Papyrus once again yelled at Sans' horrible bone-related pun as he furiously stirred tonight's spaghetti.

"SAAAAANNNNNNSSS! ONE MORE OF YOUR ACCURSED JOKES AND I WILL—WELL-I WILL-" He couldn't think of anything. Oh well. Sans laughed and lazily got up from his spot on the couch to stroll into the kitchen where his brother cooked.

"What will you do?" He smirked.

"WELL...UH..." Papyrus rubbed the back of his neck. "DETAILS, DETAILS." He waved a gloved hand dismissively. Sans tapped his chin in thought and walked closer, wrapping his bony arms around his younger brother's clothed rib-cage. Papyrus blushed orange. "S-SANS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING...?"

"I'm being a 'rib-tickling good' big bro." He laughed at his own joke as the taller gaped.

"THAT IS IT!" He announced, spinning around and picking him up.

"Woah! Okay, calm down there Pap" He laughed more nervously than before. The younger skeleton ignored him and trudged to his room, tossing the shorter skeleton onto his super cool race car bed. "Pap? What-" the skelepun was interrupted by his jacket flying to the corner of the room, his 'Bad to The Bone' t-shirt following suit. "Getting real dominant, are we?" He asked, struggling under the weight of his much bigger brother. "Well, don't get too 'hands-y" He mumbled, conjuring up two hands tinted with a blue hue.

"SANS, I SWEAR!" Papyrus huffed, pushing his teeth against the elder's neck in a skeletal kiss of some sort.

"I think I'll take my chances,bro. I 'snow' how sensitive your bones are." Sans teased. Papyrus groaned in defeat and sat back. "Aw c'mon, I didn't rattle your bones too bad, did I?" He asked, moving closer to his brother.

"YES, YOU DID RATTLE MY BONES TOO BAD." He puffed out his ribs proudly and stuck out his bony chin. "YOU ARE GETTING NONE OF THE GREAT PAPYRUS TONIGHT." Sans frowned and his conjured hands started rubbing down his brother's rib cage and spine, tugging at his clothes. Papyrus covered his mouth with a gloved hand to muffle a moan. Knowing that he was doing a thing, Sans' eye socket glowed a bright blue and a devious smirk grew on his face.

"Ooh, am I rubbing you up the right way? Honestly, I thought it would take more." He shrugged, moving the hands around as another blue hued object was conjured around his pelvic area. Noticing this, Papyrus whined, feeling his own magic stirring his soul. "What is it, bro? Feeling-"


"Eager to get BONED?" He grinned.

"GOSH DIDDLEY DANGIT, SANS!" The younger cried.

"I never thought you 'tibia' slut like this!"

"And what? I'm sure whatever it is it will be," Sans paused and grinned mischeviously at the other skeleton in the bed. "Humerus."

And that's the tale of how Sans got rejected any orange magic for a whole month. Not very 'humerus', huh Sans?