fitting as she doesnt have to worry about the position of a frilly skirt or straps.

"I'm worried about Bloom," Francine explains as she continues to walk, "I didn't see her at the party. I just want to check up on her. You know, make sure she got back from Magix. It shouldn't take too long."

"Alright, but right after this," Kaie loses her train of thought and stops talking as she see a peculiar sight. Across from her heading down a different corridor is what looks like a floating green chest. Slowly the chest floats away, curiosity peaked, Kaie forgets about Francine and Bloom. Instead she starts to follow the chest.

Francine unaware of her friends departure continues on her way. Rounding a corner she lets out a noise in surprise as she almost walks into someone. Looking at the other person she notices that it is Bloom.

"Don't scare me like that!" Francine whines, "geez!"

"Sorry," Bloom apologizes, "I should have been paying more attention."

"It's fine," Francine says, "it's not like anyone was hurt or anything."

"So... what are you doing here?" Bloom asks, "what about the party?"

"Oh well, we just wanted to check up on you," Francine explains. "You know, make sure that everything is alright."

"Thanks," Bloom says with a smile as a pleasant feeling washes over her after hearing that someone was worrying about her. "That's really nice of you."

"It..It's no big deal," Francine responds her face going slightly red, "anyways, the three of us should get back to the party. I heard that the Specialist have brought some kind of gift."

"Three?" Bloom question.

"Yeah. You, me and ..." Turning to look for Kaie, Francine is confused to see the other girl is missing. "Wait a sec, Kaie was just here! Where did she go? Maybe she went back to the party?"

Seeing Francines expression of worry, Bloom suggests, "we can look for her on our way to the party."

"Right," Francine agrees, "she probably just went back to the party anyways."

As the two walk Bloom feels a bit awkward and tries to think of something to talk about, "So, hows the party so far?"

"Um good," Francine says, "the Specialist are really nice. I think everyone is really excited. I mean Alfea is an all girls school and Red Fountain is an all boys school. So it can be a little difficult to meet members of the opposite sex unless you know someone who is dating or is friends of someone from the other school."

"In other words, everyones trying to make connections so they can find a boyfriend."

Laughing a bit at the truth of it, "well a lot of the girls who come to Alfea are from somewhat strict backgrounds. They've never really gotten the chance to have a boyfriend."

"Not even secertly?" Bloom asks in surprise. And then jokingly asks, "what is everyone here a princess or something."

"Not everyone," Francine says in all seriousness. "But this is Alfea, the most famous and prestigious school for fairies. A lot of the girls who are here are the daughters of celebrities, aristocrats or wealthy parents."

Bloom laughs a bit, believing it must be a joke. Noticing that the other red head isn't laughing she asks, "seriously?"

As they pass by a large window that looks out to grounds of the school, Bloom catches movement from the corner of her eye and notices a figure running.

Coming to a stop Bloom calls out, "Hey," to get the attention of Francine and points to the figure. Francine notices Bloom stopping and looks to where she is pointing, sucking in a breath of air she mutters, "that's Kaie! What is she doing outside?"

"We should probably go check this out," Bloom says as a wave of uneasiness settles over her.

"Right!" Francine agrees and knowing that Bloom probably isn't familiar with the school says, "follow me. I know a shortcut."

Taking off at a run, Bloom does her best to keep up with Francine and curses the heels she's in. The two make it to a pair of large open doors leading outside to the front of Alfea. Running outside they find a large chest filled with jewelry. While a bit curious about it, the two ignore it to continue to search for Kaie.

A sudden scream grabs both girls attention and Francine turns to Bloom asking, "Bloom, can you transform!"

Knowing what the other girl means, Bloom nods and says, "yes!"

At the same time both girls shout out, "transform!"

As Bloom is surrounded in a red light as if she is on fire, Francine is engulfed in a blue light that washes over her. The light disappears leaving both girls standing in their fairy forms. While Bloom wears her usual sparkly sky blue crop top, a matching blue mini-skirt with shorts underneath, ankle boots, detached sleeves, golden tiara, oval-shaped gold jewel at the center of her chest and cyan wings with teal tips

Francine on the other hand is wearing a light blue sparkly sleeveless top with open sides showing skin. the top is connected to a pointed skirt. a gem on the top of her dress is connected to a feather type decoration and on her feet are blue heels. Her wings are a pale blue color.

Looking at each other they nod their heads before flying into the air, which allows them to see Kaie and three other figures. Flying over they landed to the right of the four and meet the angry stares of three older girls wearing way to much makeup.

First taking notice of Kaie who appears to be partially encase in ice, she turns her attention to who must be Kaies attackers and starts to feel nauseous as sudden images flash in her mind.

Francine looks to Kaie with worry and then scolds at what can only be witches of Cloud Tower. It wasn't hard to guess who they are. With the outfits they're wearing and the rivalry the two schools have.

Cursing under her breath at how unlucky they are she notices a golden case shaped like a shell on the ground. Without thinking she picks it up.

One of the three witches, the one with long brown hair, shouts out, "hey! If you know what's good for you, hand that over!"

"Like, I'll ever do that," Francine retorts.

"What, are you stupid?" Another of the witches, this one with frizzy purple hair asks.

"You're outnumbered and outclassed." The final witch with long silver hair tied up in a ponytail states. "Unless you want to be put under a wall of ice like your friend, hand over the jewelry box."

"Don't do it," Kaie ground out as her teeth chatters from the cold.

"This is Alfea," giving Kaie a look of concern, she turns to glare at the witches and says, "all we have to do is call out and the teachers will take care of you!"

"As if," the brown haired witch laughs.

"Sure you can," the silver haired witch agrees and holds up her glowing hand, pointing to Kaie. As she does the Ice that surrounds Kaie grows encapsulating even more of her body.

Bloom finally snapping out of the visions she was having, now knows that these are the Trix. Icey, Darcy and Stormy, three power hungry witches who have fought against Bloom.

Infuriated with what they are doing to Kaie, Bloom flies into the air and fires several balls of fire at the witches. The witches scowl at the attacks and Stormy yells out, "Lightning Barrage," easily extinguishing Blooms attack.

A bit surprised by how quickly her spell was countered, Bloom is unprepared for the blast of ice magic that hits her shoulder. Finding her left wing immobile she lets out a scream as she falls to the ground,

"Bloom!" Francine screams out.

Bloom lifts herself to her knees and grasps her left shoulder with her right hand. Using a bit of her magic she heats up hand to try to defrost her shoulder and wing.

"Now then," Darcy says as she steps forward to attack.

"Wait!" Francine calls out causing everyone to turn to her. Biting her lip she glares at the witches and asks, "if I give this to you will you leave?"

"What?!" Bloom shouts in disbelief as Kaie screams, "No! Don't believe them!"

"Of course," Icy assures, "that's all we want."

"And you'll leave us alone?"

"Oh look, a fairy with a brain." Stormy says in fake surprise.

"Sure," Icy agrees.

"Cross are little black hearts," Darcy mutters.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out. Francine steps forward holding the shell case out. As she approaches, she throws the case in the air and lifts both her hands shouting out, "Raging Stream!"

A rush of blue magic blasts out and knocks into the three witches, smirking Francine laughs out, "like I'll ever believe a witch!"

"Why you..." Icy mutters.

"Darkness Strike!" Darcy shouts as a bolt of dark energy strikes out hitting Francine.

"Francine!" Both Bloom and Kaie shout out as Francine is knock back in the air.

Raising her hand to use another spell Francine pauses as she notices a dark portal opening up. Standing by the portal Icy waves the golden shell case taunting the others.

"We got what we came for sisters," Icy says turning to the portal, "time to go."

As the three walk into the portal Francine shouts out, "River Strike!"

A flash of blue magic strikes out hitting where the portal had just closed.

"Damn!" The fairy of River and Streams yells.

Finally thawing through the ice, Bloom moves her arms and wings, happy to see everything is properly working.

With the Trix now gone, she turns her attention to Kaie and calls forth her magic. As the magic warms her hands she brings them up to the ice that surrounds Kaie and beings to melt it. As Bloom works on the ice Kaie cries.

"I'm sorry," she sniffles, "it's all my fault. I shouldn't have gone chasing after that chest. I should have gotten the Head Mistress. It's all my fault! You both got hurt, they stole that thing and they got away! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"Kaie," Bloom mumble in sympathy, "it's not..."

Words caught in her throat, Bloom watches in confusing as Francine steps forward and flicks Kaies forhead.

Giving Kaie a half smile she says, "it's not your fault. They weren't suppose to be here. But next time, yeah, go get a professor when you notice something weird. Now are you feeling any better."

Kaie and Bloom stare stupidly at Francine. Bloom now finish melting the ice holding Kaie, tries to step away but finds herself being dragged into a hug by Francine with Kaie.

"Everythings going to be okay," Francine reassures and Bloom is embarrassed to admit she's starting to cry. It's not that she's upset the Trix got away but more upset with herself. She thought she was stronger. The Trix had been a constant nuisance but somehow they where always beaten. Or at least thats what she thought.

"Now then, we should probably take that chest back to whoever it belongs to," Francine says as she pulls away.

"But that golden shell case thing," Kaie sniffles out.

"Oh yeah, to bad about that." Francine mutters.

"You don't seem to be to broken up about it," Kaie points out.

"Well, i mean it was just a case" Francine reasons, "also when Bloom was rushing into things without a care in world, I removed the ring from it." Francine admits as she holds up a familiar ring.

"Wow," Kaie mutters in awe.

"Hey, that's Stellas ring!" Bloom blurts out.

"Stella?" Both Kaie and Francine asks.

"Oh, that explains why they were after that." Kaie starts to reason, "Stella is a princess of Solaria. Any jewelry of hers must cost a fortune."

"Right, well now that that's been cleared up. we better clean up and get back to the party," Francine reasons.

"Wait," Bloom asks, "shouldnt we tell the head mistress?"

"Tell me what," a voice calls out from behind the girls.

Turning, the three girls find the tall, thin figure of the headmistress starring at them. Looking around the courtyard the headmistress takes notice of the damage. Ice and icicles covers the ground, scorch marks have left their mark on the walk ways and craters have ruined the once immaculate lawns.

Pushing her glasses back up on her nose, the headmistress gives Bloom, Francine and Kaie a disapproving look and demands, "well speak up girls."

The next few minutes are spent retelling the events that each girl experienced, that led them to their current situation. Ms. Faragonda silently listens to their stories, after all is said, she claps her hands and says, "alright. You three should go get cleaned up and return to the party."

"But what about the witches?" Francine asks.

"You don't need to worry about that," the head mistress reassures, "I'll be having a talk with Headmistress Griffin later."

"But," Bloom starts to speak up concerned about what will happen. From what she remembers the Trix never stop harassing her. The thought that if she presses Ms. Faragonda about it maybe something will change. But Bloom stops speaking after seeing the frown on the headmistress face.

"Like I said, I'll handle it," the headmistress states and mentions, "the fairies of Alfea and witches of Cloud Tower have a bit of a rivalry. Occasionally the students of Cloud Tower will play tricks or pranks on the students of Alfea."

Starring at the damaged done to the courtyard, Ms. Faragonda lets out a sigh and says, "though I think this is a little too much for a trick or prank."

Silently agreeing with Ms. Faragonda, Bloom is a bit curious when Francine speaks up and asks, "did something else happen?"

Eyeing the three fairies Faragonda sighs and says, "I suppose you three will soon find out anyway. Apparently someone tampered with the gifts the specialist had prepared."

"What?" Bloom says in shock as Kaie mutters, "oh no."

"The specialist had prepared magical eggs filled with butterflies that would hatch when a fairy touched them." Faragonda explains, "but when the eggs were handed out instead of butterflys, snakerats hatched from them."

"What!" Bloom says in shock as Kaie mutters, "oh no."

"Is everyone alright?" Bloom worrying asks as she wonders if something like this was in her dream but came up blank. For whatever reason she can't remember anything about snakerats or what even snakerats are.

"A few girls and a specialist were bitten and have been taken to the infirmary," Faragonda replies, "nothing too serious."

"Wait!" Francine suddenly shouts in horror, "does that mean the dance is cancelled?"

With Francines question Bloom mouth drops open in disbelief, 'cancel the dance,' she thinks 'but if that happens, I'll never get to see Sky! I have to see Sky! If I don't we may never...'

Smiling, Ms. Faragonda interrupts as she says, "no. The dance is still ongoing. Though we did have to take a brief intermission to cleanup the snakerats and take some of the students to the infirmary. Now you three should get going or you'll miss the dance completely."

The three fairies look between each other and then to the doors.

As they turn to go back inside the school, Francine turns around and approaches headmistress Faragonda and lifts up her hand showing the ring in the palm of her hand.

"I'm not sure but I think those witches were after this," Francine says.

"A ring?"

"We think it might be Stellas," Francine says and motions to Kaie and the chest that is still in front of the schools doors. "Kaie was following that chest, there was this golden shell case thing in there that the witches wanted. The ring was in the case but I removed it without them noticing."

Handing the ring to Faragonda, Francine walks back over to Bloom and Kaie whispering to them, "and I left a little surprise in the case for them."

"I'll be sure to return the jewelry to its proper owner," the headmistress says as she pockets the ring. "Now be sure to head back inside. I have a few things to take care of here."

"Yes headmistress," the three girls say before turning and walking towards the school building. As they walk their transformations disappear, leaving them in their party dresses.

"I need to go to the restroom," Kaie suddenly declares breaking the silence.

Causing the other two girls to stare at the brunette and then both Bloom and Francine breakdown laughing.

"Well, I do," Kaie responds to the laughter.

"Right right," Francine says trying to get her giggling under control. "I'll go with you then. I want to wash my hands and check my hair anyways." Turning to Bloom she asks, "you want to go with?"

"Actually," Bloom regretfully says, "I want to head to the party as soon as possible."

Francine smiles and says, "thats cool. We'll meet up with you after we're done."

"Bye," Kaie says as she follows Francine to the restroom, "see you later."

Bloom watches them leave and wonders if she should have gone with them. The two girls seem really nice and this may have been her chance to become friends with them. At the same time she thinks about Sky and Stella, deciding that she needs to find Sky and maybe even talk to Stella, Bloom heads to the dance hall.

Approaching the door she thinks to herself, 'this is it! I can finally see Sky agian.'

Standing in the center of the room, Sara takes a sip from the glass she is holding. The day has been a bit of a roller coaster ride from finding out Bloom is now enrolled in the school, having to admit who she really is, the party and the snakerat things, Sara is feeling a little overwhelmed. Smiling at something Stella says, she takes in the people surrounding her. Standing next to and talking about a new movie thats coming out is Stella. Wearing a gold and orange dress the princess looks stuning. Sara own pink dress makes her blue eyes stand out but still its nothing compared to Stella. On Sara other side is Brandon looking very handsome in his specialist uniform with his blue eyes and golden hair. Really Sara can't help but look at him, he is just so perfect, like a prince from a fairy tale. Eyes wander to the other side of Stella, Sara locks eyes with the young man with brown hair and brown eyes. Looking away Sara can't help but think that Prince Sky is very attractive as well, not to mention a prince as well. But any interest in the other is quickly stomped down. Sky is Stella's boyfriend and she wasn't willing to ruin her relationship with her friend over a boy. As such Sara turns back to Brandon just in time to hear him ask her a question.

"Looks like you need a new drink," Brandon asks, "how about I go get you a new one?"

"How considerate,' Sara thinks, 'none of the guys from Gardenia were ever this considerate.'

Smiling Sara says, "thank you, you're so sweet Brandon."

Smiling with a light blush dusting his face Brandon takes Sara glass and turns to head for a floating platter that is across the room which is holding several drinks.

Watching him leave Sara is pulled out her thoughts as an arm grabs hers and Stella voice rings out saying, "I heard that a new super cute cafe has opened up in Magix! The four of us should totally check it out when we have some free time!"

"Sounds good," Brandon agrees with a smile.

"That will be a lot of fun! Lets do it," Sara replies.

Walking into the room, Bloom can't help but feel self consious. Unfamiliar faces as far as the eye can see and she had no idea what she should do. Little groups containing both Alfea girls and the guys of Red Fountain happily chat away as they hold drinks in their hands.

Not wanting to cut in on someones conversation, Bloom scans the room. Trying to find anyone familiar or maybe even find a certain someone. It's then that her eyes land on a familiar head of golden hair. As if it is planned by the universe her Sky is walking over to a tray of drinks by himself. Seeing her chance Bloom is quick to move and does her best to squeeze through the groups of people inbetween her and her prince.

Approaching him from behind she takes a step back as he turns around with drinks in his hand.

A bit surprise Brandons eyes widen and then return to normal, smiling he says, "oh sorry. I didn't see you there."

"Oh no, it's alright" Bloom rambles on, "I shouldn't have came up from behind you."

"If you'll excuse me," Brandon says as he tries to move pass the redhead.

"Um," Bloom speaks out grabbing the specialist attention.

Pausing Brandon turns to Bloom and asks, "is there something that you need."

"Well that is," she gushes out not making any sense, "I've been wanting to see you again. I've missed you. I mean we haven't met yet but we have or at least and that means it might be a little weird that I'm saying I missed you... I'm Bloom by the way."

It takes a few moments for Brandon to process what has been said and he can't make any sense of it. Deciding that the girl must be shy and a bit socially awkward he gives one of his fake political smiles and says, "well, it was nice to meet you."

As he turns to make a hasty retreat Bloom fearing as if she might never see him again calls out, "Sky!"

At the sound of that name, Brandon freezes up. Unknown to Bloom, since he has entered Red Fountain he has traded names with his best friend and squire to hide his identity. The fact that the girl beside him knows his real name can only mean bad news. At best its because she has met him before or knows someone who knows what he looks like. At worst she is a spy or assassin.

Giving a weak smile Brandon says, "I think there's been some kind of a mistake. My name isn't Sky it's Brandon. If your looking for prince Sky, he's over there."

Gesturing with the glass in hand to the center of the ballroom. Bloom turns to look and notices Stella chatting with a tall specialist with brown hair. Her eyes then move to the other blonde next to Stella and she realizes she is looking at Sara. Suddenly Sara looks over and locks eyes with Bloom and her sister once smiling face morphs into a scowl.

Turning back to Brandon, Bloom insists, "but you're Sky. I know that you are."

"And how would you know that?"

"Well, it's a little difficult to explain," Bloom says as she tries to think of a way to explain her dreams. For some reason she gets the feeling that blurting out they had been dating in a dream wouldn't go over well. "I suppose you could say we're connected. Like, it's fate that we would meet each other and to you know."

While blushing cutely Bloom is ignored as Brandons mind wanders to his family and the expectations that have been placed upon him. How it is his fate and duty to take the throne of Eraklyon. How its his fate and duty to marry someone he doesn't love. The image of a young woman with golden hair, tan skin and orange eyes passes through his mind. Outwardly Brandon scowls and looks down at Bloom.

As Bloom reaches out to touch his forearm he pulls away and glares at her.

Unaware of what's wrong Bloom looks curiously at Sky.

Still glaring Brandon opens his mouth and says, "I dont know who you are or who you think you are but you sure are full of yourself. Connected, fated to meet each other. My name is Brandon and I think it's clear that you have no idea who I am. Don't pretend as if you know everything. "

"No, thats..." Bloom tries to talk as she realizes that something is wrong.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Brandon states as he turns away, "I need to return to my date."

'Date...' Bloom thinks with wide eyes, 'who.' Bloom can only watch in horror as her Sky walks through the crowd of people and heads straight for Stella and Sara. As he appoaches the girls, he hold out the glass to Sara who smiles and accepts the drink.

"No way!" Bloom mutters, "Sky and her. that can't be."

Tears well up in her eyes and silently spill down her face, turning around Bloom heads for the closest door, escaping the ballroom.

Leaning against the wall, a young man with magenta hair watches the crowd of people around him. Taking a sip of his drink, he rolls his eyes when one of his fellow specialist makes a joke about some trivial training exercise. When the two Alfea fairies giggle at it, he knows he's had enough. The dull looks in their eyes, the high pitch voices that try to make it seem like they're interested and irritating way they lean in a little too close. It is all fake.

Annoyed, he steps away from the wall and walks off. Behind him one the specialist he'd been hanging out with calls out, "hey Riven? Where you going."

Not feeling like taking the effort to respond he lifts his hand in a dismissing gesture. In Riven's mind everything about the Alfea girls is fake. As a pretty blonde passes by him he pauses and smiles. Though he supposes some of them are nice to look at.

Attention wandering, he sees a familiar face standing off by himself and decides that he might as well keep the guy company.

'Who knows,' Riven thinks as he walks over, 'maybe whatever he's got that is keeping the fairies away will rub off.'

As he nears, violet eyes look up and meet his. Giving one of his winning smiles Riven says, "hey Bishop, are the Alfea fairies avoiding you or something?"

Rolling his eyes Bishop retorts, "no, just not in a partying mood. Might have something to do with the concussion I had the other day."

"Is that so," Riven replies, "and here I thought it was because no one wanted to talk to your ugly face."

Chuckling Bishop says," always such a joy to talk with you. I suppose then you must be beating those Alfea girls off with a stick considering your winning personality."

"Like personality has anything to do with getting a girl," Riven mutters as he studies Bishop.

If Riven is perfectly honest he probably likes Bishop the best out of all his schoolmates. The guy is easy to talk to and will give back just as much as he receives in both a fight and arguments. And unlike some people he doesn't whine if you say something a little offensive. All in all he's an alright guy.

Which meant that Riven, is in no way concerned about the guy even if he got himself knockout by a dragon and had a concussion. Just like he wasn't worried about Timmy when he got that infection.

But something about the situation nags at him. He knows that Bishop likes parties well enough but he'd hadn't taken him for the kind of guy who would go to a party when he isn't feeling a hundred percent. Especially when there is a chance he could end up making a fool of himself.

"A shame about the butterfly eggs," Bishop says referring to the incident that took place earlier.

"Yeah," Riven agrees, "I heard that some of the guys have been taking extra lesson so that they could make those things."

"No one had expected that someone would use magic to change the contents," Biship reasons.

Riven scowls and says, "someone should have been guarding the damn thing!"

Chuckling Bishop replies, "like anyone would want to be stuck guarding a chest when there are so many pretty girls around."

It's then that something clicks into place and Riven realizes why Bishop had come, even though he isn't feeling well. "You're looking for that fairy," he blurts out. "The one that shielded you from the dragon."

Spitting out the juice he just taken a sip of, Bishop glares at Riven. "Thats thats...not..." He tries to deny but gives up.

"You were knocked out the whole time she was there," Riven says, "how do you even know what she looks like?"

"I asked Sky," Bishop answers. "He said she has long red hair and blue eyes."

"Well, that's helpful," Riven sneers, "look at how many redheads with blue eyes there are here."

Rolling his eyes Bishop says, "I already know that. I asked Sky earlier if any of the girls looked like her and he said no."

"Because our most popular prince knows all the girls at Alfea even the first years," Riven more asks then states.

Shrugging his shoulders Bishop takes a sip of his drink.

"She probably doesnt even go to this school," Riven says.

"Codatorta apparently thought so," Bishop says.

"So what? Did you think, you'd just arrive at the party and that girl will just come walking through that door because Codatorta said she's a student here." Riven asks as he point to a door on the far side of the room.

As Riven talks the door on the far side of the room opens and a young woman with red hair, wearing a blue dress steps through.

Seeing who steps through, Riven snaps his mouth shut and gives Bishop a look.

"What?" Bishop asks.

"That girl..." Riven says.

"The redhead?"

"Yeah," Riven confirms, "she looks a lot like the fairy who saved your ass."

Silence passes between the two as they stare at the redhead and then back at each other.

"Alright," Bishop says, "I guess I'll go ask."

"Wow, wait," Riven says in suprise. "But that's so needy. What you need is to play this cool. I mean we don't even know if it's the right girl."

"Which is why I should ask her," Bishop states.

So back again! This was such a long chapter. I hate writing long chapters. I kept on getting stuck on certain parts so this came out later then what I wanted. This chapter isn't completed. That's why it cuts off with Bishop and Riven.

If you hadn't noticed in the chapter, Bloom may have sort of almost had a melt down. She's always been a passionate character and sometimes that hurts her. You've also probably noticed that while Bloom is remembering some things, she's not remembering everything. The people she currently remember are Stella, Sky, Helia and the Trix. So her memories aren't complete. And even if she remembers someone that doesn't mean she has all the memories about them. That's why she doesn't know about Sky pretending to be Brandon.

Hopefully no one is too upset with how Sky acted in this chapter. He's really suspicious of Bloom knowing his real name and irritated that she said they are connected and fated to meet. As it reminds him of how he is being forced to marry Diaspro. And how Diaspro acts as if they are fated to be married.

I've taken some liberties with the minor Alfea characters, since most of them don't show up much and there personalities are mostly unknown. So I made Francine the big sister type who watches out for her friends but also nags at their behavior. While Kaie is the oblivious type who is very kind but has trouble reading the situation and is somewhat insecure.

In previous chapters I asked if anyone wanted Bloom to go to the dance and people said yes. So, here's the dance. I also asked if anyone would like any male character to have a moment with Bloom. Someone asked for Nabuxbloom, so here it is. A little moment with Bloom and Nabu.


Thanks again to everyone who reviewed, favorited and followed last chapter. Espicially everyone who reviewed, it means a lot to me that you took the time to show your interest in this fic. So thank you Koukis, Guest, Alice Monita, Sarah, Luiz4200, datwd, scottg, pinkus-pyon, jasminewalkins, Guest and Lord Of Memory.

Guest: All will be revealed later on XD. But I will say this for now, there may be more than one reason Sara can use magic and why she isn't getting found out. But seriously considering how incompetent most of the adults are in this show, do you really think they would be able to notice if a student didn't have magic? Thank you! Glad you like it. LOL, maybe. Daphne will appear but much later on. There's a reason why she hasn't shown up yet. Because Tecna is logical and Musa is actually pretty smart too(as long as it's not dealing with guys.) Thanks again for the review!

Sarah: Hey! Well I'm glad I managed to write these chapters. OMG this chapter is too long. Thanks for the review and glad that you liked it.

LOL, what? Did you think Flora would be curled up in a little ball, crying about how mean Sara is. That wouldn't help anyone, especially not Sara. Sara an earth fairy? Who knows? Timmy as a prince could be fun. Thanks again

Darwd: I really like fics with the evil twin or sibling. They're one of my guilty pleasures XD. In her own way, Sara thinks she's doing what's best. Yes, she will. Unfortunately Aisha can't enroll early because of reasons. Though as you read in this chapter, a familiar face related to Aisha did show up. Bloom will have friends and people she can rely on. Some of them even pop up in this chapter. Thanks, glad you liked it and hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! Thanks for the review.

Guest: Thank you! Glad you like it. I felt like I need to some of the spotlight to Sara as she is does have a rather large part in what is going on. It's complicated and there are going to be a lot of feels everywhere