I do not own Legend of Korra or any of its characters.

First Meeting


She hated her.

From her perfect hair to the way her dress fit perfectly to her form to those perfect legs. She hated it.

And Spirits, those green eyes, and that smile. Korra had been pleased Miss Asami Sato's perfect smile had stiffened when Korra had said Mako had never mentioned her. Prissy. No one could be that perfect and not prissy. That girl probably loved to talk about make-up and shopping and how the boys all fell at her feet. Ugh. She hated her.

She hated the way Mako's arms were around that rich, spoiled, beautiful, elegant and prissy heiress. Hated the way his eyes seemed so taken in by Asami's beauty.

Well, sorry for not being like her. Sorry for not being feminine, for being headstrong and stubborn and socially awkward. Sorry she was so well-built instead of just curvy, and for not having that stylish grace or have those sharp eyes… ugh!

She really, absolutely hated her.

Asami Sato, heiress to Future Industries. Prissy, beautiful, elegant rich girl.

Mako was strong and handsome and just really cool. So maybe he was also a bit cold and made her feel pissed when they first met but he was also brave and caring and treated her not just as the Avatar, but as Korra.

And Asami had taken him without even batting an eyelash.

Korra felt she'll never win against her. And it made her feel so angry.

"Chief Beifong!"

Korra stiffened when she heard Tarrlok's voice call out to Lin Beifong, reminding her of her entrance into Republic City. She just didn't understand why she had been put under arrest when she was just protecting those innocent people!

She clenched her fists, glaring at the gray-haired woman. She wasn't going to back down from a challenge, she wasn't going to allow them to push her around, and she definitely would not allow them to see how bothered she was by that statement. Chief Beifong had just told them all what Korra already knew: she had done nothing to deserve this. And that was the very reason she wanted to challenge Amon at first, she wanted to prove herself. She was not scared. The Avatar isn't supposed to be scared or weak. Aang faced Ozai when he was barely a teenager! So she could certainly defeat that monster. But seeing him take away those people's bending… and she couldn't even airbend. What kind of Avatar am I?

Korra looked away, the morose thoughts filling her mind, a gloomy look overtaking her face.

"Avatar Korra, I believe you should make the rounds with me. Many people would like to meet and talk with you." Tarrlok broke into her thoughts.

"But—." Korra glanced at Bolin and Mako, who seemed to be talking about their excitement for the tournament. She sighed and when she lifted her eyes again, soft green eyes met hers. It wasn't a look of pity, but that of understanding. This made Korra's frown deepen. Did she see everything just now? I really hate her.

She suddenly felt the need to be as far away from the raven-haired beauty as soon as possible. "Of course, Councilman Tarrlok."

Korra felt herself getting more and more irritated. She had been initially uncomfortable under the glare of the cameras, but with each reporter's question, she felt herself trying to take control of the situation and proving them all wrong. I am NOT afraid. If facing Amon is what they want me to do, then I'll do it!

It was too late when she realized that she had let her temper get the best of her as she let go of the words she had no plans of saying. She didn't want to join Tarrlok's task force, she didn't want to face Amon. What if she lost her bending? What then? She had barely been able to keep up with his henchmen, how would she be able to face their leader?


"Does Korra not like me?" Asami asked her date. She noticed Mako's face distort for an instant before returning to his normally passive face.

When Asami had first seen Korra, the girl was being pushed around in the Pro-bending Arena. Asami only knew that she was a waterbender, and that her bending was unlike any Asami had ever seen but the mistakes she made in the ring made Asami shake her head. She couldn't quite understand why the Fire Ferrets had taken in such a green replacement. Then the girl had been announced as the Avatar, and after an embarrassing fall into the water outside of the fighting area, the Avatar seemed to change her movement, flowing and moving with the enemy's attacks instead of her initial style of fighting head on.

To be honest, Asami had been impressed with the girl who appeared to be able to mix it up. Knowing when to fight head on and knowing when to take another solution. And she had been looking forward to meeting her even more when Mako had answered all Asami's questions about Korra. She was definitely someone she'd want to get to know. But given the Avatar's treatment of her earlier…

"What? No! I mean, why would you say that?" Mako asked, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed troubled by this.

Asami nearly raised her eyebrow. Did he not notice the blatantly hostile tone and look Korra had been sending her? Those icy blue eyes had been sending daggers the moment she saw Asami. The Avatar's emotions were practically written all over her face. The insulted then downtrodden look Korra had on when Chief Beifong had made that sharp comment about Korra having done nothing to deserve the gala. The apprehensiveness she had before and after the press bombarded her with questions.

She had been impressed by Korra's courage to face those Equalists. When the Avatar had been seemingly uneasy before the interview, Asami had initially chalked it off to Korra being unused to the press and the many questions they threw at her, but when Mako, Bolin and her had approached the Avatar after the press dispersed, Korra still looked just as confused and frustrated and… dare she say scared? It made Asami wonder if the aggressive way Korra had handled the press was more of a defense mechanism. The shorter girl had excused herself from their company before she could actually confirm it.

"It's just…" Asami realized that it might be seen as her paying too much attention to Korra if she explained all that she saw. Mako hadn't seemed to notice it. Maybe she was reading too much into the situation? Maybe she was overreacting. "She was really tense around me, earlier I mean."

Wait, maybe I am overthinking this. She could have possibly been tense because of all the attention. She was uneasy when the press had thrown all those questions at her. Poor girl, she reminded me of the first time the press had interviewed me.

Asami had hoped that she could try and get to know the girl behind the Avatar title. After all the questions she had fired at Mako, Korra really did seem interesting. There were only a few things Mako had been able to answer, but what she knew had only piqued her interest more, and what she didn't know, she had hoped to ask Korra when they'd gotten closer. Making friends had never been her forte. While her family was rich, some of those in high society did not welcome them since they had come from nothing. And others were simply unpleasant to be with. Since Mako and Bolin had been so welcoming and nice to her, she had believed Korra would be the same.

"Oh, well, she said she's just been under a lot of pressure lately, with her training." Mako explained. He seemed to think for a moment. "And she probably doesn't like these kinds of things."

"What does she like?"

"Well, uh, exciting stuff." Mako seemed to recall something, "She's more of a take-action kind of girl. Which is pretty cool. Although sometimes annoying."

Asami looked thoughtful at this.

I have just the thing.


Korra stared at the ceiling, thoughts running through her head. She could hear a soft whimper by the window. Naga. Korra rubbed her eyes, there was no way she was going to get any sleep now. Not with all the talk about the task force earlier. With practiced strides, she sneaked out of the dorms. Naga ran beside her, both of them heading for the shore. She glanced at Aang's statue, he looked so calm and brave there, as if nothing fazed him at all.

"I'm sure everyone wishes I was you." Korra muttered. She threw a fire punch toward the main island, "Why did I have to let my mouth run like that? Now there's no backing out! Those press people are really irritating!"

Korra crushed the large boulder in front of her with another large mass of earth in her frustration. She glanced at Aang, this time the waves coming towards the shore seemed to grow taller and taller.

"How can they say I'm scared? I'm not scared! And yes, Amon is a danger, but I don't even know what to do! He can take away people's bending, that hasn't been done since you fought Ozai! Tell me what to do!"

Fire, earth and water continued to blast from the powerful bender's body parts, from the ground, or from the waves crashing upon the shore, punctuating each statement with a bang.

"I don't know what to do…" Korra said brokenly, "Why won't you help me? I can't get into the Avatar State and I can't even airbend! Why is this so hard?"

"Well, if it would have been smooth sailing for you, then where would all the fun be?"

"Aang?" Korra raised her head in surprise. But only the wind's gentle blowing answered her. She huffed and dropped down to the ground. Naga approached her with a whine and the polar bear dog nuzzled Korra affectionately as the girl stared across the bay, right at the statue. "Probably just me wishfully thinking. Figures. I still can't reach you."

Korra wanted to punch something, anything at all.

The press. Tarrlok. Amon. Airbending. The Avatar state. Those gentle green eyes—.

Korra let out another grunt of frustration. It was times like these that she missed those training dummies back at the compound, and those obstacle courses, and even the White Lotus training partners. Although they were nothing compared to those chi blockers. Those Equalists had been so fast and so light on their feet. Like air.

A whole block of sea water rose in front of her and Korra froze it. She then wrapped her fists in water and started punching certain areas of the block.

She thought about the feeling in her feet when she dodged those attacks in her first pro-bending match. Then how she had recreated that feeling while going through the airbending gates. She could feel it, but it was just barely out of her reach. Like most things seemed to be right now. Like it was on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't say it. The feeling of air at her fingertips but something made sure it was never brought to fruition, never to come out.

And it only served to frustrate her more.

Korra breathed deeply and stepped back to look at her work. Aang.

This was an exercise Master Katara had suggested when they discovered how spiritually inept she was and the difficulty to connect to her past lives. Katara had been understanding, unlike her other masters and had taught her the exercise in order to focus on that thread of connection. At first, Korra had done nothing but fill the block with holes, feeling nothing from her past lives. Katara had told her to let herself be consumed by her emotions, to let all of it converge. Not just her anger, but all her fears and happiness as well, to open herself up to everything.

Korra had remembered retorting that the Avatar shouldn't be afraid, and Katara had that twinkle in her eye as she shook her head, telling her that it was natural for anyone to be afraid, especially the one with the most responsibility. She frowned, thinking about what Katara had replied, feeling that she was missing something important. But when it didn't come to her, she threw a more forceful punch into the ice block.

Still, the exercise had mostly been a failure and her spiritual side was as elusive as always. But there were times, when she was completely open and exposed, it felt like she could hear the echo of Roku's old voice, of Aang's laughter, of Kiyoshi's solemn tone and it was during those moments, like in a dream, a dragon arose from the frozen water, or a fan. The first time she had done it, she had felt so ecstatic, and proud of herself. But although she created more sculptures (during rare opportunities), that excitement quickly wore off to disappointment and more dissatisfaction as she continued to fail to connect to her past lives.

Recently however, she started having dreams of Aang, they were flashes mostly. It was as if he was trying to call to her, but she couldn't answer, nor could she call back. She was still completely lacking in the spiritual department, and the airbender department and the whole Avatar department. Ugh. I thought I'd be able to just kick people's butt and be over with it, provide balance and protect the world. I've mastered three elements already!

Korra drew up another block, this time made of earth. She still wanted to punch something, to erase the voices of the press and those stupid eyes with that friendly smile and Mako's arms around her. That prissy heiress.

Another solid punch came and debris came flying out of the block. She chanced another glance at the immovable statue.

Why won't you help me? Amon is threatening this city you founded and I… I don't know how to stop him! I know I have to, but I'm so…

Korra's eyes widened when she realized what she had made: Amon's mask. Korra immediately destroyed both sculptures before stumbling into Naga. She looked at the water across the bay. Another bout of recklessness overtook her and she jumped unto Naga. She hadn't done what she was planning to do in a long time. It was dangerous, and Equalists might have been waiting for the opportunity to attack her, but she felt the desire, this great need to jump. So jump she did.

Korra clicked her tongue and Naga broke into a run towards the bay. The girl and her polar bear dog leaped into the deep blue. She felt the refreshing water drench both her clothes, and her senses. She didn't bother to create an air pocket bubble for them. She and Naga had swam far longer and in far colder temperatures back in the South.


Asami turned off the lights to the warehouse, giving one more sweeping look to make sure she had everything in order. She usually tinkered in their garage back home but most of the materials she needed for the impromptu idea she had could be found in these warehouses. She could have requested they be brought to the Sato Estate in the morning, but she had wanted to start working right away.

There was no telling when I'd be able to show it off to the Avatar after all.

Once she was sure everything was clean and that she had placed in all the usual security measures (it had taken her a few sweeps), Asami proceeded to close the warehouse. A splashing sound came from somewhere behind her just as she locked it. Her hand immediately went to her purse. If it was a mugger, she'd be able to easily defend herself. But if it was one of those Equalists…

No. They haven't targeted non-benders thus far, I doubt they'll do anything now.

She held the small dagger in her palm as she turned, her eyes taking in the area. Her corner was dark while the area closest to the docks was dimly lit. And that's where she noticed two shadows: a large beast and a person. As far as she could tell, the pair didn't know she was there since the two were both looking toward Air Temple Island. She also noticed that the two seemed to be soaked to the bone.

The beast—there was something familiar about it, as if she had seen pictures of it before—shook itself and water visibly sprayed all over, especially in the direction of the other silhouette.

Where have I seen it before?

"Naga!" The voice carried easily in the empty dock area of Future Industries. It had tried to sound reprimanding, and Asami frowned, the voice sounded familiar as well. The beast licked its companion, and a playful laugh erupted.

Beautiful. That laugh was so pure and just…

Asami couldn't help but step forward, wanting to know who the girl was. Just as she got into a decent position, the other girl moved into a waternending stance. Asami felt panic rise within, wondering if she would attack her. She grasped the dagger again. But the fear was immediately quelled as the girl merely waterbended the water from her clothes. The girl waved the collected liquid around, her motions fluid and so cohesive. The graceful motions felt familiar and Asami continued to stare, wondering who it was. When the girl turned, the water followed her. Asami saw the look of focus on the girl's face, and those striking blue eyes.


What was she doing here? Hadn't she gone home early? Should I…

Another laugh and Asami saw the beast—polar bear dog, as the newspaper had mentioned—chase after the water as Korra seemed to dance and flow, keeping it just out of reach of her partner.

So beautiful and carefree. She seems so different from earlier. I want to be able to get to know her and let herself show this side of her in front of me.

Her motions, her form, her laughter, everything about Korra seemed to be so free. She spoke her mind and showed her dislike, she did what she wanted and she acted as how she believed. While Asami usually spoke her mind on things, and would not allow people to trample on her, she also had to ensure that she never did anything to bring down her family name. She remembered the police reports about the Avatar wreaking havoc in downtown Republic City, Triad territory, all in order to capture the Triple Threats that were menacing that area at the moment. It was another thing Asami had admired in Korra, or at least, what she read about the Avatar. She seemed to have a strong sense of justice.

And those eyes. Korra, in her own right, was already a beautiful girl. But those eyes sealed the deal for Asami. They were so expressive, so honest and clear. Asami remembered the way Korra's eyes seemed to dance in delight when the Fire Ferrets had won their first match. Although those very same eyes had been seemingly icy towards her earlier that evening.

"C'mon, Naga!" Korra's voice broke through Asami's thoughts. "We have to get back before Tenzin finds out we sneaked away."

Asami watched as Korra jumped onto her companion's back. A perplexed look appeared on the engineer's face when she realized Korra was heading right towards the water.

There was no ship, why is… of course. That's why I heard such a loud splash earlier. She's the Avatar, of course she can do something about the water. But isn't the water freezing? She could catch a cold! Or hypothermia!

Her thoughts were sent into another grinding halt when she heard another loud splash when Korra dived into the water.

Asami looked worriedly toward the bay when the two didn't resurface. Maybe I should jump in and get them? What if something happened to Korra? Is she alright? What if the Avatar dies and I was the only one there… no, Aang lived in an iceberg for a hundred years. Keep calm. She must be fine. But what if I should've gone down and…

Suddenly, a large wave appeared and a grinning Avatar rode it towards the opposite end. Asami watched in awe of the display. But the wave was extremely short-lived, as if Korra didn't want anyone to see. And maybe, if Asami hadn't been looking for Korra, she might have missed the small display. But she did see it. She saw Naga and Korra rise and fall and heard Korra's heartfelt laughter and excitement, and somehow, it cemented her resolve. She really did want to become friends with Korra, the girl outside of her role as Avatar.

A/N: I guess I wanted to get more into the heads of Korra and Asami as they move forward in Legend of Korra. Some of what I'll write will be parts seen in the cartoon with just getting in their thoughts and feelings. Others will be new scenes entirely that I thought would help address a concern I wanted addressed in the show. I switch between Korra's thoughts and Asami's thoughts usually, although some chapters in the future might just be from POV.

In this chapter, I wanted to show Asami's determination to get Korra to be friends with her, (For a number of reasons). And to show Korra's insecurity and jealous admiration for Asami.