Authors note: Chapter One has been slightly edited 11.21.15; no major changes. I will be using line breaks to signify a time difference between the previouse paraghraph and the next.

Previously: [For acting irrationally you have been deducted one WIS point.]

Chapter Two

Naruto Uzumaki was not happy. In fact if anyone deigned it important enough to ask him he would have to say that he was decidedly unimpressed, this new "power" of his was aggravating and unasked for. Not that he wasn't grateful for something that seemed so useful, its just that it being useful was exactly where the problem stemmed from.

Things did not happen easily for the bullheaded blonde, infact when you looked back into his past you would find a complicated history with hard choices and extensive challanges. His life had not been an easy one, in some ways however one could imagine it was a more fufilling one. Maybe it came down to his heritage however unknown to himself it was, or it was because of his spirit that shined with determination and a light that could never be stamped out. Each emotion, every breath burned in his very soul as if in defiance of subjugation. He felt deeply with tidal waves of happiness and cheer shining brilliantly from every cheaky grin, but as with all things hope walks hand in hand with despair. For he had felt keenly the sharp edge of bitterness, his eyes dulled by an ever growing ache of longing. With each new day he became further and further ostracized by the people arround him, and as such happens when faced by such adversity he grew shy of any kindness.

So when given such an opportunity, something that seemed so advantageous he felt increasingly suspicious. It did not help that the manner in which this "power" appeared was questionable initself.

"So" he said eye twitching, "How do I know that this is not just some weird Genjutsu or something?"

[Message: You are currently not in a genjutsu, the "Gamer" ability has been granted to you by a "Higher Power"]

"You still haven't told me how I'm supposed to believe this isn't some trick"

[Message: This is not a "trick"]

"Prove it"

[Quest Alert: Proof
Quest type: Side Quest
Description: You need proof before you can accept your new role!
Obejective: Finish the Quests [Intro Tutorial] and [Step Two]
Reward: The knowlegde that this is not a "trick"
Failure: -1 WIS point

"This is going no where" he muttered glaring at the glowing image, "Accept."

[Quest Accepted]

"Open Quests"



Tutorial's: (This option will disappear when the tutorial period is over.)
-Intro Tutorial: In Progress
-Step One: In Progress
-Step Two: Avaliable

Daily Quests:

Main Quests:

Long Term Quests:


"Start Quest: Step Two"

[Quest Alert: Step Two
Quest Type: Tutorial (Side Quest)
Description: Navigate through your menu
Objective: Enter your Stats Menu and learn some new things!
Reward: +10EXP, 1 Atribute point, and a step closer to completing quest: [Proof]
Failure: Repeat Quest till completed (minus the reward: 1 Attribute Point)

"Open Menu"




"Open Stats."


Stats Menu:
-Logged [0]
-Stat Information Guide



[Message: Stats show your current status.


Level. Level is best explained as where someone fits on the totem pole, the higher your level the higher your abilities. Your level is determined off of your EXP (Experience Point).


EXP: (Experience Points). Experience points are basically the sum of your experiences transcribed into points, the higher your EXP the greater your Level will be. You can earn EXP many ways from day to day tasks, quests, to practicing skills or training. EXP can be earned in combat, the higher your opponents level the greater your EXP rewards will be. It is inadvisable to fight opponents greater than 5 levels over yourself, alternatively you may accomplish defeating a higher level opponent if you work with a team.


HP: (Health Points), and HPR: (Health Point Recovery). Your HP is basically your life force, this determines how many hits you can take before you die and it also reflects any illness or negative effects to your health. HPR is the rate at which your health recovers,


Attributes, are certain characteristics or abilities:

STA: (Stamina). Stamina has the greatest influence in how high and how quickly it takes to regenerate your HP(Health Points), CP(Chakra Points), and EM(Energy Meter). It determines: How long you can physically last in a fight, the amount of damage you can take, and the amount of energy it takes to fufill a certain effort.

STR: (Strength). Strength is the amount of damage you can do with each attack, the greater your points in STR the higher effect of each move. It also determines the amount you can carry in the real world, and affects how well you can handle heavy weapons. STR also plays a part in influencing your CP level.

SPD: (Speed). Speed is how fast you can move, the higher your SPD the faster your reaction time is and the overall speed you can move.

DEX: (Dexterity). Dexterity determines how efficiently you can move and ties in very similarliy with your SPD, idealy you want to have similar SPD to DEX however a higher DEX will help to keep a balance between your SPD and STR. DEX is your ability to move stealthily, your agility, and flexibility. Having a higher DEX will also help with dodging attacks more efficiently than SPD. DEX also helps to influence your EM as the more efficently you move the less engery it takes.

INT: (Intelligence). Intelligence is connected to how well you can retain information, how to apply what information you know, your ability to make strategies and to think things through. The higher your INT the faster it is to apply chakra control, and learn new things.

WIS: (Wisdom). Wisdom is basically your street smarts, it's the ability to think on the fly. To make wise decisions, the higher your WIS the more easy it is to think up a stretegy on the feild. WIS directly influences how you apply INT, it helps you see through deception and know when someone is lying to you. WIS will also affect how charasmatic you are, how easy it is to make friends, and how quickly you earn reputation.

LUK: (Luck). Luck is basically how lucky you are, the higher your LUK the more chances you have for a higher quality of "Iteam drops". Having a high LUK also means you have a greater chance of landing a "lucky hit" and to come across "chances" in the game.

P(+): (Points). Points are your unused points, these you may allocate where you wish to improve upon wich attribute you deem most usefull. You gain 5 points with each Level to doll out, and can earn points for specific attributes by "Grinding" that characteristic (Ie; Gambling to increase LUK, running to increase SPD, studying to increase INT).

Ryo: (Money). This is the amount of money you currently have in your inventory.

You may ask at anytime to review this information, simply go to the Stat Menu and go into "Stat Information Guide". This message will stay up for you to read until you are ready to close it, say "Close Text" when you are finished. To view your personal Stats you may enter through the Stats Menu or ask to view, "My Stats"]

Naruto blinked as he stared at the image, "This is. This is a lot." he paused brow furrowing, "didn't these things used to close once I got to the bottom?"

[Message: Auto-close has been temporarly disabled during the tutorial so you may take the nessesary time needed to review all information. It will be re-enabled once the [Intro Tutorial] is over, if you wish to disable auto-close in the future you may do so in the settings option from the main menu. It is unadvisable to enable this option outside of tutorial settings as it can cause damaging distractions when in combat.]

Once Naruto finished reading through the guide he flopped down on the floor groaning, this really was to much he thought to himself grumpily. Either someone was laughing at him in glee for falling for this trick or this really was real, he already ruled out being asleep cause he was simply to hungry to be dreaming. If this was real though, well when had he ever been gifted with anything good? True jiji had been there for him but he's known the old man since before he could remember, and Iruka-sensei well that had been a miracle initself.

Sitting up he glared at the text once more muttering to himself, "Fine, whatever. Close text and open my stats"

Published: 11.21.15