Greetings readers! Welcome to my foray into writing Harry Potter fanfiction. I was reading one of the Harry Potter books and I found myself fascinated by the Malfoy's. Let's face it, the villain is always a bit fascinating and the more complicated the villain the better. Just look at how the world loves Darth Vader from the Star Wars Universe. In the Harry Potter books and movies we do not really get to know the Malfoy family because the story is told from Harry's perspective and his perspective of them is that they are evil end of story. My fascination with the Malfoy's was coupled with the idea of what if the Malfoy's had been unable to produce a male Heir? What if instead of a Draco Malfoy there was a Lyra Malfoy? I hope that readers enjoy my attempt at an Alternate Universe Harry Potter Fanfic.

The Malfoy Curse

Prologue CURSED

Somewhere in England


Tears of anger and rage splashed down upon the pages of the magazine she held in her shaking hands. She stared down at the pages, watching the moving pictures of one Lucius Malfoy dancing on his wedding day with the lovely Narcissa Black. The blond haired beauty was Narcissa Malfoy now, wed to Lucius Malfoy. Looking on with a smug smile at the dancing couple was a man that she loathed with every ounce of her being. Abraxas Malfoy, the patriarch of the Malfoy family.

The magazine even had a quote from Abraxas Malfoy. He had spoken of his joy in his son's union with the lovely Narcissa and his excitement of when they would make him a grandfather. He had demurred from stating if he had a preference in gender for his first grandchild, but everyone who knew Abraxas knew that he wanted a male child to carry on the Malfoy name. Girls born of the great houses were beautiful treasures to be wed off in the name of alliance. They were not meant to lead or to rule the houses. At least men like Abraxas thought that way.

She glared at the photographs of the handsome Lucius and the beautiful Narcissa and she vibrated with rage. They would make such a beautiful son together. She shook her head and laughed cruelly. "Oh, I think not." She murmured to herself. "Another son to the house of Malfoy would only make other's suffer more. Oh no. No sons for the House of Malfoy. The name shall end with Lucius. Yes…"

She sat the magazine down carefully upon the table and then she walked swiftly to her book shelf to find just the right curse to lay down upon the newly married couple.