Hi guys!

Thank you for all of the support writing this short little story :)

There will be a few more chapters to this, not sure how many more though!


"Ok..." Ezra said with a deep breath. Even with her eyes faithfully shut, Sabine detected a hint of strain and unsureness in his voice.

"O-Open your eyes." Ezra said, his voice just above a whisper.

'Finally.' Sabine thought.

And then she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" Sabine said, fairly unamused.

"It's my parents-...it's my parent's old room." Ezra said softly.

"Why would he bring me here?" Sabine thought to herself.

"Why would you bring me here?" Sabine asked.

Ezra took a step back, the brightly lit room seemed to make his caramel skin glisten.

"Okay...so this is gonna sounds really weird, but, um...so sometimes when we have free days off from being 'the rebels', and we just have free time to ourselves...well only once I followed you and you went into a makeup store and then I kept following you and-"

"Ezra you're rambling. And...you have no right to follow me around!" Sabine scolded, pushing the boy not-so-lightly on the shoulder.

Ezra flinched "I know i'm sorry! But that isn't the worst of it all..."

"Ezra! What. Did. You. Do?!" Sabine seethed.

"So...yesterday morning when everyone went out...I-...I went into your room." Ezra said, wincing at the way Sabine look ready to explode.

"You did what?! Ezra, you're invading my privacy! I don't go through all of your stuff!" Sabine yelled, slapping the boy across the face.

Ezra whined, "Ow! It wasn't like that! I found the box under your table and-"

"And?" Sabine awaited.

"I put two and two together and figured out your secret hobby."

"...Ok..." Sabine tried to play it off cool, but the shade of her cheeks told otherwise. "What did you bring me here to do? You can't blackmail me into doing any weird kinky-"

"WHAT?! No. No. No. No. No. No! Ew! Sabine! Did you really think i'm that kind of guy?" Ezra almost choked, face bright red in embarrassment.

Sabine scoffed and crossed her arms. "Well I don't know! I guess I figured you were the kind of guy to follow a girl around and search through her stuff, then drag her to a isolated room with a bed and-"

"SABINE! I was conceived and born in that bed! I'm not a weirdo!" Ezra shouted, azure eyes wide.

"Okay fine! Then why drag me all the way here at one in the morning?!" Sabine screamed, her head pounding with adrenelin.

"To let you use my mother's stuff!" Ezra tore a white sheet that had been covering a piece of furniture in the room. Dust flew everywhere as the sheet flew to the ground.

Sabine coughed and looked up, waving dust and dirt out of her face.

There was a vanity table there.

"Wha-" Sabine began, narrowing her eyes.

But it soon all came clear. Ezra was letting her use his missing mother's stuff.

Sabine was frozen where she stood. She suddenly felt a deep pit form in her stomach, regretting be so rude to Ezra the entire trip.

Finally she snapped out of it, looking at the boy who stood next to the table, head down, fist balled up.

"Ezra? May I-" Sabine began in a quiet voice.

"Go ahead. I want you to have it." Ezra answered, head still down.

The table was made completely of dark wood, a matching chair with white cushions tucked in. Taking a seat, Sabine opened the drawers of the desk. Different color tubes of lipstick and glosses in one, eye shadow shades in the neck. Brushes of all kind and size, classic scented perfumes, even a handful of different liners and pencils. The amount of all the products made Sabine's heart flutter.

Sabine looked towards Ezra, who was standing in front of a large armoire.

"Ezra-..." Sabine said, her voice sounding ached.

The boy opened the armoire, revealing dresses, gowns, and a few boxes of different lady-like shoes. On the door of the dresser hung various necklaces, bracelets on hooks, a magnet board holding rings and earrings.

Ezra sighed, "I-I want you to have this. She...She wouldn't have wanted her stuff to just sit here and collect dust like this. She...Mom would've wanted someone with a good heart to use and take care of it. And when I realized you like this kind of stuff...I dunno..." Ezra turned his head and tried to make it look like he wasn't wiping a tear away. "I guess I thought maybe you would want it? I just couldn't bring myself to sell any of it."

Suddenly the boy felt himself enveloped in warm arms. The two just sat in each other's arms for a moment before they pulled away.

"I'm sorry Ezra. I was so rude to you and...well i'm sorry for everything." Sabine said softly.

"Its ok..." Ezra said, wiping away the sticky trails of tears on his face. "Now...lets move this stuff into the Ghost."


Cute? To be clear, this isn't a SabinexEzra fic, maybe a hint of it if you read between the lines...heh

Please review! I read all of your comments!
