After getting amazing responses for my first 2 oneshots I've decided to actually write a story that includes more than one chapter. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be; but I do have a fair idea of how I want the story to progress and how it should end. Let's see where the writing takes me. What i do know is that there will be a new chapter soon. (:
I've rated it M cause I don't really know where the story will go in that regard. So warning for future smut.
Please do review and let me know what you think and provide suggestions if you have any. Also follow and favorite the story if you liked it.
Without further ado, proceed and enjoy. Cheers!
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Knock.
She woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. Fluttering her eyes open; she stretched before getting out of bed. Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered why she could never wake up with good bed hair. Tying her hair into a bun she walked to the living room.
Knock, Knock, Knock.
'Rin, wake up already.' The voice came from the door.
Recognizing the voice instantly she smiled to herself. 'I'm coming, give me a second.'
Answering the door she was quickly pulled into a warm embrace by the black haired shinobi. Lifting her off the ground he walked into the apartment before putting her down.
'To what do I the pleasure of the hug Obito?' she asked.
Walking through the door the silver haired boy tossed a scroll at her. 'Read it, it's from the Hokage.' He said.
'Kakashi, when did you get back from the mission?' Rin asked catching the scroll.
'I got back an hour ago. Minato sensei called Obito and I for a meeting and asked us to deliver the scroll to you. It's for our next mission.' He replied
Opening the scroll she barely read the first line before pulling both the boys in a hug. 'I became a jounin, finally. Is this why you hugged me Obito? Couldn't you tell me yourself instead of having me read the scroll.' Rin looked exalted at the news.
Obito rubbed the back of his head and grinned sheepishly.
'So what does the scroll say about the mission?' Kakashi asked.
'Well it's supposed to be a B ranked escort mission to the village hidden in the mist, some big-shot business man. It says we have to leave in two days.' She replied
Obito's face became pale at the mention of the hidden mist village. Even though it had been 5 years since the 3rd great shinobi war ended, the horrors of his past still haunted his present.
Sensing his discomfort Rin pulled him into an embrace. 'It's over Obito . Don't worry; we're with you this time.' She consoled him before kissing his cheek.
Her words seemed to comfort him, he regained his composure before replying, 'Yeah I know, I'm fine. Thank you Rin.' He feigned a smile. 'Anyways… Go get dressed; we're taking you out for brunch to celebrate. Everyone is waiting at the barbecue restaurant.'
. .
Walking to the restaurant; Rin had her arms locked with both Kakashi and Obito. Having a bounce in her step she couldn't wait to meet her friends. Obito was blushing while Kakashi had a look of indifference plastered on his face.
Entering the restaurant they were greeted by Guy. 'My youthful friends, you've finally arrived.'
The table was filled with all their friends, there was Kurenai and Asuma who looked like they were conjoined twins, Anko was stuffing her face with dumplings, Guy was waving out to the group that had just arrived.
'Hey everyone, it's so nice to see all of you.' Rin said with a bright smile on her face.
Kurenai managed to get loose from Asuma before hugging Rin. 'Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.' The scarlet eyed shinobi said before handing her a small parcel. 'This is for you; it's from Asuma and I.'
Rin looked in the direction of the rugged looking boy who nodded at her in acknowledgement.
Guy gave Rin a voucher to a Taijutsu lesson to be taught by him. Anko offered to take her out on a spa date followed by lunch.
Rin turned to face Obito and Kakashi, she extended her arms as if asking for her gifts from them. Kakashi placed a custom made kunai in one hand and a copy of Makeout Paradise in the other. 'The Kunai is from sensei and the book is from yours truly.' He said, crinkling his eyes in the process. She knew him well enough to recognize the expression, it was Kakashi's way of smiling.
She looked at Obito waiting for his gift, 'I kinda forgot to bring it Rin, I'll give it to you later. Sorry.' He said his face red from embarrassment.
'Haha, that's okay Obito.' She replied before turning to face the rest of her friends. 'Alright let's start eating, I'm famished.'
The rest of the afternoon went with the group making small talk and catching up with each other. It had been a while since the whole group had met up like this.
'The festival starts tonight, what say we meet up at 8? Pre-game at Asuma's.' Kurenai asked the group.
Asuma looked at his girlfriend wondering why he got stuck with being the pre-game address. He would now have to clean up his house; Kurenai already knew he was messy so he hardly bothered when she was over; which was pretty much every day.
Everyone agreed to the plan before leaving the restaurant.
'Why did you tell everyone pre-game would be at my place?' Asuma asked his girlfriend when they were walking back; slightly unhappy at having to clean up his apartment.
'It was the only way to get you to clean up the pigsty you call home.' She replied before proceeding to place a kiss on his cheek.
He blushed, before taking her hand in his.
. .
The two boys and Rin were walking slowly on the way to her apartment. They always made sure they dropped her off before heading back to their respective homes.
'So Rin, did you have fun?' Obito asked
'Yes, Thank you for organizing this.' She said happy as ever.
'Well it was Kakashi that planned it with everyone.' Obito replied
'Really?' Rin asked surprised that Kakashi would take the initiative. 'In that case.' she moved towards Kakashi and lightly kissed his cheek.
His eyes widened and he felt the blood rush to his cheek. It was at times like these he was grateful that he wore a face mask. Thankfully no one would know he had grown as red as a tomato.
Obito looked in the other direction, pretending to not have seen what just took place between his friends. Deep inside he felt pangs of jealousy.
The three of them were silent for the rest of the walk back. No one spoke until they finally reached Rin's apartment.
She turned to face them before breaking the silence.
'So I guess I'll see you both later then.'
'Yeah.' Obito replied, Kakashi just nodded in approval.
'Okay then, pick me up at 7.'
Both the boys nodded before bidding goodbye to Rin.
Once inside her apartment, she leaned against her door and began slowly sliding down it before finally sitting on the floor; her back resting against the door. Why won't he acknowledge me, it's been 6 years for crying out loud. He should have some clue about my feelings for him by now. Sighing to herself she got up and walked to her bedroom to lie down.
. .
At exactly 7 in the evening she heard a knock on her door. Exactly on cue she thought to herself that could only be one person.
Opening the door, she greeted the young shinobi 'Obito. Hi'. He was wearing a navy blue haori with the Uchiha crest on the back.
'Hi Rin.' He greeted the kunoichi who wore a beautiful purple kimono.
'Where is Kakashi? Did he not come with you?' she asked.
'I don't know, he said he'd meet me here.'
'Knowing him he'll be late as always. Come and wait inside in the meantime. I still have to do my hair.' She said chuckling.
He entered the apartment and sat down on her couch.
'There is tea in the kettle, help yourself to it.' She said before going into her bedroom.
He just sat there looking at the paintings adorning her walls.
10 minutes later she emerged from her room, her hair tied into a ponytail.
'I don't think it makes sense waiting for the fool, let's head over to Asuma's he'll meet us there.' Obito said.
'Okay' she replied as they headed out the door.
There was suddenly a puff of smoke. From it emerged a silver haired shinobi wearing a grey and black haori, his eyes seemed to be glued to the book he held in front of him.
'Sorry about that, I got lost on the path of life.' He said eyes still glued to the book.
'It's fine; you're here now. Let's go or else we'll be late.' Rin replied.
. .
Asuma's house was filled with the musty smell of sweat . As compared to the brightly lit streets that were decorated with lanterns; the light inside the house was dim and it took a few seconds for the new arrivals to get used to.
When their eyes finally adjusted to the light they were able to make out their surroundings. There weren't many people in the house, probably around 10 people. Everyone already seemed under the influence of alcohol, there were people dancing to the beat of the music. They spotted Guy and Anko standing behind the counter pouring shots for everyone. In the corner of the room there was Asuma and Kurenai grinding against each other; both had a bottle of beer and seemed like they were enjoying themselves.
Rin grabbed Kakashi and Obito's arms and guided them towards the bar. Greeting her friends, she took the bottle of vodka from Anko and proceeded to drink the liquor directly from the bottle. She felt the liquor warm her throat before going down. Picking up two shot glasses from the counter she filled it up and gave them to her boys. Complying they downed the shots immediately.
The group spent the next hour getting intoxicated and engaging in casual banter. They were joined by Asuma and Kurenai who were just as drunk as everyone there. She stood in front of him; leaning back against him, his arms were wrapped around her.
'So have you two had enough of your dry humping?' Anko asked with a smirk.
Kurenai just looked at her before giving her the finger. This led to the whole group bursting out laughing.
The crowd had dwindled down, the group of 7 friends were all that remained in the humid apartment.
'I think we're drunk enough to take to the streets.' Obito exclaimed
The group got up and left the dim lit apartment. The street was filled with ninjas and civilians celebrating the festival. Everyone looked happy as they danced to the music playing in the streets. The crowds swarmed the streets; and people danced the night away in their inebriated state.
Manoeuvring though the crowd seemed near impossible; so the group took the rooftops jumping from roof to roof as the crowd below laughed and shouted and made merry.
They soon reached the nightclub. Entering the club they were welcomed by the music beating against their skin, their very core moved with the beat. The club was filled with familiar faces. They even spotted Minato and Kushina dancing with each other.
They grabbed a booth as Rin and Kurenai went to get shots for everyone. The drinks were passed around as the group debated what to toast to.
'To youth.' Guy shouted. He was met by a slap to the back from Kakashi.
'Is that all you talk about?' Kakashi asked his friend as the rest of them laughed at Guy's expense.
'To love.' Kurenai chimed, leading to a peck on the lips from Asuma.
'To love.' The rest of the grouped shouted in unison.
As the night progressed more drinks were passed around, more laughs were shared, and more memories were made. Surviving a war everyone knew how fragile life was to a shinobi, everyday could very well be their last.
Guy left the group to go speak to a girl he spotted at the bar.
As a slow song started to play; the single people cleared the dancefloor while the couples remained. Kurenai pulled Asuma with her and they were soon swaying to the music.
Kakashi got up to accompany Anko to the floor when she tugged at his shirt. The only two left at the table were Rin and Obito.
'May I?' Obito asked with an outstretched palm.
Smiling, Rin took his hand and they walked to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his hand on the small of her back. They gently moved to the music, enjoying each other's company.
From the corner of her eye she saw Kakashi dancing with Anko, even though she knew there was nothing between them and they were just enjoying the night like she was; she couldn't help but feel jealous that she was not the one dancing in Anko's place.
As the song progressed she pulled Obito closer till her head rested against his chest while her hands were wrapped around his back.
They danced for another song before the group decided to call it a night and head back home. Everyone left in groups of two's while Rin, Obito and Kakashi walked back home together.
. .
After dropping Rin off and bidding her goodnight; Kakashi and Obito walked towards their respective homes.
Back in her apartment Rin smiled to herself thinking about the night that had just passed. To say she had fun would be an understatement. She walked off to her bedroom and changed into a loose tee and boxer shorts. Grabbing a glass of water so as to reduce the effect of the morning's hangover to come, she was startled by the sound of a knock at her door.
Opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of someone she didn't expect to see.
'Hi. Is everything alright?' she asked.
'Yeah everything is fine, it's just that I forgot to give you your gift earlier so I figured I'd give it to you now.' The black haired boy replied
Smiling she put out her hand. But before she realised what happened; Obito had closed the distance between them and placed his lips on hers.
She was completely taken aback, not that she didn't like Obito; he was in fact pretty good looking even though the right side of his face was covered with scars from his mishap in the war, she had hoped her first kiss would be stolen by a different teammate of hers; a certain silver haired shinobi.
Cutting out her thoughts; she closed her eyes and pulled his neck to deepen the kiss. She wasn't going to wait around for a certain someone who may never come; when she had someone who liked her and was at her doorstep when he wasn't.
Grabbing the boy by his shirt, she pulled him into her apartment and closed the door behind them.
Little did she know that a certain silver haired shinobi had just witnessed the whole ordeal from the roof in front of her apartment. As soon as she closed the door he got up and started running through the rooftops as fast as his legs could take him. A single tear flew from the corner of his eye. He pulled at his shirt in an attempt to stop the pain he felt. His heart was shattered and there wasn't anything he could do about it. She had made up her mind; it was crystal clear to him, he had seen it with his own eyes.