Hey guys,

So I have a new fic I've been working on (sorry this chapter's so short).

It's a modern AU and it's not really canon, so Maxon's not rich, and Marlee knows Carter already, and Aspen might only just be a friend.

If you guys like it, I'll continue it.

I hope you enjoy!

"Hello? Earth to Marlee?" I looked at my best friend, who was lost in thought. I had been trying to get her attention for 30 seconds now. I waved my hand in front of her face, her eyes still trained on the TV in front of us.

"Marlee?" I asked again. She still didn't respond.

"Marlee!" I said loudly. She flinched like I had somehow shocked her. I laughed at her startled face.

"What?" she asked.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go watch that new movie, but seeing as you would rather daydream about Carter..." I ended off, smirking at her.

She grabbed a pillow off the couch and smacked me. "No! I'm going to that movie! Nothing I do will change my mind."

"Who's going to the movies?" I heard a voice ask. I forgot that the apartment wasn't all that big. We were sitting on the couch in my living room. There was a hallway to the left, where all of the bedrooms were. Only 3 of them were occupied ever since Kenna and Kota left. And to our right was the kitchen, where my sister was eating a cupcake, standing with perking ears.

"It's none of your business, May."

Marlee, being the sisterly figure she was, said, "No, it's fine, May. We're just going to the movies tonight. Wanna come?"

I buried my head in the pillow. Even though I loved May, she could make me feel so embarrassed when I go to the movies with her. She makes outrageous comments about all of the 'hot' guys. To be honest, half of them aren't even that good-looking, at least to me they aren't. May was just in that phase in her life where she gets attracted to every single boy she sees.

"Sure!" she replied enthusiastically.

"This is going to be the end of me," I mumbled.

We arrived at the movies half an hour early. We walked into the theater, and saw that it was all empty, except for two blond boys sitting at the back, engaging in a conversation. "Remind me again, why did we come here so early?" Marlee asked from my side.

"I thought there were going to be a lot of people," I said.

"Well...there's nothing to do," Marlee stated.

"Oh! I know!" May said a little too loudly, making the boys look at us. She blushed, her face matching the colour of her hair.

A sudden realization dawned over Marlee as she tapped my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "Is that Carter?"

I squinted my eyes to see the boys at the back. It was Carter. Carter and Marlee have been dating for a month now. Marlee had had so many boyfriends before, I wouldn't even consider 90% of them boyfriends. She would go on dates with them for one week, and then, she would get interested in another guy. But Carter seemed like he was special. She had never stayed with anyone this long before. I had faith in him.

Marlee and I have known him ever since high school started, so that would be three years. He was one of those guys who was really popular yet likeable.

"Yeah. I think it is. Let's go see if it is. If it's not, we'll just pretend we wanted to sit up there," I told her.

"May, come on. We're gonna go over there," I told my sister.

She nodded.

I started walking up the stairs, and Marlee, who was next to me, started combing her fingers through her hair to make sure it was all perfect for Carter.

The boy sitting next to him looked so familiar. Something about those eyes made me nostalgic. But I couldn't set a time, place, or name as to where I've seen him before.

"Hey, Carter." I said.

He looked up from his phone and squinted at us. "America?" he asked, clearly surprised to see us here, about to watch some apparently really good action movie.

"Hey," I said.

He smiled when he looked next to me, at Marlee. "Hey, Marlee," he said.

She made her way over to them, leaning over the row of seats to give him a kiss. The other boy looked at us all.

"May, come." I whispered, signaling her over.

We walked to where Marlee was.

"This is my girlfriend, Marlee," she smiled when he said 'girlfriend'. "Her best friend, America," the boy raised his eyebrows when he heard my name. "And this is America's sister, May." She blushed when the boy smiled at her. See? She was attracted to every guy she saw. But I have to admit, he is kinda cute.

"This is Maxon," Carter said, pointing to the boy sitting next to him. Maxon gave a little wave.

"So, how do you know Maxon?" May asked Carter chirpily.

"He's in my English class. He's really cool." Carter said.

"I've never seen you before," Marlee said, addressing Maxon.

"Oh, I moved from out of town, just in time for the new school year," he told her.

"Why did you move for senior year?" Marlee asked.

"My parents didn't like the town we were in before, so they decided we should come back here," he explained.

"Wait. Come back?" I asked him.

He looked at me, seeming as if he were trying to solve a puzzle.

"Yeah. I lived here until I was around 6, and then we went to another town for my elementary school. I actually really liked this place, so I'm really glad I'm back," he said.

There was some silence as we all took in what he said.

I wanted to escape the awkward quietness and announced,

"I'll get some popcorn. Anyone wanna come with me?"

And to my surprise, Maxon said, "I'll come."

I hope you guys enjoyed that!

Please review! I'll take any suggestions to this story.
