Hi everyone! This is my first Hunger Games fanfic :) Hope you all like it and enjoy!

P.s. Katniss will speak soon

I watch as the world passes by, seeing cars, people, faces for a second before they disappear. I'm leaning against the window of the moving car that is taking me to my new home. Panem Capitol School. The school of teens with mental problems. But I'm not mental, just sick. They say I can't speak, but that is because I choose not to speak. I am afraid to speak. Afraid I may say the wrong word.

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am 16 years old. I lost my father in war. I lost my littler sister in a school shooting. I lost my mother to cancer. I am a orphan. No one wanted to look after a girl who was mental. A girl that needed to be fed and washed. My social work called this school and they kindly took me. I wonder how kind they really are.

I feel the car turn right and I see a big building. Panem Capitol School. I suddenly start to shake. I don't want to do this. I don't want to go here. I want to go back to my old life with mum, dad, Prim. Little duck. Why is this happening to me? Why me? Did I do something to deserve this?

The car stops and I hear the driver get out of the car. They walk round the car and open my door. "Come on, out you get." The man says it like he is in a hurry. For what? To take more of us away from their home. I hesitate. "Come on." He really starts to get frustrated. I slowly get out of the car with my bag in my arm.

I look at the school. It looks like a mansion. There are other building surrounding the area. The area is massive. The drive puts his hand on my shoulder and starts to push my up the steps leading to the building. Then I see a woman exit the building wearing a dress with different square shapes in colours of pink, black, skin-colour and white. She has her blond shoulder length hair down with bright pink sun-glasses on.

"Hello there. You must be out new student." She says happily. "I'm Effie Trinket. I'm one of the teachers here." She puts her hand out for a hand shake but I don't accept. I just stare at the hand. She pulls her hand down awkwardly. "Please come." She points up to the school and puts her hand on my shoulder. We walk up the stairs and enter the building. The entrance is massive. There are paintings on the walls and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. "Now then, I will have someone take your belongings to your room, the headmaster would like to meet you first."

The headmaster?! Why? Why would he want to meet me already? I just got here. I start to panic but try my best to not make it look noticeable. A lady comes over to us and takes my bag out of my hands. I go to take it back but Effie stops me. "Now, now, you do not need to worry. We are just going to get you a meeting with the headmaster and then you can get settled in." Effie and I start to walk down a corridor with gold and black painted walls. The are painting hanging on these walls as well. We come to an door in the middle of the wall. Effie knocks on the door. I hear a 'come in' come from the other side of the door. The voice does not sound soft or welcoming. It sounds dark, low and dangerous.

We walk into the room. The first thing I notice when I walk into the office is the giant desk sitting at the opposite end of the behind it was a man with pure white hair. He look like he was in his late adulthood. He did not look nice one bit. A vase of white roses sat next to him on the desk.

"Ahh, this must be our now student." He says pointing to me. Effie who is beside me nods. "Please come sit." I hesitate. Effie gives me a little nudge. I look at her before making my way over to the desk. I sit down nervously. I use the sleeves of my hoodie to cover my hands. "I am Headmaster Snow. The headmaster of this school. I believe you name is Katniss Everdeen?" I look up at him in shock. How does he know my name? "I have read your file Miss Everdeen. You seem to have quite the history." I look down. "Apparently after you lost your mother you went mute. You only say words every so often, am I right?" I look back up at him. He is staring at me so coldly it is giving me shivers. I shyly nod. "Now then here are my rules for the school. You are not to leave the campus without permission. If you do you will have to face the consequences. Next you are to turn up to everyone of you sessions. And finally," I look up and see he is giving me a cold smile, "we are not to lie to one another." I look down again wanting to just get out of the room. "You may leave now."

I quickly get up and open the door and leave the room, Effie following behind me. "Now if you would follow me I will show you to your room." Effie pushes past me and starts to lead me to my room. We walk up the stairs and come to a that have to corridors. Above one of them is says 'D1-D6' and 'D7-D12'. Effie the led me through the second corridor. We come across 12 doors. She leads me to a door that says 'D12F'. She opens the door for me and lets me enter. The room is incredible, better than I thought it would be. It has forest wallpaper, and a king-sized bed. I see my bag and suitcases, which was also in the car, were sitting on the bed. I make my way over to the bed and sit down on the edge.

"Alright then," I look up at her, "I will leave you to get settled in." Effie opens the door and is about to leave when she quickly reappears, "Oh by the way, Cinna will be here soon to meet you." And with that she leave me alone in the room. I am thankful now I can finally get some alone time. I let out a loud sigh and start to got through my band and suitcase and put things away.