Rated K

The Temperament of Kings

Theoden pinched the bridge of his nose, all his muscles stiff in his throne as the wizard went on. He was angry, furious about the villages that have been attacked and burned by Saruman's armies. Then, he was frustrated. So frustrated with people constantly telling him what to do, what to do with his kingdom and his people!

"Eomer is loyal to you, his men will return and fight for their king." Aragorn spoke, his voice monotone but sternness held all the same.

Theoden's blood boiled, he shot from his throne, advancing towards the heir.

He near but shouted at the ranger, "They will be three hundred leagues from here by now!"

From the corner of his vision, he could see the orphaned children tighten up, staring at him with scared eyes. He knew he scared them, and he hated it.

"Eomer cannot help us," he heard Gandalf lift from his chair, "I know what it is you want of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war."

The room grew silent, then, "Open war is upon you, whether you like it or not." He knew that, of course he knew that, but having it be told to him. Told to him by a ranger, a man who refuses to take the throne of Gondor...

He turned to the man, his jaw tightening, "Last time I checked, Theoden, not Aragorn was king of Gondor."

He saw the elf by him stand straighter, chin high and eyes cold as they stared him down. He grit his teeth to the elf, he didn't know if he was mute or just a fool. He stared down Theoden as if he was a threat, an enemy. Having the elf stared at him just sent him over the edge.

"You there, elf. You are from the woodland realm are you not? What of your king? The coward who continues to hide in his trees and lets the rest of the world die and burn. Will he not bother to help the world?"

He's never seen an elf so angry in his life, the blue eyes flamed and even the dwarf gave Theoden a cautious glare.

"My father, is currently defending the forest from spiders. Large spiders, spawn of Ungoliant who have sickened the forest and began to starve our people from food. If my elven sight is right, it seems that he is planning to march onto Dol Guldur and kill them at their source. If he is successful at killing all the spiders, it still may not help. For Sauron can still cause further sickness to our woods, and our people may very well starve to death if grief doesn't kill them first from the possible husband and sons that will die."

The entire time the elf kept his voice smooth, never raising it, only sending shivers down Theoden's spine from the cold, deathly stare he gave him.

"So no, my father cannot send help at the moment." Theoden saw the elf's hands twitch, and he was lucky that he didn't have his bow or knives with him.

Legolas left the hall and Theoden was left with his decision.