Here it is, as promised..a short epilogue. Just as I had said the chapter before in the update, thank you again for reading. I hope to inspire some of you to follow Harry and overcome your struggles with help of your friends and family. It gets better. Take time to care for yourself and be happy! You deserve it.
Harry smoothed down his stubborn hair for the 10th time before giving up. He admired his smart appearance, dressed nicely for the party taking place at the Weasley's. It was his one year anniversary of freedom from the past. A year ago today he was released from St. Mungo's and began his life anew. Harry had worked hard to be here, and it wasn't easy.
"I just want to be alone tonight, Gin," he stated firmly. "Go home."
They had stood in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place near the sink where he was peeling carrots by hand, attempting to ignore her.
Ginny had refused. "You're doing it again, I see it in your face."
"Doing what?" He was becoming more irritated.
She folded her arms defiantly. "Shutting down. Whenever you do this we worry you're hiding something."
Harry's anger got the best of him. He dropped the peeler with a loud clatter and gripped the sink. "Like what? Coke? Alcohol? What is it? I told you I was done with that! It's been three months since St. Mungo's, okay! Sorry if I have a hard time finding another way to be upset!"
His outburst knocked her only partially silent. Her voice softened. "You cannot blame us for worrying, Harry. We had spent almost two years worrying for you. We just don't want to see it happen again."
Harry said nothing and still refused to look at her concerned face. He had almost wished she too had lost her temper and stomped out of his house, refusing to come back. Neither said a word, and he went back to his carrot, and her to her bag, departing silently.
But twelve months after his shaming overdose, he was scarred but healing more than he ever was. He had listened to his mother and reached out to who he already had. Harry had lived with the Weasley's for three months before returning full time to his home they had remodeled. It was for sure more inviting and pleasing to the eyes. Kreacher had eagerly assisted to re-paint the walls, update wallpaper, and add lighter drapes. If anything, Harry could imagine it as a new home without the memories of the Order or Sirius every waking moment.
When memories did stalk his dreams, he talked about them. When he was triggered to visit David to use, he came forward. Slowly, day by day, he was earning trust back.
Hermione suggested that they all learn to do the same as Harry when it came to finding ways to calm themselves down. She had stated Ron needed it just as much as Harry did. Ron did not find it humorous. Harry did, in fact, teach them, and he felt important. He was a teacher, and when he needed it, they were his.
A soft knock brought Harry out of his thoughts. It was Hermione greeting him with a warm smile. She had a maroon dress on with a purple scarf. "It's almost one. Do you think Kreacher needs any help with the food?"
He rolled his eyes, smirking. "Kreacher is more than capable. That's what he loves to do. Don't get me into the whole S.P.E.W. thing again."
She laughed. "That silly thing made it to the Ministry, thank you very much! You are too good to him, Harry." Pausing, Hermione watched him give one more futile attempt of his hair then took his hand. "Let's go. Ginny sent me over because she is tired of hearing her Mother fret over when you are coming."
Harry sighed, following her down the hallway and towards the steps. Hermione could see he was thinking too hard.
"What is it, Harry?" She said, smiling, stopping them both before the stairs.
Giving a weak shrug, he managed to speak. "I just didn't want to make a big deal about this."
Hermione squeezed his hand. "Harry, this IS a big deal. Over three hundred and sixty five days of work toward finding yourself again. Even better, a new Harry Potter, not the Chosen One."
He nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's just...I don't…" he paused. "I'm afraid to fail, I guess. We are going to celebrate this and then what if I slip up tomorrow?"
Hermione realized what he was saying. She smiled. "Then we plan the next party."
Harry forced a laugh. What a simple answer. "Well, then let's go. I asked Mrs. Weasley to make her famous treacle tarts and I want to get there before Ron finds them."
With a WHOOSH both he and Hermione flooed to the Weasley household. The kitchen was full of activity and smelled of baking.
"Harry dear!" exclaimed Molly. "You made it! Man of the hour, of course!"
He felt his face blush red. "Sorry for being late."
She waved him off. "Arthur has set up tables outside. Take these doughballs out to him, will you? Everyone can help!" Molly emphasized her last statement to Ron, who came trudging down the steps appearing as though he had just awoken from a long nap.
"Heya, Harry," He yawned. "Been looking forward to all this food all week."
"Hopefully you just have to wait another year for the next one." Harry remarked, taking the bowl Mrs. Weasley offered him.
Ron begrudgingly took plates outside and the two of them found Mr. Weasley waving his wand to align the linen tablecloths perfectly across the long oak table.
"Today's the big day!" the man exclaimed. "How do you feel, Harry?"
Harry accepted the fierce embrace from him and laughed. "Definitely better than how I was last year. Still hard, but better."
Mr. Weasley gave him a smirk. "We were all rooting for you, son. And we will keep doing so! But first, we need to celebrate." The man took the food from Harry's hands and placed it next to the plates Ron was setting down.
And the food...Harry could only compare it to the Great Hall and all the work done by the House Elves. By the end of the hour, every Weasley, Fleur, and Hermione all sat before him at the dinner table. He could feel emotions tug at his throat for what his friends were doing for him. Yes, he managed a year, but he could not have done it without them.
Harry raised his glass for a toast. "This is for all of you. If I didn't have any of you to lean on, I would not be alive today. I really mean it. Thank you."
Mrs. Weasley's eyes gleamed with tears and pride. Harry flushed with swelling emotion, and he felt Ginny take hold of his hand. The past year had developed quickly, and he needed it to in order to find a constant distraction to his troubling thoughts. In one month he would be starting at the Auror Academy with Ron, per high regard from Kingsley, of course. Not that they really needed it. Harry and Ginny were forced to sit down and talk about what that meant for the future.
"You know I want to marry you, Ginny," he said softly, playing with her hair as they lay close to one another in his bed. "But we have to talk about me being an Auror."
The moon shone bright across her face that held a soft smile toward it. She rolled over to meet his eyes.
"Well I hope you marry me. It would be terribly awkward if we didn't. Can you imagine hanging out with Ron with me around?"
Harry laughed, placing a small kiss on her neck. It was soft and he fought hard to keep the conversation going. "You're avoiding the topic."
Ginny groaned as if being assigned one of McGonagall's 3 ft essays. "Must we talk about it now? You're only seven months after healing and you will only put yourself back into that frame of mind."
Harry had prepared himself for this discussion repeatedly in his mind, and he pretended to scoff. "What do you mean?"
Her tone shifted. "It's know it will bring back memories. Your hypervigilance can bring back that panic. Why don't you just wait a few years?"
A gentle sigh escaped his lips. Harry came to the realization that she had the very same conversation with everyone, who most likely agreed with her. Still, they doubted, but he was no longer at the point where his friends used to tread on eggshells. Weekly therapy, groups and wrestling with his own mind made sure of it. Instead of becoming angry, as the old Harry would have, he nuzzled her lovingly.
"It is sooner than what I had thought months back, but I feel ready. I can't keep avoiding it any longer. Otherwise I would be doing nothing with my life. I need to...move on."
Ginny tensed in his arms, and he was alarmed to see her lips quiver. Were there tears in her eyes?
"Oh, Harry!" she said breathlessly. "You have no idea how long we have been waiting for you to say that!"
Realization struck him like a brick. "I know. Moving on-can you believe it? Months ago I couldn't even deal with a visit from you at Dartford without blaming myself for Fred."
He felt her squirm, and Ginny turned to face him-wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hm...maybe you are ready, Harry. You amaze me more and more."
He couldn't put into words how much he loved her, and the two of them kissed passionately. Ginny pulled him on top and he pressed himself into her, failing to control a gentle moan. She only held him stronger. Harry was floating high with pride and love. There was nothing stopping him from living.
Harry watched his friends eat and enjoy themselves with happiness swelling from his chest. With their chatter excited and laughter boisterous, all had something to gathering Harry never thought he would hear again months beforehand. Mrs. Weasley was giggling as her husband met her with a kiss. Hermione and Ron were hiding their hands folded together under the if no one knew already. The happiness overwhelmed him.
He needed a break.
The napkin that covered his lap now lay on the table as Harry rose from his chair. He averted his moist eyes from his friends and feigned need for the restroom. Once inside, the clatter of cutlery and voices softened. He breathed in..held it for four, and blew out for three. Just as Birch had taught him. Quickly, he made may for the upstairs bathroom, relieved that no one had attempted to follow him inside. With the door shut, Harry washed his face and stared at himself in the mirror pensively, hearing Mr. Weasley's booming laugh from the lawn. With the need to cry passed, Harry regulated himself and reminded that this was good...all of it...and moving on would be his most amazing journey. One day, he was going to take Ginny's hand, and he would take care of her for the rest of their lives together. She would be his world. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh. Life will continue to be difficult, Harry knew. Every day was a day to win and lose, and he could not give up as he had in the past. If he really wanted Ginny, and if he truly wanted to make his mother proud-he could never quit. Failing happens," He thought. "But I have to get up." Just as Hermione had told him on days he refused to get out bed, "Just get up and get dressed, then you're halfway there." He felt a smile crawl across his face...if anything, he could always be 'halfway there' whenever he needed to be.
More laughter brought him from his thoughts, and Harry took another breath. Assuming he had taken enough time, he left the bathroom and made way to continue the celebration. Ginny was the first to see him return, and she reached her arm out for him to come and embrace her-just as she had always done.
Harry could not have been more happy, and he made his way to do so.