I do not own Girl Meets World or anything you may recognise

Riley's POV

Everything has turned to dust.

I feel as if I have drowned into a pool of darkness. No one can reach me, no one can help me. I feel numb with pain, my emotions have been wiped clean and all I feel is a pit of emptiness. I have no path to guide me, I am walking aimlessly with no destination.

I look around at the crowd of broken hearted people around me, their souls are mourning too. My own soul is in pieces, nothing can salvage it. I might as well be dead as there is no life in my body. I still can't process the horrific thought, my body is repelling the idea of it. I just can't be true...

Maya Hart cannot be dead.

My strong, confident, independent best friend cannot be dead. She's too strong to let a car accident kill her. They said she died on the spot, but I know better. My best friend kept on fighting, I know she did. She wouldn't have let her life slip away so easily.

My best friend cannot be dead.

Maya is my world, without her everything crumbles, it all turns to dust. Everything was falling in place for her, she was finally truly happy. It can't have been all taken away, it was too soon. She was finally happy.

My sister cannot be dead.

We are all seated in a small bright room in the hospital, waiting to see if Aubrey made it out alive. A few minor injuries the doctor said. Those injuries could cost her life, considering she's so young. I hold on to the last string of hope I have. I can't give on Aubrey now, after all, she is Maya's daughter. Maya's strength runs in her veins, it's part of who she is.

The doctor approaches us, his thin lips are firmly pressed together. This can't be good...

"Aubrey is ok, the surgery was a success" he confirms.

I sigh in relief, she's ok. The doctors eyes wonder around the room and he shifts in his place uncomfortably.

"There is a man waiting outside the room, he is looking for a Riley Matthews and a Lucas Friar" he states

I glance at Lucas and he bites his lip nervously. I thank the doctor and we leave the room. A short middle aged man is waiting for us, he is clutching a folder of documents nervously.

"Hello, my name is Matt Brown" He wipes a hand across his forehead before continuing "I understand that you both have lost someone close to you very recently, but this is urgent. It's about Aubrey"

My eyes widen in fear, why is he concerned about her?

"I am aware that Miss Hart passed away just over 24 hours ago, but it's my job to make sure that Aubrey is secure as soon as possible" he looks at us both, his eyes full of sympathy. "Follow me, and we can discuss this properly"

We follow him to a small room, and he pulls out a few papers from his folder.

"You were both very close to Miss Hart, am I correct?" he questions

We both nod. She was my sister.

"That explains why she put both of your names down. According to this, well according to Miss Hart, the request has been made that you both would take care of Aubrey in the case of her death"

My eyes lock with Lucas's and I'm pretty sure were both feeling the same emotions, fear and confusion. I can't look after a 3 month old, I can barely take care of myself!

Mr Brown looks at us before sighing "If you decline Miss Harts request Aubrey will be put in care. No other relatives seem suitable, including Maya's mother.. Whereas if you both work together to care for Aubrey, I am certain she will be safe and secure" he pleads

My mind is made up. I have to do this for Maya, she needs me more than ever right now. She trusted me so much, that she gave me the honour of being Aubrey's Godmother. I've never been more certain of anything else.

"I'll do it, for Maya" I whisper. I look at Lucas, he seems torn. He's a good guy, I just hope he will do the right thing.

"I'll do it too. There's a reason why Maya put my name down, and I don't want to miss that reason" he gives me a wary smile, and I reach over and hold his hand. In that moment I know that we are in this together.

One week ago Maya passed away. 167 hours have gone by since I was asked to be the legal guardian of Aubrey. 604,800 seconds have passed since my life came crumbling down.

I clutch the pen in my hand nervously, this last signature will mark the day my life changed forever. I read through the documents one last time. Moving in with Lucas was one of the requirements, am I ready for that? Forget that, am I ready to look after a child? Despite my worries I sign the page anyway.

I stand up, but collapse back into the chair as soon as I do. That last signature was like agreeing that Maya really is gone. Tears stream down my face endlessly, the pain is still an open wound that may never heal. Sobs shake my whole body, and all the pain is let out with my cries. I feel Lucas's arms wrap around me and I sob into his shoulder finally allowing myself to feel the pain. We stay like that for a while until my body is exhausted, and my ribcage is sore from crying. Lucas lifts my head slightly, and places one hand under my chin and kisses my tears away. I smile at him gratefully and we exit the building to where a women is holding Aubrey.

The women hands her over to me, and as soon as she does Aubrey's eyes flutter open. Her bright blue eyes melt into mine and I secure my arms around her tiny body, never wanting to let go. In those few seconds everything is perfect. Maybe there still is hope.

This story is a little different to what I would normally write, but don't worry things will get better as the story progresses. Until next time

hintofmint xxx