Sorry this is so late, I could not for the life of me get it to work, but here it is. It is also shorter than it should be, and i'm sorry, but hopefuly the next one will be longer than usual, but I'm not sure. - HyGamr
"Reverting to sub light now Commander."
"Thanks Swift." Ezra called back. Sabine leaned into Ezra as he sat back down from walking from the cockpit. Dulce glanced over to Sabine and rolled her eyes, wishing they weren't so affectionate ALL of the time.
"I can't wait to get back into Keldabe, it's going to be so good to see my parents again." Sabine giggled.
"Well, we'll be in the airport in about 5 minutes, so you don't have to wait much longer." replied Ezra smiling.
"Where are we visiting first then?" asked Dulce.
"Me and Ezra are going back to my home to see my parents, we assumed that you would come with us." Said Sabine giving a slight smile.
"No offence, but I think I'll head back to my family, for the same reason of you seeing yours"
"That's fine, we'll have to meet up tomorrow then." Ezra replied "Plus, I would like to upgrade my armour a bit while we're there."
"With what?" Sabine asked, eyeing him closely.
"Tech mainly, at the moment it's just armour"
"That's understandable. Maybe we should do the Same Sabine"
Sabine gave Dulce a 'really' look before rolling her eyes and snuggling into Ezra's arms.
"Sir we're starting the landing sequence now" Swift shouted from the cockpit.
"Time to get up" Ezra said to Sabine who reluctantly got up and walked over to the exit with Dulce close behind and Ezra bringing up the rear.
When the shuttle doors opened, they were met by a hall filled with people trying to make their way on or off of Mandalore. Ezra's eyes widened at the sight "Lothal was never like this…"
"Ha! Wasn't Lothal a farming world? Of course it was never like this" Dulce shouted over the noise of the crowd.
The three made their way through the crowds to Customs where they lined up with the other people entering Keldabe. People tended to give the trio some room as they were all dressed in Beskar'gam and it did tend to intimidate people, which worked great for them.
Sabine walked up to the custom's official who took her blue card, which gave false info, and scanned it in the machine. It was then given back to Sabine who walked past the counter.
Next Ezra walked up to the customs official who did the same thing for Ezra that she did for Sabine.
"Have a good time in Keldabe. NEXT!" the official shouted, which indicated for Ezra to move on. He quickly made it to Sabine and slipped on his helmet as Sabine did the same. Dulce then quickly turned up as she slipped her helmet on before looking at the couple.
"Looks like this is where we split until tomorrow" Dulce said, with a slightly sad tone.
"I'll see you tomorrow Dulce" Sabine replied as she hugged her.
"See you later" Ezra added. Dulce nodded before walking off into the crowd.
"Come on, it's only a few blocks from here"
Ezra followed Sabine as they made their way from the airport down a set of streets. They quickly made it into a market where it seems they sold everything. Sabine led Ezra down a small side street where they were introduced immediately to a housing estate.
"Where did this come from?" asked Ezra.
"As Keldabe was built up they didn't bother knocking buildings down so they just built around it. Once you figure out how it works it becomes quite simple." Sabine replied.
Ezra nodded and carried on walking beside Sabine until the stopped outside a 3-story building.
"Well this is it" Sabine said apprehensively.
"You'll be fine, I'm right next to you"
"I have an idea!" Sabine blurted out "How about we pretend to be Bounty hunters"
"Not bad, but I'd have to do the talking"
"Fine" Sabine huffed. They both made their way up the path to the house and upon reaching the door, Sabine knocked.
The door opened up to reveal a man and a women standing next to each other.
"Hello, how can we help you?"" the women asked.
"Hi. Would you be Mr and Mrs Wren?"
"Maybe, who are you?" the man answered.
"We're bounty hunters and…" but Ezra never finished as the women pointed a pistol at Ezra's face. "Woah calm down ma'am!"
"What do you want bounty hunter?" the women menaced. Ezra quickly nudged Sabine, who took the hint and pulled off her helmet.
"… Ad'ika" the man mumbled out, eyes wide.
"Hello Daddy" Sabine replied, smiling.
Both of Sabine's parents burst into tears as they pulled Sabine into a hug, which set off Sabine's tears.
Ezra smiled underneath his helmet as he watched the family reunion and put his hands together in front which brought up the attention of Sabine's mum, who raised her blaster at him once more.
"You! Get out of here!" she spat out. Ezra took a step back but Sabine pulled her head up.
"No mum!" Sabine called out, pulling her mum's blaster arm down.
"What do you mean no Sabine?" Her dad asked.
"He's my boyfriend!" Sabine replied.
Sabine's mum immediately dropped her arm down and stared at Ezra. "Take your helmet off son." demanded her Dad.
Ezra quickly complied and pulled off his helmet revealing his face "te gai cuyir Ezra Bridger."
"Kraj Wren and this is my wife Bo-Katan Kryze."
"It's a pleasure to meet you both"
"The pleasure's ours, son."
"How… What happened to you?" Bo asked Sabine.
"It might be best if we go inside to talk about this." Sabine replied, which worried both the parents straight away.
"Right, well you better come in then" Kraj replied before walking in, followed by everyone else with Ezra bringing up the rear and closing the door. The group made their way to the sitting room, where Ezra sat down next to Sabine facing her parents and they still had their worried faces.
"So what is it Ad'ika?" Bo finally asked.
"I… we found a rebellion." Sabine stuttered out which surprises them both.
"So it's true, there is a rebellion…"
"Yes, me and Ezra found a cell in Lothal where we joined up, we've been with them ever since."
"Is it just you two?" Kraj asked.
"No, there's 4 others" Sabine replied "Hera, our pilot, Zeb, who might be the last living Lasat, Chopper our droid and Kanan… a Jedi"
"So what do you two do?" asked Bo-Katan.
"I'm our explosives expert and Ezra's…."
"Ezra's…" Sabine mother pushed on.
"Do we tell them?" Sabine asked Ezra, who shrugged.
"I'm a Jedi as well, or at least training." Ezra explains, which surprised both parents once again.
"Well, I would never had guessed it…" Kraj mumbled out.
"I don't believe you" Bo said which startled Ezra and Sabine. Ezra sighed before he stretched out his hand toward Sabine and lifted her up off the couch and floated her in the air.
"I take it back" Ezra smirked before gently lowering Sabine. "It's just I've met a Jedi before and act nothing like him"
Ezra smirked and looked toward Bo; "And who did you meet Mrs Wren?"
"A Jedi master by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi" she replied. Ezra went wide eyed but quickly turned it into a smirk.
"He is my master, actually."
Bo-Katan was pleasantly surprised and happy that Obi-Wan had survived all this time. But Sabine spoke up.
"Where's Anna mum?"
Ezra was stumped "Who's Anna?" he blurted out. Sabine turned round to Ezra and smiled.
"My little sister; where is she?"
"Out with friends, she should be back soon" Kraj replied before standing up and heading to the kitchen "Anyone want a drink?"
"Yes please; Water if you don't mind." Replied Sabine.
"Juma juice please, if you have it." Said Ezra.
"No thank you darling." Bo shouted out.
"How old is Anna?" Asked Ezra looking over to Sabine.
"She should be… 6 now, right mum?" Sabine replied, before looking over to her mother, who nodded. "And if I remember correctly, her birthday's in 3 days!"
"I think you're right there Ad'ika; you coming home would be like an early birthday present." Her father said as he came back in with the drinks on a tray. He handed the teens their drinks, which they thanked them for, and then idly chatted for Anna to return; which she did less than 10 minutes later.
Bo-Katan got and went to the door to let her in, but when she opened the door, she didn't let her in.
"Mummy, why aren't you letting me in?" Anna asked.
"Because there's a very special surprise here for you." Her mum replied who Anna eyed suspiciously.
"And what would that be?" Anna asked turning to slight glare.
"Come in and find out." Bo led her youngest daughter into the living room, where the rest of the family were waiting.
Upon Anna entering her eyes drifted around the room, first starting on her father then around to Sabine, where they stopped dead. Screaming, she ran over to Sabine holding her arms out. Sabine gave out the biggest smile Ezra had ever seen and embraced her sister, who managed to push her backwards so she ended up lying on the sofa.
"Oh my god; you're actually here. Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Anna started babbling. Sabine continued to smile at her sister why hugging her and looked over to Ezra, who also had a large smile on his face.
Anna seemed to notice this and broke off the hug and she then turned to Ezra, whose smile faded slightly. "And who are you?" she asked abruptly.
"I'm Ezra; I'm Sabine's boyfriend." he replied, still smiling. This seemed to be enough for the 6 year old and pulled Ezra into a hug as well, much to the surprise of Ezra and Sabine.
"You're armour's uncomfortable." Anna blurted out, which made everyone else laugh.
"Well I find it comfortable." Ezra replied. Anna again broke off the hug and looked to her sister.
"How long are you here for?" Sabine looked at Ezra who looked back who looked slightly disappointed.
"1 week; we have to back after that" Sabine replied.
"Nooooo, please don't go!" Anna cried as she started to weep. Ezra noticed this and pulled her back into a hug, which she leant into.
"We'll come visit regularly" Ezra soothed and it seemed to quieten her down slightly. "No do you have anywhere I can take off this armour? While it may be comfortable, there's no point in me wearing it while in the house."
"Yeah, Sabine's room is on the second floor at the end, you can't miss it." Kraj replied. Ezra nodded and got up and walked toward the stairs.
"What's that cylinder hanging on your belt?" Anna asked innocently. Ezra froze and quickly spun round to face her parents. He gave them the look of 'do I tell her?' Both parents just shrugged their shoulders, leaving Ezra with the decision.
Ezra turned to Anna and took the lightsabre of his belt. He smiled to her before lighting the weapon. As soon as she saw the blade she let out a yelp and ran over to her sister.
"Hey, it's ok; he's not going to hurt you" Sabine soothed, but Anna was taking none of it.
"He's a Jedi. Jedi are supposed to hurt people" Anna exclaimed. Ezra put away his lightsabre but did not clip it to his belt, instead he walked over to Sabine and Anna and held out the hilt. Anna backed further into her sister's arms.
"Here." He said, which puzzled everyone else in the room. "Take it."
Reluctantly, Anna took the lightsabre from Ezra's hand and inspected the weapon. "That weapon is my life, by handing you that weapon, I am in essence, trusting you with my life."
Anna looked up in amazement, not knowing what to say while Sabine looked to Ezra with a smile on her face 'he really has changed since I first met him.'
"I would never harm you, Sabine or any of your family, never." Ezra added. Anna slowly got up, out of Sabine's embrace and hugged Ezra once more.
"Ergh, couldn't you have done this once you had gotten out of the armour."
Everyone burst out laugh allowing Ezra to move out of his girlfriend's sister's embrace and walk once again to Sabine's room; only this time followed by Sabine as she wanted to do the same.
Once they reached Sabine's room Ezra looked at the decorations around the room. It was a whole host of different colours and different drawings dotted along the walls, including a multi-coloured Imperial symbol.
"Yeah, I was a believer."
"At least you aren't anymore." Ezra replied. "You're sister took it better than expected considering the stuff they put of the Holonet these days."
"I think it's the way you came across that proved yourself to her." Sabine replied as she removed her arm guards.
"She'll be slightly wary of me for the next few days though." Ezra sighed as he removed his chest plate.
"She hugged you at the end, and made a joke; I think she's fine." Sabine stated. They both were in silence as they removed their armour and changed into clothing which was comfortable and light.
Once they had both finished changing, Ezra swept Sabine into his arms and kissed her, which Sabine quickly deepened.
"Stoooppp!" They broke off the kiss and spun round to face the sudden appearance of Anna, who looked, almost disgusted, at the two teens in each other's arms.
"What? We can't be affectionate?" Sabine teased, before pecking Ezra's lips again, which made Anna squirm much to her delight.
"Not in front of me you can't." Anna replied whining hastily, much to the amusement of Sabine and slight embarrassment of Ezra.
"Was there a reason for coming up? Or was it just to see us?" Ezra asked.
"Yeah there was actually; we're going to the market because we don't have enough food and we were wondering if you two wanted to come." Anna responded.
"Haar'chak! I just took off my armour!" Ezra cried out.
"Hey! Mind your language!" Sabine glared. Ezra immediately felt his cheeks go red and looked away. "Just grab your weapons and come, you don't NEED your armour, especially with your lightsabre and the amount of training you've had"
"Fine." Ezra huffed, much to the amusement of Anna. "But I wouldn't really be able to use my lightsabre, considering Mandalorian's aren't exactly the friendliest toward Jedi."
Sabine just rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, grabbing her blasters as she walked past them. Ezra once again sighed and walked behind Sabine pulling his weapons toward him, and fixing the holster to his leg.
They walked to the porch to find Sabine's parents already dressed for going to the market. Ezra pulled his boots on with Sabine doing the same. Anna took a bit longer than the rest so Ezra decided to twist his Saberstaff in his hands for something to do.
"Try not to activate it." Sabine quipped, much to the annoyance of Ezra.
"Hey, I'm not that clumsy." He replied hotly.
"But you're still clumsy."
"I've been getting better." Ezra defended himself.
"You can be so arrogant sometimes." Sabine replied, but before Ezra could retort Anna had finished getting ready. They all stepped out of the house and headed toward the market.
"So what are we getting?" Asked Sabine.
"Food and I have a feeling you two wanted to upgrade your armour." Replied Bo-Katan.
"How did you know?" Asked Ezra, looking surprised at Sabine's mother.
"Mother's intuition." She replied. Ezra just looked unconvinced.
"But you're not my mother…"
"It still counts." Bo replied with a tone that stopped Ezra from replying.
"You can't win. I learnt that a long time ago." Kraj smirked.
"Yeah, I suppose. I have enough money for it." Replied Ezra.
"Nonsense; we get it for you both." Stated Bo-Katan.
"Muumm." Whined Sabine. "We can play for it."
"We've saved up enough money over the previous few years. You don't have to spend a penny. Think of it as a gift" said Kraj with a small smirk.
"So what do you think dear? Jetpack? Grappling hook?" asked Bo-Katan.
"Sounds about right." Replied Kraj, not allowing the teens to open their mouths, much to the amusement of Anna.
They quickly trudged through the market toward a shop off the side.
"Mr Darr!" Kraj called out.
"Mr Wren, it's good to see you." He replied as they shook hands. "And look who's returned from the stars." He added when he saw Sabine stood there.
"She has, and we've to upgrade their armour." Bo replied.
"Their?" Mr Darr quizzed.
"Sabine's and her boyfriends." She pointed out.
"Ah, and you would be?"
"Ezra Bridger, sir." Ezra said as he shook Mr Darr's hand.
"Bridger ehy?" Mr Darr mumbled and then turned to Kraj "Any relation to-?"
"No, probably not, but it can't be coincidence." Kraj replied. Ezra was just confused at them talking about him and him being ignored at the same time.
"I'm sorry, but what's so important about my surname?" Ezra finally asked.
"Oh, nothing Ezra, just speculation." Kraj replied.
Anna looked up to her sister. "What's speculation mean?"
"Guessing Anna." Sabine replied.
"So what have you two been doing while away?" Mr Darr asked Ezra and Sabine.
"…. Fighting the Empire." Ezra replied.
"Fair enough." Mr Darr replied before turning to Kraj "Don't forget you have Mand'alor coming round this evening.