This is a sequel to Try To Picture Yourself Without Us, and a Prequel to Separated Siblings. I know that the stories are out of order, but I'm making up more ideas as I go along, so bear with me.

Enjoy the first chapter!

Chapter 1

Hiro and Akari snuck down the stairs of their apartment quickly and quietly. They were careful to make sure they didn't run into anything, or accidentally kick Mochi. The last thing they wanted was to wake up Aunt Cass or Tadashi at 2 A.M. because they'd be extremely cranky. They luckily made it to the garage without anything falling over, and no noise was to be heard.

But what exactly were they doing up at 2 A.M.?

They were assigned a mission. A top secret mission assigned by the government. They had been given 2 months to make a definite decision, and it was the final week before the deadline when they decided to take it. After all, it's not every day they got to go on a top secret mission by the government.

They closed the garage door behind them and turned on the lights, illuminating the garage. They headed over to the voice activated cabinet where the gang put their suits when they weren't going on missions. They approached it, and the cabinet said its command, "Voice Activation."

"Hiro Hamada," Hiro stated.

"Akari Hamada," Akari stated.

"Voice activation accepted."

The cabinet opened, and inside were the suits that Hiro and Akari worked so hard to make for themselves and their friends. Obviously they had to be refitted every couple of months, but no one minded because they had an entire city counting on their protection.

They put on their suits over their clothes and activated their robotic friend, Baymax, "Ow."

Beep, beep, beep!

"Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?" he asked.

"Nothing Baymax. But, we're getting ready to go on the mission we told you about," Akari stated.

"How may I be of assistance?" Baymax asked.

"We have to get your armor on. If anything were to go wrong, you'll be there to take care of us," Hiro explained.

Baymax said nothing in return. Instead he waddled to where the pieces of his suit were, and helped Hiro and Akari pick them up in order to put them on him. After 5 minutes, they managed to get all of Baymax's armor on and they headed out of the garage, closing it behind them.

"Wings," Hiro commanded. Baymax's wings came out of his suit. Akari activated her board shoes, and just hovered off the ground, waiting for Baymax and Hiro to get in the air.

"Fly!" Hiro commanded, and they headed up into the sky, with Akari following suit. They never get tired of the rush they get when they fly over San Fransokyo, especially at night. The view is breathtaking. They got to the San Fransokyo Bridge, and made their way to Akuma Island.

They had to admit, it was rather odd to have the government facility they were going to be on the same exact island in the same exact place as the Silent Sparrow Project took place, but since then, the government decided to reopen the island for experimenting. Now it looks good as new, everything is refurbished, and the facility is filled with the most modern technology.

They landed in the same place they landed for the first time on the island, and suddenly, Wasabi's voice filled Akari's head.

"Quarantine? Do you people know what quarantine means?"

"Quarantine: enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease or in some cases… death."

"Oh! There's a skull face on this one. A SKULL FACE!"

Akari only laughed to herself, and the 15 year olds and robot walked into the building. They were greeted by the general, who led them to a room that had a large circular ring in the center and a control room.

"So… what are we here to do?" Akari asked.

"You two… the bravest and youngest of Big Hero 7, were recruited to test out the latest experiment by the government. This project is similar to Project Silent Sparrow. I assume that you are familiar with this," The general assumed.

"Yes, we are general. In fact, you may recall that we discovered it when catching Yokai in his revenge attempt on Alistair Krei," Akari informed him.

The general nodded, "Indeed I do. But this portal is somewhat different to Silent Sparrow."

"How can we be sure that this portal won't explode like Silent Sparrow?" Hiro asked skeptically. Akari nudged his shoulder and gave him a look through their helmets.

"Alistair Krei ignored the safety parameters concerning the irregularity in the magnetic containment field. We would make sure that everything was working properly before sending you into the portal," the general explained reassuringly.

"What do we have to do?" Akari asked.

"We have selected you two out of hundreds of possible test subjects for the portal, but being as you are leaders of a superhero team, and have saved our city countless times, you ranked above all. All you have to do is fly in, and it will take you a few minutes to get on the other portal at another facility across town," the general explained.

"So all we have to do is jump into the portal, and get to the other side?" Hiro clarified.

"Precisely," the general replied, and led the teenagers and robot to a platform a few feet from the portal. He pulled a couple of earpieces from his pocket and handed one to each of the twins, "These earpieces will let us be able to contact you as you go through the portal, and you will be able to notify us if there is anything harmful inside."

Hiro and Akari nodded, though they knew that it was obvious that the general didn't know that they had been in the portal before… sort of. Technically, they have been in a portal… just not that one. They put the earpieces in their ears and waited for further instruction.

"We're going to turn the portal on in a couple of minutes, only jump in after the color of the portal has turned a light purple… like the color of your suit," the general explained, gesturing to Akari's suit.

"Alright," Hiro and Akari said in unison, and everyone left the floor for safety reasons. They headed into the control room overlooking the entire project. They heard the buzzing of the machine coming to life, but chose to ignore it for the moment. They looked at each other, and you could see the looks of determination through each other's helmets.

"Ready Hiro?" Akari asked.

"I guess so…" Hiro trailed off, and turned to the portal, which was preparing to turn into the color they were told to jump into. Hiro walked over to Baymax and climbed on his back, while Akari activated her board shoes.

"Baymax, wings," Hiro commanded, and his wings popped out, "Thrusters."

Baymax was hovering a few inches off the ground, just like Akari, and they waited until the right moment until they flew into the portal.

They inside of the portal was exactly as they remembered, minus the debris. All that was in there was the purple and pink clouds that were floating around due to the lack of gravity. They slowed down, only going a couple of miles per hour when they got a signal, and the general contacted them.

-Hiro. Akari. Can you hear me?-

"Yes general. We can hear you perfectly," Akari stated.

-I'm afraid we have some bad news…-

"Did something happen to the portal?" Hiro asked.

-Unfortunately… yes. Right after you jumped in, the alarm started going off, and it shut itself down.-

"What about the other one?" Akari asked fearfully.

-We have them in contact right now. They said the portal is still functioning properly, but if it were to malfunction… you would be stuck in there until we find a way to open it back up.-

"WELL KEEP IT ON!" Hiro and Akari screamed in sync.

-We're doing the best we can to do that!-

Suddenly, a bright white flash emitted about 70 feet from Hiro and Akari, and a glowing blue circle started growing larger by the second.

"Baymax? What is that?!" Akari asked, petrified, as she pointed to the growing circle in front of them.

Baymax scanned the growing circle in the distance, "It appears to be a wormhole."

"WHAT?!" Hiro and Akari screamed.

-Hiro, Akari. What's going on in there?-

"There's a wormhole in here! And we can't find the exit to the other portal!" Hiro cried.

Hiro, Akari, and Baymax felt themselves being pulled into the grasp of the wormhole, albeit slowly. Akari gasped, "It's pulling us in!"

-Grab onto something! Get out of its grasp!-

"DON'T YOU THINK WE WOULD IF WE COULD?!" Hiro and Akari screamed in terror. There was only static in reply.

"Akari, your neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing an anxiety attack," Baymax stated after he scanned her.

"For crying out loud Baymax! Can you stop stating the obvious for ONCE?! Of course I'm having an anxiety attack! We… We're… We're going to die in here!" Akari cried.

"Akari, calm down. We're gonna get through this. It'll be ok," Hiro said reassuringly, though he was feeling doubtful himself.

"How could you say that?! We're going to die! We'll never see Aunt Cass, or our friends… or T-Tadashi ever again!" Akari cried.

Hiro didn't respond, because he knew that if things didn't turn out well, they might never see their friends and family again. Akari was right, but there was always a chance that things might not go wrong after all.

"General? Are you there?" Akari called through the static.

-Yes, Akari. What is it?-

"Could you give a message to our friends and family? It seems pretty unlikely that we're going to make it out of here alive…" Akari trailed off.

-What's the message that you would like me to give them?-

Akari took a deep breath, "C-Can you tell them we love them, and that we're sorry?"

-I can do that for you. I'm very sorry that this happened.-

"It's not your fault. It was just a malfunction," Hiro pointed out, and then they lost communication with the general…and the outside world.

"We're gonna die…" Akari sighed, looking down at her feet.

"Let's just stay positive for now," Hiro mumbled in reply. Her head snapped in his direction.

"How Hiro?! How can we stay positive, when we're less than 15 feet from a wormhole?!" Akari snapped. Hiro didn't reply, "Exactly."

"Well, it's better than thinking, 'Oh no! I'm gonna die let's spend our last minutes alive thinking about it!'" Hiro said sarcastically.

"You're right. I shouldn't be thinking about it… sorry," Akari apologized.

"It's ok. Come over here," Hiro offered, and she flew onto the back of Baymax, and held onto Hiro's arm.

"It's just not fair. Why did this have to happen to us? We've just got Tadashi back 6 months ago after we lost him to the fire, and now he's going to lose us forever!" Akari cried.

"I know. One day, we'll all be together again though," Hiro sighed looking her in the eyes.

They were only 5 feet from the wormhole, and neither of the twins could bear to look at what was ahead of them. They hugged for the last time, and shut their eyes tight when another bright flash emitted from the wormhole as they were sucked in.

They felt themselves falling, but they were so weak that they could barely open their eyes. It was too dark to see anything, and by the time they could fully open their eyes, they hit the ground and everything went dark.

So yeah. This was my idea. Does it seem interesting? Should I continue it? The next chapter is where more action happens.

Follow and Review! See you in the next chapter!
