It all started way back in 1867.

Well, actually, it was more like 1763. That was the year that France gave Canada to England as a result of the French and Indian War. It was is 1763 when Canada started to feel invisible.

England never really paid attention to him, always favoring his twin brother, America. Then, of course, America decided to rebel, tired of England's rules and the way he lived. Matthew didn't exactly mind the Revolution, not at the time. It was during that time that Arthur would cling to him, sobbing in the middle of the night about foolish Alfred and how he just didn't understand and how hard I tried to be a good parent!

Even though Matthew knew that all the attention was only because he and Alfred looked alike, he found that he could enjoy it. In fact, those were some of his favorite memories.

Timeskip later. The year is 1812, and Alfred wanted to make Matthew one of his states.

Matthew hadn't yet tasted independence, hadn't yet felt the glorious freedom that Alfred was constantly talking about. It was that fact that led him to rejecting the offer, refusing to become a state because he knew that if he did, he would never be free.

Of course, Arthur had to be dragged into the matter. Before Matthew realized it, an entire war had started, with Arthur wanting to take back Alfred and Alfred wanting him and all Matthew wanted was to be left alone. It was infuriating.

The war ended so suddenly, and there wasn't really a winner. Of course, Matthew felt like he had won, as he had successfully pushed his brother away(and burned down his capital, too, but that doesn't have to be mentioned).

The year is 1821, and a new North American country emerged. Mexico, formerly New Spain, rebelled, much like Alfred and succeeded, much like Alfred. Matthew barely got to speak to her, but he could sense her sadness like an ongoing storm.

Then another new republic, in 1836. Texas was so young, she had barely survived rising against Mexico and winning. Matthew could see how weak she was, and within nine years, the child became a state for Alfred.

It was hard, watching these new countries pop up and knowing that he hadn't yet become free. Matthew never felt so invisible, never felt so useless in all his life. And he tried. Whenever he got to speak to Rosa, he would try to make the Mexican smile. It was a near impossible feat. Whenever he talked to Alfred, it often ended with Matthew making pancakes(his specialty) for his brother while the American chatted his ear off about a multitude of things("Dude, I'm so scared! I mean, South Carolina already tried to secede, why must my states be so divided?"). It was tiring.

So that night, July first, 1867, Matthew sat on his bed, feeling quite triumphant. He was independent. The Dominion of Canada was the newest country, the newest independent nation.

"Why hello, Matthew."

Said nation turned, seeing a figure covered in a dark cloak.

"Who are you?" Matthew asked, panicking inside of his head. He figured that if the girl(for the voice was definitely feminine) tried to attack, he could call Kumajirou..."

The figure merely chuckled," What a lovely question, my dear. However, the real question, is who are you?" With that, she snapped, and dark clouds invaded Matthew's vision.

Matthew woke up, yawning as he stretched. His bear was already awake, and staring at him with a hungry look in his eyes.

"Good morning, Kuma." The Canadian mumbled, obviously still tired. He felt like he was forgetting something... Matthew shrugged it off, deciding that it was nothing.

"Who are you?" Kumajirou asked innocently.

Matthew frowned," I'm Canada, remember?" However, the answer was spoken softly, and Matthew couldn't remember when he decided to be a quiet nation. Once again, he shrugged it off. He was a country. Nothing bad could happen, right?

Meanwhile, the cloaked girl watched from the shadows, smiling darkly.

"Oh how wrong you are, Canada," She murmured with a sadistic look in her eyes," Your troubles have only just begun."