Frozen Love
(This is gonna be set after Thor: The Dark World, or rather after the part when Loki is "killed" by Malekith on Svartalfheim but actually ends up still being alive. Loki decides to pay a visit to an old acquaintance in the Enchanted Forest, and makes a deal that will help him kill Odin. But when he succeeds in killing Odin, he suddenly ends up being exiled from Asgard in his Jotun form. And the only way he can return is if he can learn to accept himself as a Jotun, as well as having others accept him as he is. Loki is then back in the Enchanted Forest, but then ends up traveling to Arendelle where he meets Queen Elsa, a young woman with ice magic, and her younger sister Princess Anna. But when Prince Hans of the Southern Isles and his twelve brothers hear about the Jotun prince from Asgard, they try to convince all of Arendelle that Loki is dangerous and must be dealt with immediately. But Anna, Elsa, and even Kristoff try to help Loki learn to accept himself and prove to Hans that Loki is not all as bad as they make him out to be. Meanwhile, Elsa also finds herself falling in love with the God of Mischief but fears that he may not return her feelings until Anna steps in to help her sister realize that she may have found true love and tries to bring both her and Loki together. Anyway, I don't wanna give out too much summary otherwise I'll end up spoiling the story. AU, no Dark Curse. Parings are Kristanna (Kristoff and Anna), and Elki (Elsa and Loki).

Disclaimer: I don't own Thor, the Avengers, or Once Upon A Time.)

Prologue: A Deal Is Struck

Loki had just left Svartalfheim, and now teleported himself to the Enchanted Forest. He knew exactly the only other person who could help him to finally kill Odin: Rumplestiltskin, or otherwise known as the Dark One. Revealing a cruel smirk, Loki continued making his way to the Dark Castle and teleported inside once he arrived, startling a young woman with chestnut hair and blue eyes and wearing a blue dress with a white shirt underneath, as he entered.

"Well it seems he finally decided to take my advice about getting himself a maid," Loki commented when he noticed her standing there.

Belle, meanwhile, snapped out of her surprised state as soon as he said that. "Excuse me, but I do have a name, you know?!" she said, offended.

"My business is with Rumplestiltskin, is he here?" Loki asked her, completely ignoring her previous statement which offended her even more.

Before Belle could reply, Rumplestiltskin appeared. "Right here, dearie. And Belle, I don't recall saying you could be finished for the day when there's still lots more rooms that need cleaning.

Belle had to bite back a retort as he said that, but she secretly decided to listen in on him and whoever that other man was who had startled her. She knew he was here to make a deal, like every other desperate soul who call on the Dark One for something.

"So Loki, you've finally come to make a deal with me, have you?" Rumplestiltskin asked him.

"Yes, there's somebody I plan to kill once I return to Asgard... Odin," Loki replied. "After all I have been through because of him, and not to mention lying to me about my heritage, gives me all the more reason to want him dead at my feet."

"And let me guess, you need the Dark One's help," Rumple said. "I can give you something to help you, for a price of course."

"Name your price then," Loki told him.

Rumplestiltskin smirked. "When the time comes, I will let you know what I need. But I will say this, it involves traveling to a land without magic to acquire something. In the meantime-" he waved his hand and a brown wooden box appeared. "In this box is something that will allow you to kill Odin." He then paused and used a key to unlock there box to reveal a two-headed snake, the second head being where the tail would be.

Loki scoffed when he saw it. "You expect me to kill the Allfather with a snake? You mock me!"

"Ah, but you see this is no ordinary snake," Rumplestiltskin explained. "This is the Agrabahn Viper, which I took the liberty of "borrowing" from the Evil Queen after she used it on Snow White's father. Of course, I never thought I'd find a use for it until now. Anyway, it's venomous bite slowly poisons its victim until they draw their final breath. Still think I'm mocking you by giving you a snake?"

Loki seemed to be deep in thought over this. Perhaps this could be useful in killing his so-called father, who was never much of a father to begin with. Giving a cruel smirk, he said, "Deal. I'll take it," and shook hands with Rumplestiltskin to confirm the deal. With that done, Loki got up to leave.

"And remember, dearie," Rumplestiltskin reminded him. "You'd better remember the price I require for this. Traveling to the land without magic is something only you will be able to do for me."

"Then I will be sure to return once I am finished," Loki replied, although Rumplestiltskin could obviously see through that lie but decided to wait and see anyway.


Loki had just returned to Asgard with the box containing the Agrabahn Viper, and he quickly disguised himself as another Asgardian before going into the throne room where he knew Odin would be. He then opened the box while Odin wasn't looking and watched as the snakes slithered over and up the throne into the Allfather's lap. Odin noticed too late as the vipers reached their heads up and bit him on the neck, and he soon felt the venom spreading throughout his body.

Loki then decided to reveal himself. "Your reign is at an end now, father," he sneered.

"Loki..." was all Odin managed to say before drawing his last breath.

Loki smirked in satisfaction that it had actually worked, as he then prepared to get rid of the evidence. He waved his hand over the viper, sending it back to Rumplestiltskin. And then proceeded to do the same with Odin now lifeless body, only it was hidden were only he knew. After that was done, he then cast a spell to turn himself into Odin and took his place on the throne.

Wow, that was kind of a dark prologue considering I'm not normally a dark person, but I just thought I'd go with it anyway. And yes, I know it was actually the Genie/Magic Mirror (and not Regina) who set the Agrabahn Viper on King Leopold. And I know Rumplestiltskin doesn't really take it to keep in his possession afterwards, but I just thought I'd make it a bit more interesting that way. Anyway, next chapter Loki is found out and exiled. And also I know this was short, but hey so are most prologues. Anywayz, hope you enjoy this. I'll try to have the next chapter out soon. ^_^