SUMMARY: One summer to satisfy his sexual needs, Mamoru uses his next door neighbor, the girl child to his parent's best friend, Usagi. Telling her that she isn't his type of woman after he is done getting what he wants, Mamoru goes back to college in the fall not knowing that Usagi will be showing up months later in his area carrying a summer secret and needing his help more than ever before.

LOOKY! LOOKY! Another story for everyone to read and I hope enjoy. Sorry to those who don't like reading M rated stories but this one will be M thanks to some mature themes etc etc. etc.. And you all know that I do not own SM or the characters etc etc. Blah Blah Blah. Just using them for our enjoyment! AND as always with me the main characters are Usagi and Mamoru. EvaC.

Chapter 1

Mamoru smiled after he pulled up in front of his parent's house being glad that he had been able to get away before his classmates for the spring break from college. He had been on the road for over seven hours and was thankful he had left early that morning before the sun rose.

Not only was Mamoru done with his freshman year a month before his friends but he would have an extra long summer thanks to his wise thinking and hard studying that past year.

Of course being all his teacher's favorite student helped him out. Mamoru wouldn't call it ass-kissing like the others did, no he had done what he had too to benefit him and it worked.

He didn't care what the others thought or what they called him at school, he was done for the year and when he went back in the fall he would be ahead of the others thanks to his brains and smart thinking, he had been able to skip his sophomore year and would be starting as a junior. Now he only had two years of college not three like the others his age.

Mamoru couldn't wait to show his father the papers, knowing that the man would be proud. Mamoru always did all that he could to make his parents proud of him.

It gave him a natural high and even went to his head when they praised him and bragged about him to their friends and coworkers. And those people in turn would always say how they wished their son was as good a son as Mamoru was.

To Mamoru's parents and even other adults, he could do no wrong and Mamoru would always make sure they thought he was perfect.

Mamoru reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed his black briefcase knowing the papers were in there. He got out of his car and walked around to the back to open the trunk and started to remove his other bags and a few suitcases.

"Mamochan you're here early!"

Mamoru looked up when he heard his neighbor and parent's best friend's daughter, Usagi calling to him. He smiled and straightened his body up and watched her run towards him from her parent's house. His eyes traveled her body noting that her chest had grown more over the year.

His smile grew while thinking that Usagi would be thirteen or fourteen now making a mental note to ask later knowing he would forget it but he would ask anyways. She was after all his parent's best friends only daughter and the only girl he considered a close friend but Mamoru would never admit it out loud.

Mamoru liked how Usagi looked in the yellow and white striped dress that went to her knees. His eyes traveled to her feet noting the white sandals she had on seemed to match her dress.

"Hello Usa how are you doing? Shouldn't you be in school?" Mamoru asked letting the young girl hug him as he stood there looking around hoping no one saw him letting her do it. But the street was empty and no one was home at that time of day since it was early afternoon. He never noticed that his arms automatically went around her body also.

"Silly Mamochan, school is over for the day. You got here before your parents thought you would. You will surprise them." Usagi exclaimed looking up at the young college man standing in front of her.

"Are they home?" Mamoru asked after his arms let her go and he started reaching for his bags while watching Usagi help him by grabbing a few of the smaller ones.

"I don't think so. I know they are planning a welcome home party for you and I heard them the other night say that you would be in the day after tomorrow." Usagi said following Mamoru to the house.

Mamoru smiled once again happy that he would surprise them.

Usagi stood to the side and watched Mamoru take his keys and start to unlock the front door. He stood to the side and let Usagi go in first. His mother had after all raised him to be a gentle man when it came to women.

If only his dear mother knew how Mamoru had been with the females that last part of the school year, she wouldn't think he was her sweet angel!

Thinking about how most of the females at his college only seemed to like giving him sex, Mamoru wasn't much of a gentleman with them. Why should he be nice to those whores when all he wanted was to get laid and they were more than willing to help him?

But now that he was home and away from them Mamoru knew he would have to be on his best behavior. He was his parent's perfect son after all.

And their perfect son watched Usagi as she lead the way to his room.

Usagi walked down the hall towards Mamoru's room knowing that house like her own. She heard Mamoru following her and half turned around and asked how his classes where going. She knew that he had finished the first year of college. She heard her parents and his talking about him so much Mamoru was almost family to her.

Usagi stood beside Mamoru's bed and watched the nineteen year old man placing the bags he had down on the floor before he walked to her and took the bags she had while he started to tell her how his year had gone.

Of course he left out the personal details of the few dates and what he had done on them. No Usagi's innocence didn't need to know those details Mamoru thought.

Usagi stood there and listened knowing that the upper classman loved to talk whenever someone would listen. But she also knew that deep down he was shy and would only open up to their parents and to her. Mamoru never realized it but he opened up the most with Usagi but Usagi knew since she took the time to find out and she knew everything about him even things that Mamoru didn't even know about himself.

Usagi had learned years ago that when he was talking she should just be quiet until he was done or asked her a question which wasn't often now that they were older. Mamoru had always been a good friend but Usagi knew it was because of their parents. She knew that Mamoru was only nice to her in front of others and looked out for her because their parents were the best of friends.

But Usagi had plans to make Mamoru notice her and be nice to her because he wanted to not because of whom she was. Plans that she hoped would make him change his way of acting with her.

Sure Mamoru was nice to her and as they had grown up he played Usagi's games with her since he was the closet child that lived near her and during the summers when Mamoru was older he use to watch out for Usagi while their parents worked.

He also knew that Usagi thought of him as her best friend and knew that the young girl had a crush on him which he thought was cute just as cute as Mamoru thought she was. But to Mamoru at that moment, Usagi was just a little girl and would always be the little girl from next door.

They both could remember a few summers back when Usagi told Mamoru that she would be his wife and Mamoru had laughed at her and told her never, telling her that she wasn't his type of girl. Usagi asked him what his type was and Mamoru jokingly but seriously told her that he wanted a girl who could handle his moody ways and could put him in his place whenever she had to. He wanted a girl who was so beautiful, but not stuck up, that all his friends and even strangers would want her but she would only have eyes for him. And she had to be smart, being able to handle everything that came her way. But most of all she had to be mature.

Mamoru left the room after telling Usagi all that not thinking about what he said but Usagi did and after that day she would remember word for word what he said since she took those words to heart and she started to work on making sure she turned out to be the only woman he would want.

Usagi never thought about the almost five year age different between them since he never mentioned it. Age was but a number to Usagi and she wouldn't let something as silly as numbers stand in her way of becoming his wife. For in Usagi's eyes Mamoru was the perfect man who she wanted to call spouse.

Sure he acted all mature around adults or his friends but Usagi had always seen the real Mamoru since he always let his guard down around her without realizing it. He acted childish and silly around her and was always relaxed with Usagi at his side.

The two talked in his room while they waited for his parent's to arrive home and Mamoru put his things away while listening to Usagi telling him about her school days and grades not noticing how well her grades had gotten since his mind drifted and started to think about a few of the girls who asked him to keep in touch over the summer break, making Mamoru promise to call them as they had surrounded his car when he had been leaving the campus grounds. He lied and told them that he would call and every time one asked for his parents phone number Mamoru changed the subject. He couldn't have all of them calling and chance his mother answering the phone.

Mamoru smiled to himself while thinking of the last girl who had spread her legs for him a few weeks ago knowing that he wouldn't call her like he promised. He never called any of them after getting what he wanted and that last girl wasn't his type. Mamoru wouldn't be tied down so early in his life and he knew that girl had been trying to get him all year.

Mamoru wasn't ready for a steady girlfriend since he wanted to finish college first then start work with his father and Usagi's before he thought about having a wife.

Marriage could and would wait Mamoru would say to his friends as they sat around their dorm rooms telling each other about which girl they were doing or who they wanted finding out from each other how that woman was if one of them already had her.

Mamoru knew he mother would be highly upset and disappointed in him if she ever found out her little boy; her innocent child was sleeping with the opposite sex now, having lost his virginity right after Christmas break.

Mamoru knew the woman, his sweet loving mother, would look at him differently if she ever found out. She had after all always told him while he was growing up that sex was between a husband and wife and not to be taken as a joke. She would also tell him that children should be created by two people who were married and in love, never out of wedlock. Those words of wisdom would lead Mamoru to hear his mother telling him that she would never deal with a grandchild being born illegitimately.

So all those reasons are why Mamoru always wore condoms even if the girl told him she was covered. Mamoru would make sure he had a "raincoat" on and even at times pull out finishing the act making sure the condom was still in place and didn't have any holes or rips. He wasn't going to chance one of those "gold digging" whores like he liked to call them, getting a chance to trap him. Mamoru knew he was good looking and many of the girls fought for him but he wasn't interested in them other than for sex.

Sure he pretended to listen to them while they were on a date but Mamoru thought the whole evening of one thing and only one thing and that was how fast he could get the girl to give in to him.

And it wasn't hard since he had a way of winning those girls over with his smooth talk and handsome looks.

Mamoru and his friends had a game going between them on timing how fast they could get a girl naked letting her be the one to take the clothes off and Mamoru was getting better as the months pasted.

Yes Mamoru called those girls "gold digging whores" and knew he was just using them, for Mamoru knew his mother wouldn't approve of the women who attended school with him and would turn them all away saying how they weren't good enough for her son. And Mamoru thought that way also thinking that almost the entire woman population at his college where whores or were going to turn into one.

Smiling even more while Mamoru thought about how he and his friends were going to make it happen when school started in the fall since each man had vowed that they would conquer the females at the school and sleep with them all at least once.

Mamoru couldn't wait for the new school year to start in the fall.

Mamoru blinked his eyes noticing that Usagi, the only girl who he didn't think was a gold digging whore besides his mother and hers, had gotten silent and was smiling and looking at him. Mamoru smiled back before he patted her head and walked around her telling her that she could leave and he would visit with her later. He left his room and walked to the bathroom missing Usagi watch then run out smiling the whole time being happy that he was home early. Not only because now she had someone to talk to and hang with but mostly so she could show him that she was changing into his perfect woman.

Usagi ran home and waited for her own parents to arrive knowing that they would be going out to dinner with Mamoru and his family, Usagi started to get ready. She was more than ready to show Mamoru how much she had matured over the year and it started with making sure her clothes and hair were just right.

And that evening she wasn't disappointed in her looks after seeing Mamoru's eyes light up when he would look at her. She caught him looking and checking her out when the adults weren't looking and Usagi only smiled and kept silent and ate her dinner with the manners she knew. She would show Mamoru that she was maturing and would be the woman he would marry.

Usagi never knew or could imagine that Mamoru was only looking and checking her out because he was thinking about sex. But she would find that out soon enough as their summer went by.

To be continued.