My number one fan

Daring Do

"Don't leave us!" the purple stallion said to his marefriend, the mare pulled her hood over her head and look down at the filly in her hooves. She gently started to cry, she look at her coltfriend before handing the blue filly to her father. "Stay! We can raise our daughter together" he said

"I have to...for the both of you" the mare said, she gently touched the sleeping filly's cheek before she opened her wings. "Rainbow Dash...I want to name our daughter Rainbow Dash" the mare gently smiled at her sleeping rainbow coloured filly. "Please forgive me...but if I don't...I don't want either of you to get hurt"

"Please don't go" the stallion pleaded, the mare kissed the stallion on his cheek.

"Farewell" smiled the mare as she flew off, the stallion watch as his marefriend left them. The stallion look down at his filly who slept in his hooves, he took out the engagement ring which he bought earlier.

"Why...?" he ask before throwing the ring over the clouds on which he stood, the stallion held the filly closer before he flew off.

Several years later

"Rainbow why am I here?" Twilight ask her friend, Rainbow Dash and her were both searching for Rainbow's birth certificate. Rainbow Dash had explained that she needed it for some Wonderbolt thing, she didn't go into detail and just brought her bookworm friend along.

"Because I need your help" Rainbow Dash said while she look through some papers. The two mares were in Cloudsdale's town hall, searching through files and files of birth certificates.

"These files are alphabetized you know" Twilight said, Rainbow Dash twitch her ear slightly. She hadn't thought about that, Rainbow Dash just immediately went through the files in order to find her's. Twilight sigh and pulled out Rainbow Dash's file from the 'R', "Here"

"Thanks!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she opened the file, Rainbow quickly turned over the photo of her as a filly. She went to the next page which held the basic information, the hospital in which she was born, the dates, times, and her weight. But when she read over the parent's name, Rainbow Dash expected to see both of her parent's name there. "Wait...what?" she said in confusion

"What is it, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight ask while she put some of the files away

"I don't get father's name is there...but not my mother's" she said

"What?" Twilight took the file from Rainbow's hoof, Twilight couldn't believe her eyes, she was right. The file only had Rainbow Blaze has the father, and nothing under her mother's "That's impossible...why isn't Firefly on your birth certificate?"

"I have no idea..." Rainbow said in disbelief

"You can't be adopted since this is your birth why isn't the mother's name written down" Twilight said, Rainbow took the paper out of Twilight's magic.

"I don't know! But I'm going to find out!" shouted Rainbow Dash before she dash out of city hall, leaving Twilight with the mess to clean

"Rainbow Dash!" shouted Twilight. Hoof deep in files and papers, Twilight glance around the room and sigh. Rainbow Dash flew to her parent's home, she burst into the home and slammed the certificate onto the table. Rainbow Blaze and Firefly were both shock at their daughter's sudden entrance, and with the certificate on the table.

"What the heck going on? Why isn't mom's name on here?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, Firefly touched Rainbow Blaze's hoof and gave him a smile. "Dad? Mom?"

"Blaze….she needs to know" Firefly said, Blaze sigh and look at his daughter in the eye.

"Your mother's name isn't there…because she wasn't the one who gave birth to you" Blaze sad, Rainbow was in complete shock! What did he mean 'her mother wasn't the one who gave birth', Rainbow had no idea what was going on.

"What are you talking about?!" shouted Rainbow

"I'm your step mother, honey" Firefly said, Rainbow just look at her parents, her entire world was crashing down. What she thought and believe, turned out to be all lies on top of lies. "Your father had a marefriend and the two had you, but his marefriend left for a good reason"

"Was it because she didn't want to be with us?!" Rainbow asked as she felt tears forming in her eyes

"Rainbow that not true!" Blaze said with a firm tone, Blaze understood why his marefriend left them. It had token him awhile to understand, but he was somewhat happy that she had left even tho he wanted her to stay. "It's complicated…she left in order to keep us safe…to keep you safe"

"Who is she?!" Rainbow said as she back away from her parents

"I can't tell you" Blaze said, Rainbow started to cry, she whip the tears away and put on a brave face.

"I want to know who she is! Dad! Tell me!" shouted Rainbow

"You could be in danger if I do!" Blaze shouted back. Blaze knew if he told his daughter who her mother is, her sacrifice would have been pointless since Rainbow would go after her. "What your mother did! Would be pointless if I tell you!"

"I fought the creatures in the Everfree forest, the god of chaos, help with some crazy king, some weird bull thing, and help Daring Do to defeat Ahuizotl! I think I can handle myself when it comes to danger!" Rainbow said, Blaze look away from her. He knew she had a point, his marefriend left in order to keep her safe, but Rainbow Dash had been in danger many times.

"You already met her" Blaze said finally giving in, Rainbow stared at her father in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked him

"Your mother… know her already and you see her as an idol" Blaze continued, he couldn't believe he was about to tell his daughter the truth. After years of keep it a secret from her, he was finally about to tell her everything.

"Dad! Stop staling!" Rainbow said

"Aka Yearling, Daring Do!" he said, Rainbow eyes widen in shock as she made the link between her favourite writer and herself.

"Is….she….." Rainbow mumbled in shock

"Daring Do is your mother…she left because…of her numerous enemies she had made throughout her adventures" Blaze said, Rainbow couldn't believe her ears. Daring do was her mother? They did share the same mane style and eye colour, but she would have never thought she was her mother! Why didn't Daring Do say something when they met? She couldn't have forgotten her…..of what her father said it sounded she wanted to be with them.

Continue Reading for Blaze's past
